Use target's scope as a condition of association - ruby-on-rails-3

I have models like
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :branch, :foreign_key => :branch_code, :primary_key => :branch_code,
:conditions => proc{["? BETWEEN enabled_day AND expiration_day", Date.current]}
class Branch < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :employees, :foreign_key => :branch_code, :primary_key => :branch_code
scope :valid, lambda {where(["? BETWEEN enabled_day AND expiration_day", Date.current])}
employee belongs to an branch (simple), but branch has several records of same branch_code, and one that is "valid at this moment" should always be used.
(as you may guess, the project is porting of an old app and it succeeds the old schema)
Now, it does work, but I have to write exact same where condition twice (actually branch is associated to more tables, so 5 or 6 times).
wonder if I could use Branch's scope as condition of an association, or any other way to DRY things up?

Would using has_many_through with default_scope work?
Something along the lines of:
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :assignments
has_one :branch, :through => :assignments
class Branch < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :assignments
has_many :employees, :through => :assignments
class EmployeeAssignments < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :enabled_day, :expiration_day
belongs_to :employee
belongs_to :branch
def self.default_scope
where '? BETWEEN enabled_day AND expiration_day', Date.current


Rails ActiveRecord Query (Cross model)

I have an app that lets users input dates & interests that relate to those dates .I need to send them deals (a few days before the date - Via Email) that are based off of their interests and location. I have all the models setup and recording the data properly, just wondering how to query the models for the dates and then send the appropriate deal based off of the city and interests.
*Each city and interest category has only 1 deal
*I have several different models for types of dates (Holidays, Occasions, Friends Birthdays ect).. all are pretty much identical in structure.
*All interests for each type of date are stored in person_interests.
Class User
belongs_to :province
belongs_to :city
has_many :friends_bdays
has_many :occasions
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
has_many :user_holidays
has_many :holidays, :through => :user_holidays
has_many :anniversaries
class Deal < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :interest
belongs_to :city
belongs_to :store
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :deals
belongs_to :city
belongs_to :province
class PersonInterest < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :interest
belongs_to :person, :polymorphic => true
class Interest < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :person_interests
has_many :deals
class Occasion < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :admin_user
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
class Anniversary < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
class Friend_bday < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
You can achieve this using a variation of the solution below:
Install the squeel gem
class User
def deals(reload=false)
#deals = nil if
#deals ||= Deal.where{
( (:city => city_id) | ( :interest_id => interest_ids) ) &
:deal_date => (
Now, returns the deals that will be active in next 3 days matching the user's city OR interests.
Edit 1:
Based on your comment it looks like you don't need the squeel gem. You can achieve what you want using regular AR syntax.
class User
def deals(reload=false)
#deals = nil if reload
#deals ||= Deal.where(
:city => city_id,
:interest_id => interest_ids,
:deal_date => (

Rails 3: How can I find an object with no children in it

I have a 3 models
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :clock_ins
accepts_nested_attributes_for :clock_ins, :allow_destroy => true
class ClockIn < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :task, :dependent => :destroy
has_one :clock_out
class ClockOut < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :clock_in, :dependent => :destroy
Currently I can create a ClockIn for each Task.
When I start a new ClockIn, I want to create a ClockOut for whichever Task is currently open.
How do I search my tasks for one with a ClockIn that does not have a ClockOut?
Combine Models
Fix destroys
Iterate all tasks then update task.clocks.where(:clock_out => nil).first.update_attribute :clock_out,
As you have a one-to-one relation between clock_in and clock_out, switching has_one and belongs_to shouldn't make much difference. What is the data stored in clock_in and clock_out? if is is just a datetime you might want to consider merging the two models and using a single table. If you do not want to change any of the modeling LEFT OUTER JOIN is the way to go. So you have three options:
Merge the models:
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :working_hours
accepts_nested_attributes_for :working_hours, :allow_destroy => true
class WorkingHour < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :task
# has two columns clock_in_time and clock_out_time
task.working_hours.where(:clock_out_time => nil).first.update_attribute(:clock_out_time =>
Switch has_one and belongs_to
class ClockIn < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :task
belongs_to :clock_out
# now clock_ins will have column check_out_id
class ClockOut < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :clock_in
# doen't have any check_in_id
task.clock_ins.where(:clock_out_id => nil).first.create_clock_out(:time =>
Go with the outer join
class ClockIn < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :task
has_one :clock_out
scope :has_no_check_out, {
:joins => "LEFT OUTER JOIN clock_outs ON = clock_outs.clock_in_id"
:conditions => "clock_outs.clock_in_id IS NULL"
task.clock_ins.has_no_check_out.first.create_clock_out(:time =>
Please note that your :dependent => :destroy definitions don't look very good. Currently if you destroy a clock_out, corresponding clock_in will be destroyed, resulting in corresponding task being destroyed and leaving other clock_ins related with the task orphaned. Also when the task is destroyed, it will result in user being destroyed. This seems to be very odd chain of events. Destroying a clock_out, results in destroying a user, Ouch!
You should use :dependent => :destroy like following:
# user.rb
has_many :tasks, :dependent => :destroy
# task.rb
has_many :clock_ins, :dependent => :destroy
# clock_in.rb
has_one :clock_out, :dependent => :destroy

How do I delete a record from all tables it is referred to?

Good morning fellow Overflowers,
Small problem with model associations. I have these model associations:
class Categorization < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :exhibit
belongs_to :category
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categorizations
has_many :exhibits, :through => :categorizations
acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title]
validates :title, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
class Exhibit < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categorizations
has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations, :source => :category
acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :bulb]
validates :title, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
belongs_to :foto, :class_name => 'Image'
So, essentially Categorization ends up with these columns (date/time stamps omitted):
categorization_id, exhibit_id and category_id.
My problem is that when I delete an Exhibit, its reference on the Categorization table is not deleted thus getting a DB error on my view. I have to first unassign the Exhibit from any Category and then delete it safely. Or (given for example that the Exhibit I delete has :exhibit_id=>'1') when I give in the rails console: Categorization.find_by_exhibit_id(1).destroy
Thanks for any help!!
You can set the :dependent options on associations that you want Rails to follow when you delete their parents:
class Exhibit < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categorizations, :dependent => :destroy

Avoiding individual database calls for count

My models look like this:
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :year, :rotten_id, :audience_score,
:critics_score, :runtime, :synopsis, :link, :image
has_many :jobs, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :actors, :through => :jobs
class Actor < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :name
has_many :movies, :through => :jobs
has_many :jobs, :dependent => :destroy
class Job < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :movie_id, :actor_id
belongs_to :movie
belongs_to :actor
When I'm displaying my index of Actors, I'd like to show the number of movies each actor has starred in. I can do this with #actor.movies.count, however this generates an SQL query for each actor. With, say, 30 actors, this will result in 30 extra queries in addition to the initial.
Is there any way to include the count of movies each actor has participated in, in the initial Actor.all call? And thereby getting things done with only one call. Extra bonus if this was sorted by said count.
All answers provided has been helpful, and though it turned into some dirt-slinging-contest at some point, it worked out well. I did a mish-mash of all your suggestions. I added a movies_counter column to my Actor model. In my Job model I added belongs_to :actor, :counter_cache => :movies_counter. This works brilliantly, and is automatically updated when i create or destroy a movie, without me adding any further code.
As #Sam noticed, you should add new column to actors table movies_counter
rails g migration add_movies_counter_to_actor movies_counter:integer
Now you can edit your migration
class AddMoviesCounterToActor < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
add_column :actors, :movies_counter, :integer, :default => 0
Actor.all.each do |a|
a.update_attribute :movies_counter, a.movies.count
def self.down
remove_column :actors, :movies_counter
And run it
rake db:migrate
Then you should add two callbacks: after_save and after_destroy
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :title, :year, :rotten_id, :audience_score,
:critics_score, :runtime, :synopsis, :link, :image
has_many :jobs, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :actors, :through => :jobs
after_save :update_movie_counter
after_destroy :update_movie_counter
def update_movie_counter
self.actors.each do |actor|
actor.update_attribute(:movie_count, actor.movies.count)
Then you can call some_actor.movies_counter
Add a column to your Actor table called 'movie_count'. Then add a call back in your Actor model that updates that column.
class Movie < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :actors, :through => :jobs
before_save :update_movie_count
def update_movie_count, self.movies.size)
That way your just have an integer that gets updated instead of calling all records.

Has_many, through association

Warning:Total Rails Newb (TRN). This should be a pretty basic question so I'm hoping someone can spare a couple mins to help shed some light.
Let's say I have the following models: User, Group, and Member
A user can have many groups (let's say friends, family, etc)
A group can have many members, namely other users.
How would I structure this?
Initially I tried this:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :groups
has_many :groups, :through => :members
class Groups < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, :through => :members
belongs_to :user
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :user
However this gave me an error in User so I changed
has_many :groups, :through => :members
has_many :memberships, :through => :members, :source => :groups
Still getting an error about missing association when I try to do
group =
It will be useful:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
has_many :groups, :through => :members
has_many :groups_as_owner, :class_name => "Group"
class Groups < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
has_many :users, :through => :members
belongs_to :owner, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => :user_id
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :user
basically has_many-through associations are n:m associations (join-tables) that (shall) have more attributes than just the id's of the joined record ids...
so you have a table Groups (with an id), a table Users (with an id) and a table Members (no id, but user_id and group_id)
basically, what you did is nearly correct, just think about how you access a group from a user or vice versa....
a user would first look up its member information and through that member information get access to the group information ... and vice versa for a group
so you first set up
has_many :members
and then call
has_many :groups, :through => :members
all you need is
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
has_many :groups, :through => :members
class Groups < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
has_many :users, :through => :members
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :user
and you have another bug in your code above
you might want to use
user =
instead of
user =
Try this structure:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
has_many :groups, :through => :members
class Groups < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :members
has_many :users, :through => :members
class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :group
belongs_to :user
Also take a look at has_and_belongs_to_many, if you don't need to do with class Member then you should use has_and_belongs_to_many. In this case don't forget to create joining table in the database