Using msbuild xmlupdate to set customErrors mode - msbuild

We use xmlupdate to make changes to our web.config in our test environment. This works successfully when we're just updating the value of the node. We're wanting to turn OFF customErrors in our test environment and are unsure how to do this using xmlupdate because it's not simply a value within the node; it's within the key tag.
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
needs to become
<customErrors mode="Off" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
-----------------This is an example of what we use successfully.
Condition ="'%(Codebase.Path)'!=''"
Thank you!


No transpilation on IIS production server

First off, a lot of this technology is new to me, so I apologize for the noob question. Also, this is my first post to SO (after years of reading), so forgive the formatting.
I have a web application that I am running via MSVS 2017. I am writing my front end with React.js. After installing the appropriate packages via nuget, I have something that works when I run both the debug and release versions on my local dev machine (using iisexpress).
However, after I commit my source changes, and it gets pushed to the test server (IIS), the app runs fine. But, the JSX files that are returned from the test server are not transpiled. I just get the raw JSX file. Whereas, on my local machine, the returned file is transpiled.
I have a ReactConfig.cs file with a single static Configure method, where I have a call to add my JSX file via ReactSiteConfiguration.Configuration.AddScript, but that appears to be unnecessary because I still get a transpiled result even when it is commented out. At the top of my ReactConfig.cs file I have seomthing similar to:
[assembly: webActivatorEx.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(MyApp.Api.Controllers.MyController), "AutoMapperStart")]
So, then I am left with the question of how is the transpiling occuring on my dev machine, but not the deployment machine.
In my web.config file, I have tried both:
<add verb="GET" path="*.jsx" type="React.Web.BabelHandlerFactory, React.Web" />
<remove name="Babel" /><add name="Babel" verb="GET" path="*.jsx" type="React.Web.BabelHandlerFactory, React.Web" preCondition="integratedMode" /></handlers>
But neither seems to make a difference on the deployed server.
If anyone has suggestions of what I should look at next, it would be greatly appreciated.
I notice the relevant item that is allowing my dev environment to do the transpilation is the second code section above in my web.config file. However, that I don't see the same lines on the server. Are web.config file typically 'hand edited' per deployment, perhaps?
So, here is what I eventually figured out that worked for me.
First, yes, the web.config file is deployed with as a template. And then hand configured as necessary.
Second, and more importantly, there are two parts to getting the server to render JSX to pure JS.
I needed the following in the web.config file:
<remove name="Babel" />
<add name="Babel" verb="GET" path="*.jsx"
type="React.Web.BabelHandlerFactory, React.Web"
And finally, in the assemblyBinding section:
<assemblyIdentity name="JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core" publicKeyToken="c608b2a8cc9e4472" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />

Replace config value in teamcity build step

I have a build step in teamcity which allows me to replace web.config values with web.release.config values. I would like to add one more step - pass some parameter from teamcity to web.config. In my case it will be release version, which is part of connection string. The best idea I have is just to have some powershell script which will replace text in some file (web.config). Are there any better options?
Example web config
<add key="Version" value="Replace me, please from teamcity"/>
<add key="some key" value="example 2. version as part of some value #VERSION"/>
You could use File Content Replacer.
Instead of making the creation of the web.config in release dependent of TeamCity, you can use the web.config transformation syntax
ie: To create a specific connection string:
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<add name="MyDB"
connectionString="value for the deployed Web.config file"
xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>

Specify Machine Name in Web.Config Transform

I am using Web.config transforms to successfully create debug and release versions of the my web.config - this is working correctly.
I am interested to know whether there is a 'machine name' property to specify the current machine name which I can use in a debug URL, rather than hard-coding a specific machine name (using localhost isn't an option in the case), e.g.
<add name="XrmService" connectionString="http://$(ComputerName):5555/Service.svc" />
Are there any properties available using Web.config transforms? Similar to MSBuild's $(ComputerName) property?
I faced a similar issue, what I ended up doing is :
1) Added the following build target to the project file. (Which is an MSBuild script effectively)
<Target Name="AfterBuild">
<TransformXml Source="Web.config" Condition="Exists('Web.$(Computername).config') " Transform="Web.$(Computername).config" Destination="Web.config" />
2) Added a Web.MyMachineName.config config transform file to the project. In your case it should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns:xdt="">
<add name="XrmService"
This has the benefit of running different transformations based on the machine name, without creating a separate build configuration. You can configure it to be debug only by specifying Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'".
There is an Environment Variable that you can use. It is $(COMPUTERNAME).
Open a command window, type "set" (without the double quotes) and press Enter. You will see this Environment Variable somewhere at the top of the screen.

Why is msbuild duplicating entries in web.config transformations?

I am using web.config transformations to insert entries into the web.config for certain build configurations.
E.g. my Web.Test.config has this entry:
<errorMail from="" to="" async="false" smtpPort="25" smtpServer="mail" subject=" Exception" xdt:Transform="Insert" />
This works absolutely fine building from visual studio.
However when creating a deployment package using msbuild, the entry is duplicated in the web.config. This obviously causes an exception.
Any ideas?
My "master" config is Web.Master.config not Web.config. The web.config file gets overwritten on build in visual studio. I think it must have something to do with this.
What I think is happening is msbuild is transforming web.config rather than using the Web.Master.config.
The question is how to tell it to use the right master.
I added /p:TransformWebConfigEnabled=false to the msbuild parameters, as my web.config was already being transformed in a BeforeBuild target like so:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
<TransformXml Source="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Web.Master.config" Transform="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Web.$(Configuration).config" Destination="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Web.config" />
In my case duplication was caused by xdt:Transform="Insert". If remove it from Web..config and leave the rest it will work properly, e.g.:
<!-- doesn't work -->
<add name="EventLog" type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener" initializeData="My"
xdt:Transform="Insert" />
<!-- works -->
<add name="EventLog" type="System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener" initializeData="My"

NServiceBus persisting subscriptions in Pub/Sub sample

I want to figure out how I to set up the Pub/Sub sample from NServiceBus to work in the case of publisher malfunction.
When I start the samples and accidentaly close the Subscribers, if I restart everything works fine.
If however I kill the publisher and the subscriptions continue to work, if I restart the publisher, then it doesn't seem to know it has subscribers and doesn't post any messages.
I added the config entry
<MsmqSubscriptionStorageConfig Queue="subscriptions"/>
but it seems to not function... I miss something. I googled about MsmqSubscriptionStorageConfig and DbSubscriptionStorageConfig but i didn't find a solution.
Could someone point me in the right direction ?
I found that a couple additional steps are required in order to get this working with the Pub/Sub sample under .Net 4.0, using a SQLite subscription storage system.
Combining the previous suggestions with the new ones, here are the required changes, all of which apply to the MyPublisher project.
Add a reference to System.Data.SQLite. Be sure to choose the version that matches your desired architecture (x86/x64). These items can be found in the 'binaries' folder.
In the App.config file, add the following as a new configSection element:
<section name="DBSubscriptionStorageConfig"
type="NServiceBus.Config.DBSubscriptionStorageConfig, NServiceBus.Core" />
In the App.config file add, the following as a new configuration element:
<add Key="connection.provider"
<add Key="connection.driver_class"
<add Key="connection.connection_string"
Value="Data Source=.\Subscriptions.sqlite;Version=3;New=True;"/>
<add Key="dialect"
Add this chunk of XML to the configuration section of the NServiceBus.Host.exe.config file:
<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0"/>
You need to change the profile of the publisher to production.
For debugging this way, go to the properties of the publisher project, into the Debug tab, and put in NServiceBus.Production in the Command line arguments of the Start Options section.