What is the mearning/purpose of a swimlane in YouTrack (JetBrains)? Is it just a concept where you can group several normal tasks that in the end will make one big goal?
Yep, that looks exactly what they are for.
while studying, im struggling to find an answer to this question:
What is a generic datamodel?
Are there any alternatives to a generic datamodel, if so; which one would you recommend?
I've looked everywhere to find a decent answer, but i didn't find it. It might be just a very simple question, i just couldn't find these terms; 'generic datamodel'.
Perhaps by generic data model you mean an entity attribute value model: EAV on wikipedia
This data model has one table and three columns. It is usually burnt by fire if ever discovered by someone of a database (vs developer) persuasion.
The thing with a data model is that you are modeling something. You are applying your skills to build a database that is optimised to store and retrieve data about something (widgets in a factory, trades on a stock exchange, Facebook posts). A EAV can store all of this stuff but it causes many other problems down the line.
More info here: EAV
It could be possible its an EAV mode. But that leaves me with the following question: are there any alternatives to this model?
# nick, this is the question:
Advise in Chapter 5 of the people involved in your case about the application or not of a generic data model
and optionally other alternatives. Motivate your opinion (10 points).
With beta4 and latest beta5 the DB-Feature-Implementation appears to have pretty much finished. There's a couple of tutorials out there how to handle a single Database using the TableGateway Pattern, but it appears there is none for handling M-N-Relationships.
In ZF1 we had findDependantRowset() on the TableGateway which was kind of dirty, as this simply was a second Query to the databse which pretty much isn't always neccessary.
In ZF2 i expected there to be a way to have good Joins mapping to specified models, but i can't find anything within the code. Maybe i'm blind, maybe there really isn't anything like this.
Has anyone of you managed to handle joins and models all together in ZF2? If so, please be so kind to instruct me how to do it, hint me to specific points of the documentation or link me some blogpost to one who has done it.
Thanks in advance guys!
The obvious solution if you need a generic solution is to use Doctrine ORM or Propel.
If you want to use Zend\Db, then within your concrete table gateway classes, you should write a specific method that retrieves the correct rows from the linked table. This way you can ensure that the SQL is optimised for the query that you need.
I need to use Acts As Tree in my Rails3 project (ruby 1.9.2). But, there are lot of forks on github, so I don't know which should I choose, and which is used by other developers?
On Railsplugins.org there are http://www.railsplugins.org/plugins/376-acts-as-tree, but last commit was from March...
I'm using http://rubygems.org/gems/acts_as_tree_rails3. Works great.
I've gone with https://github.com/skyeagle/nested_set on my Rails3 projects. It's hard to say at this point where adoption will take things.
I'd suggest using https://github.com/mceachen/closure_tree if you can add a new table to store the hierarchies and want efficient select and mutate performance.
Is there such a thing as Design Patterns in SQL ???
A design pattern is simply a recognised way of solving a problem that works in different specific circumstances. Do such things exist in SQL? Of course - for example implementing many to many relationships between two tables using a third table.
Yes. :)
SQL Design Patterns: Expert Guide to SQL Programming
(Not even sure if this is a recommended book.. just illustrating that "proper design" exists).
You may want to look at database normalization which is some sort of general Design Pattern in SQL.
I have a entity diagram from some analysis that I'd like to have someone look over. For some reason the System object just doesn't seem right to me. Is there a better way to relate the objects?
Its basically a user authentication/management system in its infancy.
User and Company should have a common base class (they both have names and mail addresses), then you can link the System to this base class. That's a common pattern for business modeling, look for example, into chapter one of Martin Fowler's book "Analysis Patterns".
EDIT: Or, if you think this makes more sense, you use System as the base class itself, put the EMail adress there (and perhaps give System a better name like LegalPerson, CorporateBody or something like that).
Considering the password has a 1-to-1 relationship with the User, and is not keyed to any other tables, I'd suggest saving yourself an inner join and just making it another column in the property table. Otherwise, looks pretty good.
It's hard to evaluate the "rightness" of something without some metrics of comparison. The easiest metrics for class designs are queries.
Think up as many of the queries that you will eventually want to ask of this data. Write them down and see how the design supports them. If you're unhappy, try another design and see how the queries look then.