Mapping a Reflexive Many-to-Many relationship with NHibernate? - nhibernate

I am trying to use NHibernate with an existing database. The database records unidirectional relationships between users:
UserId PK
RelationshipId PK
ParentId FK:Users_UserId
ChildId FK:Users_UserId
I want to represent this using NHibernate. At the moment, I have the following POCO object:
class User {
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public ICollection<User> ParentUsers {get; set;}
public ICollection<User> ChildUsers {get; set;}
I also have this mapping file:
<class name="User" table="Users">
<id name="Id"></id>
<property name="Name"></property>
I've looked at guides on the web, but I can't work out what I need to put in the mapping file to wire up my two ICollection properties.
How should I map this data structure? Is my current approach correct, or is it better to create a second POCO class, and just use two many-to-one relationships?

I'm probably missing something, but this should get you started:
<idbag name="ParentUsers" table="Relationships">
<collection-id column="RelationshipId" type="...">
<generator class="..."/>
<key column="ChildId"/>
<many-to-many column="ParentId" class="User"/>
<idbag name="ChildUsers" table="Relationships">
<collection-id column="RelationshipId" type="...">
<generator class="..."/>
<key column="ParentId"/>
<many-to-many column="ChildId" class="User"/>
Also, one of the collections should be marked as inverse.


nhibernate many-to-one parent is always null on insert

I am using NHibernate and AutoMapper in a WCF. I have a parent-child relationship I want to maintain from the "many" end. I have no problems maintaining the objects if I do it from the "one" end but in this case that does not make sense. My issue is no matter how I change my mappings, POCOs, etc. the parent object when I attempt to add a child is null in the child causing the insert to fail. What am I missing to get the parent property in the child to populate?
I have a parent-child relationship defined in the following tables:
Create Table Attribute (AttributeUID uniqueidentifier, LongName varchar(20))
Create Table AnswerOption (AnswerOptionID int, AttributeUID uniqueidentifier)
I want the Attribute (parent) to be the owner so I declare the relationship in that mapping file and not in the AnswerOption (child). Though, I have tried with having the relationship bidirectional as well and that has not changed any behaviors in my tests. My mappings apear as follows. Attribute:
<class name="RCAttribute" table="rcs.tblAttribute">
<cache usage="read-write"/>
<id name="ID">
<column name="AttributeUID" />
<generator class="guid" />
<property name="LongName" type="string" not-null="true" length="200" column="LongName" />
<bag name="AnswerOptions" lazy="true" inverse="true" cascade="all">
<key column="AttributeUID"/>
<one-to-many class="AnswerOption" />
<class name="AnswerOption" table="rcs.tblAnswerOption" lazy="true">
<cache usage="read-write"/>
<id name="ID">
<column name="AnswerOptionID" />
<generator class="native" />
Attribute Class:
public class RCAttribute
public virtual Guid ID { get; set; }
public virtual string LongName { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<AnswerOption> AnswerOptions { get; set; }
public RCAttribute() { ID = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); }
AnswerOption Class:
public class AnswerOption
public virtual int ID { get; set; }
public AnswerOption() { ID = 0; }
My test procedure looks like this;
public void CreateAnswerOption()
AnswerOption newOpt = new AnswerOption();
Attribute = rc.RCAttributeSave(Attribute);
When it goes to create this the Attribute property of the AnswerOption is null so it cannot insert since the parent cannot be null in the child in this case. What am I missing to get it to populate the parent property on the child and be able to insert?
Mapping the collection as inverse without mapping the many-to-one on the other side makes no sense.
You have three options:
Use a bidirectional mapping with inverse="true" on the collection side and set the many-to-one propery (parent reference) in your code before saving the child (yes, I read that you don't want to do it that way).
Only map the collection side (not inverse). NHibernate will then first insert the child with NULL as parent reference, but will update it with the correct parent ID in the same transaction. So you can't have a not null constraint on the parent ID column in the child table (at least it must be deferrable).
(This option only works with NHibernate 3.2.0 or newer) Same as option 2, but add not-null="true" to the key tag in the collection mapping. Then NHibernate will insert the child with the parent ID already set.

NHibernate one-to-many foreign key is NULL

I have a problem with NHibernate. What i am trying to to is very simple:
I have two Classes. UserTicket and UserData. A UsertTicket has some UserData and a UserData belongs to one UserTicket:
public class UserData{
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual String PDF_Path { get; set; }
public class UserTicket
public virtual int Ticketnr { get; set; }
public virtual IList<UserData> UserData { get; set; }
And here the mappig xml:
<class name="UserTicket" table="UserTicket">
<id name="Ticketnr">
<generator class="identity"/>
<bag name="UserData" inverse="true" cascade="all-delete-orphan" lazy="false">
<key column="FK_Ticketnr" not-null="false"/>
<one-to-many class="UserData" />
<class name="UserData" table="UserData">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="identity"/>
<property name="PDF_Path" />
When i run it, it works, but the column FK_Ticketnr in the DB-Table of UserData is always = NULL.
Someone told me i have to make a back link from my Child (UserData) to the Parent-Class. But i can not figure out how to do so. How do i get Hibernate to write the value of the Primary-Key (Ticketnr) of UserTicket into FK_Ticketnr?
Thanks in advance
Remove inverse="true" on your bag. That is telling NHibernate that the relationship is managed from the UserData mapping. Since you don't have a back reference, it is never persisted. The other option is to put a parent reference on UserData, but I wouldn't recommend it if you don't need it.
The alternative is the following...
public class UserData
// Keep your other properties, add this one too...
public virtual UserTicket Ticket { get; set; }
Modify your mapping file like this...
<class name="UserData" table="UserData">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="identity" />
<property name="PDF_Path" />
<many-to-one name="Ticket" column="FK_Ticketnr" />
Keep the inverse="true" on the bag.
If you go with this approach, you will need to set Ticket on your UserData objects when you add them to the UserData bag. In other words, you need to maintain both sides of the relationship. You could do this manually or you could try to automate it a little with with methods or constructors.

Automatically removing associations when deleting entities in NHibernate

I have the following entities:
namespace NhLists {
public class Lesson {
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Title { get; set; }
public class Module {
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Lesson> Lessons { get; set; }
public Module() {
Lessons = new List<Lesson>();
And the following mappings:
<class name="Module" table="Modules">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="identity"/>
<list name="Lessons" table="ModuleToLesson"
<key column="moduleId"/>
<index column="position"/>
class="NhLists.Lesson, NhLists"/>
<class name="Lesson" table="Lessons">
<id name="Id">
<generator class="identity"/>
<property name="Title">
<column name="Title" length="16" not-null="true" />
When I delete a lesson by session.Delete(lesson), is there anyway I can have NHibernate automatically update the association in Module.Lessons to remove the entry from the set? Or am I forced to go through all Modules and look for the lesson and remove that by hand?
Edit: Fixed ICollection and <set> in mappings to IList<> and <list> like I want and tested it.
You have false idea. If you want to delete the Lesson object from Module you do that manually. NHibernate just tracks such your action and when session.Commit() is called then the reference between Module and Lesson is deleted in the database.
Calling session.Delete(lesson) deletes the lesson object from database (if foreign keys are set properly then reference between Module and Lesson is deleted of course but it is not responsibility for NHibernate).
In conclusion, it is not possible to delete the lesson object from the Module.Lessons list automatically by calling session.Delete(lesson). NHibernate does not track such entity references.
Turns out that if we do not need IList semantics and can make do with ICollection the update problem can be solved by adding a reference back from Lesson to Module, such as:
public class Lesson {
protected virtual ICollection<Module> InModules { get; set; }
And to the mapping files add:
<class name="Lesson" table="Lessons">
<set name="InModules" table="ModuleToLesson">
<key column="lessonId"/>
<many-to-many column="moduleId" class="NhLists.Module, NhLists"/>
Then a Lesson deleted is also removed from the collection in Module automatically. This also works for lists but the list index is not properly updated and causes "holes" in the list.

many-to-many mapping in NHibernate

I'm looking to create a many to many relationship using NHibernate. I'm not sure how to map these in the XML files. I have not created the classes yet, but they will just be basic POCOs.
Would I essentially create a List in each POCO for the other class? Then map those somehow using the NHibernate configuration files?
You can put the many-to-many relation to either class, or even to both. This is up to your domain model. If you map it to both, one of them is inverse.
class Person
// id ...
IList<Competency> Competencies { get; private set; }
// you domain model is responsible to manage bidirectional dependencies.
// of course this is not a complete implementation
public void AddCompetency(Competency competency)
class Competency
// id ...
IList<Person> Persons { get; private set; }
<class name="Person">
<id ....>
<bag name="Competencies" table="Person_x_Competency">
<key column="personId"/>
<many-to-many class="Competency" column="competencyId"/>
<class name="Competency">
<id ....>
<bag name="Persons" table="Person_x_Competency" inverse="true">
<key column="competencyId"/>
<many-to-many class="Person" column="personId"/>
Only make it bidirectional if you really need it.
By the way: it is much better to write the classes first and create the database design afterwards. The database can be exported from the mapping files. This is very useful.

Lazy loading not working for many-to-one relationship when mapping to a non-key field using property-ref

I have a legacy database that I am mapping using NHibernate. The objects of concern are an Account and a list of Notification objects. The objects look like:
public class Notification
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime BatchDate { get; set; }
/* other properties */
public virtual Account Account { get; set; }
public class Account
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string AccountNumber { get; set; }
/* other properties */
The mapping files look like:
<class name="Account" table="Account" dynamic-update="true">
<id name="Id" column="AccountID">
<generator class="native" />
<property name="AccountNumber" length="15" not-null="true" />
<!-- other properties -->
<class name="Notification" table="Notification">
<id name="Id" column="Id">
<generator class="native" />
<!-- other properties -->
<many-to-one name="Account" class="Account" property-ref="AccountNumber" lazy="proxy">
<column name="AcctNum" />
However, when I create a criteria such as
return session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Notification)).List<Notification>();
I am getting a Select N+1 case where each account is loaded even though the Account is never referenced. Why are all of the accounts getting loaded when the many-to-one is mapped as a lazy proxy?
The issue is caused by the property-ref attribute. Lazy loading only works when the many-to-one reference is using the other object's primary key since NHibernate assumes there's a foreign key constraint enforcing the validity of such a value. With a non-primary key (indicated by the property-ref), NHibernate does not make this assumption and thus does not assume the related object must exist. Since it does not want to create a proxy for an object that does not exist (i.e. should be null instead of a proxy), it eagerly fetches the remote object. This same issue exists when not-found="ignore" is specified since this indicates that the foreign key relationship is not enforced and may result in a null reference.
See also:
NHibernate creates proxy via session.Load(), but not via Linq or Criteria API