play20 ebean generated sql throws syntax error on postgresql - sql

I'm trying to get work my play20 application with postgresql so I can use and later deploy to Heroku. I followed this answer.
Basically, I made connection to database (so connection from local application to Heroku postgresql database worked), but I was not able to initialise database with generated 1.sql evolution. But generated sql was not working because of postgresql is using schema (it should work without schema anyway, but apparently I'm doing something wrong or database is doing something wrong).
create table user (
id bigint not null,
email varchar(255),
gender varchar(1),
constraint pk_user primary key (id));
resulted in
ERROR: syntax error at or near "user"
Position: 14 [ERROR:0, SQLSTATE:42601]
I fixed that with adding schema to table name
create table public.user(
Ok, everything worked until I tried to read or write to database. I got again sql syntax exception and can't work with database. Seems like sql queries are somehow wrong.
Any suggestions where could be problem?

That's very common mistake while developing application with other database than in production, but fortunately there is also common solution. You can still use User model, however you have to make sure that creates database table with changed name:
#Table(name = "users")
public class User extends Model {
In most cases in your controllers and models name-switch will be transparent for you. Only place where you have to remember the switch are RawSql queries.
BTW, that's good idea to install locally the same database for developing cause there's a lot of differences between most popular databases, like other reserved keywords, other allowed types, even other auto incrementing methods for id, so finding and fixing proper values is just easier on localhost.

Well, due to my little knowledge about postgresql, I was struggling with this all day. Here's simple solution. Don't use table called "user" on postgreqsl. This table is already used.
But why my evolution sql query worked for initialisation of database? Well if I explicitly specify in which schema I want to create table "user", that basically works.
But if schema is not specified, is used current schema. From documentation:
If a schema name is given (for example, CREATE TABLE myschema.mytable ...) then the table is created in the specified schema. Otherwise it is created in the current schema
So that explains it. But for my project, using "user" model was perfectly reasonable and for H2 file based databased it was working, so I assumed that problem was somewhere else...


Entity Framework Core 3.1 not working with already defined snake case database(sql server) schema

I have an exiting database and I wanted to perform crud operations on it. I am using core 3.1
web api. All my database tables are defined in snake case naming convention e.g my_table_name
during fetching the records I get the exception
Error: {Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection}
Message: Invalid column name 'my_table_nameID'.
This occurs only when I use Include statement in my query e.g
var temp = _sampleParentTableService.Queryable().Include(x => x.SampleChildTable).FirstOrDefault();
I tried to create 2 table Parent Table and child table with camel case naming convention e.g "MyTableName" and then used include statement and it works fine but when I tried to use same query with other table with snake case naming convention it throws an error.
Note: Relationship exists with the my_parent_table with my_child_table and column already exists in db with foreign key relationship e.g (pk ID ---> fk UserID) but Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Include statement does not find the column and create one "my_parent_table_nameID" which does not exists.
Tried to search on web and find some articles pointing to the extensions for code first migrations
I can not use migrations because most of my db relationships are mapped manually.
Also tried finding solution for "Invalid column name" and tried all workarounds e.g model annotations [ForiegnKey] etc.
found out that whenever we declare virtual ICollections<my_parent_table> link query tries to find pk fk relationship and if not found it tries to create one with default convention "OtherTableID"
also tried
modelBuilder.Entity().Ignore(t => t.OtherTableID);
resulting Invalid column name "OtherTableID1" exception
so I am assuming that problem is not with columns but with table names.
Expecting any solution or any middle ware that allow me to fetch records and allows me to perform crud operation on already defined database with snake case naming convention.

How to fix this error: Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'NormalizedEmail' and etc

My application runs off my database that I created. I added migration, update-database and all that jazz so that it works perfectly fine.
Now that I have to convert my project to use the LIVE database, I'm getting this error message:
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Invalid column name 'NormalizedEmail'.
Invalid column name 'ConcurrencyStamp'.
Invalid column name 'LockoutEnd'.
Invalid column name 'NormalizedEmail'.
Invalid column name 'NormalizedUserName'.
Invalid column name 'UserType'.
I'm not sure how to go about fixing this but when I use my old database it works, with this new one it just keeps giving me this error when I try to log in a user or anything to do with my database.
Help please!
Remove this columns from code
I think it's mismatch with database
look at this
The problem is very simple to state and very difficult to solve. But there IS a solution.
Manual solution
If all automatic approaches fail and you do not have any extra information, then you can at least ensure that your schema is technically compatible with the application's expectations.
Depending on the RDBMS that you use and which was not specified in the question, you can get all the table names and column names. In MySQL and PostgreSQL you could query information_schema.columns, in SQL Server you can join sys.tables and sys.columns for that purpose. Make sure that you order the results by tablename, columnname and export it. Do it both for your old db and prod db. Find out what the differences are and implement alter statements to add the missing columns.
Automatic solution
If you have some scripts versioned somewhere that were doing the alters and possibly filling the new columns with data, then run those either by hand or a migration tool. Make sure that if such files exist, then you find them.
You can also remove the column references from code, as Cemil suggested in his/her answer, but you should avoid doing this, unless you are absolutely sure that it is feasible for your situation. The basic assumption is that the code references these for a reason and you are missing the columns from the database where they need to be created. Do not remove the column references from code until this basic assumption is proven wrong.

Write back to Oracle from PowerApps

I am trying write back to Oracle table from PowerApps. But I'm getting the following error:
"The Data source is read-only, so the function Patch can't write to it"
I have access to this Oracle table and table data is also visible in my PowerApp but I cannot insert in DB from my PowerApp.
Primary key is perfectly fine, defined well with all constraints. I can insert by using SQL query in the same table but when I do same with PowerApps I get error.
Here is my Patch function.
Patch('[PLAN].[V_PLAN_L_TYP]',Defaults('[PLAN].[V_PLAN_L_TYP]') , {TYP_ID: TYP_ID_TextInput.Text, TYP_DESC: TYP_DESC_TextInput.Text,
KANAL_AKT: KANAL_AKT_TextInput.Text } );
Is it possible to write back to Oracle table or not?
This naming convention V_PLAN_L_TYP sounds to me like a view but not a table. Please verify it.
This is why that matters - Currently Oracle connector documentation says:
Support Oracle view as read-only table

How to identify a database as valid model?

Im having trouble identifying my databases as correct and valid version of my model. I have a GUID-id for my model I could use, but where do I put it? I dont want an entire table with only one row for this GUID. Is there any metadata-repository for databases (SQL Server 2008) or is there any other methods of identifying databases except their names? I could name the database to my model-GUID but it doesnt seem right...
The scenario is like this: I have a Entity Framework-model and I identify it by a GUID. I let the user pick a database-connectionstring and now I want to verify that its a valid database (which has been created from my app). I want to do this every time the app starts just to be sure. What Im doing now is checking that a certain table with a certain name exists but thats not good enough. I want to be 99% sure.
Edit: I would prefer to set this value from the DDL-script which is already setting up the database and I want to be able to get it from a SqlCommand in
Use an Extended database property
In script:
USE preet;
EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty
#name = N'myVersion',
#value = N'999-abc-123-nop';
In the UI

MS Access error "ODBC--call failed. Invalid character value for cast specification (#0)"

Does anyone have an idea what this error means or how to solve it? I am using Access 2003 and SQL2005. It comes up when trying to add a record on a particular subform.
[Microsoft][SQL Native Client] Invalid character value for cast specification (#0)
This MS bug report describes the same message, but it is a bug in SQL Server 6.5 that has already been solved.
Solved: Apparently having no PK on the destination table was causing this, it didn't have anything to do with the subform or the query from Access. I wasn't even aware there were tables in this database without PK. Adding PK to the destination table solved it. The strange thing is the same query string that errored when executed via SQL native client, executed through SSMS with no errors. Hope this helps anyone else who has come across that strange message.
Hum, I would check the text box default on the access side. I would also bring up the linked table in design mode, and you want to check the data type that ms-access assumes here. For non supported data types ms-access will generally use a string, and sql server might be wanting something else.
So, check both the Primary key (PK) in main table, and then check the data type used (assumed) in the child table for the foreign key (FK) column. While we are at this, check your expressions used for the child/master link settings in the sub-form control (not the form, not the sub-form, but the sub-form control used in your form that links up these two tables).
Sub forms in access are sensitive if you don’t have a timestamp column in the sql server table. As mentioned check the PK and the FK data types and make sure they match up (just bring up the tables in design mode in ms-access -- you get an error message about the design mode being read only, but just continue on so you can check/view to ensure the data types match up).
So for the child table, you need a PK, a FK, and also a timestamp column (you don’t have to display the TS column in the sub-form, but you need it in the table).
Sub-forms in ms-access are sensitive and often fail if you don’t include a timestamp column in the sql table. (access uses these row version columns to determine if the data been changed).
Is one of your fields in the view calculated/built with the CAST function? In this case, you might not have the right to update/add a value for that field.
Can you execute your view in the MS SQL Studio interface and try to insert a record?
Another cause to this issue is that if you change a table name without alterting the view then the "Dependencies" of that view still remians with the table old name.
Let say I have a table 'A' and a view 'Av' which derives from 'A', and I created a new Table which will be named 'A' and I changed 'A's name to 'A_old' but I didn't executed an ALTER VIEW, so the dependencies of 'Av' still remain on 'A_old' but the view is derives from 'A' and it cuasing this Error in Access when trying to open the view as a linked table
I just spent a day battling this with an Access ADP project that was imported into a new Access 2016 ACCDB file. Initially I figured it was an issue with the application code, but I was getting this keying records directly into the table. Interestingly, the records always got written - it seemed to be the read-back that was triggering the error. Profiling the insert sql and running that from SQL Management Studio worked without any issues.
The table that was causing the problems had a GUID Primary Key. Switching that to an int column resolved the issue.
The SQL database was also littered with a few thousand extended properties which I removed before switching the PK. There was a strong suggestion from the web that these cause problems. The source of that process is documented here: Remove All SQL Extended Properties
I had this problem with Access 2016 trying to update an ODBC linked sQL Server database. Problem was a null value in field used to join the two tables. Eliminating the null value solved the problem
OK I just had this bad experience and it had nothing to do with PK or any of this stuff in my situation. The view that reported this problem in Access was created in SQL Server originally and used a CAST of DATETIME to plain old DATE to get rid of the unneeded time part. Up until today this view had caused 0 issues in Access, but started to generate heartburn just as described above.
So, I generated a Drop/Create script for the MSS view, ran it, relinked the views in Access, and the Access database was happy with the result. All my so-called tables in Access are basically views through links to MSS for reporting. I only have 1 table that actually does changes. Other than that, I do not edit through views in Access.
The message is of course useless as usual but this was my solution in my situation.
Based solely in the message you provided above, it appears that you are trying to set an invalid value to some field or parameter, etc... The message is telling you that it is trying to convert a value into an specific data type but the value is invalid for that data type... makes sense?
Please add more details so we can help you better.