configuring apache for osm2po - apache

I have run osm2po, and it says that I can see the output on "http://localhost:8888/Osm2poService".
However, I am running it on a Ubuntu server, and want to view the page from my desktop computer.
On the server I have opened port 8888, but I still see nothing in my desktop browser when I enter the url "". Do I need to configure apache to view this page?
Many thanks

Have a look into the osm2po.config:
service.domain = localhost
service.domain =


Myaccount and Console apps in WSO2IS-5.11.0 are not working when the server started with port offset

Changing the port by changing the offset in the deployment.toml or using -DportOffset doesn't get applied to the Console and the My Account applications.
How to reproduce:
Change the offset by adding the following config to the deployment.toml
Start the server
Access the console app from https://localhost:9445/console
Access the my account app from https://localhost:9445/myaccount
Following error is displayed.
Observed, that the reason is that the callback URL is not changed when the hostname or port is changed. Even changing the URLs manually from the management console is not allowed.
What is the recommendation to get Myaccount and Console apps working when hostname or port is changed?
An approach is to manually change the callback URL of the Myaccount and Console apps accordingly when a port or hostname change is done in the server, by removing these applications from the system applications list.
Change hostname or port of the server
Remove Myaccount and Console apps from read only system apps by adding the following to the deployment.toml
read_only_apps = []
Restart the server
Update callback URL of the myaccount and console apps from the management console accordingly.
Change the issuer URI of the Resident IDP accordingly.
These applications can be hosted externally. In that case the callback URLs can have different hostnames and ports.
Thus, it is not good to change the callback URLs automatically. So, the manual option is Aysh pointed in the above comment is the recommended approach ATM.

Access Vue.js application from other device in the same network (also using proxy)

so my problem is basically the same as here, but the question isn't answered yet.
The problem ist, that I can't view my vue application in the webbrowser when visiting <pc_ip>:8080. However when starting my vue.js app with npm run serve it tells me, that this is how I could access the page besides doing localhost:8080. It works from my PC but with my phone which is connected to the same wifi I get the error that the url is not reachable.
Thanks in advance!
So after finding some other posts I also tried writing some stuff to a vue.config.js like here, here, here or here e.g.
module.exports = {
devServer: {
port: 8080,
host: ''
However the problem still persists. I also tried replacing the host in that file with my actual ip, but it does not work either.
As mentioned in a comment, I had a similar problem some time ago, when trying to access my flask server from my phone which was in the same network. Back then I set the host variable to the pc's IP and it worked. As I tested again just now, I realized that the corporation proxy I have to use in parallel could play a role in this. When I wasn't connected via using plink.exe, I could not access my running flask server from my phone. When I connected after that, everything is working.
Could the proxy or a missing configuration be hindering me to access my vue application?
UPDATE 3: so i turned of my firewall completely and then i could access the page from another device. I wondered if some other rule was blocking the port like in this post Windows Firewall - Laravel Artisan Serve - Allow Port in Inbound Rule (not working). But I am not sure how I would find that rule if there is one blocking my port?
Please follow this link:
Work around this problem
I add the following code to my vue.config.js
module.exports = {
devServer: {
port: 80,
host: ''
change the port number according to your need.
Normally when you execute the npm run serve command, it gives you two addresses to access your application. A local address and a network address. Like this :
App running at:
- Local: http: // localhost: 8080 /
- Network: http://IP_ADDRESSE:8080/
So with your phone you should use the network address and not the local one.

Is there a way when doing remote testing (qrcode etc) to control the exposed port?

I'm trying something akin to:
testcafe remote tests/dashboards/CustomerTests/myorg.js --qr-code -ports 9999,9998
But that still exposes the following URL:
Is there any way to control the "58732" part of this? My internal network is pretty well locked down, and that port # changes every time.
It works correctly with the proper --ports argument (notice double --):
testcafe remote test.js --qr-code --ports 9999,9998
Using locally installed version of TestCafe.
Connecting 1 remote browser(s)...
Navigate to the following URL from each remote browser.
You can either enter the URL or scan the QR-code.
Connect URL:

Unable to access glassfish served content when using localhost

I created this simple dynamic web project (glassfish 4.1.1 latest atm) using eclipse java ee Mars.2 that I installed 2 days ago.
Checking on the admin, the app is deployed and running fine. I could not access the web app using the localhost:8080 url but it works when I use <computername>:8080.
I could access the admin using localhost:4848.
I tried disabling the firewall but the problem persists. What could be the problem?
The error is:
404 Not Found
No context found for request
In eclipse I see the log int he console that says: Automatic timeout occurred
As I pointed out in comments, you can configure listeners in Configuration -> needed configuration -> Network Config -> Network Listeners. However, it is still rather strange that your localhost doesn't work with IP address, since it is a special address which means "listen on all available IPs on given port". Perhaps your network is somehow misconfigured.

cannot connect to genymotion and getting proxy error

I have dowloaded latest version of genymotion with proxy server 2.2.2 and while connecting i am getting invalid reply from server (do you use a proxy?). I am not using proxy for sure. Any ideas?
Answer, its all about the http proxy server on the genymotion settings just UNCHECK on the genymotion setting or remover the http proxy server by UN-ticking the ability to enter HTTP PROXY and PORT let it be blank by unckecking hence login your credentials, if it doesn't work try confirming you email with genymotion.
In my case I went to Settings > Network > I checked "Use HTTP Proxy" and I filled the Http Proxy and port fields (with company proxy valid values).
After that I connect smoothly as silk.
I had the same problem in ubuntu and after some struggle when i was almost giving up i stop the docker (had one instance running in port 3337 in my PC) and for my surprise it's finally work.
I had a similar issue (invalid reply from server without Proxy, on a highly customized and quite broken ubuntu 16.04). nothing of the above helped. (seemingly)
Then I visited this site:
(well, you have to let google translate it, if you are not russian)
the error described there is completely different. (computer crash resulting in different networking issues)
but it had one thing in common with my case:
everything worked fine, and then suddenly: SOME NETWORKING ERROR - without reason
well, for me, the solution was the same as described on the russian page:
removing a (corrupted?!) conf file.
the conf file was at (my home folder)/.config/Genymobile/Genymotion.conf
i deleted it (i had to do it with root, because the file was owned by root, but this might have been the case because i messed a bit with genymotion...)
Then, i restarted genymotion and logged in again and it worked like a charm.
I had to allow Genymtion.exe in windows firewall. I'm using v3
Had the same problem, managed it using a VPN.