Where can I find an iPhone simulator for Xcode 3.1.4 - iphone-sdk-3.0

My kids want to learn to write apps on their MacBook which currently runs OS version 10.5.8.
I have downloaded Xcode 3.1.4 but it doesn't seem to have the iPhone Simulator.
Does anyone know where I can find this?
(And are their better tags I should use for this question?)
(UPDATE: I down loaded the " xcode 3.2.6 & ios sdk 4.3" dmg file from Apple in the hopes of accessing just the "iPhone simulator" but repeated attempts to open the .dmg file on my OS10.5.8 Macbook result in a complete, "blackscreen" crash.)

I am really very sorry because this is not straight to your question. But if I were you, I'd like to encourage them to start with Android. To me, an open-platform is more preferred. Beside that, Java is a strong/ dynamic language when comparing to C/C++.
Android developer site
Eclipse IDE
Android SDK
ADT plugin for Eclipse
API guides
Training videos
Hope they will like :-)

Are you sure the simulator was not included? One thing to remember is it won't be shown with xcode in your applications folder.
To use the simulator you have to launch it from xcode by pressing the play button in the top left corner of the interface. If you have already used xcode with an iPhone/iPod/iPad make sure you select simulator from the drop down next the play and stop buttons(press and hold to change what is selected).
If you want to make sure you can access the simulator without xcode, launch the simulator as described above and then right click(or ctrl click) the icon for the simulator and select keep in dock from the options menu.
Hopefully the above helps you with your problem. If xcode truly did not come with the simulator your best option is to uninstall xcode(after backing up any projects) and trying a fresh install. Also try checking Apples dev center (https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action) for information about xcode and the simulator.


IKImageView move tool not working in Mojave

My app Plumb-Bob is based on the IKImageViewDemo:
I compile it for MacOS 10.10+ and in my tests I noticed that the "move tool" is not working at all in Mojave (10.14) while it does as usual in the previous systems.
Since I have strongly modified IKImageViewDemo for my purposes, I have downloaded it again to make some test (see link above).
When build and run IKImageViewDemo I have verified that it has the same behavior:
On MacOS 10.14 the move tool shows its open hand cursor, but, when dragging, the image is not moved at all.
On older MacOS, it works like a charm.
I did not find any updates, deprecations and changes on IKImageView framework in 10.14, searching at Apple Developer's docs.
Can anyone address me to the solution, it is very important, in my app, to move around the zoomed image.
Thank you in advance

Simulator/Device name shows only Unity-iPhone

Just loaded a project in Unity 3D (4.34f) it is working as desired, Built and Run for iOS devices. works perfect in the Xcode (5.1.1) simulator.
In the Simulator/Device Name is written Unity-iPhone, it does not show neither my iPad or my iphone when connected.
What am I missing? any help?
Easy, happens to me frequently, two choices deselect the Development Build in build settings or in the player settings change the dropdown list of Optimization SDK Version to "Device SDK".
Let me know if works for you....

How to run iOS .app package within Simulator?

Dev guys from other company, sent me iOS app package that is build with Xcode, but I don't have its Xcode project, just built app package file. How to run that on simulator or on iphone?
UDPATE: I'v tried Simulator launcher but the solution is not working when using Xcode 4.2.1.
UPDATE2: Also tried to use this solution but with no luck (getting black simulator screen and errors shown in terminal after launch). IMHO these problems might be related to iOS 5
UPDATE3: Also, unsuccessfully, tried to use this solution
normally you should be able to install it with itunes, a detailed step-by step guide can be found here: http://www.wikihow.com/Install-Ad-hoc-iPhone-OS-Apps
If it is built for device, you can install it to your device using iTunes or Xcode Organizer. However, you cannot run it on any device. They should also give you a provisioning profile for letting you install that app on your device.
Found the solution. I'v asked the guys to send me "ipa" package instead of raw .app package. Then added it to my iPhone device.

Can I build and compile an app built for jail broken iOS and run as a development app on my device?

Just a quick q about iOS development..
I'd love to be able to run a certain game emulator on my iPad..
If it's released under open source is there any thing stopping me from compiling it and running it in an emulator or getting a provisioning profile and running it on my device?
Do jailbroken apps tend to use libraries that wont run on a vanilla copy of iOS?
I.e. Do they patch the kernel to get full control of the video controller etc..
I think the jailbroken apps can utilize eglibc or glibc, as when I jailbroke me iPod Touch, I remember looking over the installed packages, and remember seeing something along the lines of glibc.
In short, I think if the app is self-sufficient, you probably could package it with XCode, but if it requires some low-level APIs and libraries, you're out of luck.

Interface builder is unable to open documents of type iPad XIB

I got a application from my teammate, and it is for both iphone and ipad devices (which it is developed under iPhone SDK 3.2).
I have iPhone SDK 3.1.3 installed in my mac book. When i tried to compile the application for iphone simulator i got the following error.
Interface builder is unable to open documents of type iPad XIB.
The above error is for interface builder created for ipad.
My Question is we can't compile the application on iPhone SDK 3.1.3 which the application developed under iPhone SDK 3.2?
Please shed some light of this?
Go to your project settings, and delete the line that says Interface Builder Plugin search path or something similar.
the exact line in project.pbxproj is: IBC_PLUGIN_SEARCH_PATHS = "${PROJECT_DIR}/**";
Short answer
Temporarily remove the iPad xib when working with the 3.1.3 SDK. Put them back when you go back to 3.2 and above.
Longer answer
This cropped up for me when compiling against 3.1.3. You can use conditional compiling to get code user newer features to build successfully (see Matt Gallagher's helpful post on conditional compiling).
There may be a smarter way to tell the compiler not to look at the iPad xibs. For testing on the 3.1.3 simulator I simply made a copy all my iPad xibs and then removed them from the xcode project. When going back to my current development set up, you have to put them back. It's a bit of pain, but not that fiddly.
To fix this:
Press Command-1 to go to the project tree
Select your project
The in the right panel select your project, and then click on "Build Settings"
In search field just below the "Build Settings" enter: "Overriding Plug-In"
Now, the only visible setting left should say "Overriding Plug-In and Framework Directory"
Double-click the value and remove all entries using "-" button
Click somewhere else so settings are saved
That should fix it