Changing the ALLOWEDVALUES in tfs2010 to a AD group - workitem

I have a little problem with a work item.
My goal is to change the <ALLOWEDVALUES> of a work item to an AD group, so that not all "ValidUsers" can get a work item assigned. For this I've created a new TFS group "TFS_AssignGroup" and added the AD-group (AD-TFS_AssignGroup) to it.
Now I've changed the work item type definition:
<FIELD name="Assigned To" refname="System.AssignedTo" type="String" syncnamechanges="true" reportable="dimension">
<HELPTEXT>The person currently working on this bug</HELPTEXT>
<ALLOWEDVALUES expanditems="true" filteritems="excludegroups">
<LISTITEM value="[project]\TFS_AssignGroup" />
Now I expected, that the AssignedTo-field only shows the people, who are in the AD-group. But it actually only shows me the AD-group itself. So I have exactly one entry in my AssignedTo-field: AD-TFS_AssignGroup.
Any idea?

Ok, that was an easy one: It just took some time to get the data from the AD. So the solution is to do nothing and wait (or restart the TFS server).


how to make condition to a specific groups

I want to add a condition to one group access to no open and no create_edit just for normal people, but when I use the code below the admin have no access to edit I give to him all access right to file security
<field name="name" domain="[('person_id', '=', person_id), ]"
options='{"no_open":True,"no_create_edit": True}' readonly="1"
No way to get it done without Odoo core extension to provide that features or by overriding the method fields_view_get to dynamically change the view definition based on the user groups.

Cannot create work item control of type "MultiValueControl"

I have tried to install the latest version of the MultiValueContol for TFS 2015 update 3. I have it working when you are in Visual Studio. You can see the checkbox and it works. If I define the type as MultiValueControl (see test1 below) it works in VS but in the web I get an error message: Cannot create work item control of type "MultiValueControl"
I found an article that said define it as type=FieldControl and PreferedType=MultiValueControl.. (see test2 below) This works on VS ok, but on web access it shows me the 2 entries I selected when I created the WIT in VS, but when you select it acts as a fieldcontrol and only allows me to choose one item in the list. Based on the earlier warning in the Web access page, the browser page can't load that control.?
I have tried the following xml configs.
<FIELD name="Technology Domain" refname="WPS.TechnologyDomain" type="String" reportable="dimension">
<SUGGESTEDVALUES expanditems="true">
<LISTITEM value="[Item 1]" />
<LISTITEM value="[item 2]" />
<FIELD name="Technology Domain" refname="WPS.TechnologyDomain" type="String" reportable="dimension">
<SUGGESTEDVALUES expanditems="true">
<LISTITEM value="[Item 1]" />
<LISTITEM value="[item 2]" />
I'm not sure what to check next.
Seems you are using the extension Custom Controls for TFS Work Item Tracking. According to the responses from author :
#PatDelaney, The latest version of the control refactored to support
the new TFS "15". For TFS 2015 you should use the older version Let us
know if this helps
Reply by kabalas (Coordinator) at 5:11 AM
Please have a try with the old version as suggested.

Getting sequence of associated Product - IBM

I want to get 'Rank' value from MASSOCCECE table, since past 2 days I have been searching a lot to get this value but failed I tried 'ProductDatBean', 'RelatedProductDataBean' but couldn't figure out how to get the value of 'rank'.
I have four products as cross-sell of a product and I want to sort them on the basis of 'rank'.
It would be a great help if anyone could tell me how to get this value besides using customized bean.
EDIT: For more clarity, adding my code
<wcbase:useBean id="g_mA" classname="" >
<c:set target="${g_mA}" property="productID" value="${catentry_ID}" />
<c:set var="g_associatedProducts" value="${g_mA.productCrossSells}" scope="request"/>
<c:forEach var="associatedProducts" items="${g_associatedProducts}" varStatus="status">
Got the value, thanks everyone for responses.
I was doing the right thing (${associatedProducts.rank}) for getting this value but I was misguided a little , They were items that were associated and I was informed that they were Products, so getting blank while implementing this logic for Item. Used ItemBean now everything is working fine.

Reporting Services Error?

When running a report in preview I get the following error The definition of the report is invalid , the tablix 'Tablix11' contains an invalid TablixMember. The sort Expressions element is not allowed if Group is omitted.
I have never come across this error before and cant understand what is causing it.
The error can be replicated by creating a simple Tablix and looking at the underlying XML.
When you create a Tablix with a group, the underlying RDL XML will include something like this:
<TablixMember />
<Group Name="Group1">
<Group Name="Details3" />
If you remove the entire Group element, this will give the same error you're seeing:
If you also remove the SortExpressions element this will allow the report to render without error.
However - it's impossible for me to say how your RDL file got in this state in the first place. Given that hacking XML to get things running is seldom a good idea, my recommendation would be to start the tablix from scratch instead of hacking things to a working state - you might just be introducing more problems.
But at least hopefully now you can see why the error might be occurring.
I found that the Tablix header had a textbox property containing interactive sort. This text box is in the header, and not part of the detail. When I deleted the field from the detail of the tablix, the interactive sort remained on the textbox in the header.
Changing it on the header by right clicking on the header textbox of the tablix, then selecting textbox properties, then selecting "interactive sorting", and then correcting the "sort by" value to the correct field name did the trick.

Accessing 'Modified By' field in a reusable workflow

I'm creating a reusable workflow in SharePoint designer 2010. I've created a custom content type with all the necessary fields that I'll be used in the workflow. But I'm not able to get the Modified By field (Editor) inside the workflow.
<FieldRef ID="{d31655d1-1d5b-4511-95a1-7a09e9b75bf2}" ReadOnly="TRUE" Name="Editor" DisplayName="Last Updated By" FromBaseType="TRUE" Required="FALSE" PITarget="" PrimaryPITarget="" PIAttribute="" PrimaryPIAttribute="" Aggregation="" Node="" />
I really doubt whether the ID is matching with the inbuilt editor field. How can I cross-verify this? Any ideas?
Not sure but do you really need to include it explicitly? Editor is part of base content type : Item, and down the hierarchy all other content types should be inheriting it without the need to explicitly include it.
Nitin Rastogi