What is mass-assignment in Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails-3

I have heard couple of people complaining and posting questions about mass-assignment in Rails. I have got same error couple of times and all I did was attr_accessible. But what exactly is mass assignment? could somebody explain with example?

Mass Assignment is the name Rails gives to the act of constructing your object with a parameters hash. It is "mass assignment" in that you are assigning multiple values to attributes via a single assignment operator.
The following snippets perform mass assignment of the name and topic attribute of the Post model:
Post.new(:name => "John", :topic => "Something")
Post.create(:name => "John", :topic => "Something")
Post.update_attributes(:name => "John", :topic => "Something")
In order for this to work, your model must allow mass assignments for each attribute in the hash you're passing in.
There are two situations in which this will fail:
You have an attr_accessible declaration which does not include :name
You have an attr_protected which does include :name
It recently became the default that attributes had to be manually white-listed via a attr_accessible in order for mass assignment to succeed. Prior to this, the default was for attributes to be assignable unless they were explicitly black-listed attr_protected or any other attribute was white-listed with attr_acessible.
It is important to consider which attributes can be mass assigned because code like this is so common:
#post = Post.new(params[:post])
Typically this is used when the user submits a form rendered by a form_for #post. In an ideal world, the params[:post] hash should only contain the fields we displayed on the form. However, it is trivial easy for the user to pass additional fields in their request, so in effect you're allowing a user to set any fields on #post, not just the ones displayed on the form.
Failure to safely use mass assignment has led to several high profile bugs in some pretty big Rails applications, like the one that allowed somebody to inject their own public key into the list of trusted keys on a Github repository and push code directly to a repository they should not have had access to.


Rails: create lots of almost-duplicate records

I want to write a method that creates a bunch of almost-duplicate records, just with one or two parameters changed. I'll make a form to control those parameters, I'm just wondering about how best to write the method, and where do keep it.
Presently in my document.rb I've written this:
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create(:component_ids => components, :message => 'Message.', :template_id => template.id, :user_id => user.id)
It doesn't feel right though. Is there a better way to do this?
This code is fine if your security model allows all these fields to be bulk assignable by mention in attr_accessible in the model. If it doesn't then you're better off using the block form of create. Also, if Document, Template and User are ActiveRecord instances, you should let Rails manage the details of ids.
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create do |doc|
doc.component_ids = components,
doc.message 'Message.',
doc.template = template,
doc.user = user
One final note is that component_ids must be serialized to store a list. This is probably a flaw in your model design. The better way is (probably) to specify Component belongs_to User and also User has_many Components. I.e. Component contains a foreign key to User. If it's necessary for a Component to belong also to many users, then you'll need either has_and_belongs_to_many or has_many ... through. The Rails guide on relations describes all this in more detail.
With the right relations set up, the code will become:
def self.publish(brand, components, template)
brand.users.each do |user|
Document.create do |doc|
doc.components = components, # Components is now a list of active records.
doc.message 'Message.',
doc.template = template,
doc.user = user
The resulting SQL will get all the foreign keys and (if necessary) relation tables filled in correctly.

Issue with pushing additional values in a embeds_many mongoid relation

I have been breaking my head around this for a long time now. Not sure if my approach is correct or if its not possible using mongoid. SO without further adieu, here is the problem:
I have the following 2 models:
def user
embeds_many :needs, :class_name => "Property"
embeds_many :skills, :class_name => "Property"
def property
Both these models of course have other code but I have skipped that for brevity.
With this structure I am able to access/add "Property" data as embedded "needs" & "skills" on my user model. Something like this works flawlessly
User.first.update_attributes(skills: [Property.first])
The problem is something like this doesn't work.
User.first.skills << Property.first
There is no error. Both the above statements return true on console. But the values don't persist to the DB.
I basically want a Property model which can be maintained/created independent of the User model, thats why the "embedded_in" on Property is missing in my code.
The question is, am I doing it right? Or there is their a different way that I should go about the design of these models?
Cage is right. You will need to put the embedded_in on the Property model if you want the persistence to work properly. If you want to manage the lifecycle of Property outside the User model, you will have to use 'has_many'.
Please add more details as to what exactly is the purpose of doing what you are doing. I am going to make some assumptions-
Needs and skills are a global list of values, that should be maintained separately
User can have a subset of skills and needs
You want to store the needs and skills as 'plain string' and not references so you can query them without referencing the needs and skills collection. This reduces one query
If the above is correct, then you can use custom keys to store the needs and skills-
class Property
include Mongoid::Document
field :text, :type => String
field :_id, type: String, default ->{ text }
class User
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :needs, :class_name => "Property"
has_many :skills, :class_name => "Property"
Now you can do something like-
This will give the text of the need and you can avoid another query.
Note- that this is potentially very risky if your 'Property' objects are mutable.
For solution try doing this
u = User.first
u.skills << Property.first
it will work fine.

How to validate Rails Model attribute uniqueness over a virtual attribute scope

How can I validate uniqueness of an attribute with a custom or virtual scope? I thought of using a virtual attribute, but it keeps trying to query audit_year in the database. I would rather not create another database column just for the purpose of this uniqueness constraint.
Each location can only have one audit scheduled per year, so I need to extract the year from the scheduled attribute and validate uniqueness over that scope.
class Audit
attr_accessible :location_name, :scheduled_date, :completion_date ...
validates :location_name, :presence => true, :uniqueness => { :scope => :audit_year }
def audit_year
I may not even be on the correct path with my virtual attribute attempts. What would be the "right" way to do this in rails?
I know this is a bit late, but I figured I'd pitch in. I'm doing this from memory so you may need to screw with this a bit.
My first thought is in your audit_year method, you could query the database for all years. Something like:
def audit_year
!self.class.select('selected_date').map{ |a| a.selected_date.year }.include?(selected_date.year)
# or using Rails 3.2 and Ruby 1.9.3:
# !self.class.pluck('created_at').map(&:year).include?(selected_date.year)
My assumption of the unique method is if it returns false, it will fail validation. This code selects just that one column from your class (I used self.class instead of Audit so it's more reusable), then maps out the years to an array. If it's included (true), return the opposite (!). You could probably optimize the query with uniq, but it depends on how large the table is whether it's necessary or not.
The other option would be to roll your own validator for the attribute, which really wouldn't be that difficult. The only difference is you'd add a line that conditionally checks for selected_date.present? in addition to the above. A great resource is the Rails Guides for callbacks and errors if you don't know how: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_validations_callbacks.html
Hope that helps.

Testing route in controller

I have a Rails 3.0 web app that allow user to create own path to the application.
example : www.my_app.com/user_company_name
So I store a custom path in user DB field. User can changing path throught a input.
I have added this validation in model
validates_presence_of :custom_page
validates_format_of :custom_page, :with => /^([a-z]|[0-9]|\-|_)+$/, :message => "Only letter (small caps), number, underscore and - are authorized"
validates_length_of :custom_page, :minimum => 3
validates_uniqueness_of :custom_page, :case_sensitive => false
But I don't know how I can validate url to check it isn't in conflict with another route in my routing.
For example in my route.rb I have
resources :user
Validation need to don't allow using www.my_app.com/user, how I can do that?
Thanks, vincent
In your routes, you match the company name to a variable
match 'some_path/:company_name.format'
you can then do the lookup using company_name which rails will populate for you.
Validating the uniqueness of the custom_page variable should be enough to ensure there's no overlap. (note that validate uniqueness of doesn't scale -- if this will be big, you need a db constraint as well) as long as users can only specify one field.
If you're letting users specify
then you have to validate across both fields, and now it's getting messy. Hope you're not doing that.
You can try a custom validation to weed out "user"
validate :custom_page_cant_be_user
def custom_page_cant_be_user
errors.add(:custom_page, "can't be `user`") if self.custom_page =~ /^user$/i
assuming :custom_page comes in as a basic [a-z], if :custom_page has /user you need to update the regex a bit.

Do Rails 3 Active Record dynamic find_or_create finder methods have some undocumented inconsistencies?

Apologies for the long title, but this is bothering me. I'm new to Rails, so this is my first project. Rails 3.0.3.
In my model, a User may or may not have read many Entries; this is tracked in a model called ReadEntries. This many-to-one relationship is properly defined in the code, I think.
has_many :read_entries
has_many :read_entries
belongs_to :entry
belongs_to :user
This table has to be populated at some point. If I try to do this:
user.read_entries.find_or_create_by_entry_id(entry.id, :read => false)
I get the error Unknown key(s): read. Leave out trying to set :read, and it works.
However, if I create the same row with this, it works:
ReadEntry.find_or_create_by_entry_id_and_user_id(entry.id, user.id, :read => false)
Logically, these methods should be identical, right? Thanks.
I've also had weird experiences with find_or_create. I would love it if it worked, but it seems inconsistent.
I'm currently having the same issue as you, and I think it may be due to calling find_or_create on an association as opposed to the model directly. Here's my example:
permission_assignments.find_or_create_by_role_id(:role_id => role_id, :is_allowed => false)
This works to create the assignment, except the "is_allowed" field gets set to it's default of "true". This code works for me (in the Permission model, hence the self reference)
PermissionAssignment.find_or_create_by_permission_id_and_role_id(:permission_id => self.id, :role_id => role_id, :is_allowed => false)
It's more verbose, unfortunately, but it works. The only problem that I still notice is that the object that is returned has no id assigned (the record does get created in the database, however, but if I wanted to update any more attributes I wouldn't be able to without the id). Don't know if that's a separate issue or not.
Rails 3.0.4 here with Postgres 8.4
You cannot pass in other fields like that as Rails will assume they are options for the find. Instead, you will need to make your method call longer:
user.read_entries.find_or_create_by_entry_id_and_read(entry.id, false)
Or alternatively use a shorter, custom syntax for that.
For your final example, my thoughts are that Rails will take the second argument and use that as options. Other than that, I am not sure.