How to call chrome function from browser content page in xulrunner - xul

I am converting code that originally ran as remote signed jar files in Firefox to use XULRunner instead. There are several reports that are implemented as web pages with an output option. Options include an HTML page or a report viewer that is written in XUL and Javascript.
When the user submits the form, and the report viewer is selected, then I need to open a chrome window. Obviously this cannot be done directly for security reasons. I want to provide a function or use some sort of message passing method to signal to the containing chrome what needs to happen.
Can this be done and if so how? Things I am considering:
1) Adding a function to the content window's window or document object
2) Some sort of message passing function
3) Some sort of customer event send/receive
4) A special URL form with a handler such as repviewer://repname/parameters

There is a quite elaborate article on this topic on MDN. The best way to achieve this without jeopardizing security is to send a generic event from your web page. The top XUL document should call addEventListener() with the fourth parameter set to true which will allow it to receive such untrusted events. Data can be passed through an attribute of the event target, the XUL document can then inspect that attribute.


Problem of Jmeter/Webdriver with testing a webapp searching data form which has Knockout installed

I am facing problem of testing jmeter/Webdriver for a webapp which has Knockout framework installed. I fill all the form fields OK but when run click search button it displays the error that required fields need not to be empty. I checked all web element value are not empty. As my understand Knockout is not activated to bind Web elements with DataModel from Knockout. I used wait WDS.browser.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait for webpage fully loaded/ajax calling or event being fired but without any success. I Do you have any experiencing and solution for testing this kinds of webapp?
It might be the case you need to trigger a certain JavaScript event in order to "tell" the web application that you finish the input, i.e. onkeyup or onblur which is not being automatically called by Selenium's sendKeys() function
You can use i.e. WDS.browser.executeScript() function to send the event(s) which indicate that you filled in the form(s). Check out The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered article to learn how to call scripts, use Waits, etc.

WKWebView - replace web action

Inside my app, I'm using the WKWebView to display a website. My goal is, when user is pressing a button on this website, I want to stop an action linked to this event and replace it with my own, natively made (custom action outside the WKWebView). I've been trying to search for any solution to fetch mentioned event but unsuccessful. What more came to my mind, if there is a way to fetch a JavaScript in WKWebView, I have a possibility to add some JS script code to this site (not to delete the action I want to block). Thank you for any help.
First, do you have a permission to mess with this web site's behaviour? I assume you do, otherwise it is likely illegal.
Second, try using Safari Web Inspector with a device/simulator, and use the DOM tree and console tools to find out what is the HTML/javascript that is involved with this action on this site.
If you can't find what happens in HTML/JS yourself, feel free to post a new separate question on SO with your target URL, some HTML/JS code, and which link/action you want to replace. Tag the question with "javascript" and ask if it is possible to write some javascript to replace that particular action to some custom JS code.
Usually there are 2 types of actions: either it is something that provokes AJAX calls to a server API triggered by an event handler, or it is a plain HTML link that results in a web navigation. For both cases it is possible to write a JS script that overrides the action.
Finally, use WKUserScript to inject javascript into the page, and override the action. Use window.webkit.messageHandlers to send an event from your custom action to the app side. Use WKScriptMessageHandler to process the event in the Objective-C or Swift code.
See an example here:

Get background variable value in content scripts

I have a var in background page (for example var x = 23). How I can get this variable in my content script? I tried this in content.js:
But it doesn't work.
Send your data with messages, and listen on the receiving side.
Since content scripts run in the context of a web page and not the extension, they often need some way of communicating with the rest of the extension. For example, an RSS reader extension might use content scripts to detect the presence of an RSS feed on a page, then notify the background page in order to display a page action icon for that page.
You can not use chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage() in content scripts, it is not supported, as an alternative use epoch answer for message communication.
Support for Content Scripts

Make Web Browser control communicate with VB.NET Program

What I am looking for here is a way to possibly click a button inside a web browser control and have it call a sub from inside the program or have the program react to something on the page.
I am trying to make a HTML5 GUI for my application. I don't really want use any 3rd party API's to handle commands from a HTML5 interface but if I can find another alternative that would be good. But if there is no other way I would be content with using a 3rd party API.
The way I have done this in the past is to specify a special protocol for my app.
Handle the Navigating event, and in your code for when that event is fired, check to see if the URL has your protocol on the front of it. If it is, set e.Cancel = true to cancel navigation, and add code to handle the URL parameters yoruself.

How to pass control to a new window(not popup) in selenium?

My site has a link which navigate to another site. I have to check whether the link taking the user to correct website. The following is the code i've written to pass control"link=target window");
selenium.selectWindow("Title of target window");
assertTrue((selenium.isTextPresent("content in target window")));
But if i run this i'm getting error like "Could not find window with title ... "
There is information about how the selectWindow() function locates the window here. In particular,
If you're having trouble figuring out what is the name of a window
that you want to manipulate, look at the selenium log messages which
identify the names of windows created via (and therefore
intercepted by selenium). You will see messages like the following for
each window as it is opened:
debug: call intercepted;
window ID (which you can use with selectWindow()) is "myNewWindow"