objective-c member var and property statement usage - properties

Recently I have started learning Objective-C, and I get puzzled about the member var and property. I want to know what's the difference between the following three code blocks:
#interface Application
UserInfo* userInfo;
#property (retain) UserInfo*userInfo; // #synthesize userInfo;
#property (retain) ApplicationInfo* applicationInfo ; // #synthesize applicationInfo;
#interface Application
#property (retain) UserInfo*userInfo; // #synthesize userInfo;
#property (retain) ApplicationInfo* applicationInfo ; // #synthesize applicationInfo;
#interface Application
UserInfo* userInfo;
Thank you very much!

1: This declares instance variables with accompanying declared properties. When you synthesise the properties, for example the property foo, the foo and setFoo methods are automatically generated which refer to the instance variables (due to having the same name), and these are called when you use dot notation (e.g. someInstance.foo = bar) to access them. Because you defined the properties to be retain, when you assign an object to the property using the setter or through dot notation, the existing object pointed to by the instance variable is released and the new object is assigned to the instance variable and retained.
2: Exactly the same as 1. The instance variables are implied.
3: The instance variables are there, but the properties are not, so you won't be able to access them through dot notation and no getter/setter methods are synthesised.
I strongly recommend reading the official documentation on this, it's quite clear and lays it all out in a fairly straightforward manner.


Can the ivar variable created automatically by properties accessible by the child class? [duplicate]

Since recent runtimes in iOS, we are able to define properties that will generate accessors for instance variables. From what I understand, it is not mandatory to declare the instance variable used since it will be automatically done for us.
For example, if I write:
#interface MyFirstClass
#property (readonly, nonatomic) int size;
and in the .m
#implementation MyFirstClass
#synthesize size;
Then an instance variable named "size" will be added for me and a method called "-(int)size" will be implemented.
The problem is that when I create a second class MySecondClass which is a subclass of MyFirstClass, it seems that I can't access the instance variable size within this subclass:
#interface MySecondClass : MyFirstClass
#implementation MySecondClass
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
size = 10; // this yields and error
return self;
Are the automatically created instance variables private? Is there a possibility to set them as protected so I can access them in subclasses?
I know there is the possibility to declare the instance variable myself, but I'm just wondering...
With a superclass like this it works: (Is it because it's expressly declared as protected?)
#interface MyFirstClass {
int size; // defined expressly and used as #protected
#property (readonly, nonatomic) int size;
Thank you for your help!!
Any instance variable not declared in the main interface is automatically private, and this cannot be overridden. If you try to use a scope modifier when defining instance variables in the implementation, you will get an error that the specification is inconsistent.
The reason for this is that there is usually only one class per implementation file, which means the compiler doesn't know about the instance variable when compiling other classes. If you have multiple classes in the same file, the compiler could know about it, but you still aren't allowed to override the scope. Possible reasons in this case could be for consistency, or just so the compiler doesn't have to look in so many places for instance variables.
self.size = 10;
That will map to setSize method.

Objective C: Should I assign the variable AND create a property or is just one of them enough?

I have got a header file (.h) and I want to declare name but all these ways work the same I think because I haven't seen any difference with functionality. Could you tell me what the difference is between:
This with both declarations:
#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Without variable:
#interface someClass : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Or Without property:
#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;
#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Doing this you will explicitly declare both a property and an ivar.
A property is just a set of methods:
- (void)setName:(NSString*)name;
- (NSString*)name;
An ivar is the memory store holding the value that the property methods manage. This allows you to do:
self.name = ... // access through setter method
name = ... // direct access
The advantage of using properties is that they deal with memory management for you. E.g., in your case, the property is of type copy: this means that with the first syntax (self.name = ...) a copy of the object will be done. If not using properties, you would explicitly need to do: name = [originalString copy]; to obtain the same effect.
Other options you can specify for properties (but not ivars) are: strong and weak ownerships.
Furthermore, a property also represents a public interface to access the variable from outside your class.
Using direct access you are on your own as to memory management (if you are not using ARC).
If you are using ARC and don't define properties, you will not be able to control how the memory is managed by specifying the ownership: strong, weak, retain).
#interface someClass : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
Here you only declare the properties; the ivar is "inferred" by the #synthesize directive in your implementation file. This is only possible in Objective C 2.0 and later (previously, the ivar declaration as above was mandatory).
The same considerations as above applies, with a minor nuance: with older versions of LLVM (ObjC compiler) you will not be able to reference directly the auto-synthesized ivar; with current version of LLVM, if you omit the #synthesize directive, then an automatic ivar named after your property would also be declared (in your case it would be _name).
This last paragraph may seem a bit "advanced", or contrived, but you can safely ignore it.
#interface someClass : UIViewController
NSString *name;
In this case you are only declaring the ivar. No accessor methods. You will need to handle memory management on your own (if not using ARC), futhermore you will not be able to access the variable from outside the class. For that you need accessors.
Hope this helps.
Case 1:
The is the old method, here the #property and variable are not related until you #synthesize name = name;
Access methods :
variable : name = #"hello"; //direct access to viariable
setter/getter : self.name = #"hello" // set value to name using setName: selector
With the latest xcode just the property is enough.
Case 2:
the new xcode style. Here the synthesize and variable creation is taken care by the compiler. (so less 2 lines of code and this also helps with memory management)
Access methods :
variable : _name = #"hello"; //direct access to viariable
setter/getter : self.name = #"hello" // set value to name using setName: selector
Case 3:
Here the name is just a variable and it dose not have a setter or a getter.
with out property (or) setter & getter this is as good as a local variable and it cannot be accessed from other objects.

Property syntax, Am I accessing the ivar directly or going through the getter/setter?

I am new to objective-c and am a little confused as to what I am accessing by when calling a property various ways in code.
// MyClass.h
#interface MyClass : NSObject {
#property ( nonatomic, retain ) NSString *name;
#import "MyClass.h"
#implementation MyClass
#synthesize name;
// other code...
I am unclear whether I am accessing the backing ivar or going through the getter and setter in using the following syntax (I will include my assumptions as to what I think it's doing):
name = #"Geoff"; is this going through the property setter or setting the ivar directly?
self.name = #"Geoff"; going through the setter
self->name = #"Geoff;" direct ivar access
[ name release ]; is this accessing the ivar directly or going through the getter?
I know this can be disambiguated by setting the ivar in the synthesize statement like: #synthesize name=_name as is done in a lot of the XCode 4 IOS templates.
name = #"Geoff"; is setting the ivar directly.
[ name release ]; is accessing the ivar directly.
If you don't see self. and you aren't calling a method to get or set the variable, then you are accessing the ivar.
For more details, see The Objective-C Programming Language.

Basic Objective C defining and synthesizing properties

I have been working with Objective C for a few months now and feel like I maybe know 1% of it, and understand even less than that...
Regardless, I have two moderately popular games out, and learning more every day.
When I first started, I learned that the method of defining properties was to use the same identifier for the property and the instance variable, as follow:
#interface MyClass : UISomething {
NSString *myPropName;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *myPropName;
#synthesize myPropName;
Recently I saw the following used, where the instance variable is named differently than the property, and then the property is set to the instance variable in the implementation:
#interface MyClass : UISomething {
NSString *_myPropName;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *myPropName;
#synthesize myPropName = _myPropName;
Is there a reason for not using same identifier for the property and instance variable?
Is there a reason for not using same
identifier for the property and
instance variable?
Not really. Some people like the convention of prefixing the instance variables with an underscore. (Seems pointless to me.) Other people like to change the property names for boolean variables:
#synthesize isEmpty = empty;
You might also want to use a shorter identifier for the instance variable and more descriptive name for the property (audioPlayer = player). And one final application comes to mind, renaming variables in combination with protocols:
#interface LowLevelAudioPlayer : NSObject <AudioLevelProvider> {…}
#interface Jukebox : NSObject {
LowLevelAudioPlayer *player;
#property(readonly) id <AudioLevelProvider> levelMeter;
#synthesize levelMeter = player;
Here it’s beneficial to rename the variable as you are only providing access to one of its facets.

Difference between #interface declaration and #property declaration

I'm new to C, new to objective C. For an iPhone subclass, Im declaring variables I want to be visible to all methods in a class into the #interface class definition eg
#interface myclass : UIImageView {
int aVar;
and then I declare it again as
#property int aVar;
And then later I
#synthesize aVar;
Can you help me understand the purpose of three steps? Am I doing something unnecessary?
Here, you're declaring an instance variable named aVar:
#interface myclass : UIImageView {
int aVar;
You can now use this variable within your class:
aVar = 42;
NSLog(#"The Answer is %i.", aVar);
However, instance variables are private in Objective-C. What if you need other classes to be able to access and/or change aVar? Since methods are public in Objective-C, the answer is to write an accessor (getter) method that returns aVar and a mutator (setter) method that sets aVar:
// In header (.h) file
- (int)aVar;
- (void)setAVar:(int)newAVar;
// In implementation (.m) file
- (int)aVar {
return aVar;
- (void)setAVar:(int)newAVar {
if (aVar != newAVar) {
aVar = newAVar;
Now other classes can get and set aVar via:
[myclass aVar];
[myclass setAVar:24];
Writing these accessor and mutator methods can get quite tedious, so in Objective-C 2.0, Apple simplified it for us. We can now write:
// In header (.h) file
#property (nonatomic, assign) int aVar;
// In implementation (.m) file
#synthesize aVar;
...and the accessor/mutator methods will be automatically generated for us.
To sum up:
int aVar; declares an instance variable aVar
#property (nonatomic, assign) int aVar; declares the accessor and mutator methods for aVar
#synthesize aVar; implements the accessor and mutator methods for aVar
This declares an instance variable in your object:
#interface myclass : UIImageView {
int aVar;
Instance variables are private implementation details of your class.
If you want other objects to be able to read or set the value of the instance variable (ivar), you can declare it as a property:
#property int aVar;
This means that the compiler expects to see setter and getter accessor methods for the property.
When you use the #synthesize keyword, you are asking the compiler to automatically generate setter and getter accessor methods for you.
So, in this case the compiler will generate code similar to this when it encounters the #synthesize keyword:
- (int) aVar
return aVar;
- (void)setAVar:(int)someInt
aVar = someInt;
By default on the iPhone (and on the 32-bit runtime on the Mac), #synthesize requires an instance variable to be present in order to store the property's value. This ivar is usually named the same as the property, but doesn't have to be, for instance you could do this:
#interface myclass : UIImageView {
int aVar;
#property int someValue;
#synthesize someValue = aVar;
Neither #synthesize nor #property are actually required, you can create your own getter and setter methods, and as long as you create them using Key-Value Coding-compliant syntax, the property will still be usable.
The requirement for an ivar to be present as well as the #property declaration is due to the fragile base class limitation of the 32-bit Objective-C runtime on both the Mac and iPhone. With the 64-bit runtime on the Mac you don't need an ivar, #synthesize generates one for you.
Note that there are numerous keywords you can use with your #property declaration to control what sort of synthesized accessor code is created, such as readonly for a getter-only accessor, copy, atomic, nonatomic and so on. More information is in the Objective-C 2.0 Programming Language documentation.
Classes can have instance variables (ivars). These are in the first section, and are only visible to code in that class, not any outside code. I like to prefix them with an underscore to show their internal-ness. In low level terms, the ivars are added as an additional member to the struct that the class you are creating uses internally.
The second declaration, #property, is a declared property. It is not required (except when you are using #synthesize), but it helps other programmers (and the compiler!) know that you are dealing with a property, and not just two methods -setAVar and -aVar, which is the alternative way of doing this.
Thirdly, the #synthesize actually creates the methods to set and access the property from outside the class. You can replace this with your own setter and getter methods, but only do that if you need to, as the built-in ones have some features that you would otherwise have to code yourself. In fact, using the #synthesize aVar = _someVariable; syntax, you can have your property actually reference a differently named instance variable!
Short version:
The #property is just a hint to the compiler and other programmers that you are making a property and not just getter/setter methods. The instance variables are internal to the class, and otherwise cannot be normally accessed from outside it. The #synthesize just creates simple getters and setters for you, to go with your #property, but you can also just code those getters and setters yourself, like any other method.
Class A
#interface myclass : UIImageView {
int aVar;
If you declare like this then you can only use this variable within your class A.
But suppose in Class B
A *object=[A new];
object.aVar---->not available
For this you should **declare aVar as a property in Class A**
so class A should look like
Class A
#interface myclass : UIImageView {
int aVar;
#property int iVar;
.m file
#synthesize iVar;
So now you can use this iVar in another class Suppose B
Class B
#import "Class A.h"
enter code here
A *object=[A new];
#interface declares the instances variables of a class in obj-c. You need it to create an instance variable. However the variable is not visible outside the class by default (as the field is by default protected).
#property tells the compiler to specify a particular property accessor (get/set) method. However, you will need to use #synthesize to actually have the compiler generate the simple accessors automatically, otherwise you are expected to create them on your own.
I recently started learning iphone apps. As per my knowledge #property is used in .h file as a setter method and #synthesize in .m file as getter method. In Java we use setter and getter methods, same as Java, in Objective C we use #property and #synthesize.
Please forgive me If u think I mislead you.