How to prevent transaction scope from throwing an exception I have already handled? - wcf

I've got a WCF operation conceptually like this:
[OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
public void Foo()
try { DAL.Foo(); return Receipt.CreateSuccessReceipt(); }
catch (Exception ex) { return Receipt.CreateErrorReceipt(ex); }
If something goes wrong (say, foreign key constraint violaion) in executing the DAL code, control passes to the catch block as I'd expect. But when the method returns, it seems the transaction scope has sniffed out that the transaction failed, and it decides it better throw an exception to make sure to notify the caller about it.
In turn my client application does not get the receipt I want to return, but rather an exception:
The transaction under which this method call was executing was asynchronously aborted.
What is wrong with my design?
I could have the service not catch anything, but this has it's own problems as the service needs to use exception shielding and the client (a batch tool internal to the system) needs to log the error information. The service logs errors too, but not in the same way and to the same place as the batch.

Be careful here! If you set TransactionAutoComplete=true then if the service returns normally the transaction will be committed. Only if there is an unhandled exception (which for the most part you don't have because you are catching exceptions and returning a receipt message) will the transaction be rolled back. See
Think about a scenario where you successfully executed some DAL calls but some other exception (e.g. NullReferenceException) occurs. Now the transaction will be committed when the method completes because no unhandled exception has occurred but the client receives an ErrorReceipt.
For your scenario, I think you will have to manage the transactions yourself. For example:
[OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true, TransactionAutoComplete = false)]
public Receipt Foo()
// Create TransactionScope using the ambient transaction
using (var scope = new TransactionScope() )
try { DAL.Foo(); return Receipt.CreateSuccessReceipt(); scope.Complete(); }
catch (Exception ex) { return Receipt.CreateErrorReceipt(ex); }
You could eliminate boilerplate code by creating a helper method that wraps it all within the transaction or you could use policy injection/interception/aspects to manage transactions.
[OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true, TransactionAutoComplete = false)]
public Receipt Foo()
return ProcessWithTransaction(() =>
return Receipt.CreateSuccessReceipt();
, (ex) =>
return Receipt.CreateErrorReceipt(ex);
T ProcessWithTransaction<T>(Func<T> processor, Func<Exception, T> exceptionHandler)
using (var scope = new TransactionScope())
T returnValue = processor();
return returnValue;
catch (Exception e)
return exceptionHandler(e);
You mention that you need to use exception shielding. If you are not averse to throwing faults when an error occurs then you could use Enterprise Library Exception Handling Block's exception shielding which also lets you log the information on the way out (if you desire).
If you decided to go that route your code would look something like this:
[OperationBehavior(TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
public void Foo()
// Resolve the default ExceptionManager object from the container.
ExceptionManager exManager = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<ExceptionManager>();
exManager.Process(() =>
return Receipt.CreateSuccessReceipt();
Enterprise Library (via configuration) would then catch any exceptions and replace them with a new FaultException that is returned to the client.

[OperationBehavior(TransactionAutoComplete = true, TransactionScopeRequired = true)]
Presumably because the transaction is now rolled back as soon as the error occurs, rather than asynchronously when the scope goes out of scope :D, this behaves like I expected things to behave originally, and I can leave my design as it is.
(I had already written up the question when trying this occured to me. Hopefully posting it Q&A style will be more helpful than not posting the question at all.)


Catching errors on actor construction in Akka TestKit

I am trying to learn unit testing with Akka.
I have a situation where one of my tests was throwing an exception on construction and was wondering what the best way to capture this and log or otherwise throw it would be. As it stands now I had to attach a debugger and see where it threw.
I thought that I could perhaps create another actor which does logging and, on error, have a message sent to it. Breakpoints I put in the ErrorActor were never hit though. It seems as though the RootActor failed and timed out before the message was sent / received.
Is there something I'm doing wrong here or am I fundamentally off base with this? What is the the recommended way to catch errors in unit tests?
Thanks very much
public void CreateRootActor()
// Arrange
var props = Props.Create(() => new RootActor());
Sys.ActorOf(Props.Create( () =>new TestErrorActor(TestLogger)), ActorPaths.ErrorActor.Name); // register my test actor
// Act
var actor = new TestActorRef<RootActor>(this.Sys, props);
// Assert
public class RootActor : ReceiveActor
private ITenantRepository tenantRepository;
public RootActor(ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
this.tenantRepository = lifetimeScope.Resolve<ITenantRepository>(); // this throws
catch (Exception e)
Context.ActorSelection(ErrorActor.Name).Tell(new TestErrorActor.RaiseError(e));
I got around this by using Akka.Logger.Serilog and a try / catch in the RootActor. I deleted the ErrorActor.

WP7: Unable to catch FaultException in asynchronous calls to WCF service

I am currently developing a Windows Phone 7 App that calls a WCF web service which I also control. The service offers an operation that returns the current user's account information when given a user's login name and password:
public interface IWindowsPhoneService
WsAccountInfo GetAccountInfo(string iamLogin, string password);
Of course, there is always the possibility of an authentication failure and I want to convey that information to the WP7 app. I could simply return null in that case, but I would like to convey the reason why the authentication failed (i.e. login unknown, wrong password, account blocked, ...).
This is my implementation of the above operation (for testing purposes, all it does is throwing an exception):
public WsAccountInfo GetAccountInfo(string iamLogin, string password)
AuthenticationFault fault = new AuthenticationFault();
throw new FaultException<AuthenticationFault>(fault);
Now, if I call this operation in my WP7 app, like this:
Global.Proxy.GetAccountInfoCompleted += new EventHandler<RemoteService.GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs>(Proxy_GetAccountInfoCompleted);
Global.Proxy.GetAccountInfoAsync(txbLogin.Text, txbPassword.Password);
void Proxy_GetAccountInfoCompleted(object sender, RemoteService.GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs e)
if (e.Error != null)
The debugger breaks in Reference.cs, saying that FaultException'1 was unhandled, here:
public PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo EndGetAccountInfo(System.IAsyncResult result) {
object[] _args = new object[0];
PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo _result = ((PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo)(base.EndInvoke("GetAccountInfo", _args, result)));
return _result;
When pressing F5, the exception bubbles to:
public PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo Result {
get {
base.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary(); // <-- here
return ((PhoneApp.RemoteService.WsAccountInfo)(this.results[0]));
and then to:
private void Application_UnhandledException(object sender, ApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e)
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
// An unhandled exception has occurred; break into the debugger
After that, the app terminates (with or without the debugger).
Now, I would love to catch the exception in my code, but I am never given the chance, since my Completed handler is never reached.
Based on similar questions on this site, I have already tried the following:
Re-add the service reference --> no change
Re-create a really simple WCF service from scratch --> same problem
Start the app without the debugger to keep the app from breaking into the debugger --> well, it doesn't break, but the exception is not caught either, the app simply exits
Tell VS 2010 not to break on FaultExceptions (Debug > Options) --> does not have any effect
wrap every line in my app in try { ... } catch (FaultException) {} or even catch (Exception) --> never called.
What I actually would like to achieve is one of the following:
ideally, reach GetAccountInfoCompleted(...) and be able to retrieve the exception via the GetAccountInfoCompletedEventArgs.Error property, or
be able to catch the exception via a try/catch clause
I would be grateful for any advice that would help me resolve this issue.
The framework seems to read your WsAccountInfo.Result property.
This rethrows the exception on client side.
But you should be the first to read this property.
I don't know your AuthenticationFault class, does it have a DataContractAttribute and is it a known type like the example in ?
I believe I had the same problem. I resolved it by extending the proxy class and calling the private Begin.../End... methods within the Client object rather than using the public auto-generated methods on the Client object.
For more details, please see:

NHibernate PreUpdateEvent send Veto back to User Interface

Trying to switch from using Interceptor to Events.
I have a ValidationInterceptor that overrides OnFlushDirty and OnSave and runs my custom validation logic. If the entity has validation errors, an exception is thrown which makes its way back to the UI.
My new ValidationHandler which implements IPreUpdate and IPreInsert EventListeners does the same validation logic, but returns "true" to indicate to NHibernate to veto the operation. Which does work, but the UI does not know that the veto occurred.
How does the UI know that a veto occurred during a PreInsert or PreUpdate event?
I tried to throw an exception from those events, but had the effect of allowing the save to occur and the exception did not make it back to the UI.
All the information the UI has points to a successful save:
the id of the entity has been set.
checking the session IsDirty() is false.
no exceptions during save attempt.
Oh I am dumb.
Let me present my code for proof:
public bool OnPreInsert(PreInsertEvent #event)
var entity = #event.Entity as Api.IValidatable;
if (entity == false)
return false;
if (entity.HasErrors())
throw new ObjectIsInvalidException(entity.ValidationErrorMessage());
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
log.Error("Unable to perform PreInsert validation on entity", ex);
Yup, the exception was being swallowed before it ever made it out of the method.
Changed to rethrow the exception and all is working as it should.

How to tell the Session to throw the error query[NHibernate]?

I made a test class against the repository methods shown below:
public void AddFile<TFileType>(TFileType FileToAdd) where TFileType : File
catch (Exception e)
if (e.InnerException.Message.Contains("Violation of UNIQUE KEY"))
throw new ArgumentException("Unique Name must be unique");
throw e;
public void RemoveFile(File FileToRemove)
And the test class:
Data.File crashFile = new Data.File();
crashFile.UniqueName = "NonUniqueFileNameTest";
crashFile.Extension = ".abc";
catch (Exception e)
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(e, typeof(ArgumentException));
// Clean up the file
Data.File removeFile = repo.GetFiles().Where(f => f.UniqueName == "NonUniqueFileNameTest").FirstOrDefault();
The test fails. When I step in to trace the problem, I found out that when I do the _session.flush() right after _session.delete(), it throws the exception, and if I look at the sql it does, it is actually submitting a "INSERT INTO" statement, which is exactly the sql that cause UNIQUE CONSTRAINT error. I tried to encapsulate both in transaction but still same problem happens. Anyone know the reason?
The other stay the same, only added Evict as suggested
public void AddFile<TFileType>(TFileType FileToAdd) where TFileType : File
catch (Exception e)
if (e.InnerException.Message.Contains("Violation of UNIQUE KEY"))
throw new ArgumentException("Unique Name must be unique");
throw e;
No difference to the result.
Call _session.Evict(FileToAdd) in the catch block. Although the save fails, FileToAdd is still a transient object in the session and NH will attempt to persist (insert) it the next time the session is flushed.
NHibernate Manual "Best practices" Chapter 22:
This is more of a necessary practice than a "best" practice. When
an exception occurs, roll back the ITransaction and close the ISession.
If you don't, NHibernate can't guarantee that in-memory state
accurately represents persistent state. As a special case of this,
do not use ISession.Load() to determine if an instance with the given
identifier exists on the database; use Get() or a query instead.

How to Force an Exception from a Task to be Observed in a Continuation Task?

I have a task to perform an HttpWebRequest using
Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(req.BeginGetRespone, req.EndGetResponse)
which can obviously fail with a WebException. To the caller I want to return a Task<HttpResult> where HttpResult is a helper type to encapsulate the response (or not). In this case a 4xx or 5xx response is not an exception.
Therefore I've attached two continuations to the request task. One with TaskContinuationOptions OnlyOnRanToCompletion and the other with OnlyOnOnFaulted. And then wrapped the whole thing in a Task<HttpResult> to pick up the one result whichever continuation completes.
Each of the three child tasks (request plus two continuations) is created with the AttachedToParent option.
But when the caller waits on the returned outer task, an AggregateException is thrown is the request failed.
I want to, in the on faulted continuation, observe the WebException so the client code can just look at the result. Adding a Wait in the on fault continuation throws, but a try-catch around this doesn't help. Nor does looking at the Exception property (as section "Observing Exceptions By Using the Task.Exception Property" hints here).
I could install a UnobservedTaskException event handler to filter, but as the event offers no direct link to the faulted task this will likely interact outside this part of the application and is a case of a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
Given an instance of a faulted Task<T> is there any means of flagging it as "fault handled"?
Simplified code:
public static Task<HttpResult> Start(Uri url) {
var webReq = BuildHttpWebRequest(url);
var result = new HttpResult();
var taskOuter = Task<HttpResult>.Factory.StartNew(() => {
var tRequest = Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(
null, TaskCreationOptions.AttachedToParent);
var tError = tRequest.ContinueWith<HttpResult>(
t => HandleWebRequestError(t, result),
var tSuccess = tRequest.ContinueWith<HttpResult>(
t => HandleWebRequestSuccess(t, result),
return result;
return taskOuter;
private static HttpDownloaderResult HandleWebRequestError(
Task<WebResponse> respTask,
HttpResult result) {
Debug.Assert(respTask.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted);
Debug.Assert(respTask.Exception.InnerException is WebException);
// Try and observe the fault: Doesn't help.
try {
} catch (AggregateException e) {
Log("HandleWebRequestError: waiting on antecedent task threw inner: "
+ e.InnerException.Message);
// ... populate result with details of the failure for the client ...
return result;
(HandleWebRequestSuccess will eventually spin off further tasks to get the content of the response...)
The client should be able to wait on the task and then look at its result, without it throwing due to a fault that is expected and already handled.
In the end I took the simplest route I could think of: hide the exception. This is possible because WebException has a property Response which gives access to the HttpWebResponse I want:
var requestTask = Task<WebResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(
ia => {
try {
return webReq.EndGetResponse(ia);
} catch (WebException exn) {
return exn.Response;
And then handle errors, redirects and success responses in the continuation task.