Convert an emgu code to GPU - gpu

I am totally new in GPU programing , i have no experience before working with a GPU , I have some functions , I have to convert those functions so that they run in GPU , The cpu version is running fine , I have used emgucv for image operations . My code is given bellow , please help me .
public static Image Highlight(Image image)
if (image == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("image");
using (Image<Bgr, byte> originalImage = ConvertToEmgu(image))
using (Image<Bgr, byte> resavedOriginalImage = ConvertToEmgu(ResaveImageWithGivenCompression(image)))
using (Image<Bgr, byte> errorLevelImage = (originalImage - resavedOriginalImage) * scalingFactor)
return errorLevelImage.ToBitmap();
private static Image<Bgr, byte> ConvertToEmgu(Image image)
using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(image))
return new Image<Bgr, byte>(bitmap);
private static Image ResaveImage(Image image)
EncoderParameters jpegEncoderParameters = new EncoderParameters(1);
ImageCodecInfo jpegWithGivenCompressionFormat = GetEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");
jpegEncoderParameters.Param[0] = new EncoderParameter(Encoder.Quality, compressionQuality);
using (MemoryStream resavedImageStream = new MemoryStream())
image.Save(resavedImageStream, jpegWithGivenCompressionFormat, jpegEncoderParameters);
return Image.FromStream(resavedImageStream);
private static ImageCodecInfo GetEncoderInfo(string mimeType)
ImageCodecInfo[] encoders = ImageCodecInfo.GetImageEncoders();
return encoders.FirstOrDefault(encoder => encoder.MimeType == mimeType);

First you need a Graphics card that supports CUDA at least 2.0.
Then you have to install the CUDA drivers from NVidia. Search for
CUDA toolkit.
Then you need to include the CUDA dlls in your project (Just like you
did with the Opencv dlls)
Then you need to use the CV.GPU namespace
Then you replace all your functions with the appropriate GPU version.
In your code I do not see any OpenCV functions so there is nothing to
replace. (But I could be missing some)

Please look at the following websites to answer your question


.Net Core Image Manipulation (Crop & Resize) / File Handling

I have spent the last 5 hours trying to find a feasible way to accomplish what seems to me quite an easy task if it was a previous version of the .NET family that I was working with:
Uploading a picture
Resizing & Cropping the picture
Saving the new picture into a directory
I have come accross to couple of libraries that are either in pre-release stage or in a not-complete stage.
Has anyone at all accomplished the above tasks without specifically including the System.Drawing namespace and/or adding a dependency for an earlier version of the .NET framework?
UPDATE on 08 / 08 / 2016
I ended up using System.Drawing something which is very annoying and disappointing. If you are developing a software used by thousands of developers, and if all these developers are relying on the components of this software, I believe, one cannot just come up with a new version, "sweet talk" about it during the conferences to show off your public speaking skills rather than giving a shit about your work and on one hand proudly hold in high esteem of it, and on the other, strip away the mostly used and demanded portions of it.
I do understand and appreciate with great excitement myself - of the new era of .net with the core framework - being a loyal asp dev since the first days of classic asp - however, to me, it is just an uncomplete product causing more frustrations and dissappointment than pleasure. When there are millions of websites in today's content-driven world, completely relying on content management, you can't just come up and say, "Hey, I have this brilliant, techonology, leaner, faster blah blah" but errr, you will have some problems with "managing" your content..
It should not be forgotten that, although, MS (and us) is very excited about this new core framework, with now being open source etc, there are other languages and frameworks out there that are doing what MS is promising to do, for a very very long time now.
ImageSharp is a new, fully featured, fully managed, cross-platform, 2D graphics API.
Designed to democratize image processing, ImageSharp brings you an incredibly powerful yet beautifully simple API.
Compared to System.Drawing we have been able to develop something much more flexible, easier to code against, and much, much less prone to memory leaks. Gone are system-wide process-locks; ImageSharp images are thread-safe and fully supported in web environments.
Built against .Net Standard 1.1 ImageSharp can be used in device, cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios.
You can use the Microsoft ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services to invoke arbitrary NPM packages at runtime from .NET code which means you can choose any npm package that provide image scaling and invoke it.
The following example shows how to use JavaScriptServices to resize image
Hope that Helps
.NET Core Image Processing blog post (January 19, 2017) compares 6 libraries:
Magick.NET (Win only)
Feb 26 update: post was updated, two new packages added
To complete the #Hossam Barakat answer, you can use the Microsoft ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services to invoke arbitrary NPM packages at runtime from .NET code which means you can choose any npm package that provide image scaling and invoke it.
The sample use the sharp module, which has a lot of dependecies. If you prefere, like me, to use jimp which is pure javascript:
public class Startup
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Enable Node Services
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.NodeServices;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace NodeServicesExamples.Controllers
public class ResizeImageController : Controller
private const int MaxDimension = 1000;
private static string[] AllowedMimeTypes = new[] { "image/jpeg", "image/png", "image/gif" };
private IHostingEnvironment _environment;
private INodeServices _nodeServices;
public ResizeImageController(IHostingEnvironment environment, INodeServices nodeServices)
_environment = environment;
_nodeServices = nodeServices;
[ResponseCache(Duration = 3600)]
public async Task<IActionResult> Index(string imagePath, double maxWidth, double maxHeight)
// Validate incoming params
if (maxWidth < 0 || maxHeight < 0 || maxWidth > MaxDimension || maxHeight > MaxDimension
|| (maxWidth + maxHeight) == 0)
return BadRequest("Invalid dimensions");
var mimeType = GetContentType(imagePath);
if (Array.IndexOf(AllowedMimeTypes, mimeType) < 0)
return BadRequest("Disallowed image format");
// Locate source image on disk
var fileInfo = _environment.WebRootFileProvider.GetFileInfo(imagePath);
if (!fileInfo.Exists)
return NotFound();
var eTag = GenerateETag(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{fileInfo.LastModified.ToString("s")}-{fileInfo.Length}"));
HttpContext.Response.Headers["ETag"] = eTag;
var match = HttpContext.Request.Headers["If-None-Match"].FirstOrDefault();
if (eTag == match)
return StatusCode(304);
// Invoke Node and pipe the result to the response
var imageStream = await _nodeServices.InvokeAsync<Stream>(
return File(imageStream, mimeType, fileInfo.Name);
private string GetContentType(string path)
string result;
return new FileExtensionContentTypeProvider().TryGetContentType(path, out result) ? result : null;
private string GenerateETag(byte[] data)
string ret = string.Empty;
using (var md5 = MD5.Create())
var hash = md5.ComputeHash(data);
string hex = BitConverter.ToString(hash);
ret = hex.Replace("-", "");
return ret;
var jimp = require("jimp");
module.exports = function (result, physicalPath, mimeType, maxWidth, maxHeight) {
// Invoke the 'jimp' NPM module, and have it pipe the resulting image data back to .NET (file) {
var width = maxWidth || jimp.AUTO;
var height = maxHeight || jimp.AUTO;
file.resize(maxWidth, height)
.getBuffer(mimeType, function (err, buffer) {
var stream =;
}).catch(function (err) {
install jimp: npm install jimp --save
Short answer is no, not yet. Most if not all current libraries rely on System.Drawing. If you need this now, I would go that route and add System.Drawing.
The .NET team is currently working through the features that are missing on the Core 1.0 stack, but this one isn't high enough on their priority list: Link
This is a library to watch as they're getting very close to a releasable API without System.Drawing. : ImageSharp
use SkiSharp, it is on the official microsoft documentation also:

Get Contents Of Image Class From AutomationElement

I am walking controls in a third party app that contains images. The automation element returns the class name Image, Any ideas on how I can get the contents of that Image as a bitmap object, or even bytes?
Although this question is old, I wanted to add an answer as I came across this problem as well.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Windows.Automation;
namespace AutomationElementExtension
public static class AutomationElementExtension
public static Bitmap ToBitmap(this AutomationElement automationElement)
var boundingRectangle = automationElement.Current.BoundingRectangle;
var bitmap = new Bitmap(Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.Width), Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.Height), PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
graphics.CopyFromScreen(Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.X), Convert.ToInt32(boundingRectangle.Y), Point.Empty.X, Point.Empty.Y, bitmap.Size);
return bitmap;
You can then get the image as a bitmap by calling it as
var bitmap = myAutomationElement.ToBitmap();
This discussion can be useful: Capturing an image behind a rectangle .
Just use BoundingRectangle property of the AutomationElement to make a snapshot.

How can I get the alternates of SAPI speech recognization result

On windows7 platform I can use System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine to convert voice to text.By SpeechRecognitionEngine when the SpeechRecognized event triggered I can get some alternate words,and I can show these word to users for choise.
void engine_SpeechRecognized(object sender, SpeechRecognizedEventArgs e)
if (this.SpeechRecognized != null)
this.SpeechRecognized(this, new RecognizedResultEventArgs
Text = e.Result.Text,
Alternates = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(e.Result.Alternates.Select(p => p.Text).ToList())
By the way,when I initialise SpeechRecognitionEngine instance,I want to load some specifical word instead of use "DictationGrammar".
My program need to runing on xp platform sometimes.So I want to implament a specific vertion to run on xp operating system by use sapi5.1.
I have readed a portion of sapi 5.1 document,then I get that:in sapi5.1,I can use "command and control" way to do that. but the "Result.Alternates()" method can not be used when I use "command and control".So,how can I achieve the same effect of SpeechRecognitionEngine ?
I tried the following code and there is an com Eception:
public void RecoContext_Recognition(int StreamNumber, object StreamPosition, SpeechRecognitionType RecognitionType, ISpeechRecoResult Result)
ISpeechPhraseProperty oItem;
oItem = Result.PhraseInfo.Properties.Item(0);
if ((System.Decimal)Result.PhraseInfo.GrammarId == grammarId)
if (this.SpeechRecognized != null)
RecognizedResultEventArgs e = new RecognizedResultEventArgs();
e.Text = oItem.Name;
// The following code throws an exception
ISpeechPhraseAlternates alternates = Result.Alternates(10);
List<string> s = new List<string>();
foreach (ISpeechPhraseAlternate item in alternates)
e.Alternates = new ReadOnlyCollection<string>(s);
this.SpeechRecognized(this, e);
Is there any way to get the alternates by use sapi by way of COM?Thank you.
In SAPI (any version), command and control grammars don't have alternates. Only dictation grammars have alternates.

Switching monitor/tv display modes for Windows

I have 2 DELL monitors and a tv. I frequently use my tv to stream movies. I'd like to create a script so that my secondary screen switches from my secondary DELL monitor to the tv without affecting my primary monitor.
I know this can be achieved by various means, but I'd like to create a script so that it will be able to detect the current active screen and then switch to the other so that my wife can just double click on it to switch between the two.
Can someone help me get started by letting me know which scripting language I can use and which libraries/dlls I will need to use?
For anyone who's curious I ended up creating a C# console application for this. This way I could use the WinAPIs to determine what display mode I was in and switch to the one that I wanted. It won't be setup for how everyone will want it but it should be a good starting point.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace DisplaySwitcher
class Program
public static extern int GetSystemMetrics(int nIndex);
public const int SM_CMONITORS = 80;
static void Main(string[] args)
int iNumberOfDisplays = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CMONITORS);
string displaySwitch = null;
switch (iNumberOfDisplays)
case 1: // TV mode (only detects 1 display)
displaySwitch += "/external";
case 2: // Normal mode (extended display)
displaySwitch += "/clone";
MessageBox.Show("Unknown display mode detected");
private static void executeCommand(string displaySwitch)
System.Diagnostics.Process process = new System.Diagnostics.Process();
System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
startInfo.FileName = "DisplaySwitch.exe";
startInfo.Arguments = displaySwitch;
process.StartInfo = startInfo;

How to capture and record video from webcam using JavaCV

I'm new to JavaCV and I have difficult time finding good tutorials about different issues on the topics that I'm interested in. I've succeed to implement some sort of real time video streaming from my webcam but the problem is that I use this code snippet which I found on the net :
public void run() {
FrameGrabber grabber = new VideoInputFrameGrabber(0); // 1 for next
// camera
int i = 0;
try {
IplImage img;
while (true) {
img = grabber.grab();
if (img != null) {
cvFlip(img, img, 1);// l-r = 90_degrees_steps_anti_clockwise
cvSaveImage((i++) + "-aa.jpg", img);
// show image on window
that results in multiple jpg files.
What I really want to do is capture my webcam input and along with showing it I want to save it in a proper video file. I find out about FFmpegFrameRecorder but don't know how to implement it. Also I've been wondering what are the different options for the format of the video file, because flv maybe would be more useful for me.
It's been quite a journey. Still a few things that I'm not sure what's the meaning behind them, but here is a working example for capturing and recording video from a webcam using JavaCV:
import com.googlecode.javacv.CanvasFrame;
import com.googlecode.javacv.FFmpegFrameRecorder;
import com.googlecode.javacv.OpenCVFrameGrabber;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.avutil;
import com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.IplImage;
public class CameraTest {
public static final String FILENAME = "output.mp4";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OpenCVFrameGrabber grabber = new OpenCVFrameGrabber(0);
IplImage grabbedImage = grabber.grab();
CanvasFrame canvasFrame = new CanvasFrame("Cam");
canvasFrame.setCanvasSize(grabbedImage.width(), grabbedImage.height());
System.out.println("framerate = " + grabber.getFrameRate());
FFmpegFrameRecorder recorder = new FFmpegFrameRecorder(FILENAME, grabber.getImageWidth(),grabber.getImageHeight());
recorder.setVideoBitrate(10 * 1024 * 1024);
while (canvasFrame.isVisible() && (grabbedImage = grabber.grab()) != null) {
It was somewhat hard for me to make this work so in addition to those that may have the same issue, if you follow the official guide about how to setup JavaCV on Windows 7/64bit and want to capture video using the code above you should create a new directory in C:\ : C:\ffmpeg and extract the files from the ffmped release that you've been told to download in the official guide. Then you should add C:\ffmpeg\bin to your Enviorment variable PATH and that's all. About this step all credits go to karlphillip
and his post here