Object already exists exception in RSACryptoServiceProvider - vb.net

First let me start by saying I'm sorry if I posted this question in the wrong place. I saw the entry at Object already exists in RSACryptoServiceProvider. I tried the solutions offered there. But, they did not solve my issue. Also, I didn't see an option to re-ask the question.
I have almost the same issue. I have a class that uses RSACryptoServiceProvider that runs in two projects on the same machine and under the same account. Both projects live in the same solution and share the same encryption code. One project, the server, is a Windows service and the other, the client, is a Windows application. They use the RSACryptoServiceProvider to talk to each other over a named pipe using asymmetric encryption. I started out by just having the server run in another Windows form within the same application as the client. Everything ran fine. Then, I moved the server to a Windows service.
The Windows service starts up fine. It seems to be able to create it's instance of the RSACryptoServiceProvider fine. But, when the client, which runs in the Windows application, starts up it gets a runtime error when it tries to create it. Here is the code that runs in both projects.
rule = New CryptoKeyAccessRule("everyone", CryptoKeyRights.FullControl, AccessControlType.Allow)
csp = New CspParameters
csp.KeyContainerName = _KeyContainerName
csp.Flags = CspProviderFlags.UseMachineKeyStore
csp.CryptoKeySecurity = New CryptoKeySecurity()
//Object already exists exception happens here
rsa = New RSACryptoServiceProvider(_KeySize, csp)
As you can see, I have the code that sets the access rule as mentioned in the other post on this subject. Unfortunately, this did not solve my issue. Is there anything else that needs to change?


Getting Windows Service To Read Registry HKLM

I've been having a heck of a time trying to get this to work. I wrote both a service and a form application in VB.NET, both of which need to access a registry key to locate a computer that has my database on it. In the forms app it works great, but the service does not. I thought it was a permissions problem so I checked permissions on the server (Windows 2008) and they were fine - I even went as far as to run the service as the admin in case that was the problem but still no joy. Is there something wrong with my code?
I have tried ways to access the registry. The first method just sets the server variable to nothing and the second method the 'rk' variable ends up being nothing (telling me that it cannot even locate the sub key):
Dim server As String = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\EPS\XPV", "Server", Nothing)
and the second one is:
Dim rk As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("\SOFTWARE\EPS\XPV")
The service itself starts up just fine because I'm getting my log messages right after these lines that tell me the value is blank so it just comes down to figuring out why I cannot access the registry in the service even though I can in the forms app.
Either look under HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node for your keys/values, or compile your application as 64bit.

MS Access crashes when trying to close down a connection to Blackbaud's Raiser's Edge API

I am the IT department of a Non-Profit organization. I have a question today which might be too specialized for this forum and I hope I do not waste my time writing it up. We are using Blackbaud's 'Raiser's Edge' (RE) Software (written in VB6 and VB.net as far as I know) to keep track of our membership and donations. We have an MS Access application (have been using it since before we got RE) to process donations and for now I want to keep it and only do minor changes to adapt it to the new software.
The MS Access program is now doing a few calls to the RE API which work great. To login and establish a connection I have to create a new 'REAPI' object and use it for other API calls. That REAPI object has a method called: SignOutOnTerminate which needs to be set to TRUE when creating that object. It is supposed to kill all connections to RE once my application closes. There is no regular .close method.
Once I create the object I can do work as many times as I want and there is no problem at all as far as I can see.
However when trying to close the application or set the object to nothing (Set REAPI = Nothing) Access crashes immediately (It fades out and I get the message that Windows is looking for a solution to the problem. Then Access closes and restarts itself.)
It is more annoying and unprofessional then hindering production but I want to fix it.
The App was developed on Windows 7 64-bit with Access 2010 32-bit. It was tested on Windows XP with Office 2003 or 2007 machines (32-bit) and behaves the same way.
I have posted this problem already on 2 Blackbaud forums and tried a suggested a work around which did not work (kill the process with a shell command and then set the object to nothing). Hopefully I will get more answers soon.
I tried to just exclude the SignOutOnTerminate when creating the object. But got the same behavior.
I looked in the Event Manager --> Application Log and found the Crash. It reported that access crashed because of this dll: C:\Windows\System32\MSVBVM60.dll (It is actually located in the SysWos64 folder as it is a 32-bit application).
Looking up this error I found some suggestions to replace it with an earlier version of the dll, the one which ships with XP. I found a file and tried the suggestion but it still crashed. The error log reported the older version number as faulting so I registered it correctly.
I also created a case with Blackbaud but the rep did not know what the problem is and did not have MS Access installed. He is trying to get his support team to install it for him so he can test and investigate this error.
The last suspicion I have is that the API is causing the error and my code is fine.
But before I make this assumption and until I get my answer from Blackbaud I want to do a final check, but I have run out of ideas for further trouble shooting and resorted to pose this problem in this forum.
Any Ideas?
I realise that this is an old thread and if you have solved this by now then that is great. However this is a known issue with The Raiser's Edge API. If you use .NET with RE's API (which is COM based) there is definitely some resource that is not cleaned up properly. At one point I suspected that it was something to with making use of RE's graphical interface i.e. by calling the regular login method to log you into RE. However even if you log in to RE using the "as a server" method supplying the user name and password it still crashes on exiting the application.
We have an installer that sets up credentials in RE. The installer is in .NET and accesses the RE API. We now show a message just before the end of the application telling users to ignore the impending crash... Not a great solution by any means.

SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 only on solution rebuild

I have a site built using MVC4 which is getting content out of a database and it all works fine.
If I then rebuild the solution and try to refresh the page to check my changes, I will always get the SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 saying that I cannot connect to the server.
However, if I then browse to my homepage and then back to the page I was looking at it will work fine.
Does anyone know what could cause this problem as it is really annoying
Further to this I have found it is when the AuthorizationContext filterContext is being loaded after the rebuild that it cannot connect to the db
As with neil below I have found that I only get the problem if I try to access a page that has had a role assigned to it
I'm seeing the exact same problem and can trace it to the .ASPXAUTH session cookie in the browser. Delete that cookie and the database error goes away until the next rebuild.
The error occurs regularly if you are authenticated and then rebuild the project and try to browse any page that either:
Requires authentication
Makes a call to the User object (e.g. #if (User.IsInRole("Administrators")))
If you have the AuthorizeAttribute filter set in App_Start/FilterConfig.cs you'll get this on every page.
This seems to be new behavior following the most recent Patch Tuesday updates. Previously, I was seeing weird behavior where I would remain logged in but I would loose my roll membership. After the most recent patches, it seems Simple Membership chokes when it gets a bad .ASPXAUTH cookie (invalid because of the rebuild).
I've got the correct connection string in InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute.cs but it's like Simple Membership is defaulting to something else in this one instance.
Note that I've moved the Simple Membership databases from the original (localDb) to a full-fledged (local) SQL Server instance. Don't know why that would matter, and it works fine in all other cases.
I've also tried making the connection string name the same as the EF context name (e.g. "ProjectContext") on the theory that it is defaulting to the standard convention, but that made no difference. I am explicitly identifying the connection string name in all my context class constructors (using the : base("connectionString") syntax) and Simple Membership is able to find the right connection string all other times.
Update 2:
The problem only occurs after rebuild when accessing a page protected by role. A simple [Authorize] won't trigger it. You need something like [Authorize(Role="Admin")]. I've replicated this on a new MVC 4 project with no other modifications, using the default (localDb) database. Clear the cookie and that same user can access the protected content w/o any problems. I believe this is a core .NET or MVC bug and needs to be reported as such.
This happened to me while rebuilding the application when I was logged in the browser.
Deleting cookies fixed the problem for me.
When using SimpleMembership, this bug occurs with any use of Roles-not just in the controller, but also when I use:
I am late to the game with this answer, but I added [InitializeSimpleMembership] to my home controller and I think that fixed it.

Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, Failed

Edit FIXED!: I feel silly; So after days of investigation and debugging and what not, the answer is/was that the websites were setup the same except for one place I never thought to look; the directories on the live site were inadvertently created using an administrative share instead of the local physical path on the server. After switching the path on the live site, the API works as intended with the rest of the code.
Original Problem:
I have two websites that are hosted on the same server within the same app pool. Website 1 is my testing bed. I have a small class that attempts to call a 3rd part function that basically equates to verifying that a given user exists in the 3rd party's allowable users. If so, it returns true, else returns false. If the return is true, it will redirect to this third party otherwise the user doesn't know anything about the 3rd party.
On my development site, I have the code working 100% without errors, and I get the expected outcome in either case. It's always worked here, never been a problem. However, when I move it to the live site, I get Request for the permission of type 'System.Net.WebPermission, Failed . After extensive googling I am still left puzzled, it's been days. Here's why I am so puzzled:
The server and account that the live and dev site run under are identical.
Their app pools are one in the same
The code is 100% identical.
The web.configs are identical.
Perhaps the single most puzzling part of this is that I use a master-page system in vb.net . The code actually executes in the page_load event of the master-page. The dev site runs without issue, but as soon as you even try to load the page, the code throws the exception. The strangest part is that if I take the code out of the master-page page_load and create a new blank page with nothing but this call and the page_load code that calls it, it works.
I've examined this master-page so thoroughly, and I cannot believe it works on dev but not live, and I was completely taken aback yesterday when my experiment with a new page and the same code worked on the live site.
What I've tried so far in trying to resolve this:
Load user profile = true in the AppPool
Did a direct compare of the code to ensure it is 1:1
Verified permission for the account this runs under
Rebooted web servers
Set Full trust via the web/config
I'm at a loss. Below is the code - it's so simple and yet this problem persists. I cannot figure out why it works on the live site just not with specific page I need it to. Here's the respective code:
Sub page_load()
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Dim SFUser As New StorefrontUser
If SFUser.isActiveStorefrontUser = 1 Then
LBCELink.Style.Add("visibility", "visible")
LBCELink.Style.Add("visibility", "hidden")
End If
End If
End Sub
And here is the class/function it calls:
Public Class StorefrontUser
Dim storefront As New SXI.StorefrontAPIHelper("http://subdomain.blah.com/3rdpartyAPI.asmx")
Function isActiveStorefrontUser() As String
If GetAdminTicket() <> "UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS" Then
Return storefront.GetValue("UserProperty", "IsActive", storefront.FindUserID(theID))
Return "1"
End If
End Function
Function GetadminticketValue() As String
Return GetAdminTicket()
End Function
Public Function GetAdminTicket() As String
Dim ScratchTicket As String = String.Empty
ScratchTicket = storefront.ObtainUserTicket("user", "password", "Identity")
Catch ex As Exception
ScratchTicket = String.Empty
End Try
Return ScratchTicket
End Function
End Class
Works fine on Live site if it's not part of the Master page which it needs to be, works fine on the dev site anywhere. Totally stumped. Apologies if my formatting is poor or if my question lacks clarity; First time caller, long time listener.
One last important piece of information is that a reference to the 3rd party's dll is required to make use of their API - which seems like a valid point of contention except that it works on the blank page I created, just not with this master page which is identical to the dev site's master-page.
Thanks in advance for any light you can shed.

My application fails to create MAPI/Messaging profile properly using MAPI subsystem

I have an application which creates a MAPI profile to send mails/messages. The profile is getting created properly on Outlook2007 environment, but it is not getting created properly on Outlook2007 SP2 environment. Both the source code and "exchange environment to which MAPI/outlook profile" are same. The profile is created using MAPI subsystem.
Description about the application: The application is a windows service-based application. The service executes a COM application. The COM application spawns a new thread to create a new profile and sends a sample message.
Actual problem: During the profile creation, the call to the ConfigureMsgService function (that belongs to IMsgServiceAdmin) is not working properly even though it returns S_OK. The value for the 5th parameter "lpProps" of ConfigureMsgService function is given below.
// First, the mailbox name.
ZeroMemory(&rgval[0], sizeof(SPropValue) );
rgval[0].Value.lpszA = szMailbox;
// Next, the server name.
ZeroMemory(&rgval[1], sizeof(SPropValue) );
rgval[1].Value.lpszA = szServer;
// For NT Services, need to do this to keep MAPI from
// displaying dialog boxes.
ZeroMemory(&rgval[2], sizeof(SPropValue) );
rgval[2].ulPropTag = PR_CONVERSION_PROHIBITED; //As the com application is executed by the NT service, this parameter is specified.
rgval[2].Value.b = TRUE;
Also note, prior to ConfigureMsgService function call, all the other MAPI calls such as MAPIInitialize, MAPIAdminProfiles, CreateProfile, AdminServices, CreateMsgService, GetMsgServiceTable etc are succeeded.
My question, the same code was working properly with Outlook 2007 environment, but it failed in Outlook 2007 SP2 environment.
Please note,
1. when the same code is executed from a stand-alone application, it worked fine.
2. The code didn't work properly if the service is executed as a Local System account or as a network service account.
What could be the problem? Am I missing some thing.
Is there any work-around is available?
Thanks in advance
Your problem is in #2 of your note:
Please note, 1. when the same code is
executed from a stand-alone
application, it worked fine. 2. The
code didn't work properly if the
service is executed as a Local System
account or as a network service
MAPI profiles are stored in the current user's hive* in the registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_USERS{user SID}). The system accounts (LocalSystem and NetworkService) don't present a user hive which MAPI needs to write the profile information.
The easiest fix is to have your service run under a user account which has been granted the Log On As Service right. Depending on how your COM app is run as (in proc vs out of proc) you may be able to have it run as a specific user instead of a system account.
*Hive is the term used for the different sections of the registry. Here we're just dealing with the user's own section of the registry.
Thanks for your reply.
I tried your idea, but it doesn't worked. I spoke to Microsoft in this case, they have provided a fix for this issue(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/972363), it fixed it.