How to get the real Windows Live contact email addresses with the API? - api

I'm wondering how Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (to name a few) are using the Windows Live API to find the email addresses of the friends of a user to send them invitations.
When I try to use the Windows Live API I only get the email_hashes which can only be used to compare with existing user email of a system instead of sending them invitations.
Are these services paying Microsoft to benefit of an advanced API ?
Thank you,

All you need to do is add the following scope to the list of scopes you are requesting:
WL.login({scope: ["wl.basic", "wl.contacts_emails"]})


Linkedin APIs for authentication, connection invitations and user search

I wrote this same question to #Linkedin support service and I was redirected to this link where they indicate to ask questions in Stackoverflow.
We are developing a mobile App for the Polytechnic University of Madrid and we plan to expand to other Universities in the future. This aplication will need in a first instance OAuth via Linkedin. It will also need to allow the authenticated user to send connection invitations to other users contained in a list. For creating that list of users, it will be useful if the admin of the system could search in a bar similar to the one which Linkedin has, write a user name and select it, retrieving its user ID or what is needed to identify the invitation destination.
Summing up, the App needs:
Connection request API
User search API
I have read on the web that some of Linkedin's APIs suffered some modifications in which most of them where limited to allowed users or apps. So the aim of this post is knowing:
Do the APIs my mobile application needs exist?
What do I need to do to obtain the access to those APIs in case they exist?
User search API
For this feature you could use something like Algolia Instant Search
LinkedIn has changed many things related to user data. If you need access to its data then you must follow the given guidelines.
Basically you have to create a LinkedIn App and then the users have to grant permissions to your app by installing it in their device(s) and then only you can collect their data.

Services that get facebook emails

I've noticed that my android phone, the iphone,, and yahoo mail all can import my friends' email addresses (and sometimes phone numbers) from facebook. However, I don't see anywhere in the documentation of the API to suggest that you can get email.
Do these services have special agreements with Facebook or am I just not finding the specific api for "contact" importing? I've not had any luck using "email" field with friends api.
Any ideas?
These services have some special agreements with Facebook and thus are able to retrieve the Email Ids of the Friends of the User. Most of them don't allow further exporting of data obtained from there directly.
And as per Email Permissions documentation here it clearly states that for App Developers
Note: There is no way for apps to obtain email addresses for a user's friends.
As per the phone number, there is no access to it no matter what permission. You may though ask the user to fill those for you.

How I can find the email based on google plus id?

Based on a url like # dummy number
How I can find the gmail username?
If you are developing an app or script, you can use Oauth 2.0 and request the scope.
For details, see
This does require that you configure a Google APIs Console project and create a OAuth 2.0 client ID.
You can't. For privacy reasons, having someone in a circle or knowing their Google Plus id should not be enough to get an email address.
It should not be possible to find an arbitrary user's email address solely from the id contained in such a Google+ URL.

Sending notifications for website users signed via Facebook or Twitter. How?

Let's imagine that we have ecommerce website that suggests 3 way for user registration:
regular email
via facebook
via twitter
Now let's imagine that we have user signed via facebook/twitter account and we need send him notification about his order (order complete or s/t like that). How can we do this? It is absolutely clear for regular email users - we should just email them notification, but what about Facebook/Twitter users?
Thank you!
With Facebook when they authenticate with your application, you can request email permissions to be able to access the email address they have nominated to use with their facebook account. At the point of registeration you could then store this address in your database and all order flow could follow the existing email path.
You could probably re-use this methodology for twitter too.
I can understand the need to differentiate on registration processes however I think you want to streamline post order notification as much as possible for consistency across users.

is it possible to get the email of a user who logs in using open id providers?

i want to know if its possible to get the email of the people who are using open id to authenticate to my site [of course with the user knowing that i am getting their email]?
this email will be the user id of the user and i want the user to be able to loggin using any provider and then i will set this email as the user identity.
i need this information in order to design the structure of my site.
i am looking into the following open id providers.
Facebook Connect
Use open social API's...
OpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. With standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps that access a social network's friends and update feeds.
Refer to this link for more:-
Who says the OpenID provider has the user's e-mail to give to you? I can get an OpenID identity that's accessed only by my fingerprint.