if statement gone wrong -xcode - objective-c

Guys what am I doing wrong?
if (numberstring.intValue <=15) {
rankLabel.text = #"A1";
else if (numberstring.intValue >16 && <=40){
rankLabel.text = #"A2";
I get an error on the "<=40" ..

You missed off a variable reference:
if (numberstring.intValue <=15) {
rankLabel.text = #"A1";
} // vv here vv
else if (numberstring.intValue >16 && numberstring.intValue <= 40){
rankLabel.text = #"A2";
As an optional extra, it looks like numberstring is an NSString object, which you are repeatedly converting to an integer in order to test various ranges. That operation is quite expensive, so you are better off doing the conversion once:
int value = [numberstring intValue];
if (value <=15) {
rankLabel.text = #"A1";
else if (value >16 && value <= 40){
rankLabel.text = #"A2";
Also note that the intValue method is not a property so I would avoid using the Objective-C 2.0 dot syntax to access it and use the normal method calling mechanism.

The && operator links two clauses together. However, each clause is independent, so each one has to be syntactically correct on its own if the other was removed. If you apply this rule to your condition, you can see that "<=40" is not syntactically correct on its own. Thus you need to reference the value being compared, as follows:
if (numberstring.intValue > 16 &&
numberstring.intValue <= 40) // this is syntactically correct on its own


how do i correctly use >= and <= in code?

I have tried many thing involving this, >=, >==, =>, ==>.i can not find one that works. hey all return either primary expression needed or expected initializer before '>'. I am creating a IR receiver latch switch and thus have to create parameters for the code because the receiver is not constant in all conditions. Full code below. Any suggestions to fix the code please reply and don't DM me. Thank you.
int LEDState = 0;
int LEDPin = 8;
int dt = 100;
int recieverOld ==> 500 and recieverOld ==< 2000;
int recieverNew;
int recieverPin = 12;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(LEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(recieverPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
recieverNew = digitalRead(recieverPin);
if((recieverOld >== 0 && recieverOld <== 10) && (recieverNew >== 500 && recieverNew <== 2000) {
if(LEDState == 0) {
digitalWrite(LEDPin, HIGH);
LEDState = 1;
recieverOld = recieverNew;
expected initializer before '==' token
if one = used line 4 and related, return error expected primary-expression before '>' token
if > before = line 4 and related, return error expected initializer before '>=' token
Any solutions or suggestions welcome.
Operators that do no exist, and that you should NOT use:
==>, ==<, >==, <==
Operators that works and you can use them:
>= - MORE THAN OR EQUAL, compare operator, for example X >= 5
<= - LESS THAN OR EQUAL, compare operator, for example X <= 5
> - MORE THAN, compare operator, for example X > 5
< - LESS THAN, compare operator, for example X < 5
== - compare operator, when you want to compare values of the variables if they have the same value, for example X == 5, Y == X, 10 == 7
=== - equality operator, similar to compare operator ==, but aditionally checks the type of a variable. for example X === Y, '10' === 10
= - assign operator, when you want to assign something to the variable, for example X = 5
<> OR != - NOT EQUAL, compare operator, for example X != 5, Y <> 10
!== - similar to != or <>, but also checks the type of a value. For example 10 !== '10', and will return opposite result of the equality operator ===

Operator '==' cant be applied to 'Boolean' and 'Char'

So i want to compare three members of an array with as little code as possible. Heres what i did:
for(i in 0..2) {
if(board[i][0] == board[i][1] == board[i][2]) {
return true
} else if(board[0][i] == board[1][i] == board[2][i]) {
return true
(All of the values ar Char's FYI) But it didnt work. I get this error message "Operator '==' cant be applied to 'Boolean' and 'Char'". I also tried using .equals, but that just didnt work. Any ideas on what to do?
You can write a small function to keep it more readable and tidy, especially if You need to do that comparison often:
fun allEqual(vararg items: Any) : Boolean {
for(i in 1..(items.size-1)){
if(items[0] != items[i]) return false
return true
And invoke simply by comma separating values:
allEqual(board[i][0], board[i][1], board[i][2])
I don't know Kotlin specifically, but most* languages don't allow you to compare 3 values at the same time. What your error message is communicating is that your code ends up comparing
"Is board[i][0] equal to board[i][1]?" which is true/false (Boolean)
board[i][2], which is a Char.
*I don't know of any, but maybe there's one out there that does.
You have included this condition:
if(board[i][0] == board[i][1] == board[i][2])
Firstly, this one is compared: board[i][1] == board[i][2]
After comparing, it returns true. After that if logic converts to:
if(board[i][0] == true)
Now, board[i][0] is a char and you are trying to compare it to a boolean which is not possible. That's why you are getting this error.
You have to change the logic to:
if((board[i][0] == board[i][1]) && (board[i][1] == board[i][2]))
So, your code will be:
for(i in 0..2) {
if((board[i][0] == board[i][1]) && (board[i][1] == board[i][2])) {
return true
} else if((board[0][i] == board[1][i]) && (board[1][i] == board[2][i])) {
return true
Another approach:
for (i in 0..2) {
if (board[i].toSet().size == 1)
return true
else if (board.map { it[i] }.toSet().size == 1)
return true
As the others said, your first comparison returns Boolean, and the second compares Boolean to Char.
You can use an extension function, and transitivity to simplify things:
fun Any.equalsAll(vararg others: Any):Boolean
others.forEach {
return false
return true
and call:
if (board[0][i].equalsAll(board[1][i], board[2][i]))

Is it possible to shorten conditional statements in cocoa to not re-state the variable name?

Wondering if there is a way to shorthand these conditionals. I am working with data packets and the conditionals get a bit unwieldy at times. Here's a basic example:
I write:
if (message->messageType != kMessageTypeCutCardsArray && message->messageType != kMessageTypeQuit) {
MessageInt message;
message.message.messageType = kMessageTypeReceivedData;
NSData *packet = [NSData dataWithBytes:&message length:sizeof(message)];
[_game sendData:packet];
I would rather write:
if (message->messageType != (kMessageTypeCutCardsArray || kMessageTypeQuit)) {
MessageInt message;
message.message.messageType = kMessageTypeReceivedData;
NSData *packet = [NSData dataWithBytes:&message length:sizeof(message)];
[_game sendData:packet];
As a general matter, no. That's just the way that C (and hence Objective-C) works.
In this specific case, you could use a switch statement:
switch (message->messageType)
case kMessageTypeCutCardsArray:
case kMessageTypeQuit:
MessageInt message;
message.message.messageType = kMessageTypeReceivedData;
NSData *packet = [NSData dataWithBytes:&message length:sizeof(message)];
[_game sendData:packet];
Whether that syntax is an improvement is up to you.
If you define your enum such that the values have mutually-exclusive bit patterns, like so:
typedef enum : NSUInteger {
kMessageTypeLoveLetter = 1 << 0,
kMessageTypeBirthdayCard = 1 << 1,
kMessageTypeVacationPostcard = 1 << 2,
kMessageTypeCreditApplication = 1 << 3,
kMessageTypeCharitySolicitation = 1 << 4
} MessageType;
You can then test for multiple values at once, using binary OR | and binary AND &:
MessageType msgType = kMessageTypeCreditApplication;
if( !(msgType & (kMessageTypeLoveLetter | kMessageTypeBirthdayCard)) ){
// Nobody loves you.
if( (msgType & (kMessageTypeCreditApplication | kMessageTypeCharitySolicitation) ){
// Someone wants your money.
This won't work, however, if you use the compiler-generated consecutive values for the enum, because the values will overlap as flags -- e.g., both 2 and 3 have the lowest bit set -- and ORing them together will often end up testing only one of the flags.
You could box the values and use a temporary array. This achieves the goal of removing the duplication in the conditional, but is unlikely to be as optimizable for the compiler.
if (message->messageType != kMessageTypeCutCardsArray &&
message->messageType != kMessageTypeQuit) {
should be equivalent to:
contains:#(message->messageType)]) {

How do you check if an NSInteger is greater than another NSinteger?

I'm trying to write code that detects if an integer is greater than another integer. Is this possible?
Here is what i've done so far.
if (NumCorrect >> NumWrong) {
btnCool.title = #"Awww";
else {
btnCool.title = #"Cool!";
All its doing is going to the else
NSString *numCorrect = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",NumCorrect];
NSString *numWrong = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", NumWrong];
lblWrong.text = numWrong;
lblCorrect.text = numCorrect;
if (NumCorrect > NumWrong) {
btnCool.title = #"Awww";
} else {
btnCool.title = #"Cool!";
Use single >
if (NumCorrect > NumWrong) {
btnCool.title = #"Awww";
} else {
btnCool.title = #"Cool!";
Double >> is a bit shift operation. You shift every bit in the binary representation of your variable NumCorrect NumWrong amount of bytes to the right. In almost all cases this will return in a number other then 0, which will then treated as a false value and thus the else block is executed.
Almost perfect - just take off one of those >'s. >> and << are for "bit-shifting", a weird hold-over from the earliest days of programming. You're not gonna use them much. What you really want is > and <, which is for testing if numbers are greater than each other or less than each other.
In addition, you may remember from math class that ≥ and ≤ (greater-than-or-equal-to and less-than-or-equal-to) are useful operations as well. Because there's no symbols for those on most keyboards, however, C and Xcode use >= and <= instead.
Finally, you may already know this, but to check if two numbers are exactly equal to each other you can use == (because = is used for setting the contents of variables).
Hope that's helpful!

else statement not triggering

I have been attempting to create an if else statement that will return a text string based on certain constraints. The first 3 constraints work, but when the event of the final constraint occurs, it triggers the second again. The random number generator occasionally used a 0 value, so I wanted to account for that. I am new to this, and apologize for indenting, etc.
I have been looking around here for a bit and couldn't find anything that seemed to cover this. If I missed it, a hint in the right direction would be appreciated as well.
double txtestimateCategory = [mynum computeVolume];
NSLog(#"The volume is %f", txtestimateCategory);
int v = ((txtestimateCategory * 1));
if ((v >= 8000))
NSLog(#"The box is large");
else if ((1 <= v < 1000))
NSLog(#"The box is small");
else if ((1000 <= v < 8000))
NSLog(#"The box is medium");
NSLog(#"The box is a lie");
Comparators are binary operators. You have to write:
else if (1 <= v && v < 1000)
(Otherwise you would be evaluating things like true < 1000, and true converts to 1 implicitly. Not what you meant!)