Definition of an XML positional flat file - definition

I'm reading a documentation which refers to flat positional XML files.
What is a positional flat file in general ? What does it mean for XML ?


How to serialize YamlNode to string

I use kaml to parse yaml file.
After Yaml tree manipulation, I want to serialize the tree back to the file.
So far, it looks like I have to iterate over the tree and construct yaml file line by line.
Or is there an easier way?
So I got a reply from the library author and Kaml is not intended for general-purpose usage.
The suggestion is to try SnakeYaml.

Fix Unicode Decode Error Without Specifying Encoding='UTF-8'

I am getting the following error:
'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf4 in position 560: ordinal not in range(128)
I find this very weird given that my .csv file doesn't have special characters. Perhaps it has special characters that specify header rows and what not, idk.
But the main problem is that I don't actually have access to the source code that reads in the file, so I cannot simply add the keyword argument encoding='UTF-8'. I need to figure out which encoding is compatible with codecs.ascii_decode(...). I DO have access to the .csv file that I'm trying to read, and I can adjust the encoding to that, but not the source file that reads it.
I have already tried exporting my .csv file into Western (ASCII) and Unicode (UTF-8) formats, but neither of those worked.
Fixed. Had nothing to do with unicode shenanigans, my script was writing a parquet file when my Cloud Formation Template was expecting a csv file. Thanks for the help.

is there a way to create a 'Generic' CSV file format with FileHelpers

I would like to use FileHelpers to read a CSV file with an unknown file layout (except that it is comma delimited). I would basically like to have a string[] for row where each item is a field. Is this possible ?
Found it ! Use a smart format detector :

How to extract a file having varbinary column in u-sql script using default Extractor?

I have to Extract the varbinary column in a file. When I tried to extract it with byte[]. It show the error "Conversion Error. Column having invalid characters".
U-SQL Script:
EXTRACT Id int?,createddate DateTime?,Photo byte[]
FROM #input
USING Extractors.Csv(quoting: true,nullEscape:"\N");
The built-in Csv/Tsv/Text extractors assume that they operate on textual data, where the binary content is hex-encoded. This is necessary, since the binary otherwise could contain any of the delineation characters. See under byte[].
So if your photo is not hex-encoded, you would have to write your own custom extractor.

How the exported csv file from DB2 can include the content of XML

I am trying to export a table with XMLType field from DB2 to a csv.
And I found that inside the csv file, the relational field in table can output the values correctly.
But the value of the XMLType field is a pointer to an exported XML file.
The csv file content:
1349714,,2,<XDS FIL='result.csv.001.xml' OFF='0' LEN='7013' />,2014-01-22-
You can see that the 4th field value is a pointer to a XML file.
May I know the command to include the XML content when exporting to a csv file in DB2??
For now, I'm using this cmd to do export:
EXPORT TO result.csv OF DEL MODIFIED BY NOCHARDEL SELECT col1, col2, coln FROM dbtable;
Thanks Buddy.
You need to convert XML to a character data type, e.g. using XMLSERIALIZE(yourxmlcolumn AS VARCHAR(32672)). Keep in mind that both the VARCHAR data type and the delimited export format have limitations on the value length (32672 and 32700 bytes respectively), so if your serialized XML fragment is longer than that it will be truncated.