Using Sencha Command in Aptana - sencha-touch

Is there an existing solution for using Sencha command (to create app or controllers etc...) directly from the Aptana IDE. Any help will be welcome...

No, there is no existing solution for that. However, you can anyway create an app or files with sencha command. And that the process is pretty simple.
Guide for reference: Sencha command


Stream a terminal application's GUI inside a view

I have been experiencing with the ncurses library for a couple of weeks now and I started wondering if there was a way to wrap the terminal app's GUI inside a Cocoa window.
I've been searching around but I can't seem to find anyone who has done it. I would appreciate any help on the matter.
You could try using classes from iTerm 2 - which is a complete open source terminal app. That should give you a view with the ncurses support you require. iTerm 2 is on GitHub.

This app was last modified by a newer version of Sencha Cmd - version mismatch

I'm trying to add the sencha cmd production package into my build process. But the final step when I need to package the app fails with the above error.
What I don't understand is this is a newly built application fresh from the SVN repo. The sencha cmd is the latest as I've just upgraded. So my question is when it states that the app was last modified by a newer version of sencha cmd is it lying to me?
2 things which aren't correct:
The app can't have been modified by a newer version because I've
just upgraded the build machine version of sencha cmd to the newest
The app has been created by Sencha cmd in the past, but
this would have been older than the current one on the build
So I'm left baffled how to resolve this. How does Sencha Cmd 'know' that the app was last modified by a different version anyway? Is there some file within my \app folder which can be fudged so that it thinks the version is the latest? And what has the Sencha Cmd got to do with my application code-base anyway?
You can run the new Cmd version in update mode. I think this is really intended to update the Sencha Touch version, but if you just point it at the current version (2.1) then it will just update itself.
So, for example, run the line below with the latest Cmd:
sencha app upgrade [directory where 2.1 is]
Make sure you take a copy of your app.js first though, as the new version mangles this - just put your old one back after update. Also be aware that it will update your "Touch" directory, so make sure this is backed up as well.
Once the update has been run and you've put the app.js file back, your project should now build with the latest cmd.
If you have created/build your app using Sencha Cmd you will have related information (workspace.cmd.version, app.cmd.version) in following files:
PROJECT_ROOT/touch/cmd/sencha.cfg // This is SDK requirements
PROJECT_ROOT/.sencha/workspace/sencha.cfg // This is workspace build config
PROJECT_ROOT/.sencha/app/sencha.cfg // This is app build config
You can try fudging Cmd version in these files and let us know if it works :)
After doing sencha app upgrade --noframework, make sure to also run "sencha app refresh" to update .sencha metadata.
This misleading error message refers to a version change of Sencha's Cmd tool on the machine you are using. You can upgrade the Cmd scaffolding with the following command:
sencha app upgrade --noframework
From: 'sencha help app upgrade'
* --noframework, -no - Upgrade only the Sencha Cmd scaffolding and not the SDK
Definitely back up your app before upgrading. The upgrade command will warn you about conflicts that need to be resolved (such as custom changes to app.js). When you open those files the differences will be noted in a standard diff format:
<<<<<<< Generated
This file is generated and updated by Sencha Cmd. You can edit this file as
needed for your application, but these edits will have to be merged by
Sencha Cmd when it performs code generation tasks such as generating new
models, controllers or views and when running "sencha app upgrade".
Ideally changes to this file would be limited and most work would be done
in other places (such as Controllers). If Sencha Cmd cannot merge your
changes and its generated code, it will produce a "merge conflict" that you
will need to resolve manually.
>>>>>>> Custom
Resolve the conflicts (remove the >>>>>> X lines and make sure the right lines are included in your file) and you should be all set. The most likely file to have a conflict is app.js - it'd be a good idea to compare your backed up version of that file with your modified version to be confident of the changes.
This seems to mean that all developers working on the application need to run the same Cmd version, so keep that in mind as well.

How to run a Sencha Architect MVC application in Liferay

Does anyone have any information on how to properly run a Sencha Architect MVC app in LifeRay?
Designing, and running an app using architect(in a simple local apache server for mock up purposes) seems to work perfectly. My problem is trying to convert this over to use our LifeRay portal(ver 6)
I have tried to use Senchas build tools to create a jsb and build all into one JS script, but that seems to be missing required classes, and it says it is missing files,
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found - htp://localhost:8080/web/www/senchaTest/view/MainViewport.js?_dc=1350398599155".
I have been searching for good info on how to run a Sencha MVC app in liferay, with the proper setups, but have not found any information out there.
Can anyone point me in the correct direction?
All the application which follow the JSR-286 standard can be intergated with liferay,does your application follow the JSR-286 standards?

Sencha Touch for Haxe FDT5?

I'm trying to link to the sencha touch library from a FDT Haxe project. According to:
All you have to do is run from a command line:
haxelib install senchatouch
It installs sencha touch here : /usr/lib/haxe/lib/senchatouch/1,10
but my project doesn't know where to find it. How can I link my project to it? I also tried simply copying the entire senchatouch install into my project, but its very cumbersome of course and I get multiple compile errors. What is the correct way to do this? Thanks so much in advance.....
Here is a screen shot of the compiler errors:
You'll need to either:
Remap your $PATH variable of Haxe SDK to where FDT keeps the Haxe SDK.
Point FDT to the Haxe SDK with which you've installed the Haxelib into.
You'll also have to add the -lib argument to compile.hxml
Remap $PATH
Remap is beyond the scope of this question but you get the idea.
Using FDT's GUI
If using FDT's GUI, then go to Preferences>Haxe>Haxe SDK and point FDT to the Haxe SDK which you've installed Haxelib into.

Package command line tool with Cocoa app?

Disclaimer: Cocoa newbie here.
I wrote an app with a Cocoa GUI that acts as a wrapper for a command line tool. The problem is the tool does not come standard with OS X. Thus, you have to install the command line tool first before using the Cocoa app, or else the app won't function.
Can anyone point me to some documentation (hopefully, with examples), that can teach me how to install the command line tool when the user installs the app?
Thank you!
Why not include your command line tool inside the bundle of your Cocoa app? This way your Cocoa app is completely self-contained and the issue of "installing" the command line tool does not even arise.