Javascript back on two consecutive pages - back

So, I ran into a problem: I have 2 (or more) consecutive pages, which the user can click through. At the bottom of each page there's a "Back" button (with Javascript's history.go(-1);), so that the user is able to go back to the previous view.
Now my problem is: When the user is on page 3 and clicks on the button, he goes back to page 2 (until here everything's fine), but when he's back on page 2 and clicks on the back button on that page, instead of going even further back to page 1, he gets sent back (or forward?) to page 3.
Is there a solution to this problem, I tried Google, but couldn't find anything.
Thanks in advance! :)

Your problem is that the Javascript is behaving exactly as it should in returning the browser to the previous page. Could you not handle your navigation between pages more explicitly? Replacing the history.go(-1) with a link to the actual script\page?

Use window.location to send the user back to previous page instead of history.go(-1). If the user lands on the second page in your flow, the back button will be useless.


Make The Different Register Page Url Stable and Get Rid of Double Click Logout On Woocommerce

I am using one of the woodmart built-in themes and have 2 issues (I think they are so easy to do but couldn’t find any solution on internet which works well) one is about register page link on the sidebar login are and the logout confirmation.
When you go to our website which is and click on Login/Register button on the right top of the page a sidebar widget comes out. I have changed the Create An Account link to my custom page but because I did this on the integration page of woocommerce to the theme, when I get any update it goes back. So looking for a hook or function codes to add to the child theme functions page to keep it there forever even if I get any update. Could you please tell me how to do that? I have asked this to the theme editors support page but they said it belongs to woocommerce so asked me to open a ticket here.
Second one is when you login to the page we have an dropdown menu on the top on the place of Login/Register link. And there is Log Out link on the at dropdown menu. When I click it it goes to My Account page and when I click there again it logs out. I have read and applied too many ways to bypass the logout confirmation on first click but none of them worked as I realised that they were all old dated posts. So I thought after some time and your updates it should be forced by the wocoommerce to do it. But my clients definitely do not want it. Is there again anything else I can do for that to log out on the first click? And keep it there with adding to the child theme functions page?
Thank you for replies instead.

Allow natural back button behaviour with use case of dynamically-added query parameters

I have the case that I push some parameters to the nuxt router ( whenever somebody visits a page without any parameters.
somebody visits: /program it will end up in /program/first-event?year=2018&month=6
(First the view filters the program for current events (therefore the parameters for this year and this month) and then from the filtered events it will set the first event as active post (also by pushing it to the router).
This is all wanted and good. BUT now I detected the following problem:
Somebody is visiting /aboutus and then navigates to /program, the router will automatically change to /program/url-of-event-post?year=2018&month=6.
Assuming the user wants to go back to /aboutus he clicks on the browser back button. This will bring him back to: /program which automatically adds the post and the parameters again (effectively moving one step forward again).
Means the user is caught in clicking endlessly on the back button.
My approach would be to try to register if a user clicks on the back button and if so, I would not add the parameters. But I don't know how to do this.
I thought the router would provide some 'from' property, but so far I did not find anything.
I would be very happy to hear some thoughts on this. Thank you heaps in advance.
You need use router.replace.

Redirecting URL assigned to Home Tab on Plone

On Plone, I am looking at establishing a User Group with an initial login page (collective.onlogin) that leads to what I hope will be the new Home Page. How do I change the Home Tab to reflect this once the authorised user has moved past the LogIn page. Currently, the home tab reflects and returns to the login page - string${globals_view/navigationRootUrl}
Where string:${globals_view/navigationRootUrl} is specified you may specify other expressions. In this case, you'll probably wish to create a BrowserView or Python Script that returns the path you want, since it sounds like there may be some real logic. Then, call that view or script rather than globals_view/navigationRootUrl.
Found that if I de-activated collective.onlogin, went to the "Change content item as default view ..." and selected the home page that I wanted, then reactivated collective.onlogin I would get what I wanted. The login page is still very vanilla, but that can wait for another day. Hope this helps the next person.

How to detect if user has switched Rails 3

A user logs into my application in a tab in a browser
They get an email and click a link which opens a new tab in the same browser and logs them in under a different email say.
If they go back to the first tab they are no longer the same user and I want the page to automatically detect this and then reload or redirect them if they are unauthorized to view the page.
Anyway to do this?
Or, if you really want to know when user is switched the tab, try this library:
As stated by #Hck:
add javascript code to reload page periodically (for example once per 30 seconds) – Hck
JavaScript is pretty much the only way to make pages do stuff after they're loaded. Note that in pretty much any user authentication system, a given browser will only be logged in as one user at a time, so as soon as the second tab opens, that browser will be acting as the second user - they can still see the current content of the first tab, but links (for instance) will no longer work unless the second user was also authorized to use them.
There are some JQuery plugins that do this sort of thing, like PeriodicalUpdater, or you can write your own (an example).

How can I clear the PropertyModel's value when I hit back on my browser

I have a DropDownChoice with a PropertyModel in my page and I have some other actions which take me to different pages. Now when I click on the Back Arrow on my browser, I come to my page which has the DropDownChoice with the previously selected choice. I understand PropertyModel holds the value for me. But how can I get rid of it when I hit Back button and why is the onBeforeRender(both on the class as well the Component) not working when I hit the Back button. Please comment if my explanation is not clear enough. I am using Wicket 1.4.8
onBeforeRender doesn't work because it's never called. When you navigating using "Back" button, no new request are sended to your server, hence page rendering never occurs. The only way to solve your problem - is to use javascript.