rendering shared js erb template in rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm trying to render a shared javascript template in Rails 3.
I have two controller actions, both named update.
For each controller action i have a `update.js.erb' file, i want it to look like this:
<%= render 'shared/_update.js.erb' >
Or even nicer:
<%= render 'shared/update' %>
But when i do this i get parsing errors around my erb elements, something like:
/Users/ipd/Projects/master/app/views/shared/_update.js.erb:15: syntax error, unexpected keyword_when, expecting keyword_end
'); when Activity::Rating
What is the proper way to render js templates?
UPDATE: i solved the case syntax error problem by removing the extra whitespace in the template. There were spaces between each <% when :case %> line. (!!!)
But, i'm still not able to get the js to execute when using a partial.


Middleman sitemap.where doesn't exist

I'm trying to automatically generate a list of links to pages that have certain frontmatter in them, but every time I try to use sitemap.where(), I get a NoMethodError. For example, the following line:
<%= sitemap.where(:title=>"about") %>
produces this output:
NoMethodError at /
undefined method `where' for #<Middleman::Sitemap::Store:0x007f9b95c7d890>
Ruby layouts/layout.erb: in block in singleton class, line 20
Web GET localhost/
I was wondering if I accidentally messed something up in my project, so I generated a new Middleman project, but I had the same problem when I tried to use sitemap.where. Is there a solution to this or another way that I can query all of the pages?
The where method is part of ActiveRecord and might not work in Middleman.
To get only those pages in the sitemap which have a particular property, you can use Ruby's select:
<%{|p| == 'about'}.each do |page| %>
<%= page.url %>
<% end %>
This code will print a (very basic) list of the URLs of pages that match your criteria.

Rails ERB -- get the generated HTML content to a variable I can access in a controller

I am doing an online contract agreement which is generated dynamically based on the current state of our contract language (stored in an ERB partial).
When the user clicks "I Agree" we save the variable data, but I also want to store the contents of the rendered partial (html fragment) in the database.
I tried using ActionView::Helpers::CaptureHelper.capture -- wrapping the whole partial in a block and rendering at the end, like
<% #saved_output = capture do %>
The rest of the erb with instance variable <%= %> and so on
<% end %>
<%= #saved_output %>
<% logger.debug "Rendered output is: #{#saved_output}" %>
And this produced the same result and also sent the correct text to the log. But it appears to go out of scope -- even if I declare #saved_output = nil prior to render it's nil when I end the block.
I tried using content_for as well ... which makes some sense to me, but ... huh, just not getting it. Any helpful pointers appreciated.
Have you tried render_to_string in your controller when you're creating the record? That may allow you to just go ahead and "snapshot" the page.

Correct way to share a view in the index page

I'm a Ruby-on-Rails newbie, just starting out.
I have an MVC called "account_types", generated via scaffold to produce:
views/account_types/_form, edit, index etc...
Going to localhost:3000/account_types gives me the index view.
What I'd like to do is display the same data as selected from the account_types index method in the application index page as a list.
I wrote a new view called account_types/_list.html_erb as follows:
<% #account_types.each do |account| %>
<li><% account.label %></li>
<% end %>
I then edited home/index.html.erb (This is based on examples given in other questions on SO):
<%= render :partial => 'account_types/list', :module_types => #module_types %>
However I get
undefined method `each' for nil:NilClass
and the error displays the code from account_types/_list.html.erb where I've written
<% #account_types.each do |account| %>
The scaffolded views work fine, why aren't mine?
Are partials the right thing to use here?
Thanks in advance.
What is the correct way to define an application-wide partial and its variables in rails says to use a before_filter on ApplicationController.
You pass :module_types to partial, but use account_types. As I can see you just need to change your index.html.erb to:
<%= render :partial => 'account_types/list', :account_types => #module_types %>
You can use partials for this if you want, though it would be unnecessary in this case as far as I can tell (they are for sharing chunks of code between several views). In order to get this code to work you'll need to define #account_types in your controller with something like
#account_types = AccountType.all
You can see exact line in your account_types_controller.rb under index action. :module_types => #module_types is not necessary here, since I doubt you defined #module_types either and you don't use module_types in your partial at all.
It's obvious, that you don't understand how Rails works, so I suggest reading through a good tutorial (like this one) before you proceed with whatever you have in mind.

rails nested resource and routes for initialized resource

I have a problem with the normal way rails operates when using nested forms / resources and routing.
I have two tables, Words and Definitions...
Words have many definitions, but I do not create a Word until it has at least one definition.
Everything on the model and controller end works but I cannot figure out how to handle the form helpers.
<%= semantic_form_for [#word, #definition] do |f| %>
This works perfectly but only if #word actually exists and is not a new UNSAVED record. IE in the controller I am doing a find_or_initialize_by call for Word then building a definition off of that.
<%= semantic_form_for [:word, #definition] do |f| %>
This words but only if the word doesn't exist. IE if I try to edit using this construction I get an odd url (which doesn't work). words/12345/definition/12345
I tried using the url_for helper but had similar results as above...
Any other ideas?
Mongoid doesn't initialize embedded documents by default. You need to build them yourself most likely with a callback in your Word model:
after_initialize :build_definition
def build_definition unless self.definitions.any?
If you wanna stay CRUD and allow definitions to be created before words, you must duplicate routes for definitions, one inside words and one outside, so you can do:
<%= semantic_form_for [#definition] do |f| %>

Rails3: how to disable automatic conversion of HTML tags?

How can I disable automatic conversion of HTML tags in Rails3? I have output in some controller view. For example I have method which outputs simple HTML link set..
[:en, :de].map{ |locale| link_to locate.to_s.upcase , { :locale => locate } ...
In view I'm calling my method <%= my_method %>
As a result I get this:
| <a href="/login?class=language_selected&amp;locale=en">EN</a>
How can I disable it?
I haven't worked with Rails3 so no guarantees. but it looks like this has to do with the fact that your method returns a list.
Rails will usually format internal data structures for output by escaping the special characters and displaying the html escaped interpretation of your data.
Try tacking a .join onto the end of your map call to return a string
[:en, :de].map{ |locale|
link_to locate.to_s.upcase , { :locale => locate }
Also rwilliams aka r-dub's suggestion to use raw will probably be necessary addition to this code. raw on a list however may give you an undesirable result probably because of an internal to_string call. Which is an implicit join(""). So add the raw to the method call in addition to returning a string.
<%= raw my_method %>
If you're sure your methods output is safe then you can use the raw method.
<%= raw my_method %>