"Delegates or NSNotifications" Adjudging performance of code? - objective-c

In my application, I have to display image files as a list in tableview, present them in full size and as multiple thumbnails. Hence basically I developed three seperate classes to handle these three views. Now to perform any file operations, I can think of two approaches:
Create appdelegate objects for all these classes, handle them accordingly. When one operation on a photo file is performed in one class, all other classes are notified using NSNotification, keeping the obeserver as Appdelegate object.
Create locally objects for these classes as and when required and assign delegates for performing file operations from one class to other by calling relevant methods.
However, I was not able to judge Which approach would be better in terms of memory usage and performance? Thanks in advance.

Using a one-to-one relationship with direct messaging is the simpler relationship and means of communication/messaging. Favor the delegate callback -- Number 2.
It is also easy to make this design bidirectional -- if the view goes offscreen, you could perform a cancellation. If the load fails, it is easier to inform the controller.
NSNotifications are comparably heavyweight. Not necessary.
Storing a bunch of stuff in a singleton (app delegate) can result in several unnecessarily retained objects. If your program is concurrent, then that can add even more complexity. There's no need for any of this complexity or introduction of mutable global state, and there is no reason presented whereby the objects should have a much larger scope of access and lifetime.
You can optimize for specific needs beyond that, but I don't see any at this time.

It depends a lot on the code and how you are structuring your app. I general use delegates in the following situation:
Where the delegate object exists before and after the main object that needs it. In other words the main object does not need to worry about the lifecycle of it's delegate.
Where the relationship between an object and it's delegate object is a strict one to one. In other words only one delegate object needs to interact with the main object. I have seen situations where delegates are swapped in and out and I would not recommend such code.
Where the main object needs information from the delegate.
I would use notifications where:
Multiple objects need to know of about things happening in another class.
Where the main class does not need to interact with the other classes or even know they exist.
Which ever you choose I would not have more than one file management object for each image. The simple reason being that having multiple means you need to ensure that they all have the same state and therefore are communicating with each other. Otherwise bugs will creep in.


DataSource pattern versus setting Properties while Configuring Objects

I often get confused with when to use DataSource Pattern and when to use the Properties for providing configuration information to objects.
I have two ways to do this,
Generally I keep a lot of properties in the Object's class that has to be configured and a method that resets the object and continues with the new properties.
And the for the Object which is configuring the other object, I keep a method that with the name configureXYZ:WithValues: , which resets the properties and calls the reset method of the object to be configured.
This I have seen with MPMoviePlayerController, that we have to set properties.
and Other way is how tableView works, all the configuration information comes from datasource methods.
Can anyone throw more light on which way is preferred in which scenario.
Because Its often I feel tempted to use design patterns and make the code look stylish but I wanted to know when do we actually need these.
I am absolutely clear with delegate pattern and have to use it on regular basis.
DataSource was one thing I was never clear with.
When designing a class, the key factor you should consider when deciding between using a delegate or properties is how often the values can change. Properties work best if you will set the values one time and they should never change again. Delegates (of which datasource is just an example) work best if the values might change over time or change due to conditions.
For example, in UITableView, the number of rows is highly dynamic. It could change for many reasons outside of the control of the table view. What the rows even represent is highly dynamic. They might be data; they might be menu options; they might be pieces in a game. UITableView doesn't try to guess or control any of that. It moves it to a delegate (datasource) where potentially very complex decisions could be made.
MPMoviePlayerController has a few controls that mean very specific things and should almost never change (particularly once the movie starts playing). Basically you set the thing up, hit play and walk away. In that case, a delegate would likely be overkill.
There are many cases that are in the middle, and either way may be ok. I would encourage developers to consider delegation first, and then if it doesn't make sense go with properties. This isn't because delegation is always the right answer, but more because most C++- or Java-educated developers don't think in terms of delegation, so should make a conscious effort to do so.
Some other thoughts along these lines:
When using properties, it is ideal if they are configured at initialization time and are thereafter immutable. This solves a great number of problems.
If you find yourself needing a lot of properties, delegation is probably better and often simpler.
Delegate notification methods (somethingDidHappen:) are often better implemented as blocks. (Blocks are relatively new in ObjC. Many delegate-based Apple interfaces are moving to blocks, but you'll see a real mix out there for historical reasons.)
The difference between "delegate" and "datasource" is that a delegate manages behavior, while a datasource provides data. They are typically implemented identically.
It mostly depends on the dynamics of the class. UITableView is a very dynamic interface element. Its data comes and go. You can add/remove/edit/sort. You can interact with it. IF you assign properties to a tableView, it loses some of the properties that makes it as robust as it is. MPMoviePlayerController, on the other hand, has a different purpose. I have never used this class but by the looks of it, it reads one video file and provides playback. There is not many changes to it, so properties makes a lot of sense.
If you are writing a class, and you need that class to be as flexible as possible(UIPickerView, UITableView), having delegates allows you to do so. If your class only works with limited configuration after initialization, you could be better by taking the property approach.

Best way to determine the behavior of a view's containing view

My situation:
ClassA may or may not have a parent of type ClassB. Therefore saying [instanceOfA.superview somethingClassBSpecific]; is half hazardous. Plus, Xocde will get pissy, for good reason.
Is the recommendation here to dispatch a notification, or do some logic on the superview, e.g.,
if([objectOfA.superview respondsToSelector:somethingClassBSpecific] != nil){
Or create a delegate of type ClassB where the situation permits?
As is so often the case, it depends. Using the view hierarchy, notifications, and delegation are three different ways that objects can communicate with each other. Deciding which of those (if any) is most appropriate requires thinking about how the objects in question are related to each other.
Notifications provide very loose (nearly zero) coupling between objects. They also provide one-to-many communication -- you post a notification, and every object that's listening for that notification will get the message. But notifications aren't always appropriate; communication is mainly in one direction only, and abusing the notification mechanism can lead to performance problems.
Delegation gives you a way to customize the behavior of an object. The most obvious example is the application delegate. Most every iOS application is based on the same class: UIApplication. UIApplication is exactly the same for every app even though each app does its own thing. The application object uses a delegate to provide the customization that gives the application its unique behavior.
The view hierarchy is another way that (some) objects are connected to each other. If the behavior you're implementing is a) part of a view and b) dependent on that view's relationship with other views, then it may make sense to use the superview and subviews properties.
So, what kind of functionality are you trying to implement?
This depends on your logical model. If you have an instance of a class implementing a protocol with optional methods, then using respondsToSelector: is appropriate when you are trying to call one of these optional methods. If you want the method you call to be required, create a do-nothing "guard" in the classes that you pass. Both techniques are valid, it's only a matter of whether or not you'd like your users to be conscious of the need to implement a specific method.

Objective-C Alternative to using ApplicationDelegate or singleton to pass data

I'm working on an exiting iOS app (called Mazin in the App store, if anyone is interested) and I'm trying to rework the code to avoid using the Application Delegate or a singleton for sharing information/methods. In particular I have the following to share across certain views and controllers:
CoreData objects like NSManagedObjectConttext and related custom methods for interacting with the data
State properties used in several places like currentMazeType, gameMode, and soundIsMuted along with a few widely used utility methods particular to the game
Views and methods used to display information used commonly throughout the app (e.g., an ActivityIndicator and methods to show/hide it on a given view)
In general, several views and ViewControllers need access to various subsets of this information and I need a mechanism to share the information and methods "globally" across these objects. Some of this sharing is for convenience (e.g., every time I want to display a basic activity indicator, I just call a common "startActivityIndicator" method) but some are required (e.g., changing gameMode changes it "globally" and several views/controllers need to access the common mode info).
What sort of patterns would work best for this requirement? I have my own solution in mind, and I'll post it below for your consideration/comments.
Solution I am considering:
I plan to create a few "utility" classes (e.g. GameDataUtil, AppStateUtil, GadgetsUtil) that each encapsulate a proper subset of the "global" information and/or methods. Each View or ViewController that needs to access the common info/methods in a utility will have an appropriate property of that given type (e.g., a view that can make a sound needs access to the AppStateUtil so it can determine if sounds are currently muted).
The ApplicationDelegate will be the only class that generates single instances of the "utility" classes and will pass those instances to the appropriate objects that get loaded from its Nib (in applicationDidFinishLaunching). Those views/controllers will have to pass all necessary information to any of their members that they may load programmatically (which could get hairy--class A may need a GagetsUtil in order to pass it to an instance of class B even though class A never uses the utility directly).
This is sort of like injecting dependencies from the application delegate down (since I don't have the utility of an Dependency Injection Container).
Now, I have thought about creating an uber-utility (e.g., ConfigUtil) that would hold one property for each of the other utilities. The AppDelegate would create a single instance of the uber-utility (setting it up with instances of the other utilities it creates). The AppDelegate would pass the uber-utility instance to anyone who needs access to any of the basic utilities. Each basic utility would still encapsulate a sub-set of the common data/methods, but by putting one of each into an uber-utility and passing it around, I don't have to keep up with which utility is needed by which class (not only for its own use but also to pass to any of its member objects).
NSNotification would be a step away from that model, and is typically easy to implement.
If many things know of and refer to mutable global data right now... it will take time to undo that.
I remembered that I had written a more detailed response to a similar scenario here at SO.

How to access a class from another class?

I’m fairly new to OO. If I have two classes A and B that need to exchange data, or call each other’s methods, I need to be able to access an instance of class B from class A. Should I maintain the address of the instance object in a global variable? Should I appoint a (singleton) master class, and make (pointers to) instances of A and B properties of the master class? (AppDelegate comes to mind.)
Is there a straightforward by-the-book way to implement this? Somehow I‘m missing some "best practice" here. I’ve looked through Apple's examples, but didn't find an answer.
EDIT: Since I'm fairly new to MVC design patterns, my question is essentially "Who creates who"?
We're talking about an Audio Player here. 1. When the user selects a song, the UI displays its waveform by creating a viewController which creates the appropriate view. 2. When the user hits play, the UI displays a timeline while the song is playing by overlaying a new view over the waveform. Now, the latter view needs some info from the waveform display viewController. Right now, I'm storing a pointer to the viewController in an instance variable of my appDelegate. This works, but feels extremely strange.
Should I outsource the info that is needed by both classes to some third entity that every class can access easily?
Classes aren't simply departments of code. They are templates for the creation of objects, which you should think of as actors in your program, doing things within their areas of responsibility (which you define—you decide what each object does) and interacting with each other.
While you can handle a class as you would an object, classes generally do not talk to each other. Most of the time, you will create and use instances of the classes—which is what we normally mean by “objects”—and have those talking to each other. One object sends another a message, telling the receiver to do something or changing one of the receiver's properties. These messages are the interactions between your program's objects.
Those weird expressions in the square brackets are message expressions. Nearly everything you'll do with a class or object will involve one or more messages. You can send messages to classes the same as to objects, and classes can send messages just as objects can.
In Cocoa and Cocoa Touch, you typically have model objects, view objects, controller objects, data objects (such as NSString, NS/UIImage, and NSURL), and helper objects (such as NSFileManager). The classes you'll write for your application will mainly be model, view, and controller objects (MVC). The model represents (models) what the user will see themselves manipulating; the view displays the model to the user; the controller implements logic and makes sure the model gets saved to and loaded from persistent storage.
For more information, see Object-Oriented Programming in Objective-C and the Cocoa Fundamentals Guide.
Since I'm fairly new to MVC design patterns, my question is essentially "Who creates who"?
Controllers create and load the model, and load the views, and pass the model to the view for display. Certain controllers may also create other controllers.
It's good to keep a straightforward tree-like graph of ownership from a single root of your program—typically the application object—down through controllers to leaf objects in the models and views. If two objects own each other, that's a problem. If an object is not owned by anything outside of its own class (a singleton), that's usually a problem as well—a sign you need to think some more about where that code belongs. (Helper objects are the main exception; most of those are singletons. Again, see NSFileManager for an example. But they are few and far between.)
Further situation analysis require more information. At first place you should more specify the relation between classes and what exactly do you mean by exchanging data.
Singletons should be generally avoided. If you want to exchange information it is usually sufficient to provide for example instance of the class A to the instance of the class B by some method or constructor. The instance of B is then capable of calling public methods (and accessing public properties) of the instance of A.
A little bit of "best practices" can be learn by searching up "Design Patterns".
You should decide if one class can be an object of another class (encapsulation), or if one class can inherit from the other class (inheritance). If neither of these is an option, then maybe you could make one class (or some of its members) static?
Thanks for your contributions. Additionally, I found information on this page very useful. It lays out MCV considerations for cocoa in a hands-on way and practical language.

Pattern for Ownership and References Between Multiple Controllers and Semi-Shared Objects?

For example, I have window (non-document model) - it has a controller associated with it. Within this window, I have a list and an add button. Clicking the add button brings up another "detail" window / dialog (with an associated controller) that allows the user to enter the detail information, click ok, and then have the item propagated back to the original window's list. Obviously, I would have an underlying model object that holds a collection of these entities (let's call the singular entity an Entity for reference).
Conceivably, I have just one main window, so I would likely have only one collection of entities. I could stash it in the main window's controller – but then how do I pass it to the detail window? I mean, I probably don't want to be passing this collection around - difficult to read / maintain / multithread. I could pass a reference to the parent controller and use it to access the collection, but that seems to smell as well. I could stash it in the appDelegate and then access it as a "global" variable via [[NSApplication sharedApplication] delegate] - that seems a little excessive, considering an app delegate doesn't really have anything to do with the model. Another global variable style could be an option - I could make the Entity class have a singleton factory for the collection and class methods to access the collection. This seems like a bigger abuse than the appDelegate - especially considering the Entity object and the collection of said entities are two separate concerns. I could create an EntityCollection class that has a singleton factory method and then object methods for interaction with the collection (or split into a true factory class and collection class for a little bit more OO goodness and easy replacement for test objects). If I was using the NSDocument model, I guess I could stash it there, but that's not much different than stashing it in the application delegate (although the NSDocument itself does seemingly represent the model in some fashion).
I've spent quite a bit of time lately on the server side, so I haven't had to deal with the client-side much, and when I have, I just brute forced a solution. In the end, there are a billion ways to skin this cat, and it just seems like none of them are terribly clean or pretty. What is the generally accepted Cocoa programmer's way of doing this? Or, better yet, what is the optimum way to do this?
I think your conceptual problem is that you're thinking of the interface as the core of the application and the data model as something you have to find a place to cram somewhere.
This is backwards. The data model is the core of the program and everything else is grafted onto the data model. The model should encapsulate all the logical operations that can be performed on the data. An interface, GUI or otherwise, merely sends messages to the data model requesting certain actions.
Starting with this concept, it's easy to see that having the data model universally accessible is not sloppy design. Since the model contains all the logic for altering the data, you can have an arbitrarily large number of interfaces accessing it without the data becoming muddled or code complicated because the model changes the data only according to its own internal rules.
The best way to accomplish universal access is to create a singleton producing class and then put the header for the class in the application prefix headers. That way, any object in the app can access the data model.
Let me clarify the important difference between a naked global variable and a globally accessible class encapsulated data model.
Historically, we viewed global variables as bad design because they were just raw variables. Any part of the code could alter them at will. This nakedness led to obvious problems has you had to continuously guard against some stray fragment of code altering the global and then bringing the app down.
However, in a class based global, the global variable is encapsulated and protected by the logic implemented by the encapsulating class. This encapsulation means that while any stray fragment of code may attempt to alter the global variable inside the class, it can only do so if the encapsulating class permits the alteration. The automatic validation reduces the complexity of the code because all the validation logic resides in one single class instead of being spread out all over the app in any random place that data might be manipulated.
Instead of creating a weak point as in the case of a naked global variable, you create strong and universal validation and management of the data. If you find a problem with the data management, you only have to fix it in one place. Once you have a properly configured data model, the rest of the app becomes ridiculously easy to write.
My initial reaction would be to use a "modal delegate," a lot like NSAlerts do. You'd create your detail window by passing a reference to a delegate, which the detail window would message when it is done creating the object. The delegate—which would probably be the controller for the main window—could then handle the "done editing" message and add the object to the collection. I'd tend to not want to pass the collection around directly.
I support the EntityCollection class. If you have a list of objects, that list should be managed outside a specific controller, in my opinion.
I use the singleton method where the class itself manages it's own collections, setup and teardown. I find this separates the database/storage functionality from the controllers and keeps things clean. It's nice and easy to just call [Object objects] and have it return a reference to my list of objects.