I developed my app with two kinds of banners: iAd and AdMob.
When iAd banner fails to load then AdMob banner loaded.
When I tested my app it showed black iAd test banner correctly but in released version of app there is no banners at all. I've tested it with web debugging proxy: requests are sending only to iAd server but never to AdMob. Seems like iAd banners are loaded successfully but never shown. In itunesconnect the iAd status is Live Adds.
The question is solved. If someone will face this problem in the future: in my situation the solution was in patient waiting. Since two weeks after AppStore upload banners suddenly appeared. I think Apple needs some time to generate banners content according to the application audience.
If you are using the BannerViewController in the iAd sample code and find that iAd works perfectly when built for iOS5 but does not show up when built for iOS6, then find the line in BannerViewController: bannerFrame.size = [_bannerView sizeThatFits:contentFrame.size]; and remove the underscore. I implemented iAD in my ShareMonitor app and, although I had identical code to the sample code, ads would only appear when built for iOS5. After some debugging and trial and error, I found this resolved the issue and ads in my app worked perfectly.
My web application built using nuxt and installed as web app on iphone becomes unresponsive after I open or visit an external link from the app. Issue specifically comes iOS 13.4 and above on real devices. Simulators works fine.
iPhone X and XI (all versions) with iOS 13.4 and above
Steps to reproduce
Open url https://nuxt-min-pwa.netlify.app/ in safari.
Tap on share icon and then add to home screen.
Open app from home screen.
Tap on menu icon.
Tap on second.
Tap on link named ICE.
App will open an external url.
Tap on Back to App button to return to the app.
Tap on second now.
App does not responds. A thin loading bar seems to be in progress, everytime second is tapped. But nothing else happens.
Web app is working fine in iphone8 with ios 13.3.1 and Xcode simulators. There is a similar issue reported on both stack overflow and apple developer forum. Although it specifically mentions microsoft openid, but I am sure, issue comes up with any external url.
PWA freezing on navigation clicks in Safari iOS (13.5) after OpenID Microsoft sign in
Source code for app
testing our app when running on xcode is good and we can see ads even without test mode (device hash), so we can see live ads. Everything is setup fine, but when we test the app on test flight, It's always returning a log of "No Fill".. :S,
We have logged in the facebook native app, Limit ads tracking is disabled..
What do you think is still the problem? Is it required from facebook that the app is live on apple store?
Thank you very much!..
The issue is in TestFlight.
By design, TestFlight generates a new and different IDFA in each run. Those IDFAs are different from your device IDFA which is used by Facebook native app. When your app sent ad requests with those new IDFAs to Audience Network, the server cannot matching the IDFA to get the proper ads and returns 'NO FILL' back. That is what exactly you have experienced.
Here is the link for detail:iOS: TestFlight beta app get new advertising identifier in each run.
The solution is to get off TestFlight and run the app directly through the device, or continues to use TestFlight but with Facebook test ad only.
I've just made an app containing iAd in iOS 7.
It's working fine on the development state, testing on the phone.
But after it's been released at the appstore, no ad's are being showed.
I HAVE checked the code, and the iAd is enabled
Anyone know why ?
It takes up to 3 days for the ads to be displayed in a new app.
As we know Apple disabled this feature in iOS 5.1 and later:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs://"]];
that allowed users launch for ex Settings app from any apps.
I'm wondering how YouTube iPhone app does it? Because it can still launch Settings app from it's application with iOS 5.1 and later.
Maybe there is no solution but, I just wondering about the way, YouTube app developer found :))
The YouTube app developer is Apple. They're not subject to the same rules as the rest of us.
Updated since someone kindly downvoted this four-year-old answer and brought it to my attention: you can now do this by opening a URL made from the UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString string constant.
I don't really get a response for this question but can bring an argument to the discussion.
The RunKeeper app is able to launch the iphone pref app on iOS 6.1. I don't know how it makes that but you can verify by disabling the iPhone GPS location service and then go to the RunKeeeper. Sometimes, the app is able to allow you launching the iPhone Pref app by a Settings button in an alert view.
I don't think the RunKeeper developers have specific privileges from Apple.
I have found some tutorials on the web on how to integrate admob with sencha. My problem is when you add a Site/App on admob, after selecting Smartphone Web for the ad type, one of the requirements is the Site URL. Now, the app I am creating is packed for android and ios but without a website counterpart.
How am I going to integrate admob to sencha without the needing to input the url of the app? Can I just make up any url, but will this deliver/detect the ads?
many thanks.
I'm pretty sure that you can just leave that box empty, its your Publisher ID that's used to deliver the ads.