DataSource pattern versus setting Properties while Configuring Objects - objective-c

I often get confused with when to use DataSource Pattern and when to use the Properties for providing configuration information to objects.
I have two ways to do this,
Generally I keep a lot of properties in the Object's class that has to be configured and a method that resets the object and continues with the new properties.
And the for the Object which is configuring the other object, I keep a method that with the name configureXYZ:WithValues: , which resets the properties and calls the reset method of the object to be configured.
This I have seen with MPMoviePlayerController, that we have to set properties.
and Other way is how tableView works, all the configuration information comes from datasource methods.
Can anyone throw more light on which way is preferred in which scenario.
Because Its often I feel tempted to use design patterns and make the code look stylish but I wanted to know when do we actually need these.
I am absolutely clear with delegate pattern and have to use it on regular basis.
DataSource was one thing I was never clear with.

When designing a class, the key factor you should consider when deciding between using a delegate or properties is how often the values can change. Properties work best if you will set the values one time and they should never change again. Delegates (of which datasource is just an example) work best if the values might change over time or change due to conditions.
For example, in UITableView, the number of rows is highly dynamic. It could change for many reasons outside of the control of the table view. What the rows even represent is highly dynamic. They might be data; they might be menu options; they might be pieces in a game. UITableView doesn't try to guess or control any of that. It moves it to a delegate (datasource) where potentially very complex decisions could be made.
MPMoviePlayerController has a few controls that mean very specific things and should almost never change (particularly once the movie starts playing). Basically you set the thing up, hit play and walk away. In that case, a delegate would likely be overkill.
There are many cases that are in the middle, and either way may be ok. I would encourage developers to consider delegation first, and then if it doesn't make sense go with properties. This isn't because delegation is always the right answer, but more because most C++- or Java-educated developers don't think in terms of delegation, so should make a conscious effort to do so.
Some other thoughts along these lines:
When using properties, it is ideal if they are configured at initialization time and are thereafter immutable. This solves a great number of problems.
If you find yourself needing a lot of properties, delegation is probably better and often simpler.
Delegate notification methods (somethingDidHappen:) are often better implemented as blocks. (Blocks are relatively new in ObjC. Many delegate-based Apple interfaces are moving to blocks, but you'll see a real mix out there for historical reasons.)
The difference between "delegate" and "datasource" is that a delegate manages behavior, while a datasource provides data. They are typically implemented identically.

It mostly depends on the dynamics of the class. UITableView is a very dynamic interface element. Its data comes and go. You can add/remove/edit/sort. You can interact with it. IF you assign properties to a tableView, it loses some of the properties that makes it as robust as it is. MPMoviePlayerController, on the other hand, has a different purpose. I have never used this class but by the looks of it, it reads one video file and provides playback. There is not many changes to it, so properties makes a lot of sense.
If you are writing a class, and you need that class to be as flexible as possible(UIPickerView, UITableView), having delegates allows you to do so. If your class only works with limited configuration after initialization, you could be better by taking the property approach.


"Delegates or NSNotifications" Adjudging performance of code?

In my application, I have to display image files as a list in tableview, present them in full size and as multiple thumbnails. Hence basically I developed three seperate classes to handle these three views. Now to perform any file operations, I can think of two approaches:
Create appdelegate objects for all these classes, handle them accordingly. When one operation on a photo file is performed in one class, all other classes are notified using NSNotification, keeping the obeserver as Appdelegate object.
Create locally objects for these classes as and when required and assign delegates for performing file operations from one class to other by calling relevant methods.
However, I was not able to judge Which approach would be better in terms of memory usage and performance? Thanks in advance.
Using a one-to-one relationship with direct messaging is the simpler relationship and means of communication/messaging. Favor the delegate callback -- Number 2.
It is also easy to make this design bidirectional -- if the view goes offscreen, you could perform a cancellation. If the load fails, it is easier to inform the controller.
NSNotifications are comparably heavyweight. Not necessary.
Storing a bunch of stuff in a singleton (app delegate) can result in several unnecessarily retained objects. If your program is concurrent, then that can add even more complexity. There's no need for any of this complexity or introduction of mutable global state, and there is no reason presented whereby the objects should have a much larger scope of access and lifetime.
You can optimize for specific needs beyond that, but I don't see any at this time.
It depends a lot on the code and how you are structuring your app. I general use delegates in the following situation:
Where the delegate object exists before and after the main object that needs it. In other words the main object does not need to worry about the lifecycle of it's delegate.
Where the relationship between an object and it's delegate object is a strict one to one. In other words only one delegate object needs to interact with the main object. I have seen situations where delegates are swapped in and out and I would not recommend such code.
Where the main object needs information from the delegate.
I would use notifications where:
Multiple objects need to know of about things happening in another class.
Where the main class does not need to interact with the other classes or even know they exist.
Which ever you choose I would not have more than one file management object for each image. The simple reason being that having multiple means you need to ensure that they all have the same state and therefore are communicating with each other. Otherwise bugs will creep in.

Choosing a Singleton or a Category?

Fairly early on in my app, when I was a lot less experienced than I am now, I wanted to spice up some transitions between view controllers with my own custom animations. Having no idea where to start, I looked around SO for a pattern like MVC that could be accessed from nearly any controller at any time, and as it turns out, a singleton was the way to go.
What I didn't realize is that there seems to be a strong and well-defended hatred of the singleton pattern, and I myself am starting to see why, but that is beside the point.
So, a while later, I decided to move my very same implementation into a category on UINavigationController (after all, it handles transitions!), kept the original classes around for comparison, and am wondering which method would work best. Having thoroughly tested both implementations, I can say without a doubt that they are equal in every way, including speed, accuracy, smoothness, frame-rate, memory usage, etc. so which one is 'better' in the sense of overall maintainability?
EDIT: after reading the well-written arguments you all have made, I have decided to use a singleton. #JustinXXVII has made the most convincing argument (IMHO), although I consider every answer here equally worthy of merit. Thank you all for your opinions, I have upvoted all answers in the question.
I believe the best option is use the category.
Because if you are already using UINavigationController, do not make sense create a new class that will only manage the transition, like you told: (after all, it handles transitions!)
This will be a better option to maintain your code, and you will be sure that the thing do what they expect to do, and if you already have an instance that do the transitions, why create another?
The design patterns, like singleton, factory, and others, need to be used with responsibility. In your case, I do not see why use a singleton, you use it only to no instantiate new objects, you do not really need to have only one instance of it, but you do it because you want only one.
I'll make the case for a singleton object. Singletons are used all over UIKit and iOS. One thing you can't do with categories is add instance variables. There are two things about this:
MVC workflows don't tolerate objects with intimate knowledge of other objects
Sometimes you just need a place to reference an object that doesn't really belong anywhere else
These things go against each other, but the added ability to be able to keep an instance variable that doesn't really have an "owner" is why I favor the singleton.
I usually have one singleton class in all of my XCode projects, which is used to store "global" objects and do mundane things that I don't want to burden my AppDelegate with.
An example would be serializing/archiving objects and unarchiving/restoring. I have to use the same method throughout several classes, I don't want to extend UIViewController with some serializing method to write and read arbitrary files. Maybe it's just my personal preference.
I also might need a quick way to lookup information in NSUserDefaults but not want to always be writing [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]stringForKey:#"blah"], so I will just declare a method in my singleton that takes a string argument.
Until now i've not really thought too much about using a category for these things. One thing is sure though, I'd rather not be instantiating a new object a hundred times to do the same task when I can have just one living object that sticks around and will take care of stuff for me. (Without burdening the AppDelegate)
I think that the real question is in "design" (as you said, both codes work fine), and by writing down your problem in simple sentences, you will find your answer :
singleton's purpose is to have only one instance of a class running in your app. So you can share things between objects. (one available to many objects)
category purpose is to extend the methods available to a class. (available to one class of objects only ! ok...objects from subclasses too)
what you really want is to make a new transition available to UINavigationController class. UINavigationController, which has already some method available to change view (present modal views, addsubviews, etc.) is built to manage views with transitions (you said it yourself, it handles transitions), all you want to do is adding another way of handling transitions for your navigation controllers thus you would preferably use a category.
My opinion is that what you want to achieve is covered by the category and by doing this you ensure that the only objects which are accessing this method are entitled to use it. With the singleton pattern, any object of any class could call your singleton and its methods (and... it could work nobody knowing how for an OS version n but your app could be broken in n+1 version).
In this implementation, for which there is no need to use a Singleton, there may be no difference at all. That doesn't mean that there isn't one.
A plastic bucket holds as much water as a metal bucket does, and it does it just as well. In that aspect there seems to be no difference between the two. However, if you try to transport something extremely hot, the plastic bucket might not do the job so well..
What I'm trying to say is, they both serve their purposes but in your case there seemed to be no difference because the task was too generic. You wanted a method that was available from multiple classes, and both solutions can do that.
In your case, however, it might be a whole of a lot simpler to use a Category. The implementation is easier and you (possibly) need less code.
But if you were to create a data manager that holds an array of objects that you ONLY want available at one place, a Category will not be up to the task. That's a typical Singleton task.
Singeltons are single-instance objects (and if made static, available from nearly everywhere). Categories are extensions to your existing classes and limited to the class it extends.
To answer your question; choose a Category.
*A subclass might also work, but has its own pros and cons
Why don't you simply create a base UIViewController subclass and extend all of your view controllers from this object? A category doesn't make sense for this purpose.
Singletons, as the name suggests, has to be used when there is a need to be exactly one object in your application. The pattern for the accessor method ensures only this requirement being a class method:
+ (MyClass*) sharedInstance
static MyClass *instance = nil;
if (instance == nil) instance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
return instance;
If implemented well, the class also ensures that its constructor is private thus nobody else can instantiate the class but the accessor method: this ensures that at any time at most one instance of the class exists. The best example of such class is UIApplication since at any time there might be only one object of this class.
The point here is that this is the only requirement towards singleton. The role of the accessor method is to ensure that there is only one instance, and not that it would provide access to that instance from everywhere. It is only a side effect of the pattern that, the accessor method being static, everybody can access this single object without having a reference (pointer) to it a priori. Unfortunately this fact is widely abused by Objective C programmers and this leads to messed up design and the hatred towards singleton pattern you mentioned. But all in all it is not the fault the singleton patter but the misuse of their accessor method.
Now turning back to your question: if you don't need static / global variables in your custom transition code (I guess you don't) then the answer is definitely go for categories. In C++ you would subclass from some parent BaseTransition class and implement your actual drawing methods. Objective C has categories (that in my opinion is another way that easily messes up the design, but they are much more convenient) where you can add custom functionality even accessing the variables of your host class. Use them whenever you can redeem singletons with them and don't use singletons when the main requirement towards your class is not that it would be only one instance of it.

Decorator Pattern For UITableViewCell

I was wondering if anyone has ever attempted to or thought of using the decorator pattern to make it easier to DRY up UITableView code.
What I'm thinking of is creating a set of reusable decorators for UITableViewCells, for instance one for adding background gradients, one for adding different shadings, and a variety of other stylings.
You would then be able to chain the decorators together, to get the desired effect, instead of having to bolt on some Frankenstein code to different objects every time you wanted to reuse similar design styles.
Does this make sense, or am I just recreating the wheel? I really dislike subclassing UITableViewCells, and think this would be a good way to get around that problem.
I'd love to hear the opinion of some of you guys who have way more Objective-C and UIKit experience than I do on this topic.
Isn't the decorator pattern typically based around an abstract base or interface/protocol at the root? Since your base here isn't exchangeable (it must be a UITableViewCell) this could be tricky.
Maybe you can pull it off by proxying, i.e. subclassing NSProxy to wrap a UITableViewCell. I don't know if that will work, as UIKit classes tend to be quite tightly integrated with one another. The proxy and the the real cell will have different identities, and if the cell sends messages to the table view with self as an argument, this could confuse the table view.
Another option is to subclass the table view cell once to add some kind of extensible delegate mechanism whereby you can dynamicall add delegates to each cell. I'm calling them delegates as they won't subclass from the table cell, just add a behaviour for it. You would then intercept messages to the cell and decide dynamically, based on the delegates present in the object, whether a delegate receives the message or whether it goes directly to the superclass (UITableViewCell) method implementation. You could define a protocol for each delegate which declares the new methods/properties the thusly extended cell will accept.
I don't know how much trouble this would be to implement in the first place, and how complicated the code for each delegate would be. I guess you'd have to try it to see if it's worth it in practice.
In any case, mixing in behaviours to UIKit classes would definitely be an interesting and useful thing to have. For my own apps, I've built an automatic view layouting system which lays out views depending on their content, the available space and certain resizing parameters. Something like this would probably reduce the amount of repeated code in that system somewhat.
While this approach is sound from an architectural point of view, in the reality of iOS it has a terrible effect on performance (it has been attempted before and did not end well). iOS caches pre-rendered bits of tableview cells as much as possible, so performing runtime modifications of the layout and appearance of different cells in a way that the designers of the UIKit did not anticipate would destroy that caching, and performance would suffer.
Take a look at how Matt Gallagher handles custom cell drawing, his approach has been pseudo-blessed by Apple at WWDC this year. Also, watch the "Tips and tricks to improve responsiveness" and "Understanding UIKit rendering" sessions from WWDC, as they address real world techniques for improving performance of UITableView.

Objective-C: Blocks vs. Selectors vs. Protocols

I frequently find myself writing "utility" classes that can be re-used throughout my projects.
For example, suppose I have an "Address Book" view. I might want to use my address book to select who gets sent an email, or maybe who gets added to a meeting request.
I'd develop this view controller so it can be used by both the email controller, and the meetings controller, with some sort of callback mechanism to let the caller know the user either finished selecting someone from the address book, or they canceled.
It seems there are basically four (reasonable) approaches one might take in this scenario;
Create an "AddressBookDelegate" protocol and a corresponding delegate property on the AddressBookController. Then use the messages defined in the protocol to communicate the result (similar to UIActionSheetDelegate).
Create an "informal" "AddressBookDelegate" protocol and a corresponding delegate property on the AddressBookController, but the type of the delegate property will be "id", and will check at runtime with "respondsToSelector:" to see if the delegate implements the methods we require (seems like most of the framework stuff has started going this way).
Pass the AddressBookController an id that represents a delegate, as well as two SELs which specify the methods to call when the user selects a user or cancels the request. The benefit I see with this is; suppose one controller supports BOTH sending emails AND setting up meetings (I know in this example that seems like bad design... but one can imagine a more generic situation where this would seem perfectly reasonable for a utility class) - In this case you could pass the AddressBookController different SELs depending on whether you're adding users to an email, or adding users to a meeting... a huge improvement over an iVar to indicate the controller's "state".
Pass the AddressBookController two blocks; one to run when the user selects someone from the address book, and one to run if the user cancels the request.
The blocks have been so tremendously useful to me, and SO much more elegant, I'm finding myself almost confused over when to NOT use them.
I'm hoping more experienced members of the StackOverflow community than I can help out with their thoughts on this topic.
The 'traditional' way to do this is with a protocol. Informal ones were used before #protocol was added to the language, but that was before my time and for at least the last few years informal protocols have been discouraged, especially given the #optional specifier. As for a 'delegate' which passes two SELs, this just seems more ugly than declaring a formal protocol, and generally doesn't seem right to me. Blocks are very new (esp. on iOS), as these things go, and while we have yet to see the tremendous volume of documentation/blogs on the best tried and true style, I like the idea, and this seems to be one of the things blocks are best for: neat new control flow structures.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that each of these methods vary in age, with none being better than the last except for style, which obviously counts for an awful lot, and is ultimately why each of these things was created. Basically, go with the newest thing you feel comfortable with, which should be either blocks or a formal protocol, and that your confusion is most likely coming from reading conflicting sources because they were written at different times, but with time in perspective, it is clear to see which supersedes the others.
[Controller askForSelection:^(id selection){
//blah blah blah
} canceled:^{
//blah blah blah
is probably a hell of a lot more concise than defining two extra methods, and a protocol for them (formally or otherwise) or passing the SELs and storing them in ivars, etc.
I would just go with your first approach. It's a tried and true pattern in Cocoa, and seems to fit very well into what you're doing.
A few comments on the other approaches:
Informal protocol - I don't really see any advantage of doing this over a formal protocol. Every since formal protocols gained #optional methods, the utility of informal protocols is much less.
Passing SELs - I don't think this is an established pattern in Cocoa. I personally wouldn't consider it as better than the delegate approach, but if it fits your thinking better, then go for it. You're not really getting rid of state; you're just transforming into something else. Personally, I'd prefer to have an ivar that I can set and check without having to use selector types.
Passing blocks - This is sort of a new-age approach, and it has some merit. I think you need to be careful though because, in my opinion, it doesn't scale really well. For example, if NSTableView's delegate and data source methods were all blocks, I would personally find that somewhat annoying. Imagine if you wanted to set 10 different blocks, your -awakeFromNib (or whatever) method would be pretty big. Individual methods seem more appropriate in this case. However, if you're sure that you're never going to go beyond, say, two methods, then the block approach seems more reasonable.

Abstract design / patterns question

I had a bunch of objects which were responsible for their own construction (get properties from network message, then build). By construction I mean setting frame sizes, colours, that sort of thing, not literal object construction.
The code got really bloated and messy when I started adding conditions to control the building algorithm, so I decided to separate the algorithm to into a "Builder" class, which essentially gets the properties of the object, works out what needs to be done and then applies the changes to the object.
The advantage to having the builder algorithm separate is that I can wrap/decorate it, or override it completely. The object itself doesn't need to worry about how it is built, it just creates a builder and 'decorates' the builder with extra the functionality that it needs to get the job done.
I am quite happy with this approach except for one thing... Because my Builder does not inherit from the object itself (object is large and I want run-time customisation), I have to expose a lot of internal properties of the object.
It's like employing a builder to rebuild your house. He isn't a house himself but he needs access to the internal details, he can't do anything by looking through the windows. I don't want to open my house up to everyone, just the builder.
I know objects are supposed to look after themselves, and in an ideal world my object (house) would build itself, but I am refactoring the build portion of this object only, and I need a way to apply building algorithms dynamically, and I hate opening up my objects with getters and setters just for the sake of the Builder.
I should mention I'm working in Obj-C++ so lack friend classes or internal classes. If the explanation was too abstract I'd be happy to clarify with something a little more concrete. Mostly just looking for ideas or advice about what to do in this kind of situation.
Cheers folks,
EDIT: is it a good approach to declare a
interface House(StuffTheBuilderNeedsAccessTo)
category inside Builder.h ? That way I suppose I could declare the properties the builder needs and put synthesizers inside Nobody would have access to the properties unless they included the Builder header....
That's all I can think of!
I would suggest using Factory pattern to build the object.
You can search for "Factory" on SO and you'll a get a no. of questions related to it.
Also see the Builder pattern.
You might want to consider using a delegate. Add a delegate method (and a protocol for the supported methods) to your class. The objects of the Builder class can be used as delegates.
The delegate can implement methods like calculateFrameSize (which returns a frame size) etc. The returned value of the delegate can be stored as an ivar. This way the implementation details of your class remain hidden. You are just outsourcing part the logic.
There is in fact a design pattern called, suitable enough, Builder which does tries to solve the problem with creating different configurations for a certain class. Check that out. Maybe it can give you some ideas?
But the underlying problem is still there; the builder needs to have access to the properties of the object it is building.
I don't know Obj-C++, so I don't know if this is possible, but this sounds like a problem for Categories. Expose only the necessary methods to your house in the declaration of the house itself, create a category that contains all the private methods you want to keep hidden.
What about the other way around, using multiple inheritance, so your class is also a Builder? That would mean that the bulk of the algorithms could be in the base class, and be extended to fit the neads of you specific House. It is not very beautiful, but it should let you abstract most of the functionality.