ColdFusion CFPDFFORM does not populate PDF form fields - pdf

I created a quick PDF file with two form fields, first name and last name (or FirstName and LastName), with a Submit button and used the following code to try to populate these fields in a new PDF file:
<cfpdfform action="populate" source="#variables.AbsPath#\test.pdf">
<cfpdfformparam name="FirstName" value="foo" />
<cfpdfformparam name="LastName" value="bar" />
However, I receive this error:
The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code.
Null Pointers are another name for undefined values.
Platform, Locale, and Platform Name must not be null
I tried reading the PDF file to make sure the form fields were correct using this and they are:
<cfpdfform action="read" source="#variables.AbsPath#\test.pdf" result="fields" />
<cfdump var="#fields#">
The struct dumps out:
FirstName: [empty string]
LastName: [empty string]
Submit: [empty string]
I tried searching the Adobe docs and around some other sites, but can't find a solution for this error. I also tried adding a "destination" parameter to the cfpdfform tag in case it was needed, but got the same result. The PDF file does exist. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
Here is the stack trace:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Platform, Locale, and Platform Name must not be null
at com.adobe.fontengine.fontmanagement.platform.PlatformFontDescription.<init>(Unknown Source)
at com.adobe.fontengine.font.opentype.OpenTypeFont.getPlatformFontDescription(Unknown Source)
at com.adobe.fontengine.font.FontImpl.getPlatformFontDescription(Unknown Source)
at com.adobe.fontengine.font.FontImpl.getPlatformFontDescription(Unknown Source)
at com.adobe.fontengine.fontmanagement.platform.PlatformFontResolverImpl.addFont(Unknown Source)
at com.adobe.internal.pdftoolkit.core.fontset.impl.PDFFontSetImpl.addFont(Unknown Source)
at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.FontSetBuilder.loadFontsPath(
at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.FontSetBuilder.loadSystemFonts(
at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.FontSetBuilder.makePDFFontSet(
at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.FontSetBuilder.getPdfFontSet(
at com.adobe.internal.pdfm.PDFM7Factory.getPdfFontSet(
at coldfusion.document.DocumentServiceImpl.getAssemblerFontSet(
at coldfusion.pdf.PDFForm.populateFields(
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.PDFFormTag.doEndTag(
at cfsubmit2ecfm1224790315.runPage(C:\ColdFusion\wwwroot\nVision\projects\test\pdfform\submit.cfm:9)
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.LicenseFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.RequestThrottleFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter(
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(
at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke(
at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch(
at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable(
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(

I believe this is a font issue with the specific server being used. This is why the same code will work on the production server and not the testing server. I am experiencing the same issue and although I don't have a great solution here's what I learned.
The stacktrace shows that there's an error getting the getPlatformFontDescription of an OpenType font.
Our Windows server is listing some TrueType fonts as OpenType. Is yours?
Using the following code corrected the issue, but it's a work around only.
<cfpdf name="local.pdffile" action="read" source="some path" >
local.pdfReader = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfReader").init(tobinary(local.pdffile));
local.outputStream = createObject("java", "").init();
local.pdfStamper = createObject("java", "com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfStamper").init(local.pdfReader,local.outputStream);
local.Acroform = local.pdfStamper.getAcroFields();
//Populating Form Fields
// etc.
local.pdfStamper.setFormFlattening(true); //optional
local.pdffile = local.outputStream.toByteArray();
<!--- flatten="no" must be set or you will get the error again --->
<cfpdf action="write" source="local.pdffile" destination="#variables.OutputPath##local.UUID#.pdf" overwrite="yes" flatten="no" />
More Diagnostics: Simply listing all the fonts available to the server using the Java subsystem also fails. Try this.
<cfset list=createobject("java","com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.FontSetBuilder")>
<cfdump var="#list#">
<cfset dummy = list.getPdfFontSet()>
<cfdump var="#dummy.toString()#">
<!--- this should fail --->
We have "fixed" our problem at the moment by removing all the fonts from the Windows\Fonts folder, and isolating the damaged ones. It's painstaking but seems to work.
Good luck!

You did not mention how you created your PDF file. Depending on how you created the PDF file the form fields may be contained within a subform. PDFs generated from templates within LiveCycle will do this. By default LiveCycle will name the subform "form1". In order to populate these form fields you need to include the cfpdfsubform tag. See the documentation here: cfpdfsubform documentation
So your code would look something like this:
<cfpdfform action="populate" source="#variables.AbsPath#\test.pdf">
<cfpdfsubform name="form1">
<cfpdfformparam name="FirstName" value="foo" />
<cfpdfformparam name="LastName" value="bar" />
The code that you included to read your PDF file should show you if the fields are included in a subform. The dump would show your form fields contained within another structure. That would be the name that you use in the cfpdfsubform tag's name attribute.

I just wrote up a script to fix this issue here:
It's an issue with a font file not having a locale or platform name set. the PDF functions in Coldfusion call this
<cfset list=createobject("java","com.adobe.internal.pdfm.util.FontSetBuilder")>
<cfset dummy = list.getPdfFontSet()>
This enumerates every font and if one is bad it throws an exception and kills your process.
My code enumerates all the fonts in c:\windows\fonts and then tells you the bad ones.
Here are the ones we have issues with:

I just realized after re-reading your question that I was going down the wrong path. I was thinking you were having an issue populating the fields in the pdf. But your real issue is the null pointer. Doh! Sorry about the confusion.
Usually that error is telling you that a variable you are using is not defined. The only variable I see in your example is #variables.AbsPath#. You are specifying the variables scope. Is that correct? The variables scope is available only on the page in which it was created (and to included pages).
You did not include how you are defining that variable. Can you share that?
Is the error happening randomly or all the time?
Are you sure the error is happening on that cfpdfform line and not somewhere else? I would put a cftry/cfcatch block around your code and dump the cfcatch structure to get a more specific error. Can you try that and post back?


IFilter with Custom properties

I'm developing a custom filter to my file format. Everything works fine when I use any of system keys from <propkey.h> like PKEY_Search_Contents.
But now I need to have my custom properties to register and use with Windows Search. Imagine:
"SELECT * FROM SystemIndex WHERE scope ='file:C:/' AND Publisher.Item.CustomProperty LIKE '%Test%'"
I saw about Property Handlers and already tested. I used the RecipePropertyHandler project from Windows 7 SDK Samples. And when I searched with this code:
// get a property store for the mp3 file
IPropertyStore* store = NULL;
HRESULT hr = SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(L"SomePath",
NULL, GPS_DEFAULT, __uuidof(IPropertyStore), (void**)&store);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
store->GetValue(PKEY_Microsoft_SampleRecipe_Difficulty, &variant);
//// very important undocumented method
I receive the correct answer.
But I don't understand how to union IFilter with IPropertyStore to create my custom properties. To start my IFilter, I used the example from Windows 7 SDK Samples. I'm doing something like:
chunkValue.SetTextValue(PKEY_SearchContents, filtered.c_str(),CHUNK_TEXT, 1046, 0, 0, CHUNK_EOS);
I didn't found the link anymore anymore but I read a quote of msdn about you can't implement IFilter AND IPropertyStore together. It's that true? Talking in other words, I can't create a custom property?
I saw all links from msdn, like link, link2 or any other.
I can do separate things but I don't know how to union both.
Any ideia how to implement?
Im trying yet implement the PropertyHandler. My .propdesc file have this content:
<schema xmlns:xsi=""
<propertyDescriptionList publisher="Microsoft" product="SampleRecipe">
<propertyDescription name="Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Difficulty" formatID="{1794C9FE-74A9-497f-9C69-B31F03CE7EF9}" propID="100">
<description>This property indicates the preparation difficulty of a recipe.</description>
<searchInfo inInvertedIndex="true" isColumn="true" />
<typeInfo type="String" multipleValues="false" isViewable="true" />
<labelInfo label="Recipe difficulty" invitationText="Specify recipe difficulty" />
<displayInfo displayType="Enumerated" >
<editControl control="DropList"/>
<enum value="Easy" text="Easy" />
<enum value="Medium" text="Medium" />
<enum value="Hard" text="Hard" />
<propertyDescription name="Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Keywords" formatID="{16D19FCB-7654-48AB-8057-DF8E51CC0755}" propID="100">
<description>This property indicates the preparation difficulty of a recipe.</description>
<searchInfo inInvertedIndex="true" isColumn="True"/>
<typeInfo type="String" multipleValues="true" isViewable="true" />
<labelInfo label="Recipe Keywords" invitationText="Specify recipe keyword" />
On Windows Properties:
I receive all informations from file... but when I try to search with Windows Search like:
SELECT Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Keywords FROM SystemIndex
Where directory='somedirectory'
I receive all lines empty... Any ideias why?
I can see my properties on PropSchema:
I can use my Microsoft.SampleRecipe.DifficultyV2 on my WSSQL Query like:
SELECT Microsoft.SampleRecipe.KeywordsV2 FROM SystemIndex WHERE directory='C:\users\step\documents\rvffilter\'
But all the contents are empty

cfml variable inside cfoutput text

I'd like to resolve this problem. I have a variable:
<cfset myvar = "mytext <cfinclude template=""test.cfm"">">
and I have test.cfm with an amount of cfml code.
and I'm trying to make cfoutput like this:
I'd like that my page doesn't show this output:
mytext <cfinclude template="test.cfm">
mytext followed by the execution of cfml code inside test.cfm
Is it possible?
I am not certain what you are trying to do from your question but if my guess is correct this may do what you want:
<cfsavecontent variable="myvar"><cfoutput>
<cfinclude template="test.cfm">
Note: You may not need the cfoutput inside the cfcontent tag, it depends on your page setup so I have just added it.
I have no idea what your included test.cfm file is doing since you did not share that information but this might work for you:
<cfset myvar = "mytext ">
<cfinclude template="test.cfm">
Assuming that the included file generates the output that you are looking for.
In your code, you are trying to set the cfinclude tag itself to another variable. This will never work. However, I have tested the following on a live server and it does work.
<cfsavecontent variable="inc">
<cfinclude template="test.cfm">
<cfoutput>mytext #inc#</cfoutput>
In this example, everything between the cfsavecontent tags is saved to a variable, in this case inc. Then you are able to reference that variable in the cfoutput tag.
Or, to use <cfset> as in your code:
<cfsavecontent variable="inc">
<cfinclude template="test.cfm">
<cfset myvar = "mytext" & inc>
& is the CFML string concatenation operator.
It's difficult to know for sure without seeing more of your code, but if you are trying to use includes in this way your code is perhaps disorganized. Providing a full example would help provide some context.

how to get a value out of a ColdFusion struct object

I am creating a pdf document (via ColdFusion), and rendering the pdf in a browser. The pdf form is already created and I am prefilling and populating the fields.
So what I am doing is dumping the variables out from the pdf to use as the name in a cfpdfformparam. (to get the variables) Then what I am doing is creating where owner email is the name of the variable from the pdf and then for the value I am assigning the session variable from another form. So that what they have entered prefills in the form they need to fill out. So really name decides the location on the pdf and value is the session variable of what was entered on the other form.
The issue I am having is that the variables that were already created, a few of them have structs inside of the variables so I am not sure how to call them in (name portion) in order to prefill and populate the information.
For example how would I prefill in the information for FEID/DL/DMVacct and for FL reg when they contain a struct within the variable?:
like this?: <cfpdfformparam
<cfpdfform action="read" source="82040y.pdf" result="data" />
<cfdump var="#data#" />
I am pre-populating the pdf form fields (via ColdFusion session variables), and then rendering the pdf using the following markup:
<cfpdfform source="82040.pdf" action="populate">
<cfpdfformparam name="org" value="">
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can access variables embedded inside a struct like this:
<!--- using dot notation --->
<cfif StructKeyExists(myStruct, "myKey")>
<cfoutput> #mystruct.myKey#</cfoutput><br>
<!--- or using access notation --->
<cfif StructKeyExists(myStruct, LastName)>
<cfoutput>#LastName#: #mystruct[LastName]#</cfoutput><br>
You can use IsDefined to see if a value exists:
However, if the key is dynamic, or contains special characters, you must use the StructKeyExists function.
NOTE: You must be careful about your variable names in ColdFusion. Some of the names assigned to your struct values would be considered invalid if used as variable names. So if your struct names contain invalid characters, you will need to access them via access-notation in order to retrieve them:
<!--- use access-notation for value names with special chars --->
Otherwise, you will have runtime errors if you attempt dot-notation:
<!--- Invalid markup! Don't do this! --->
So here are some examples of how you could access your data:
<!--- Output the value --->
<cfoutput> #data["FEID/DL/DMVacct"]["#"]#</cfoutput><br>
<!--- Storing the value in a variable named 'myVar' --->
<cfset myVar = #data["FEID/DL/DMVacct"]["#"]# />
If your struct names follow ColdFusion's variable naming rules, then you can also access your data with dot-notation, notice I changed the value names FEID/DL/DMVacct and # to valid variable names: FEID_DL_DMVacct and num:
<!--- Output the value via dot-notation --->
<cfoutput> #data.FEID_DL_DMVacct.num#</cfoutput><br>
<!--- Storing the value in a variable named 'myVar' --->
<cfset myVar = #data.FEID_DL_DMVacct.num# />
Hope this helps!
structName['FEID/DL/DMVacct']['##'] = variable
You need the double # to escape them and produce one singular #

Can file names be changed on uploading with cffile?

I am currently trying to create a page where bands can upload their own logos onto the site for use where it is needed. Currently, I have created something which allows a user to upload/delete a logo to the allocated directory. But what I want to do is rather than create a band_logo field, have it so the band logo file name becomes the band's id in the database. With this being unique it means I don't have the long-winded process of creating a field to save their logo name. I know there is a cffile action="rename" option but that is a more long-winded process of doing things.
Yes, if you provide the file name in the destination it will rename the file on upload.
<cffile action="upload" destination="/path/to/some/directory/#session.bandName#.jpg" ... />
See Renaming Files As They Are Uploaded (how CFFILE actually works)
BTW, searching google for "name file on cffile upload" found that article...
However, you still may want to use
<cffile action = "upload" ...>
<cffile action = "rename" ...>
Because unless you snag the file extension on the client side and pass it on to the server, hard coding the file extension could cause problems if they don't upload a .jpg or whatever extension you designate. It isn't that much code or overhead and it's safer.
<cfif #ServerFileExt# EQ 'jpg'>
<cffile action="upload" destination="/path/to/some/directory/#session.bandName#.jpg" />
<cffile action="rename"
<cflocation addtoken="no" url="back to form upload page">

XML configuration of Zend_Form: child nodes and attributes not always equal?

A set of forms (using Zend_Form) that I have been working on were causing me some headaches trying to figure out what was wrong with my XML configuration, as I kept getting unexpected HTML output for a particular INPUT element. It was supposed to be getting a default value, but nothing appeared.
It appears that the following 2 pieces of XML are not equal when used to instantiate Zend_Form:
Snippet #1:
<test type="hidden">
<options ignore="true" value="foo"/>
Snippet #2:
<test type="hidden">
<options ignore="true">
The type of the element doesn't appear to make a difference, so it doesn't appear to be related to hidden fields.
Is this expected or not?
As it was rather quiet on here, I took a look further into the source code and documentation.
On line 259 of Zend_Config_Xml, the SimpleXMLElement object attributes are converted to a string, resulting in:
options Object of: SimpleXMLElement
#attributes Array [2]
label (string:7) I can't see this because
value (string:21) something happens to this
options (string:21) something happens to this
So, I hunted through the documentation only to find that "value" is a reserved keyword when used as an attribute in an XML file that is loaded into Zend_Config_Xml:
Example #2 Using Tag Attributes in Zend_Config_Xml
"..Zend_Config_Xml also supports two
additional ways of defining nodes in
the configuration. Both make use of
attributes. Since the extends and the
value attributes are reserved keywords
(the latter one by the second way of
using attributes), they may not be
Thus, it would appear to be "expected" according to the documentation.
I'm not entirely happy that this is a good idea though, considering "value" is an attribute of form elements.
Don't worry about this. The reserved keywords were moved to their own namespace, and the previous attributes were depricated. In Zend Framework 2.0 the non-namespaced attributes will be removed so you can use them again.