Tumblr API - OAuth issues: OAuth verifier and RESTConsole - api

Trying to obtain blog followers using Tumblr's API and RESTConsole in Chrome (not building an app, just want to check a request response).
I'm new to Tumblr's API and to RESTConsole, so two sources of possible error here.
I've already ...
Registered an app on Tumblr, receiving OAuth Consumer Key and Secret Key in the process.
Entered into REST Console my target: http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/{blogname}.tumblr.com/followers
Entered into REST Console's "Setup oAuth" window my OAuth Consumer Key and Secret Key, along with Tumblr's Request Token URL, Access Token URL and Authorize URL.
Approved read/write access to my application when prompted by Tumblr.
Entered the provided Token Key and Token Secret into REST Console's oAuth window.
When I attempt GET requests for follower counts (on my own blog or others'), Tumblr returns 401, "Not Authorized." My blog's preferences page lists the application I'm trying to use as having access.
I've tried this placing base-hostname:{blogname}.tumblr.com in REST Console's request parameters fields; I receive the same error. I tried running a different OAuth method from Tumblr's API (queued posts) and receive the same error.
Thanks. Let me know if this isn't clear.
Edit: Sorry, meant to add -- I think I may need Oauth Verifier. I haven't been able to find this token, or understand how to obtain it.
Edit (2): So, turns out Tumblr's API needs a comma separator from the REST Console. Thanks all.

$conskey = "CONSUMER KEY";
$conssec = "CONSUMER SECRET";
$tumblr_blog = "myblog.tumblr.com";
$to_be_posted = "This is the text to be posted";
$oauth = new OAuth($conskey,$conssec);
$oauth->fetch("http://api.tumblr.com/v2/user/following", array('offset'=>0) ,OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_GET);
$result = json_decode($oauth->getLastResponse());
foreach($result->response->blogs as $key){
echo $key->url;
The code above will retrieve your followers list.
Hope this helps.


Ebay API: Connection between "Developer Account" and "Ebay Account"

A am just beginning to familiarize myself with the eBay RESTFUL API, forgive me this basic question, but I found no answer yet.
I have an eBay account since many years ago. I registered a developer account (same eMail address) recently, and I got the Tokens for Sandbox and Production. I have successfully used public APIs like list items, search items, and such, to verify the tokens, by querying some items in eBay.
How do I preceed from here to access data specific to my eBay account, like, for instance, the list of purchases and sales? Somehow I need to connect my app to my live eBay account, I guess, and give my app permissions to read data, but I could not find any matching setting in my eBay account settings nor in the API calls.
Please guide me through the next step: how do I give my app the required permissions, and how do I build a simple read-only query to query, for instance, the items I have purchased.
I think this question does not depend on any programming language, feel free to use any programming language you like.
Many Thanx!
Ok so if we are talking only about Authorization token and calling seller api like orders (in ebay it's called fullfilments i believe).
We need to start with creating User Token.
You can create one here:
Then you need to add ebay redirect URL:
I don't know much about Auth'n'Auth so I will talk only about OAuth
After adding new redirect URL you should add url address for authorization success and failure.
You will be redirected there after authorization.
Now we can test if generation of token works.
For this example i did set my redirect url like that:
We need to click "Test Sign-in" (set radio button to OAuth before)
You should be redirected to website:
You need to sign in with account which have access to sandbox.ebay.com or ebay.com (depends if you are on sandbox or production environment)
After logging in I don't remember if there will be another window with confirmation of App scopes to confirm (I already done it before).
But if that is the case just click confirm button.
Now you should be redirected to https://localhost.com which we did set up as our success redirect url
Url should look like that
That code parameter is much longer btw. And you can see that it's url encoded so you need to decode it before using
And now you are almost at home :D
You have 300 seconds to call a POST request to authorize with that code parameter.
POST https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token
Header required
Remember first screen shot?
You need to go there and get your App ID, Cert ID then concatenate it with ":" then encode it to Base64 and add before that value "Basic " keyword.
In pseudo code it should looks like that:
Authorization:Basic Base64.encode(AppID + ":" + CertID)
Body required
format of Body needs to be "x-www-form-urlencoded" (key:value format basically)
here you need
{code} - is value from success authorization url
{redirect_name} - you can find it on screen below marked with red circle
If you did everything right you should get response from ebay
"access_token": "v^1.1#i^1#r^0VbbxW1wjv4HZGAAA",
"expires_in": 7200,
"refresh_token": "v^1.1#i^1#f^0#r^FDQ=",
"refresh_token_expires_in": 47304000,
"token_type": "User Access Token"
You should save that data, access_token is used for accessing data, refresh_token is used to refresh access_token.
Example request with authToken
GET https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/sell/fulfillment/v1/order?filter=creationdate:[2022-03-31T08:25:43.511Z..]
You need Authroization header:
Authorization:Bearer v^1.1#i^1#r^0VbbxW1wjv4HZGAAA
That's it I guess. To implement that into your app you need to be able to generate the first url which you are redirected to after clicking "Test Sign-in" and that's basically it.
Btw you refresh token like that
POST https://api.sandbox.ebay.com/identity/v1/oauth2/token
Body x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization:Basic Base64.encode(AppID + ":" + CertID)
I hope that will help someone. :)

Bad Request returned when calling Yammer Oauth api for Impersonation

I'm working on building a powershell script to update user's profiles in Yammer. I need to be able to update users' subscriptions (followers) in their yammer profile and in order to do that, I need to get an auth token for that user (impersonation). According to Yammer's api documentation (https://developer.yammer.com/docs/impersonation), I need to be a verified admin (I am). I've registered my app with Yammer, I have a bearer token for my app which I'm passing in the auth header, and I'm passing in the consumer key and user_id for whom I want to impersonate in the api request query string. The api is responding with a 400 - Bad Request. The error message states that the request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax. I'm testing this using Postman. I am sending a GET request to the API as shown below. Obviously, I have actual values for the userId and consumerKey values. Does anything appear incorrect with this query and/or does anyone have any experience with this api that could possibly share some insight?

Twitter API 1.1 collections show 403/220

I can't access this particular Twitter API endpoint:
(with any ID I tried). The request returns an error with the message "Your credentials do not allow access to this resource" and code "220".
The App-only authentication Bearer Token I'm using for the request is exactly the same as for my requests to /search/tweets.json, /statuses/user_timeline/show.json, /statuses/show.json and /users/show.json, all of which work just fine. Also the collection is public, so App-only authentication should suffice, I'm thinking.
I'm somehow sure that I'm missing something here, but can't find it anywhere in the official API docs, nor on StackOverflow, nor on Google.
According to the Twitter API documentation, collections/show requires a user context - so app-only authentication will not work in this case.
Additionally, collection IDs are usually in the form "custom-756140390927872000" or similar. You can get the list of collection IDs from a user by hitting the collections/list?screen_name=handle query.

Twitter GET users/search client_credentials: Your credentials do not allow access to this resource

I have a static list of music artists and i want to get the id or screen_name of each one of them in Twitter.
I found this api endpoint: users/search which allows to run a query on Twitter and get all the accounts that match with the query. For example:
will return all the accounts that match the query "muse".
I need to call this endpoint in client_credentials flow, i don't need any permission by the user (which is only me in any case). The problem is that Twitter returns the following response when i try to access the endpoint in client_credentials flow:
"message": "Your credentials do not allow access to this resource", "code": 220
I have tested other API endpoints such users/show, statuses/retweets, statuses/user_timeline and they all works in client_credentials, just the one i need doesn't work.
Is there anything i can do about that? Or i must change the OAUth flow?
mentioned error,
"{"errors":[{"message":"Your credentials do not allow access to this resource","code":220}]}"
comes when requesting an end point which requires a user context (such as statuses/home_timeline) using application only token.
You can verify whether or not same error comes for end points like statuses/home_timeline or statuses/retweets_of_me. These end points work only in some twitter user context. The end point that you want, users/search, also requires user context.
I am suspecting some issue in obtaining oauth token and secret. How are you getting authorized tokens for a given twitter user account?

How to identify a Google OAuth2 user?

I used Facebook login to identify users. When a new user comes, I store their userID in my database. Next time they come, I recognized their Facebook ID and I know which user it is in my database.
Now I am trying to do the same with Google's OAuth2, but how can I recognize the users?
Google sends me several codes and tokens (access_token, id_token, refresh_token), however none of them are constant. Meaning if I log out and log back in 2 minutes later, all 3 values have changed. How can I uniquely identify the user?
I am using their PHP client library: https://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/
As others have mentioned, you can send a GET to https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/userinfo, using the OAuth2 bearer token you just received, and you will get a response with some information about the user (id, name, etc.).
It's also worth mentioning that Google implements OpenID Connect and that this user info endpoint is just one part of it.
OpenID Connect is an authentication layer on top of OAuth2. When exchanging a authorization code at Google's token endpoint, you get an access token (the access_token parameter) as well as an OpenID Connect ID token (the id_token parameter).
Both these tokens are JWT (JSON Web Token, https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token).
If you decode them, you'll get some assertions, including the id of the user. If you link this ID to a user in your DB, you can immediately identify them without having to do an extra userinfo GET (saves time).
As mentioned in the comments, these tokens are signed with Google's private key and you may want to verify the signature using Google's public key (https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v3/certs) to make sure they are authentic.
You can see what's in a JWT by pasting it at https://jwt.io/ (scroll down for the JWT debugger). The assertions look something like:
There are also libraries for various programming languages to programatically decode JWTs.
PS: to get an up to date list of URLs and features supported by Google's OpenID Connect provider you can check that URL: https://accounts.google.com/.well-known/openid-configuration.
I inserted this method into google-api-php-client/src/apiClient.php:
public function getUserInfo()
$req = new apiHttpRequest('https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo');
// XXX error handling missing, this is just a rough draft
$req = $this->auth->sign($req);
$resp = $this->io->makeRequest($req)->getResponseBody();
return json_decode($resp, 1);
Now I can call:
$client->setAccessToken($_SESSION[ 'token' ]);
$userinfo = $client->getUserInfo();
It returns an array like this (plus e-mail if that scope has been requested):
[id] => 1045636599999999999
[name] => Tim Strehle
[given_name] => Tim
[family_name] => Strehle
[locale] => de
The solution originated from this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/google-api-php-client/o1BRsQ9NvUQ/xa532MxegFIJ
It should be mentioned, that the OpenID Connect API returns no id attribute anymore.
It's now the sub attribute which serves as a unique user identification.
See Google Dev OpenID Connect UserInfo
"Who is this?" is essentially a service; you have to request access to it as a scope and then make a request to the Google profile resource server to get the identity. See OAuth 2.0 for Login for the details.
Altough JWTs can be validated locally with the public key, (Google APIs Client Library downloads and caches they public keys automatically) checking the token on Google's side via the https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/tokeninfo endpoint is necessary to check if the access for the applicaton has been revoked since the creation of the token.
Java version