Business logic plus data, or separate the two? [closed] - oop

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Closed 10 years ago.
My understanding is that the fundamental tenant of OO design is that one should focus on modeling a class as the union of code and data. In day to day development, however, I tend to separate all of my business logic into classes of their own. The 'data' ends up being in tightly controlled POCOs/DTOs with basically no real code or logic. I then instantiate a business logic class and pass in POCOs to each method whenever I want an operation to occur.
But this feels like two separate approaches. In fact, the latter approach seems to be at odds with the purpose of OO!
I supposed I've always kept the two things separate since business logic may function on multiple POCOs. Plus, not forcing validation on the data in the POCOs made it easier to unit test since it seemed simpler to prepare the POCO for a test (no need to worry about internal class state, encapsulation, etc). Now that I'm looking back on those reasons, they seem weak.
I'm looking for a comparison/contrast of the two approaches. Specifically, why does it seem that making 'dumb' POCOs is the way to go these days? Why not just stick the data and the business logic into a single class? Are we abandoning the original goals of object oriented design?

Indeed, separating business logic from associated data goes against the principles of OOP, and this is what Martin Fowler refers to as an anemic domain model. Personally, I would always go with a proper domain model that puts data and behaviour together.
Specifically, why does it seem that making 'dumb' POCOs is the way to go these days?
I don't know why you thought this was so, but this is certainly not true. There are many "dumb" models out there, but there are also many well-designed domain models.


Will Design Patterns solve object communication? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been researching and looking for answers here to a problem that I suspect might be solved by a better understanding of design patterns. I think the problem is that I am a self-taught coder and people seem to tend to assume familiarity with a lot of esoteric terminology; I have ended up in Wikipedia spirals trying to determine what some phrases mean.
That said - on to the coding/structural problem.
Actually, just before I start, I should point out that I may well be making unknown presumptions in the way the code is structured in my question. If this is the case, could folks suggest alternatives to what I'm suggesting? I'd really appreciate learning how to better code as opposed to simply being told I'm doing it wrong.
Let's say we have a Room class, which has 4 Walls, a Ceiling and a Floor. These are instantiated 'inside' the Room. The Room also has a Table which has 4 TableLegs, again instantiated inside the Table, inside the Room. (This, I believe, is Composition, but please correct me if I've got that wrong!).
Finally, the problem:
If someone, somehow, pushes the Table, the TableLeg(s) will need to check the type of Floor they're standing on to trigger the appropriate sound. This, currently would be my solution:
The Table dispatches an event. The Room listens for that 'table pushed' event, quizes the Floor to determine its type, then passes that type to a method on Table, which in turn passes it to the TableLegs.
This, to me, seems fairly inelegant; hence my suspicion that knowledge of design patterns might be useful.
Is there something fundamentally wrong about the structure I've described that I'm not appreciating? If so, what is the alternative?
Finally, I have heard of the Gang of Four book. If that's my first port of call, is it written in an accessible style or will I have to have studied computer science to grasp it?
Sorry for the long, design-pattern-beginner's question.
The Floor could listen for objects Events. The Event interface could expose information about object geometry, material, etc. Then the Floor could check for collisions and play a sound.
I recommend the book Head First Design Patterns
I don't know if I can answer your question, but I can tell you something about the "Design Patterns" book.
It was an instant classic when it was published in 1994/1995. With examples in C++ and Smalltalk (there was no Java or C# back then), it listed solutions to 26 common problems in object-oriented programming. It provided a format for documenting forces and resolutions that was eagerly snapped up by academic conferences for years after. Lots of programmers, including myself, were studying it like holy writ in the hope that a single book could make them superstars.
Then reality set in.
Functional programmers said the patterns were work-arounds for flaws in OOP. What's the fuss? They could do these things without resorting to patterns.
The usual response on first reading the book is to try and fit as many patterns as you can into whatever code you happen to be writing at that moment.
You'll find yourself using the pattern names in design sessions: "I think we need a Chain of Responsibility here!"
Eventually you calm down and realize that patterns aren't the answers to your problems. The best way to use them is to think hard about your problems and solutions and suddenly realize that your answer happens to fall into a pattern.
As for your problem, I don't think you need a pattern. Have the Table send a message to the Floor to ask about its type before you generate the sound. That'll do it. Simplicity is a virtue.

Why is data flow programming not the norm? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I wrote a simple genetic algorithm to evolve the string "helloworld". I wrote it twice. The first time was written using classes. And the second time was written using just functions where the entire state of the genetic world is passed from one function to the mimic the data flow paradigm. Surprisingly, the code worked well for both the implementations. However, I managed to get it working only after painstakingly removing each and every bug, which was quite a laborious process.
And I asked myself.. there has got to be a better way. Write the code using classes was comparatively difficult than writing the same code using simple functions and I believe writing the same code visually, using something like labview for example would be a lot more easier than writing it only using simple functions.
To that extent, I read about data flow programming and visual programming and quite frankly it seems like it is more natural and intuitive to program in a visual, data oriented manner than in a statement-wise manner, which is what most programming languages enable us to do today. My question is.. if this is the case, why hasn't data flow, visual programming like "labview" become the standard?
I do not believe that data-flow / "Visual Programming" has nearly the performance of well-designed code.
Text-based code can express far more complex and subtle data structures and flows than anything graphical. It gives programmers detailed control over what gets copied, what gets accessed, and precise control over sequences of steps. I have a hard time seeing how data-flow could be that expressive.
Ultimately, data-flow /visual programming can only describe things that are already known. Text-programming (for lack of a better term) actually lets you express more. Programmers can create entirely new data structures and algorithms that simply haven't been represented visually yet.
It is dangerous to use a single problem as the basis for how programming languages should be designed. I'm not sure how the data-flow paradigm would improve GUI framework design, for instance.

OO - resource spending and design confusion? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
sometimes i'm using OO des. and sometimes procedural style and everytime i use oop i feel like wasting resources on nothing. say i have a situation where i need to grab some values from datasource, a pool of bannerinfo. For the further work i can declare a banner class and decorators for additional functionality, but why would i do such a hard sequence - i got to grab, instantiate objects, fill them, wrap and so on, rather then just: grab data, run procedural code on data; yeah in many times oop just helps to organize logic and make decisions flexible, but on the other hand it's a waste of time on design (i experience a lot of problems solving simple stuff while putting them into oop style) and obviously a waste of machine resources. i'm kinda stuck in that mindset, im young but i've already seen some projects in oop - i wouldn't say that they're easy-understandable; that idead of oop is pretty charming - organising, making logically, but...
So, would you mind to point out some difference between situations when i should use oop/procedural styles. I'll appriciate any links to additional literature on that topic.Thanks!.
That data you're grabbing has a structure to it, i.e. the order in which the fields show up within each record in the data source. The code you want to run on that data is closely bound to that structure (i.e. the code is not going to apply to other data structures, and if the data structure changes you certainly want to change the code). So it makes sense to keep the data and behaviour together from a "mental information management" point of view, and object are a great way to do this.
What if your program grows, and you want to iterate through bannerinfo in multiple places within the project? Of course you could create a routine available from the whole program which does what you want on the bannerinfo, and call that from each point where you need it. But what if you then think of other things you want to do with a bannerinfo? Of course you could just create another routine available from the whole program, but it would be completely separate from the first. What if these two routines had some code in common that you could push out to a separate routine, would you create yet another routine available from the whole program, even though it's only used by the other two?
With OOP you'd have a class with two public methods, and one private one for that third routine. Why is this different to having three routines available to the whole program? The answer is clutter. You can create as many additional methods on that class, and it won't add clutter to the parts where you're not using that particular class as they won't be available. If the data structure of bannerinfo changes, you only need to go to one place to make the changes.
Of course there's more, but I hope this helps demonstrate where OOP can be useful. Its all about making it easy to manage. If your specifc problem doesn't care for that because it is a one-off, or will never grow, then there's not necessarily any benefit.
Final note: whether the benefit is worth the effort also depends on other factors such as how comfortable you are with using objects, what you're trying to do with them (inheritance can get murky), and also on the language and syntax itself.
"grab data, run procedural code on data"
I don't see how dealing with data can be easier with procedural. With OOP you can do stuff like
$users = $db->from('users')->where('score',100,'>')->getMany();
Or with an ORM:
$user = $orm->entity('User')->findOne($id);
$user->setPassword('abc123'); // set a new password
About showing the data (also called 'the view' in MVC architecture), I have to agree that decorators can be annoying. But if you use a templating engine, things are easy as they can get. You didn't mention which language you are using, but if you are into PHP you can use Twig
Personally, I feel more comfortable with OOP even in small projects, where you don't even do things like unit-testing. But I think the best of OOP comes when you need maintainability, collaboration, reusability, etc.

WCF—How many methods are too much? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am currently developing an application which by design has a three-tier architecture. It is composed of an administration website, a WCF webservice and a database. Of course, the website doesn't directly connect to the database, so that all requests and responses must pass through the service. The "problem" is that there are several entities involved in this application, and for each one of them I must support the basic CRUD operations and many more, which makes the service have right now more than 30 methods in a single endpoint. Since I already had to increase the maximum message size, I begin to ask myself if having all those methods in a single service is not too much. What do you think? What alternatives do I have?
I can't really give you a good answer since it kind of depends on the requirements and complexity of your application. Typically a CRUDy service interface is an antipattern you should avoid. There shouldn't be a one-to-one mappings between your data layer and your service layer. If there is then the service layer is kind of not pulling it's own weight. SOA is a huge topic that I'm only starting to get my head around but my understanding is that SOA's are supposed to encapsulate the logic of many operations. Ie (Authentication, Authorization, Logging, Scaling, Transactions, etc.)
Have you heard of the Repository pattern? That's a software design pattern where a particular class/assembly encapsulates the logic required for getting data into and out of the database. It's lighter weight then using full blown services and might be all you need if what you want is a good way of decoupling your application from the database. A really neat feature of the Repository pattern is that you can make all the methods of the Repository an Interface and then make a MockImplementation to perform testing on your business/UI layers independently of your database.
There is no real concrete answer to this question. It is a tradeoff either way. Try to keep the Single Responsibility Principle in mind. A couple options are to:
Create an endpoint per data type, putting CRUD operations into each. That would mean maintaining more endpoint configuration through.
Separate your methods into multiple files, but leave them in one class, using partial classes.
If all you are doing is CRUD operations for each data type, then maybe use WCF Data Services / OData instead.
Implementing the repetitive CRUD functionality over the WCF service could be a pain but if the service is not exposed globally (so you don't have to pay a lot for the authentication/authorization) you can save a LOT of time by using one of the two: ADO.NET Data Services or WCF RIA Services.
Whether or not 30 methods on a single service is a bad design - this is not clear. It's like asking whether or not a class with 30 members is a bad design - some people will say that it definitely is, most will comment "it depends on what you are doing".
Nevertheless, using HTTP for CRUD brings some restrictions - one of which you mention. You will not be able to insert/update large batches unless you increase the message size. You can also have some serious issues with transaction handling unless you somehow involve the transactions over http in an explicit way.

What are the arguments for creating you own ORM layer? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
The advantages of ORM are pretty clear. But I noticed that some companies prefer to build their own home made ORM. Why?
There are only two arguments that I can possibly see for ever hand-rolling your ORM (and these have happened to me in the past, which forced me to write my own):
The company refuses to use Open Source software because of liabilities they assume might creep into their application.
The company refuses to spend money on a commercial ORM.
Any other argument (like the quality of Entity Framework is too poor for us to use it) is completely moot. No matter how bad Entity Framework (or whatever other ORM you may be referring to) is, you're not going to come close to the robustness and reliability by hand rolling your own.
As O/R mappers are very complex pieces of software, writing your own which goes beyond the typical datareader wrapper and pre-fab SQL query executor will take a lot of time (think 6+ months full time at least). That's not the biggest problem. The biggest problem is that once you go with your own O/R mapper, you have to maintain it for the rest of the time the application using it is in production. Which can be a long time. Make no mistake, maintaining an O/R mapper yourself is not a simple task: you have to re-invent every trick O/R mapper developers already know about and have solved themselves.
Last but not least: doing this yourself should not be done on a billable contract. After all, you're writing infrastructure code which is already available elsewhere.
I know I'm biased (I wrote LLBLGen Pro), but I also am one of the few people in this industry who has written a full O/R mapper framework and knows what it takes to get a decent one up and running with good performance and a great feature set.
Simply do the math: if it takes 1000$ to get an o/r mapper framework license (or less) and you can get started right away with the application of your customer, how many hours do you get for that 1000$ so you can built the O/R mapper without costing the company any money? And maintain it? No way you can do it for that money.
If you have an in-house database that has evolved to have a bad schema, it can be simpler to write your own ORM layer than try and get an out of the box solution to play nice with it.
In my opinion, ORMs are specialized and purposed to solve typical problems. If you want some more generic solution (e.g. for much more complex queries) or just different functionality you can either modify existing solution (what for various reasons often isn't the best choice) or create your own.
ORMs also limit you by forcing you to use their conventions and accept their limitations.