using scalar function output in an update - sql

Suppose I have a 2 column table with columns (arg, value) and a user-defined function foo.
Is there a way to have an update query that goes through the table and calls foo with argument arg and sticks the results in column value for every row in the table?

Assuming SQL Server the syntax is
Update YourTable
SET value =
It is often more efficient to not use scalar UDFs for Row by Row processing however. What is the scalar UDF doing?


Adding or removing columns in result set of sql query depending on value of other field

Assume I have a query that returns a result set of columns A and B from table First_Table. I want to limit the result set to those columns if the value of column X in table Second_Table is 0, and I want to add column C from table First_Table if the value of column X is 1.
The problem is easily resolved using a Python for example whereby I just have a variable as an empty string if value in column X is 0 or it would be equal to the string 'First_Table.ColumnC AS [Dynamic Value],', and I just format the sql in the script accordingly.
If Else solution is not an elegant way because I have multiple columns to add dynamically depending on multiple values...
I am just looking for some ideas on directions.. I have been looking at this for a while, might be bogged up
Dynamic sql is the best way to resolve this as suggested in the comments.

Return two values from a scalar SQL Function

I have a Scalar SQL function thats returns a decimal value, and this function is used in many stored procedures across my database. Now in some procedures, I need to set a value based on some criteria inside the function. To make it clearer, depending on some variables used in calculating the result of the function, I want to set another variable inside the Stored procedure, and return it to the client.
I don't want to change how the result is returned or the return type of the function. I am thinking of doing it by inserting the new value i want into an sql table and then reading it from the procedure, But is there another or better way to do it?
No, you cannot. Functions are severely limited in SQL Server and do not allow any side effects.
What you can do, however, is convert your scalar function into a table function. In it, you can return a table with as many columns as you need, so returning more than one value is not a problem.
You have a couple of options
1) Change it from a function to a stored procedure, and add an output parameter.
2) Change it from a scalar function to a table valued function returning a single row, with the additional value as an additional column.
If you need to preserve the existing function signature then just create a new table valued function that does the work (As per option 2 above), and modify your existing function to select from the new table valued function.
Here is some example code demonstrating this:
-- the original scalar function
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.t1(#param1 INT)
RETURN #param1 + 1
-- a new table valued function, that returns 2 values in a single row
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.t2(#param1 INT)
RETURN (SELECT #param1 + 1 AS [r1], #param1 + 2 AS [r2])
-- the modified original function, now selecting from the new table valued function
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.t3(#param1 INT)
RETURN (SELECT r1 FROM dbo.t2(#param1))
-- example usage
SELECT dbo.t1(1)
SELECT * FROM dbo.t2(1)
SELECT dbo.t3(1)
Table value functions that return a single row are my favorite technique when a single answer from a scalar function just isn't adequate (or slows the query too much). A table can have from zero to many rows. Once I realized a 'table' value function can be limited to returning only one row it became obvious that multiple questions that would require separate scalar functions can be accomplished in a single table value function. It's like a scalar function on steroids. I like to read in all needed data just once into an internal table variable, then manipulate that data assigning it to additional variables as needed, finally assembling the answers for the output 'table' of one record. My database environment is read only, not transaction based. Incredibly useful for large (Mult-TB) historical database like medical information. Frequently used to concatenate fields into an end user friendly 'sentence' to deal with data that can have zero to many values, like patient diagnosis. Outer Apply the table value function on filtered data and it is extremely efficient.

joining scalar valued function to a table taking that column generated by SVF as in input

i have scalar valued function which is called and it gives a new column values in the table, now I want to join this new column value to a column of new table which I have added as derived table in sql server 2005.
You can certainly use that function in a JOIN, something like this:
SELECT {fieldlist}
FROM {tablename} a
JOIN {tablename} b ON b.{fieldname} = dbo.{functionname}({parameters})
But, as Joe stated, a code sample would make this a bit less theoretical and more useful for the rest of the community.

Postgresql function returns composite - how do I access composite values as separate columns?

I have a Postgresql function which returns a composite type defined as (location TEXT, id INT). When I run "SELECT myfunc()", My output is a single column of type text, formatted as:
("locationdata", myid)
This is pretty awful. Is there a way to select my composite so that I get 2 columns back - a TEXT column, and an INT column?
FROM myfunc()
You can read more about the functionality in this article.
Answer has already been accepted, but I thought I'd throw this in:
It may help to think about the type of the data and where those types fit into an overall query. SQL queries can return essentially three types:
A single scalar value
A list of values
A table of values
(Of course, a list is just a one-column table, and a scalar is just a one-value list.)
When you look at the types, you see that an SQL SELECT query has the following template:
SELECT scalar(s)
FROM table
WHERE boolean-scalar
If your function or subquery is returning a table, it belongs in the FROM clause. If it returns a list, it could go in the FROM clause or it could be used with the IN operator as part of the WHERE clause. If it returns a scalar, it can go in the SELECT clause, the FROM clause, or in a boolean predicate in the WHERE clause.
That's an incomplete view of SELECT queries, but I've found it helps to figure out where my subqueries should go.

integer Max value constants in SQL Server T-SQL?

Are there any constants in T-SQL like there are in some other languages that provide the max and min values ranges of data types such as int?
I have a code table where each row has an upper and lower range column, and I need an entry that represents a range where the upper range is the maximum value an int can hold(sort of like a hackish infinity). I would prefer not to hard code it and instead use something like SET UpperRange = int.Max
There are two options:
user-defined scalar function
properties table
In Oracle, you can do it within Packages - the closest SQL Server has is Assemblies...
I don't think there are any defined constants but you could define them yourself by storing the values in a table or by using a scalar valued function.
Setup a table that has three columns: TypeName, Max and Min. That way you only have to populate them once.
Scalar Valued Function
Alternatively you could use scalar valued functions GetMaxInt() for example (see this StackOverflow answer for a real example.
You can find all the max/min values here:
Avoid Scalar-Functions like the plague:
Scalar UDF Performance Problem
That being said, I wouldn't use the 3-Column table another person suggested.
This would cause implicit conversions just about everywhere you'd use it.
You'd also have to join to the table multiple times if you needed to use it for more than one type.
Instead have a column for each Min and Max of each Data Type (defined using it's own data type) and call those directly to compare to.
FROM SomeTable as ST
CROSS JOIN TypeRange as TR