Bugzilla reset to DB verfication - authentication

I recently installed Bugzilla on a server and I was trying to configure it to work with LDAP authentication.
Unfortunately, I accidentally disabled DB authentication in the Parameters area of the admin section and the LDAP settings were not configured properly.
Now I am unable to log back in as the administrator and can't log in at all over ldap because the settings were incorrect.
I am unable to figure out where I can manually restore DB authentication for bugzilla either directly in the DB or in some config file.
Appreciate your help

Look in the config file /data/params
You will see an entry called user_verify_class, change this to "DB" and you should be able to log in again.


Confusion resetting Lucee admin password

I have forgotten the server password for my Lucee installation. There are instructions on stack overflow here: Reset Lucee Server admin password. It involves removing two lines from the Lucee server context configuration file and restarting Lucee.
I already have two datasources and I don't want to lose them. If I remove these two lines from the config file, and restart Lucee I presume that somewhere I have to reset the server password.
How do you do that?
Will that invalidate my current datasources?
And if so can I re-estabish them using the new password?
After editing the lucee-server.xml file and restarting Lucee
simply go to the server admin login page where you will be prompted
to set a new password.
No, your datasources and other settings won't have been affected.
Although this should work fine, I would make a copy of the lucee-server.xml file before you edit it just in case.

Synchronize the user from ldap server to jira soon

I was using a openldap server to control the user in jira and confluence. But after I insert a user into ldap and add the user into the jira-users group, i still need to synchronize the user in jira. Can i set something to let it synchronize automatically after i insert the user into ldap server?
Here are the main steps :
Log in as a user with the JIRA System Administrators permission
Check your configuration : Settings > User Management > User Directories
You can manually synchronize the LDAP cache by clicking 'Synchronize' on the 'User Directories' screen.
If it works, you just need to set the Synchronization Interval on the directory configuration screen.
Otherwise there is probably something wrong with the current config. In this case, I would:
Check the server settings, see if it's reachable when connecting from a terminal.
Similarly, try to perform a search from a terminal using the schema settings.
Disable Incremental Synchronization if enabled.
Ensure the directory order is correct. Changes to users and groups will be made only in the first directory where the application has permission to make changes.
Ref: Connecting to an LDAP directory

How to add/update Ldap server programatically in Liferay

I have a test server installed with liferay 6.2 g4 and it is configured with a LDAP server.The configuration was done through the portal-ext.properties file.As per my understanding configuration mentioned in the portal-ext.properties file are effective only during the initial setup. Any change in the Ldap configuration should done through the control panel.The control panel show the ldap servers in a list(search container).and we can select and edit the ldap server from control panel.
Now what im trying is like, i want to do this from a custom portlet.ie I want to list the ldap servers in my portlet and should be able update it. I have checked the PortalLDAPExporterUtil,PortalLDAPImporterUtil but that didnt help.
Can someone help me to find out which Liferay API should i look to achieve this.
I got the answer from the liferay forum by their staff Jorge Díaz.
You can find the code where LDAP servers are stored at control panel at following files:
edit_ldap_server.jsp: https://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal/blob/6.2.x/portal-web/docroot/html/portlet/portal_settings/edit_ldap_server.jsp
EditLDAPServerAction: https://github.com/liferay/liferay-portal/blob/6.2.x/portal-impl/src/com/liferay/portlet/portalsettings/action/EditLDAPServerAction.java
At first JSP, edit_ldap_server.jsp the parameters are filed by final user and sent to EditLDAPServerAction. This second java only retrieves that information and stores it to preferences (method EditLDAPServerAction.addLDAPServer)
You cannot call this methods from a portlet, but perhaps you can copy and paste internal logic.
Orginal Answer:https://www.liferay.com/community/forums//message_boards/message/55597042

LDAP extension for dokuwiki

I am trying to allow authentication against my ldap server, but everytime when I turn on the LDAP extension I got following error
LDAP err: PHP LDAP extension not found. [auth.php:34] User
authentication is temporarily unavailable. If this situation persists,
please inform your Wiki Admin.
I have set up everything necessary in Configuration Manager.
Any suggestions that can help?
you need the PHP LDAP extension. You can probably install it via your distribution's package manager. Eg. apt-get install php5-ldap

How to reset storage password in Mule Studio

I have downloaded new version of mule studio, and I am trying to configure it. First I am trying to set network connections. After editing proxy entries, when I click on apply I am presented with "please enter the secure storage password". I have not set any such password.
and I do not see any option of resetting it. Long time ago I had installed some earlier version of mule studio. I did simply delete that directory before reinstalling new one. Could that be a problem. In any case what would be a way out.
Thanks for your help or suggestion on where to look.
Could be due to the old installation, as the Secure Storage file location is usually some hidden Eclipse settings directory. It is used to store proxy authentication data. See Preferences -> Security -> Secure Storage for the Secure Storage settings, and specifically the Contents tab for Storage location and the Delete button that should delete the previous Secure Storage. A restart might be needed.