How to JMock a Singleton - singleton

My application has this structure: there's a RepositoryFacade (that is a Singleton) that uses many other ObjectRepository that are Singleton (UserRepository, etc).
Now I'd like to test it, mocking the [Objetct]Repositiries. To do that I made the [Objetct]Repositiry implements an interface, and then i tried to:
final IUserRepository mockIUserRepository= context.mock(IUserRepository.class);
final User testUser = new User("username");
// expectations
context.checking(new Expectations() {{
oneOf (mockIUserRepository).save(testUser);
// execute
And in RepositoryFacade I added:
public IUserRepository userRepository = UserRepository.getInstance();
But if I try to run the test, I obtain:
java.lang.SecurityException: class "org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher"'s signer
information does not match signer information of other classes in the same
p.s. Originally my RepositoryFacade had not a IUserRepository variable, I used it asking always UserRepository.getInstance().what_i_want(). I introduced it to try to use JMock, so if not needed I'll be glad to remove that bad use of Singleton.

The error you're getting suggests that you have a classloading issue with the org.hamcrest package rather than any issue with your singletons. See this question for more on this exception and this one for the particular problem with hamcrest and potential solutions.
Check your classpath to make sure you're not including conflicting hamcrest code from multiple jars. If you find hamcrest in multiple jars, this may be corrected by something as simple as changing their order in your classpath.
Junit itself comes in two versions - one may include an old version of hamcrest. Switching to the one not including hamcrest may also fix your problem.
If you can find a way to do it, it would be better in the long run to get rid of the singletons altogether and instead do dependency injection using something like Spring or Guice.
But what you're doing should work, once you deal with the classloading, and it's a reasonable approach to dealing with singletons in a testing context.


Is it possible to ignore classes from being instrumented based off of package folder?

We currently have ByteBuddy injecting some code into every method of a particular package, for example, com.contoso.widgets. This is working great!
However, we also have tests in the tst folder for the same package, for which we do not want to have ByteBuddy instrument on (but we do want the entities under test -- in the same package -- to be instrumented!).
Is there a way to define AgentBuilder so that it ignores all classes that come from tst, rather than src? It feels like I might be missing something obvious but haven't been successful after combing through the docs.
ByteBuddy works on byte code level, not on file system level. Have you tried to exclude tests by class name, e.g.
Or maybe you want to try something like excluding all classes containing methods annotated by #Test - untested, but maybe similar to this:
.type((typeDescription, classLoader, module, classBeingRedefined, protectionDomain) ->
.filter(inDefinedShape -> inDefinedShape.getDeclaredAnnotations().isAnnotationPresent(Test.class))
.size() == 0
Byte Buddy supports a RawMatcher where any type's ProtectionDomain is supplied. A protection domain offers access to the types's CodeSource from which you can find the file system location of its class file.
Do however note that this value depends on class loader, OS, packaging format and deployment. It might work for a standardized test environment but can fail you if you derive from it. It's therefore recommended to rely on something more structured.

Testing private methods in groovy

In Java it is very extended to enforce the use of package-protected instead of private in order to make easier to test methods.
Now i am switching to Groovy and one of the first things i noticed is the public by default access modifier and, later, that package-protected is not very clean and easy to use in Groovy as it was in Java.
Then i also realized about private fields and private methods are not private "bug" -->
... but, of course, this is a bug that may be solved at some moment so i shall not rely on this (Shall i?)
So ... what is the prefered way to test restricted methods in groovy?
Basically the question is if Groovy will in the future ignore private visibility too. You can be sure that in Groovy 2.x this won't be fixed. It might get in a future new major version like Groovy 3. But this version will then contain incompatible fixes anyway, plus it is most likely, that there will be still a way to get the old functionality. So for the near future don't expect that to be "fixed"

Rhino mock a singleton class

I want to test my controller that depends on a hardware C# class, not an interface.
It's configured as a singleton and I just can't figure out how to RhinoMock it.
The hardware metadata (example) for the dependent class:
namespace Hardware.Client.Api
public class CHardwareManager
public static CHardwareManager GetInstance();
public string Connect(string clientId);
and in my code I want this something like this to return true, else I get an exception
if( !CHardwareManager.GetInstance().Connect("foo") )
I mock it using:
CHardwareManager mockHardwareMgr MockRepository.GenerateMock<CHardwareManager>();
But the Connect needs a GetInstance and the only combination I can get to "compile" is
mockHardwareMgr.Expect (x => x.Connected ).Return(true).Repeat.Any();
but it doesn't correctly mock, it throws an exception
but this complains about typing the GetInstance
mockHardwareMgr.Expect (x => x.GetInstance().Connected).Return(true).Repeat.Any();
So my problem - I think - is mocking a singleton. Then I have no idea how to make my controller use this mock since I don't pass the mock into the controller. It's a resource and namespace.
90% of my work requires external components I need to mock, most times I don't write the classes or interfaces, and I'm struggling to get them mocked and my code tested.
Any pointers would be welcome.
Thanks in advance (yes, I've been searching through SO and have not seen something like this. But then, maybe my search was not good.
The usual way to avoid problems with mocking external components is not to use them directly in your code. Instead, define an anti-corruption layer (usually through an interface that looks like your external component) and test your code using mocked implementation of this interface. After all, you're testing your own code, not the external one.
Even better way is to adjust this interface to your needs so it only exposes stuff that you actually need, not the whole API the external component provides (so it's actually an Adapter pattern).
External components are tested using different approaches: system testing, in which case you don't really mock them, you use the actual implementation.
Usually when you try to get Rhino Mocks to do something which feels unnatural and Rhino growls, this is a good sign that your approach is not the right one. Almost everything can be done using simple interface mocking.
As Igor said RhinoMocks (and most other free mocking frameworks, e.g. Moq) can only mock interfaces.
For mocking classes try (and pay) TypeMock.
For mocking singletons see my answer to:
How to Mock a Static Singleton?
Yes, I'm somewhat undermining the common understanding of what's deemed testable and thus "good" code. However I'm starting to resent answers like "You're doing it wrong. Make everything anew." for those answers don't solve the problem at hand.
No, this is not pointing at Igor, but at many others in similar threads, who answered "Singletons are unmockable. (Make everything anew.)".

Can someone help me set up Ninject 2 with Log4net?

I've been (happily) using Ninject for a while now with some basic scenarios, and would like to give it control of my logging. I noted the existence of the Ninject.Extensions.Logging namespace, and would like to use it, but I'm running into two issues:
I want the logger to be initialized with the type of the class running it (as if I ran LogManager.GetLogger with the GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType).
I want to be able to easily mock, or "nullify" the logger for unit testing (i.e I don't want to have the logger work), without running into NullReferenceExceptions for not initializing the logger.
Now, I know there are some questions (and even answers) around here, but I couldn't seem to find any that pointed me in the right direction.
I'll appreciate any help (even a "you bone-head" it's here! Linking to something I should have noticed).
This is the default behavior of the extension
Don't use Ninject to create the object under test in your unit tests. Create an instance manually and pass what ever you want for the logger.
Best you have a look at the unittests.

Alternatives for the singleton pattern?

I have been a web developer for some time now using ASP.NET and C#, I want to try and increase my skills by using best practices.
I have a website. I want to load the settings once off, and just reference it where ever I need it. So I did some research and 50% of the developers seem to be using the singleton pattern to do this. And the other 50% of the developers are ant-singleton. They all hate singletons. They recommend dependency injection.
Why are singletons bad? What is best practice to load websites settings? Should they be loaded only once and referenced where needed? How would I go about doing this with dependency injection (I am new at this)? Are there any samples that someone could recommend for my scenario? And I also would like to see some unit test code for this (for my scenario).
Generally, I avoid singletons because they make it harder to unit test your application. Singletons are hard to mock up for unit tests precisely because of their nature -- you always get the same one, not one you can configure easily for a unit test. Configuration data -- strongly-typed configuration data, anyway -- is one exception I make, though. Typically configuration data is relatively static anyway and the alternative involves writing a fair amount of code to avoid the static classes the framework provides to access the web.config anyway.
There are a couple of different ways to use it that will still allow you to unit test you application. One way (maybe both ways, if your singleton doesn't lazily read the app.cofnig) is to have a default app.config file in your unit test project providing the defaults required for your tests. You can use reflection to replace any specific values as needed in your unit tests. Typically, I'd configure a private method that allows the private singleton instance to be deleted in test set up if I do make changes for particular tests.
Another way is to not actually use the singleton directly, but create an interface for it that the singleton class implements. You can use hand injection of the interface, defaulting to the singleton instance if the supplied value is null. This allows you to create a mock instance that you can pass to the class under test for your tests, but in your real code use the singleton instance. Essentially, every class that needs it maintains a private reference to the singleton instance and uses it. I like this way a little better, but since the singleton will be created you may still need the default app.config file, unless all of the values are lazily loaded.
public class Foo
private IAppConfiguration Configuration { get; set; }
public Foo() : this(null) { }
public Foo( IAppConfiguration config )
this.Configuration = config ?? AppConfiguration.Instance;
public void Bar()
var value = this.Config.SomeMaximum;
There's a good discussion of singleton patterns, and coding examples here... See also here...
For some reason, singletons seem to divide programmers into strong pro- and anti- camps. Whatever the merits of the approach, if your colleagues are against it, it's probably best not to use one. If you're on your own, try it and see.
Design Patterns can be amazing things. Unfortunately, the singleton seems to stick out like a sore thumb and in many cases can be considered an anti-pattern (it promotes bad practices). Bizarely, the majority of developers will only know one design pattern, and that is the singleton.
Ideally your settings should be a member variable in a high level location, for example the application object which owns the webpages you are spawning. The pages can then ask the app for the settings, or the application can pass the settings as pages are constructed.
One way to approach this problem, is to flog it off as a DAL problem.
Whatever class / web page, etc. needs to use config settings should declare a dependency on an IConfigSettingsService (factory/repository/whatever-you-like-to-call-them).
private IConfigSettingsService _configSettingsService;
public WebPage(IConfigSettingsService configSettingsService)
_configSettingsService = configSettingsService;
So your class would get settings like this:
ConfigSettings _configSettings = _configSettingsService.GetTheOnlySettings();
the ConfigSettingsService implementation would have a dependency which is Dal class. How would that Dal populate the ConfigSettings object? Who cares.
Maybe it would populate a ConfigSettings from a database or .config xml file, every time.
Maybe it do that the first time but then populate a static _configSettings for subsequent calls.
Maybe it would get the settings from Redis. If something indicates the settings have changed then the dal, or something external, can update Redis. (This approach will be useful if you have more than one app using the settings.
Whatever it does, your only dependency is a non-singleton service interface. That is very easy to mock. In your tests you can have it return a ConfigSettings with whatever you want in it).
In reality it would more likely be MyPageBase which has the IConfigSettingsService dependency, but it could just as easily be a web service, windows service, MVC somewhatsit, or all of the above.