SQL Server Management Studio 2008 connects to SQL 2012 localdb - sql

is it possible to use SQL Server Management Studio 2008 to connect to instances of SQL 2012 localdb?
I have installed the 2012 Native Client, which contains the ODBC driver, but I still can't seem to use the SSMS 2008 to connect to my localdb instance.
I have no problem using the sqlcmd to connect to the localdb, so it is not the server problem.
Thank you

You could do it via named pipes this way:
1 - Get the address of a (localdb) instance by running the following command: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe" info [InstanceName] (if its the default instance you're interested in, specify v11.0 as the [InstanceName] You can write it in CMD to text file with the command:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\SqlLocalDB.exe" info v11.0 > C:\db_details.txt
2 - Copy the "Instance pipe name" value, e.g. np:.\pipe\LOCALDB#1E0FF40B\tsql\query
3 - Paste the "Instance pipe name" value as the Server Name.

Install CU6 on system with SSMS 2008R2 as it contains some fixes related to compatibility issues with SQL Server 2012.
If you can see the 2012 server in your SSMS 2008R2 than you have connected it.
Open a new query window and execute the following code:
select ##version

try this :
ip Address\sqlserver2012 in the server name.
then set the Authentication method = SQL Server Authentication and provide thw login and password fields.


Error starting SQL Server configuration manager

Trying to open SQLSTD configuration file, but can't access it. Anything am doing wrong here? I have all the permission
Error message when you open SQL Server Configuration Manager in SQL Server: "Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable"
Please help
MS KB shows some cause and fixes as well
This problem occurs because the WMI provider is removed when you uninstall an instance of SQL Server. The 32-bit instance and the 64-bit instance of SQL Server share the same WMI configuration file. This file is located in the %programfiles(x86)% folder.
run below commmand in command prompt
mofcomp "%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\number\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof"
Your number depends on version you are using
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 110
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 100
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 100
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 90
Re-installation of sql server worked for me

Making SQL Server Management Studio use SQL Server 2016 instead of 2012

I was recently using SQL Server 2012 which was connected properly with my SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio). Then I downloaded SQL Server 2016 yesterday and installed it.
Problem is, when I run SSMS, it opens up SQL Server 2012 instead of 2016. How can I make SSMS point to SQL Server 2016?
Thank you!
Are you talking about the version of SSMS you want to use or the default instance?
One is a question that involves changing your windows shortcut, the other probably requires you to lookup the instance name in the SQL Server Configuration tool and using this when you connect
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe"
2016: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Ssms.exe"
config manager
2016: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\mmc.exe /32 C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\SQLServerManager13.msc

How to connect SQL Server Profiler to SQL Server Express?

Is there any better way to profile a SQL Server Express instance than below?
I am doing the below:
Run the sqllocaldb info utility in the command prompt to find the instance name.
Run sqllocaldb info v11.0 to find the "Instance Pipe Name"
Use the instance name (as below), connect to SQL Server Express from SQL Server Profiler

Connecting to SQL Server 2005 database in SQL Server Management Studio Express

I have installed Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
When I go to: Start --> All Programs --> SQL Server Management Studio Express
I don't get the Connect button highlighted and the Server name text box is empty.
How do I connect to the database with SQL Server Management Studio Express?
Assuming you are using Sql server express:
First make sure that sql server service is actually running.
Try the following names for servername:
or: try to open the dropdownlist in servername and use '<browse>'
ps: the . is really a dot only

SQL Server Management Studio won't connect to Sql Server

I've installed Visual Web Developer 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2 and SQL Management Studio 2008, using the MS Web Platform Installer 2.0. But whenever I wanna login, with Windows Authentication, to SQL Server with the Sql Management Studio it throws me an error: Cannot connect to (local)
And then under that, it says that it can't find the server or it can't access it.
I used to use the Sql Management Studio 2005 before and I could connect easily. But with this version it seems there are some issues. Can someone help me, please? Thank you.
Check in the "SQL Server Configuration Manager" the instance is correct if you are trying to access.
If it is not the default instance, you must access by < computer_name >\< instance_name > (eg: MyComputer\SQLEXPRESS)
If still you do not connect, try the replace < computer_name > by "localhost" or ""
Do you have multiple versions of SQL Server installed?
If so, you will need to specify the full instance name.