I use exception_notification gem for handling an errors in an app.
My ApplicationController looks like this:
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
rescue_from Exception,
:with => :render_error
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound,
:with => :render_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError,
:with => :render_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownController,
:with => :render_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownAction,
:with => :render_not_found
def render_not_found(exception)
.exception_notification(request.env, exception)
render :template => "/errors/404.html.erb",
:layout => 'errors.html.erb'
def render_error(exception)
.exception_notification(request.env, exception)
render :template => "/errors/500.html.erb",
:layout => 'errors.html.erb'
In /config/enviroments/productions.rg in the end of the file I have:
config.middleware.use ExceptionNotifier,
:email_prefix => "[MY APP| Error Report] ",
:sender_address => %{"MY APP" <err#my-app.com>},
:exception_recipients => 'my_email#gmail.com'
when I get the error on the app - eg. Article.find(not-existing-ID), I'll get the standard error page (ERROR 500) from /public/500.html and not from the file specified in application controller... How is that possible? Past hours I tried to find the problem, but I still don't know the issue.
This works for me - from application_controller.rb:
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
rescue_from Exception, with: :render_500
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, with: :render_404
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownController, with: :render_404
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownAction, with: :render_404
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :render_404
def render_404(exception)
ExceptionNotifier::Notifier.exception_notification(request.env, exception,
:data => {:User => current_user.full_name, :Email => current_user.email, :UserID => current_user.id}).deliver
#not_found_path = exception.message
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render template: 'pages/404', layout: 'layouts/application', status: 404 }
format.all { render nothing: true, status: 404}
def render_500(exception)
ExceptionNotifier::Notifier.exception_notification(request.env, exception,
:data => {:User => current_user.full_name, :Email => current_user.email, :UserID => current_user.id}).deliver
#error = exception
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render template: 'pages/500', layout: 'layouts/application', status: 500 }
format.all { render nothing: true, status: 500}
Note: I have my custom error pages in /app/views/pages. Called 500.html.haml and 404.html.haml
I also have this in my routes.rb (note a hash after 'pages rather than a forward-slash):
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
match '*not_found', to: 'pages#404'
PS. See updated instructions here: http://ramblinglabs.com/blog/2012/01/rails-3-1-adding-custom-404-and-500-error-pages
Hi this works for me try it!
In the application_controller.rb you can add these codes:
if Rails.env.production?
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
rescue_from Exception, with: :render_500
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, with: :render_404
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownController, with: :render_404
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownAction, with: :render_404
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :render_404
This codes checks if you are running your rails app using production mode and catches different rescue errors.
In the same controller "application_controller.rb" add these codes:
def render_404(exception)
#not_found_path = exception.message
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render template: 'errors/not_found', layout: 'layouts/application', status: 404 }
format.all { render nothing: true, status: 404 }
def render_500(exception)
logger.info exception.backtrace.join("\n")
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render template: 'errors/internal_server_error', layout: 'layouts/application', status: 500 }
format.all { render nothing: true, status: 500}
These methods will specify the page you want to display when your app catches an error,
then create a controller named: errors_controller.rb
then in your app/view/errors
create a file named:
and in your routes.rb
add these codes:
match '/internal_server_error', :to => 'errors#internal_server_error'
match '/not_found', :to => 'errors#not_found'
I'd like to 'fake' a 404 page in Rails. In PHP, I would just send a header with the error code as such:
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
How is that done with Rails?
Don't render 404 yourself, there's no reason to; Rails has this functionality built in already. If you want to show a 404 page, create a render_404 method (or not_found as I called it) in ApplicationController like this:
def not_found
raise ActionController::RoutingError.new('Not Found')
Rails also handles AbstractController::ActionNotFound, and ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound the same way.
This does two things better:
1) It uses Rails' built in rescue_from handler to render the 404 page, and
2) it interrupts the execution of your code, letting you do nice things like:
user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) or not_found
without having to write ugly conditional statements.
As a bonus, it's also super easy to handle in tests. For example, in an rspec integration test:
# RSpec 1
lambda {
visit '/something/you/want/to/404'
}.should raise_error(ActionController::RoutingError)
# RSpec 2+
expect {
get '/something/you/want/to/404'
}.to raise_error(ActionController::RoutingError)
And minitest:
assert_raises(ActionController::RoutingError) do
get '/something/you/want/to/404'
OR refer more info from Rails render 404 not found from a controller action
HTTP 404 Status
To return a 404 header, just use the :status option for the render method.
def action
# here the code
render :status => 404
If you want to render the standard 404 page you can extract the feature in a method.
def render_404
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404", :layout => false, :status => :not_found }
format.xml { head :not_found }
format.any { head :not_found }
and call it in your action
def action
# here the code
If you want the action to render the error page and stop, simply use a return statement.
def action
render_404 and return if params[:something].blank?
# here the code that will never be executed
ActiveRecord and HTTP 404
Also remember that Rails rescues some ActiveRecord errors, such as the ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound displaying the 404 error page.
It means you don't need to rescue this action yourself
def show
user = User.find(params[:id])
User.find raises an ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound when the user doesn't exist. This is a very powerful feature. Look at the following code
def show
user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) or raise("not found")
# ...
You can simplify it by delegating to Rails the check. Simply use the bang version.
def show
user = User.find_by_email!(params[:email])
# ...
The newly Selected answer submitted by Steven Soroka is close, but not complete. The test itself hides the fact that this is not returning a true 404 - it's returning a status of 200 - "success". The original answer was closer, but attempted to render the layout as if no failure had occurred. This fixes everything:
render :text => 'Not Found', :status => '404'
Here's a typical test set of mine for something I expect to return 404, using RSpec and Shoulda matchers:
describe "user view" do
before do
get :show, :id => 'nonsense'
it { should_not assign_to :user }
it { should respond_with :not_found }
it { should respond_with_content_type :html }
it { should_not render_template :show }
it { should_not render_with_layout }
it { should_not set_the_flash }
This healthy paranoia allowed me to spot the content-type mismatch when everything else looked peachy :) I check for all these elements: assigned variables, response code, response content type, template rendered, layout rendered, flash messages.
I'll skip the content type check on applications that are strictly html...sometimes. After all, "a skeptic checks ALL the drawers" :)
FYI: I don't recommend testing for things that are happening in the controller, ie "should_raise". What you care about is the output. My tests above allowed me to try various solutions, and the tests remain the same whether the solution is raising an exception, special rendering, etc.
You could also use the render file:
render file: "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", layout: false, status: 404
Where you can choose to use the layout or not.
Another option is to use the Exceptions to control it:
raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "Record not found."
The selected answer doesn't work in Rails 3.1+ as the error handler was moved to a middleware (see github issue).
Here's the solution I found which I'm pretty happy with.
In ApplicationController:
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
rescue_from Exception, with: :handle_exception
def not_found
raise ActionController::RoutingError.new('Not Found')
def handle_exception(exception=nil)
if exception
logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
logger.debug "Exception Message: #{exception.message} \n"
logger.debug "Exception Class: #{exception.class} \n"
logger.debug "Exception Backtrace: \n"
logger.debug exception.backtrace.join("\n")
if [ActionController::RoutingError, ActionController::UnknownController, ActionController::UnknownAction].include?(exception.class)
return render_404
return render_500
def render_404
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render template: 'errors/not_found', layout: 'layouts/application', status: 404 }
format.all { render nothing: true, status: 404 }
def render_500
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render template: 'errors/internal_server_error', layout: 'layouts/application', status: 500 }
format.all { render nothing: true, status: 500}
and in application.rb:
config.after_initialize do |app|
app.routes.append{ match '*a', :to => 'application#not_found' } unless config.consider_all_requests_local
And in my resources (show, edit, update, delete):
#resource = Resource.find(params[:id]) or not_found
This could certainly be improved, but at least, I have different views for not_found and internal_error without overriding core Rails functions.
these will help you...
Application Controller
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, ActionController::UnknownController, ::AbstractController::ActionNotFound, ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: lambda { |exception| render_error 404, exception }
def render_error(status, exception)
Rails.logger.error status.to_s + " " + exception.message.to_s
Rails.logger.error exception.backtrace.join("\n")
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render template: "errors/error_#{status}",status: status }
format.all { render nothing: true, status: status }
Errors controller
class ErrorsController < ApplicationController
def error_404
#not_found_path = params[:not_found]
404 Not Found
Sorry, an error has occured, Requested page not found!
You tried to access '#{#not_found_path}', which is not a valid page.
%a.button_simple_orange.btn.btn-primary.btn-lg{href: root_path}
Take Me Home
get '*unmatched_route', to: 'main#not_found'
def not_found
render :file => "#{Rails.root}/public/404.html", :status => 404, :layout => false
<%= render file: 'public/404', status: 404, formats: [:html] %>
just add this to the page you want to render to the 404 error page and you are done.
I wanted to throw a 'normal' 404 for any logged in user that isn't an admin, so I ended up writing something like this in Rails 5:
class AdminController < ApplicationController
before_action :blackhole_admin
def blackhole_admin
return if current_user.admin?
raise ActionController::RoutingError, 'Not Found'
rescue ActionController::RoutingError
render file: "#{Rails.root}/public/404", layout: false, status: :not_found
Raising ActionController::RoutingError('not found') has always felt a little bit strange to me - in the case of an unauthenticated user, this error does not reflect reality - the route was found, the user is just not authenticated.
I happened across config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses and I think in some cases this is a more elegant solution to the stated problem:
# application.rb
config.action_dispatch.rescue_responses = {
'UnauthenticatedError' => :not_found
# my_controller.rb
before_action :verify_user_authentication
def verify_user_authentication
raise UnauthenticatedError if !user_authenticated?
What's nice about this approach is:
It hooks into the existing error handling middleware like a normal ActionController::RoutingError, but you get a more meaningful error message in dev environments
It will correctly set the status to whatever you specify in the rescue_responses hash (in this case 404 - not_found)
You don't have to write a not_found method that needs to be available everywhere.
To test the error handling, you can do something like this:
feature ErrorHandling do
before do
Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local = false
Rails.application.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
scenario 'renders not_found template' do
visit '/blah'
expect(page).to have_content "The page you were looking for doesn't exist."
If you want to handle different 404s in different ways, consider catching them in your controllers. This will allow you to do things like tracking the number of 404s generated by different user groups, have support interact with users to find out what went wrong / what part of the user experience might need tweaking, do A/B testing, etc.
I have here placed the base logic in ApplicationController, but it can also be placed in more specific controllers, to have special logic only for one controller.
The reason I am using an if with ENV['RESCUE_404'], is so I can test the raising of AR::RecordNotFound in isolation. In tests, I can set this ENV var to false, and my rescue_from would not fire. This way I can test the raising separate from the conditional 404 logic.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, with: :conditional_404_redirect if ENV['RESCUE_404']
def conditional_404_redirect
if #current_user.present?
I was trying to write some quick routing tests for a simple api so I wrote:
it "delete" do
delete("/api/notifications/:id").should_not be_routable
But I received:
Failure/Error: delete("/api/notifications/:id").should_not be_routable
expected {:delete=>"/api/notifications/:id"} not to be routable, but it routes to {:controller=>"application", :action=>"rescue404", :a=>"api/notifications/:id"}
I quickly realized I was rescuing from 404, so pretty much everything is routable.
unless Rails.env.development?
rescue_from NotFound, :with => :rescue404
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :rescue404
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :rescue404
def rescue404
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :text => 'Something went wrong. Record not found or url is incorrect.\n' }
format.xml { render :text => 'Something went wrong. Record not found or url is incorrect.\n' }
format.html { redirect_to root_url, :alert => 'That page does not exist, sorry bro!' }
That leaves me with this for a test:
it "delete" do
delete("/api/notifications/:id").should route_to("application#rescue404", :a => "api/notifications/:id")
Writing this way is error prone to me as I'm constantly getting the ':a =>' wrong. Is there any way I can test if an exception is being rescued?
This works:
it "delete" do
delete("/api/notifications/:id").should raise_error()
...but what error should I be checking for? Or should I just leave it at that?
You could change your rescues. Change:
unless Rails.env.development?
if Rails.env.production?
That should leave the test env out of your rescue404 behavior.
I've made a simple app and I wanted to test pages for 404, 500 etc. http errors. I've changed config.consider_all_requests_local to false in my enviroments/development.rb but I've still got some problems so I would like to ask you a few questions...
If I type in my bowser something inappropriate like http://localhost:3000/products/dfgdgdgdgfd I still see the old "Unknown action" site. However if I type local ip adress of my computer for ex. I can see the 404 error page from public folder. Why is that happening?
I know that if I deploy my little project somewhere than my app will use the production mode and if any error would occure the 404 or 500 page will show up. But what if I want to make those error pages more dynamic ( for ex. rendering error message while using a layout with a list of popular products) or simply redirecting them to the main page?
2.1. The first solution that I found was to use rescue_from method in application controller:
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
rescue_from Exception, :with => :render_error
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :render_not_found
rescue_from AbstractController::ActionNotFound, :with => :render_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :render_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownController, :with => :render_not_found
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownAction, :with => :render_not_found
def render_error exception
redirect_to root_path
# render :controller=>'errors', :action=>'error_500', :status=>500
def render_not_found exception
redirect_to root_path
# render :controller=>'errors', :action=>'error_404', :status=>404
... but that code didn't work at any case.
2.2. The second solution was to place match "*path" , :to => "products#show", :id=>1 (that's the example main page in my silly app) or match "*path" , :to => "errors#error_404", :id=>1 at the end of the routes.rb file. That code works only for typos like because if I try (the controller exists but the action is not found) I still got the 404 page.
I've played a bit trying sth like match "*path/*act" , :to => "products#show", :id=>1 or match ":controller(/*act)" , :to => "products#show", :id=>8 but that didn't work either...
2.3. The third solution was to make controller for errors and a file in initializers folder with this code:
# initializers/error_pages.rb
module ActionDispatch
class ShowExceptions
def rescue_action_in_public(exception)
status = status_code(exception).to_s
template = ActionView::Base.new(["#{Rails.root}/app/views"])
if ["404"].include?(status)
file = "/errors/404.html.erb"
file = "/errors/500.html.erb"
body = template.render(:file => file)
render(status, body)
That was quite useful because it would let me to render dynamic erb files but.. it's not rendering any layout. I've tried to change body = template.render(:file => file) to body = template.render(:partial => file, :layout => "layouts/application") but it was only cousing errors.
I know that I'm doing sth wrong and I belive that there is a working solution for those error pages so I hope that you can help...
In your application controller you need to override this method:
def method_missing(m, *args, &block)
redirect_to :controller=>"errors", :action=>"error_404"
# or render/redirect_to somewhere else
and then you have to combine it with this code:
unless Rails.application.config.consider_all_requests_local
rescue_from Exception, :with => :method_missing
rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :method_missing
rescue_from AbstractController::ActionNotFound, :with => :method_missing
rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :method_missing
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownController, :with => :method_missing
rescue_from ActionController::UnknownAction, :with => :method_missing
How can I test rescue_from is RSpec? I'd like to make sure that if one of the exceptions is raised, that the controller correctly sets the flash and does the redirect. Is there a way to simulate the exception?
rescue_from PageAccessDenied do
flash[:alert] = "You do not have the necessary roles to access this page"
redirect_to root_url
rescue_from CanCan::AccessDenied do |exception|
flash[:alert] = exception.message
redirect_to root_url
Assuming that you have an authorize! method that raises the exception, you should be able to do something like this:
describe "rescue_from exceptions" do
it "rescues from PageAccessDenied" do
controller.stub(:authorize!) { raise PageAccessDenied }
get :index
response.should redirect_to("/")
flash[:alert].should == "You do not have the necessary roles to access this page"