IE BHO screenshot [closed] - api

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Where would I find the API that I can call from a BHO?
Basically I need to figure out how long will it take to build a screnshot functionality inside IE.
I have done the same research for FF and it was quite easy to find information on how to do it and what sort of API I would have available but now I need to do the same for IE and can't seem to find any information about it. Just the plain old tutorials on how to build a BHO etc.
Thanks in advance

Ok I got my answers:
Here is a good start point for the API and here is a good example on how to do a screen shot in C#


What are the spell correct api's available? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I wanted to know the spell correct api's available for commercial/non commercial usage other than google/bing.
First of all you can write your own spell corrector with this tutorial. In addition there are some Python packages that may help you with that, such as TextBlob (which I highly recommend). Another option is Gingerit which Iv'e never tried but looks promising. Another DIY spell correct tutorial might interest you as well.
I just launched this, so it's still beta, but it's not bad. It has a dictionary of over 600,000,000 entries covering most non-Asian languages.

Where have they hidden the DotNetOpenAuth API documentation? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am pretty sure I looked in the most common places but I can't seem to find the documentation for the DotNetOpenAuth API. Almost every link forwards to which doesn't seem to excist.
Does anyone know where they've hidden the docs?
Many thanks :)
Depending on the version you're using:
The site was down for a day or so. But it's back up now.
Here is a copy of the docs. Don't know if its up-to-date but is contains information with better markup than the Google cache;)
EDIT: Site is already online now

Real time lightning strike API [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm looking for an API that will provide real-time lightning strike data in a metro area and searches have come up short. Please send me the link and an overview of your experience if you have worked with one in the past.....
I would recommend that you have a look at the Vaisala Global Lightning Dataset GLD360 system.
Turns out, there are two big players:
1) Vaisala
We chose to use NAPLN.

Is there still a free CDDB database left? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm building a program that needs to interact with a cd database. Googling showed me projects like freedb or gnudb, but it seems those are long dead (last activity on freedb's forum is 2007 before it got flooded with spam). Freedb still works, but is not maintained, and returns messy results. Does anyone know of an active CDDB project that is accessible freely?
Although there's no strict CDDB service I can find, MusicBrainz offers a web service that can do the same things and more. It also emulates a CDDB, more info on the link Brad provided.
You can access it at
Information on the API here:

How do I make an extention for PSPad? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have used PSPad alot and I would like to make an extension for PSPad, but I don't know how to do it. I cannot find anywhere an API documentation to make the extensions.
Can someone please help me?
Have you seen the Script User's Guide? I would think if you looked at some existing extensions that you like you will quickly discover how they hook into the defined APIs.