Override addTarget method - objective-c

I have subclassed UIControl, and would like to override the sendAction:to:forEvent method so that I can send my own customized UIEvent (so that I can retain the UIControlEvents variable). However, since all I have to work with is a UIEvent, I cannot retain the UIControlEvents variable.
Because of this, I figure I need to override the addTarget method so that I can preserve the UIControlEvents variable.
Main Question:
So does anyone know how to implement the addTarget method to preserve the functionality it should without overriding it? Furthermore does anyone know a better solution since apple doesn't give this info (UIControlEvents variable through the UIEvent object) by default.

In your subclass provide your own addTarget method, but do not call super. Save the target and option, and made yourself the target for that option. When the action method gets sent to your for that event you can take whatever action you want.
EDIT: So you have a subclass, and want to save the added targets etc. Declare a mutable array. When you get this message:
- (void)addTarget:(id)target action:(SEL)action forControlEvents(UIControlEvents)controlEvents
in your subclass you add this mutable dictionary as so:
[myArray addObject:[#"target" : target, #"action" : NSStringFromSelector(action), #"event" : [NSValue valueWithBytes:&controlEvents objCType:#encode(controlEvents)]];
While this on first look seems daunting, its not all that complex.
Now we have every registered object that wants to know about every possible control event. Your code can now decide when or if to notify one or more target about any controlEvent by interating through the array and finding each object that want to know about such and such an event.
Your subclass then decides on any event who gets notified about what.


How does forwardingTargetForSelector: work?

I have a UIBarButtonItem. When it receives a message it cannot handle, I want it to forward that message to a particular view controller.
I thought I might be able to accomplish this using the bar button item's forwardingTargetForSelector: method, but apparently no such property is found on objects of type UIBarButtonItem. (Point of terminology: Does that mean forwardingTargetForSelector: is a private property? edit: Wait, I think I'm confused... methods with a colon at the end aren't properties... so can you ever make public a method (like a getter/setter) to which parameters are passed?)
And does that mean that in order to set the value of forwardingTargetForSelector: I must do it from within the .m file of the object for which I want to set it? Which would mean that I would have to subclass my UIBarButtonItem?
And if so, why is this not a public property of NSObjects?
And moreover, what's the best way to achieve my forwarding goal, preferably avoiding subclassing?
additional information:
It all stems from my inclination to reuse a single action in response to various instances of an identical button being pressed. The action is currently contained in my delegate (see How should I implement [almost] identical actions used throughout various VCs? (Answer: use a category)) and varies only in that it should send a presentViewController message to the view controller that instantiated the button that sent the action. Thus, in the action, I can send a presentViewController message to sender, which is an instance of the button, and I want to be able to forward that message to the view controller that created that instance of the button, which I can do if I set each button's forwarding property immediately after it is instantiated in its respective view controller.
I hoped to avoid the "why" just to make the question shorter, but there ya go.
forwardingTargetForSelector: is not really a property; it's more like a question the runtime asks an instance when the instance doesn't respond to a message.
It can't be a property in the #property/declared-property sense, because each selector could have a different target; there would need to be a mapping behind it. That's just not how declared properties work.
UIBarButtonItem descends from NSObject, and it inherits this method along with all the others, but you can't "set" the forwarding target for a selector from outside an instance (without creating some other machinery to allow you to do so, anyways -- possible, but not available by default).
In order to utilize this method, yes, you have to implement it in the class that is doing the forwarding. This does indeed mean subclassing. It also means that the forwarding instance needs to have a reference to the object to which it is forwarding; this requires careful design.
forwardingTargetForSelector: is all but certainly not the correct way to achieve whatever your goal is. In general, in fact, it's a bit esoteric.
I'm not sure exactly what problem you're trying to solve ("making a button forward messages it doesn't respond to" is still rather general -- in particular, why is that necessary?), so it's hard to be more precise.

Right way to create a customizable uiview

this question is about "style", because i think this is a very common problem and i'm looking for an elegant solution.
I have created some "advanced" UIView and i try to make them very customizable.
Usually i create the UIView structure inside a custom init method, but i need to know the value of all customizable parameter inside init method so sometimes i need a very long init method like:
I tried to use delegate design pattern but i need also to pass delegate inside init method.
My actual best solution is to leave empty the init method and move everything about layout inside a "configure" method. everytime i chance a property like background color or font i will call this method and i will rebuild the view.
I think there is a best way to solve this problem...
I'd be curious to see the code of UITableView Class, because with that class you can pass a delegate outside init method.
Check out something like a UIButton or UILabel. They both have tons of configurable aspects, however to simply create an instance of one of those objects, they need very little information.
In general, provide init methods that allow the consumer of your class to specify the least amount of information for the class to work.
If you do want to give the consumer a way to initialize the class with a bunch of values, consider using some sort of initWithDictionary: method that takes an NSDictionary of parameters. This keeps your method names short and allows the user to customize an arbitrary number of settings for your class.
You could also consider providing a way for the consumer to request an instance with some standard set of values. UITableViewCell, for example, has an initWithStyle:reuseIdentifier: method. The important part is the style - UITableViewCell provides several default styles like UITableViewCellStyleDefault and UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle.
I don't know if it is the standard/best practices way but I use a dictionary in cases like this and pass that to an initWithDictionaryinitializer. Would be possible too to create a class method that returns a 'default settings' type dictionary which can then be customized (and delegate set), so that not every param needs to be specified whenever the class is used.

Call method in UITableViewController from custom UITableViewCell

I need to call a method and pass an object from my custom UITableViewClass implementation to my UITableViewController class. I realize creating an instance of the tableViewController in the custom tableViewCell and calling tableViewController's method is a bad practice.
What is the proper way of doing this?
Two magical concepts in Objective-C are Delegation and Notifications.
Delegation allows you to have your controller hook into a weak object referenced in the cell, which avoids a retain cycle, while still allowing you to send messages to it.
Notifications allow your Cell to broadcast a general notification to any classes that are active and listening for it.
Pick one, and whichever is easiest, stick with it. The two are basically equal in this situation.
Having a reference of the tableController inside the cell is indeed Bad practice
You could fix this by implementing a special #protocol for your UITableViewClass
And add a delegate method to it, and then implment the method inside UITableViewController, and since your UITableViewClass delegate is your UITableViewController, then you would call it like
in your UITableViewClass.m
[delegate someMethod:data];

Objective C/iOS: Handling a selector call when a row is selected in a tableView.

I have a tableViewController with a bunch of different options and I'm trying to add a selector call when one of those rows is selected.
The way I have it setup right now is that my TableViewController's child class has a subclass inside it that has a field 'selector' and I've been messing around with trying to invoke the selector there. However, this doesn't give me access to the object that actually implements the method the selector represents.
What is the right way to add a selector to an object? This object isn't going to be a button, and in the end the selector needs to be triggered on a didSelectRowAtIndexPath: call.
Any suggestions are welcome.
The way I solved this was by subclassing the cells, adding a delegate and selector property. Which I then again accessed in didSelectRowAtIndexPath. I realize that this might not be best practise though, but it works.
I think a good design for this problem would be to enumerate ALL the selectors you would be interested in calling (this of course is a finite number of selectors, as they are all required to exist explicitly), add this as a property to the cells (this would mean that you need to subclass UITableViewCell, of course) and write a switch-case in the didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method.

Where do FirstResponder methods come from?

I'm looking at IKImageDemo supplied by Apple, the rotate round-slider is linked to a setRotation: method in the FirstResponder. However, none of the objects in the project seem to HAVE such a method, and yet the code works.
I'm trying copy this into my own project, and MY FirstResponder doesn't have a setRotation: method, so I'm not sure where it lives. Google has been unhelpful...
Well, the first responder in the app happens to be an instance of IKImageView. IKImageView responds to the setRotation: selector (which can be seen by passing respondsToSelector:#selector(setRotation:) to any instance of IKImageView), although I cannot find where in documentation it mentions the setRotation: method
First Responder methods aren't magic. What happens when a message is sent to the first responder is that the app's current first responder (this is usually the focused view/control) is asked whether or not it implements the method. If it does, the method is called. If it doesn't, the next responder up the chain is asked, and so on until the top level (the NSApplication instance) is reached. The object must actually implement the method for it to be called, it can't just declare it.
In this case IKImageView implements -setRotation: as a private method. This means that the method is present (which is why the IKImageView accepts the message sent to the First Responder) but its use is not documented or supported. It seems odd that Apple would ship an example using a private method but there you go. It's definitely the case that sometimes methods are accidentally left out of the public headers when their use is supported, however it's generally wise to avoid private methods unless someone from Apple has specifically told you it's OK to use one.
You can generate headers for all methods of an Objective-C object, including private methods, from the binary using class-dump.
IKImageView has a public method -setRotationAngle: which is probably the way to go if you want to change the rotation.
I've found a way of resolving this annoyance. Even in the original Apple example, once you remove the binding for setRotation in the First Responder, you cannot put it back, unless doing this trick: simply use the Attributes Inspector for the First Responder and add a User Defined action "setRotation:" with type "id". Now even the yellow triangle in the First Responder binding for setRotation: in the Apple example disappears, and it shows up also in my own IKImageView instance.