Cannot create work item control of type "MultiValueControl" - tfs-2015

I have tried to install the latest version of the MultiValueContol for TFS 2015 update 3. I have it working when you are in Visual Studio. You can see the checkbox and it works. If I define the type as MultiValueControl (see test1 below) it works in VS but in the web I get an error message: Cannot create work item control of type "MultiValueControl"
I found an article that said define it as type=FieldControl and PreferedType=MultiValueControl.. (see test2 below) This works on VS ok, but on web access it shows me the 2 entries I selected when I created the WIT in VS, but when you select it acts as a fieldcontrol and only allows me to choose one item in the list. Based on the earlier warning in the Web access page, the browser page can't load that control.?
I have tried the following xml configs.
<FIELD name="Technology Domain" refname="WPS.TechnologyDomain" type="String" reportable="dimension">
<SUGGESTEDVALUES expanditems="true">
<LISTITEM value="[Item 1]" />
<LISTITEM value="[item 2]" />
<FIELD name="Technology Domain" refname="WPS.TechnologyDomain" type="String" reportable="dimension">
<SUGGESTEDVALUES expanditems="true">
<LISTITEM value="[Item 1]" />
<LISTITEM value="[item 2]" />
I'm not sure what to check next.

Seems you are using the extension Custom Controls for TFS Work Item Tracking. According to the responses from author :
#PatDelaney, The latest version of the control refactored to support
the new TFS "15". For TFS 2015 you should use the older version Let us
know if this helps
Reply by kabalas (Coordinator) at 5:11 AM
Please have a try with the old version as suggested.


How to set the default run configuration for a project in Rider

I have a C# solution, with multiple projects, being managed in Rider.
For one project ("Proj1") I have multiple run configurations ("Proj1 A", and "Proj1 B").
By default the project explorer UI offers one of the configurations preferentially:
"Build Selected Projects"
"Run 'Proj1 A'"
"Debug 'Proj1 A'"
but I want to run 'Proj1 B' more often that 'Proj1 A'.
How can I can set which one is offered by default?
(It doesn't seem to be done alphabetically, it mostly seems to be "order of creation"!?
Find \.idea\**\workspace.xml.
In that XML file find elements: <project> -> <component name="RunManager"> -> <list>.
Inside the <list> element, find <item> elements looking like this:
<item itemvalue=".NET Project.Proj1 A" />
<item itemvalue=".NET Project.Proj1 B" />
Reverse them - Rider appears to use whichever one is listed first as the default run config to offer.

IFilter with Custom properties

I'm developing a custom filter to my file format. Everything works fine when I use any of system keys from <propkey.h> like PKEY_Search_Contents.
But now I need to have my custom properties to register and use with Windows Search. Imagine:
"SELECT * FROM SystemIndex WHERE scope ='file:C:/' AND Publisher.Item.CustomProperty LIKE '%Test%'"
I saw about Property Handlers and already tested. I used the RecipePropertyHandler project from Windows 7 SDK Samples. And when I searched with this code:
// get a property store for the mp3 file
IPropertyStore* store = NULL;
HRESULT hr = SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(L"SomePath",
NULL, GPS_DEFAULT, __uuidof(IPropertyStore), (void**)&store);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
store->GetValue(PKEY_Microsoft_SampleRecipe_Difficulty, &variant);
//// very important undocumented method
I receive the correct answer.
But I don't understand how to union IFilter with IPropertyStore to create my custom properties. To start my IFilter, I used the example from Windows 7 SDK Samples. I'm doing something like:
chunkValue.SetTextValue(PKEY_SearchContents, filtered.c_str(),CHUNK_TEXT, 1046, 0, 0, CHUNK_EOS);
I didn't found the link anymore anymore but I read a quote of msdn about you can't implement IFilter AND IPropertyStore together. It's that true? Talking in other words, I can't create a custom property?
I saw all links from msdn, like link, link2 or any other.
I can do separate things but I don't know how to union both.
Any ideia how to implement?
Im trying yet implement the PropertyHandler. My .propdesc file have this content:
<schema xmlns:xsi=""
<propertyDescriptionList publisher="Microsoft" product="SampleRecipe">
<propertyDescription name="Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Difficulty" formatID="{1794C9FE-74A9-497f-9C69-B31F03CE7EF9}" propID="100">
<description>This property indicates the preparation difficulty of a recipe.</description>
<searchInfo inInvertedIndex="true" isColumn="true" />
<typeInfo type="String" multipleValues="false" isViewable="true" />
<labelInfo label="Recipe difficulty" invitationText="Specify recipe difficulty" />
<displayInfo displayType="Enumerated" >
<editControl control="DropList"/>
<enum value="Easy" text="Easy" />
<enum value="Medium" text="Medium" />
<enum value="Hard" text="Hard" />
<propertyDescription name="Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Keywords" formatID="{16D19FCB-7654-48AB-8057-DF8E51CC0755}" propID="100">
<description>This property indicates the preparation difficulty of a recipe.</description>
<searchInfo inInvertedIndex="true" isColumn="True"/>
<typeInfo type="String" multipleValues="true" isViewable="true" />
<labelInfo label="Recipe Keywords" invitationText="Specify recipe keyword" />
On Windows Properties:
I receive all informations from file... but when I try to search with Windows Search like:
SELECT Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Keywords FROM SystemIndex
Where directory='somedirectory'
I receive all lines empty... Any ideias why?
I can see my properties on PropSchema:
I can use my Microsoft.SampleRecipe.DifficultyV2 on my WSSQL Query like:
SELECT Microsoft.SampleRecipe.KeywordsV2 FROM SystemIndex WHERE directory='C:\users\step\documents\rvffilter\'
But all the contents are empty

CRM Api FetchXml replaces characters when using like

I'm trying to call CRM Api to fetch contacts. The requirement says I can search by name using the LIKE operator.
I'm using the fetchxml below to query CRM:
<fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false">
<entity name="contact">
<attribute name="fullname" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="statecode" operator="eq" value="0" />
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="fullname" operator="like" value="%ben%" />
The problem is: If I try with "test" for example, it works fine. But if I try to search for "ben" it doesn't. I believe the issue is related to encoding but I can't find a way to fix it. Any ideas?
Seems like encoding error in your code. Try to pass your encoded fetchxml query in the below url & test in the browser address bar. If it results the expected record(s) then it’s not platform problem.
To use FetchXml, we need to format FetchXml in usable Web API service
endpoint format. We do this by storing the FetchXML in a variable and
encoding the string with the encodeURI function native to JavaScript as
var encodedFetchXml = encodeURI(fetchContact);
Read more
I tested this. Both the below fetch filter worked & gave me the expected contact record in browser test.
<condition attribute="lastname" operator="like" value="%thiy%" />
We faced this issue in our Production application today when users trying to search for %bernhard%, but we are handling in code with value="%%bbbernhard%" as a workaround.

TF400618 when migrating scrum 2.2 to scrum 3.0

Our TFS 2012 team project was migrated to a new TFS2013 server with all data.
When I now try to activate the new "Portfolio Backlog" feature the following error is presented:
[Error] TF400618: The reporting type of field
'Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate' in work item type 'Feature'
conflicts with the reporting type of the existing field
In Scrum 2.2 the type definitions of SharedStep and TestCase have this field definition
<FIELD name="State Change Date" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate" type="DateTime">
<WHENCHANGED field="System.State">
<SERVERDEFAULT from="clock" />
<WHENNOTCHANGED field="System.State">
In the Scrum 3.0 additional the Feature has these field.
In the MSDN under TF400618: The reporting type of field '{0}' in work item type '{1}' conflicts with the reporting type of the existing field.
I'm not understanding what I need to do to resolve the issue with the feature field.
Do I need to manually alter the scrum 2.2 process template with the feature work item type , publish the changed process template into the team project and than activate the "Portfolio Backlog"?
Once you've modified your process template, TFS can't automatically install the new updates to it. Here's guidance on how to update it manually:
I recommend that you instead script your process template changes in a batch file so that when new versions come out, you can easily repeat your changes in the new template rather than going through the 12-step manual process above.
I wasn't able to configure Features after performing all the steps as mentioned in :
So I updated the Feature.xml such that the "State Change Date" FIELD name as a reportable option set to "dimentions"
After this change I updated the the default template to the one I had customized and was able to configure Features.
Here is how the updated code in Feature.xml looks:
<FIELD name="State Change Date" refname="Microsoft.VSTS.Common.StateChangeDate" type="DateTime" reportable="dimension" >

Changing the ALLOWEDVALUES in tfs2010 to a AD group

I have a little problem with a work item.
My goal is to change the <ALLOWEDVALUES> of a work item to an AD group, so that not all "ValidUsers" can get a work item assigned. For this I've created a new TFS group "TFS_AssignGroup" and added the AD-group (AD-TFS_AssignGroup) to it.
Now I've changed the work item type definition:
<FIELD name="Assigned To" refname="System.AssignedTo" type="String" syncnamechanges="true" reportable="dimension">
<HELPTEXT>The person currently working on this bug</HELPTEXT>
<ALLOWEDVALUES expanditems="true" filteritems="excludegroups">
<LISTITEM value="[project]\TFS_AssignGroup" />
Now I expected, that the AssignedTo-field only shows the people, who are in the AD-group. But it actually only shows me the AD-group itself. So I have exactly one entry in my AssignedTo-field: AD-TFS_AssignGroup.
Any idea?
Ok, that was an easy one: It just took some time to get the data from the AD. So the solution is to do nothing and wait (or restart the TFS server).