Visual Studio Load Test keeps sending request - testing

I started using Visual Studio load test a few days ago. I am calling a URL and get the average response time results. My problem is I want the test tool send 1 user 1 request. But the test tool sends 1 request every 5 secs. How can I limit the number of total request. I want to connect my code to an MDB file which has 2000 records. And I want 1 user to send these 2000 records one by one.
My current code is as below. Please help.
Best regards
public override IEnumerator<WebTestRequest> GetRequestEnumerator()
WebTestRequest request;
if (true)
request = new WebTestRequest(",40.4702930755111,30.4195710292824,40.4717531448444&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=256&HEIGHT=256&LAYERS=Uydu,ILCELER,ILLER,MAHALLE_HAT,CASN,ORMAN,ORMAN_HAT,B2,B2_HAT,ZIRAAT,ZIRAAT_HAT,SU,SU_HAT,NOKTA,OSN&FORMAT=image/png");
request.Method = "GET";
request.Timeout = 180;
yield return request;

When you create your new Load Test do the following in the New Load Test Wizard:
In the Load Pattern tab check the Constant Load option and set the User Count = 1
In the Test Mix Model tab check the Bases on the number of tests option
In the Test Mix tab add only the Web Test you want
In the Run Settings tab check the Test Iterations option and set the Test Iterations = 2000
With this way, only one virtual user will be created and the Tests (2000) will be one after the other but not concurrently


How to execute API update password in jMeter Load test

I'm a newbie with jMeter. I would to ask opinion and guide from forum to point me to right direction. I've have been tasked to do Load test on API Update Password. I have try several approach I can think off plus with the info from internet, but failed to have successful execution.
Below is my most successful approach but still failed after 3-5 minutes execution.
Test Plan
CSV Data Set Config - (Default setting, contain 500 member id's)
Thread Group (Setting: 100vu/100s, Loop: Infinite, Duration: 1 hour)
Counter1 (Old Password) example: abc001
Counter2 (New Password) example: abc002
Http Request (Get Token) {
Old Password
Member Id } --> Send token to next http request
Http Request (Update Password) {
Old Password
New Password
Confirm New Password }
The both Counter have increment of 1 and checked for Track counter independently for each user.
Based on my logic, it should be able to handle the execution as below.
Member1 (abc001,abc002) > Member1 (abc002,abc003) > Member1 (abc003,abc004) > etc
But in reality if failed. I also have try using JSR223 for counter, but still failed. Please help me by pointing me to correct direction how to execute this. I hope anyone can help! Thanks
In its current form your question doesn't make a lot of sense, it's unclear to me what is expected behaviour, what is the actual one, how exactly your test is failing and so on.
Try running it with Debug Sampler added so you would see the JMeter Variables with their respective values.
If it doesn't help - come up with a minimal test plan which shows the issue you're having using i.e. Dummy Sampler and indicate what's wrong and how it should behave according to your expectations.

How to test if my application does not send a message with SoapUI?

I have a Java EE application that processes a bunch of messages from different interfaces. (Some of the) functional tests are performed with SoapUI.
In one of the cases I have created a SOAP VirtResponse step that receives the output of my application and checks the values in the received message. The test has the following steps:
Datasource step to load input and expected output (multiple scenarios)
JMS step to send input to application on a specific interface.
SOAP step to receive application output on another interface (no validation).
Groovy script to check results (e.g. no message received or message received with specific values). See below for the script, couldn't get it to work in between the list items.
Datasource loop to step 2.
There is a scenario (well, there are more scenarios) in which the input should not generate an output. I want to check if my application did not send an output in such a scenario.
Strategy 1:
I have added a fourth groovy step in which I validate that the result of step 3 is an empty string. To make the test pass, I had to disable the checkbox in TestCase Options that says "Fail TestCase on Error". This works in cases of happy execution of tests. However if an error does occur (e.g. the application did send a response when it was not supposed to or the application send a wrong response), the entire TestCase is set to passed (because of the checkbox) and only the specific step deep down in the logs is failed. This makes it hard to see the results of the entire test suite.
Attempted strategy 2:
Started out by adding a conditional test step that will skip step 3 based on the input. However that way I no longer validate if my application does not send a message when it is not supposed to.
What is the best way to check these kinds of scenarios?
The entire testcase should fail if one of the scenarios from the datasource fails. (It is not a problem if this means that some scenarios were not evaluated yet)
Groovy script:
// Get flag from datasource that indicates if a message should be received
def soapBerichtOntvangen = context.expand('${DataSourceUISBerichten#SoapBerichtOntvangen}' );
// Get the message from the previous step.
def receivedSoapRequest = context.expand( '${SOAPVirtResponse#Request#declare namespace out=\'http://application/messageprocessing/outbound/out:SendOutboundMessage[1]/Message[1]}' )
// If we don't expect a message the flag is set to "N"
} else if(receivedSoapRequest!=null && receivedSoapRequest!=""){
def slurpedMessage = new XmlSlurper().parseText(receivedSoapRequest)
def messageType=slurpedMessage.MessageHeader.MessageReference.MessageType
// Get expected values from context
def verwachtMessageType = context.expand('${DataSourceOutboundCIBerichten#messageType}' )
} else {
// Should have received a message, but none came up.

XmlHttpRequest not reporting server side progress

I have a client server application. The server side is completely in java. The client side has a few lines of html and the rest in plain javascript (I don't use ajax or jquery etc).
The client receives user inputs through an input box and when the user clicks a button, the client sends a POST request to the server using XmlHtpRequest. The server then runs a process that can take several minutes. The server periodically (every 5 seconds) sends a progress update message with HTTP status code 202 and with content "Processing.... completed 5 / 100". The numbers 5 and 100 are a sample. Instead of 100, it is the actual final counter of the process and instead of 5 it is the current counter indicating the progress. When the server finishes the processing it sends a 200 OK with the final output as the content. I have an output text area where I want to display the progress message during the processing and later the final output is also placed in the same output text area.
My client side javascript code is:
var xhr = new XmlHttpRequest();
function sendCommandToServer() {
window.xhr.onreadystatechange = getServerResponse;"POST", (document.domain + "/" + "executeCommand"), true);
window.xhr.send("arguments and data for the command");
function getServerResponse() {
if(window.xhr.status === 202) {
myTextArea.value = window.xhr.responseText;
window.xhr.onreadystatechange = getServerResponse;
if(window.xhr.status === 200) {
myTextArea.value = window.xhr.responseText;
alert("processing error");
The server correctly gets the command and runs the process and finishes and produces the output. It also correctly sends the progress messages. But my client side javascript does not get all of them. I am able to get the 1st progress message from the server - something like - "Processing .... 5 / 100" - but after that I am not able to get further calls to getServerResponse() to continue updating the progress as and when the server sends messages. If I modify the server side to avoid sending progress and send only the final output result, it works correctly and I get the final output result displayed at the client. I run this on IE10 and Chrome, with the same behavior. Can xmlHttpRequest() be used for this use-case? Am I doing something wrong? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
I'm new to this myself and trying to work out a method of achieving something similar.
I think the 202 status code is the only response you will get, ie the server will send a single response when it has accepted the job (202), or a 200 response when it has completed.

MVC4 Force session update before request ends

We are developing using VS2010 and MVC4, deploying our web app on an IIS 7.5 on Windows7.
Our project has a long running process for which we want to display status and progress.
In order to accomplish this we have a small serializable class with properties that describe the current status. The long operation pseudo code goes like this:
int curentPercentComplete = 0;
EngineStatus status = new EngineStatus();
while (!done) {
status.PercentComplete = curentPercentComplete;
Session['status'] = status;
// do lengthy operation
curentPercentComplete = compute();
done = isJobFinished();
We also have an other controller action that tries to retrieve the current status from the session
which then encodes to json and returns it to the browser via an Ajax request.
Our problem is that we always seem to get the last saved data from the previous request, in other words the session object does not seem to update the Session['status'] field during the execution of the while block.
We have tried the session state mode both InProc and StateServer with exactly the same behavior.
Thanks in advance.
It turns out that the MVC framework performs a single update of the session data at the end of the request which means that only the last value is saved.
Since the "lengthy" operation is performed in a single request-response cycle, the idea of storing intermediate status information in the session is plain wrong.

WCF not responding when calling it in an loop

I try to generate a lot of User in my DB using a WCF service using a loop.
The script and the web service are running locally (Cassini).
FormWCFClient formClient = new srForm.FormWCFClient();
User user;
int nbUser = 20000;
for (int i = 0; i < nbUser; ++i)
user = new User();
user.Email = String.Format("{0}", i.ToString());
formClient.AddUser(user); // Add the user in DB
The problem is that around 3300 calls an EndpointNotFoundException is launched with the following innerException : "Unable to connect to the remote server".
I need to wait around 20 seconds in order to be able to continue the process without error (until the next range of 3300 calls).
Is it a code problem or a server limitation ?
You could create a new operation in your service that takes a list of users as a parameter. Then you would call it once with the list instead of calling the existing operation 20000 times with one user. It would reduce the load on the network and ease the use of transactions.
If not possible, then activate WCF tracing and check what happens when the call fails.