Find first non-zero in a numeric string - sql

I have a char(12) column with data such as:
And I need to convert it to this:
My initial thought is to use string manipulation, such as CHARINDEX. However, I would need to search from left-to-right for the first occurrence of NOT 0. How can I accomplish this in SQL Server?

By the way, why did you store tha data in char? but to answer your question, try this,
SELECT CAST('999999999999' AS NUMERIC(12,0))
SQLFiddle Demo

If we talk about numeric data, it is sufficient to do cast(column as int) or as any other numeric data type.


Can I combine like and equal to get data?

I have data like this
The pattern is
1-data(varian 3-7 digit number) + 2-data(any 3 digit number) + 3-data (any 2 digit number)
I want to create SQL to get 1-data only.
For example I want to get data 12345
I want the result only
If I using "like",
select *
FROM data
where ID like '12345%' `
I will get all the data with 12345, 123456 and 1234567
If I using equal, I will only get one specific data.
Can I combine like and equal together to get result like what I want?
select * FROM data where data = '12345 + any 2-data(3 digit) + any 3-data(2 digit)'
Anyone can help?
Addition : Sorry if I didn't mention the data type and make some miss communication. The data type is in char. #Gordon answers and the others not wrong. It works for number and varchar. but not works for char type. Here I post some pic for char data type. Oracle specification for char data type is a fixed lenght. So if I input less than lenght the remain of it will be change into a space.
Thank you very much. Hope someone can help for this
Since your datatype is CHAR, Gordon's answer is not working for you. CHAR adds trailing spaces for the strings less than maximum limit. You could use TRIM to fix this as shown. But, you should preferably store numbers in the NUMBER type and not CHAR or VARCHAR2, which will create other problems sooner or later.
select *
from data
where trim(ID) like '12345_____';
I think you want:
select *
from data
where ID like '12345_____' -- exactly 5 _
Here is a rextester demonstrating the answer.
You really can't combine equality and LIKE. But you can use a regular expression to do this kind of searching, with the REGEXP_LIKE function:
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(ID, '^12345[0-9]{3}[0-9]{2}');
But if I understand correctly, for your 1-data you really want a 3 to 7 digit number:
WHERE REGEXP_LIKE(ID, '^[0-9]{3,7}[0-9]{3}[0-9]{2}');
Oracle regular expression docs here
SQLFiddle here
Best of luck.
I think this gives you the solution you want,
create table data(ID number(15));
insert into data values(1234500010);
insert into data values(1234500020);
insert into data values(1234500021);
insert into data values(12345600010);
insert into data values(12345600011);
insert into data values(123456700010);
insert into data values(123456700020);
insert into data values(123456710010);
select * from data where ID like '12345_____'
// After 5_ underscore are exactly 5 , any 3 digits from 2-data(3 underscores) and 2 digits from 3-data(2 underscores)
You'll be getting(OUTPUT) :
3 rows returned in 0.00 seconds

Translate function not returning relevant string in amazon redshift

I am trying to use a simple Translate function to replace "-" in a 23 digit string. The example of one such string is "1049477-1623095-2412303" The expected outcome of my query should be 104947716230952412303
The list of all "1049477-1623095-2412303" is present in a single column "table1". The name of the column is "data"
My query is
Select TRANSLATE(, '-', '')
from table1 as t
However, it is returning 104947716230952000000 as the output.
At first, I thought it is an overflow error since the resulting integer is 20 digit so I also tried to use following
from table1 as t
but this is not working as well.
Please suggest a way so that I could have my desirable output
This is too long for a comment.
This code:
select translate('1049477-1623095-2412303', '-', '')
is going to return:
The return value is a string, not a number.
There is no way that it can return '104947716230952000000'. I could only imagine that happening if somehow the value is being converted to a numeric or bigint type.
Try regexp_replace()
Taking your own example, execute:
select regexp_replace('[string / column_name]','-');
It can be achieve RPAD try below code.
SELECT RPAD(TRANSLATE(CAST( as VARCHAR),'-','') ,20,'00000000000000000000')

Manipulating a record data

I am looking for a way to take data from one table and manipulate it and bring it to another table using an SQL query.
I have a Column called NumberStuff that has data like this in it:
I need to cut off the INC portion of the number and convert it into an integer and store it into a Column in another table so that it ends up looking like this:
Any help would be much appreciated!
Another approach is to use the Replace function. Either in TSQL or as a Derived Column Expression in SSIS.
SELECT REPLACE(T.MyColumn, 'INC', '') AS ReplacedINC
REPLACE([MyColumn], "INC", "")
This removes the character based data. It then becomes an optional exercise in converting to a numeric type before storing it to the target table or letting the implicit conversion happen.
Simplest version of what you need.
select cast(right(column,6) as int) from table
Are you doing this in a SSIS statement, or? it always the last 6 or?...
This is a little less dependant on your formatting...removes 0's and can be any length (will trim the first 3 chars and the leading 0's).
select cast(SUBSTRING('INC000000315482',4,LEN('INC000000315482') - 3) as int)

how to convert different datatypes to int in sql

I have a nvarchar(200) column in a table that contains a mix of integers (as strings) and non-integer strings and symbols also. E.g. Some sample data :-
Excuse me for my typing in my initial post I mentioned varchar(200) but in fact it is 'nvarchar(200)'
Marathi numbers like & letters
how can I order this Column?
You can use CAST to convert a varchar to an INT given that varchar is holding a proper number.
SELECT CAST(varCharCol as Int)
col1 as Varchar(10)
col1 = '100' converting to INT will be successufl
but if col1 = '100 xyz' will be unsucessful in the process.
Looking at your string you may have to use number of LTRIM, REPLACE to get hold of the digits or using a regex to get comma separated numbers. That too it's not very clear how your original string looks like.
Many DBMS have CAST() functions where you can convert one datatype to another.
For MySQL have a look at this site
You can Use CAST and Convert to convert string type value to int type. but be sure the value should numeric.
select convert(int,'123')
select CAST('123' as int)
You can use this query
WHEN ISNUMERIC(colName)=1 THEN ROUND(colName, 0)
ELSE 0 END AS [colName]
FROM tblName

How to find MAX() value of character column?

We have legacy table where one of the columns part of composite key was manually filled with values:
Now, we have feature request in which we must know MAX(code) in order to give user next possible value, in example case form above next value is '100'.
We tried to experiment with this but we still can't find any reasonable explanation how DB2 engine calculates that
MAX('001', '099', '576') is '576'
MAX('099', '99', 'www') is '99' and so on.
Any help or suggestion would be much appreciated!
You already have the answer to getting the maximum numeric value, but to answer the other part with regard to 'www','099','99'.
The AS/400 uses EBCDIC to store values, this is different to ASCII in several ways, the most important for your purposes is that Alpha characters come before numbers, which is the opposite of Ascii.
So on your Max() your 3 strings will be sorted and the highest EBCDIC value used so
'99 '
As you can see your '99' string is really '99 ' so it is higher that the one with the leading zero.
Cast it to int before applying max()
For the numeric maximum -- filter out the non-numeric values and cast to a numeric for aggregation:
WHERE FLD1 <> ' '
AND TRANSLATE(FLD1, '0123456789', '0123456789') = FLD1
And the reasonable explanation:
SQL Reference: MAX
This max working well in your type definition, when you want do max on integer values then convert values to integer before calling MAX, but i see you mixing max with string 'www' how you imagine this works?
Filter integer only values, cast it to int and call max. This is not good designed solution but looking at your problem i think is enough.
Sharing the solution for postgresql
which worked for me.
Suppose here temporary_id is of type character in database. Then above query will directly convert char type to int type when it gives response.
SELECT MAX(CAST (temporary_id AS Integer)) FROM temporary
WHERE temporary_id IS NOT NULL
As per my requirement I've applied MAX() aggregate function. One can remove that also and it will work the same way.