How to enable logging in Apache Ace? - apache

Is it possible to enable logging in Apache Ace? If yes, How?
In the source code, i can see that the LogService is used to write messages to the log. But i am not able to locate the logs when i start the ace devserver.

The LogService is a standard compendium service, and you can use any implementation to actually record the log statements. We use the one from Apache Felix, and there are shell commands to actually retrieve log statements (hint, the command is called "log"). This implementation does not write them to disk though. Based on the specification, it would be easy to do this yourself though. A LogReader exists to read from, and you can register yourself as a LogListener.


How can I make use of structlog in python rq

In my application I am using structlog as a log system. My application also uses PythonRQ. How can I make PythonRQ to use the log system I am already using in my application so that all my application logs follows the same pattern?
RQ is using standard library logging for its log output.
Therefore you can achieve that by using of the approaches listed in

ModSecurity - disable logging to standard Apache error log

I'm wondering if there is some way in ModSecurity Apache2 module (version 2.9.1) how to log error messages into log file specified by the SecDebugLog option but don't duplicate them into the standard Apache error log file?
According to ModSecurity documentation the error messages are always doubled in both log files: Messages with levels 1–3 are designed to be meaningful, and are copied to the Apache’s error log. But I'd like to keep the ModSecurity stuff separate and don't mess the standard error log.
You can remove log from any of the Rules and just leave auditlog.
If using the OWASP CRS then change the default action from this:
SecDefaultAction "phase:1,deny,log"
SecDefaultAction "phase:2,deny,log"
to this:
SecDefaultAction "phase:1,deny,nolog,auditlog"
SecDefaultAction "phase:2,deny,nolog,auditlog"
Which will turn off all logging, but then turn on auditlogging again.
You may also want to add similar for phase 3 and 4 depending on whether you are also checkout outbound traffic.
However I would really, really, really caution against this for a number of reasons:
You will eventually block something with a ModSecurity rule and wonder why it's happening and skip over the Audit log and blame Apache. Trust me. "Why is this request returning 403 when I can see the page exists?!?!" At least if in the error log then you've another chance to see why this is so.
The entry in the error log is in one line. This makes it much easier to collect, parse and deal with errors in tools like Splunk. The audit log is spread over several lines so is less machine readable. And you should be reviewing your WAF logs regularly and not just assuming it's working correctly and only look at logs when something goes wrong. Maybe not in detail at each log level but in summary. Ivan Ristic, the original creator of ModSecurity, recently tweeted:
"If you’re not using your WAF as an IDS, you’re doing it wrong."
These are errors. And the error log is therefore the right place for them. The audit log is then a useful place to get extra detail if you cannot explain the errors.

How to write commit message to svn repository

I am using Apache Jackrabbit Webdav library for svn checkin operation.
I am using MAKActivity method to start the transaction.
But I dont know how to add commit message. Following is the code
RandomStringGenerator rsg = new RandomStringGenerator(32);
String random = rsg.nextString();
String url = getRepoAddress() + "!svn/act/" + random;
MkActivityMethod activityMethod = null;
activityMethod = new MkActivityMethod(url);
catch(Exception e)
This code executes successfully but I dont unserstand how to write log message in this.
Any help will be appreciable.
First of all I'd suggest that you not reinvent the wheel that's already been done twice now and instead using a library that knows Subversion's DAV based protocol. Note that while Subversion is mostly WebDAV and DeltaV compatible, it does have non-standard extensions.
To that end I'd point you to JavaHL or SVNKit. JavaHL comes with Subversion and uses JNI to access the Subversion libraries. SVNKit is an independent Java only implementation and includes a couple different interfaces, including one that is JavaHL compatible. If the use of the native libraries by JavaHL doesn't present a problem for you I'd recommend this since you'll have the benefit of using the same libraries as nearly every Subversion client.
If however your goal is to understand how Subversion implements the protocol on top of WebDAV and DeltaV then perhaps you want to just use a generic WebDAV and DeltaV client library to help. I'd recommend that you refer to these documents that describe how WebDAV and DeltaV are implemented within Subversion.
One thing you might want to understand is that as of Subversion 1.7 we support what we refer to as HTTPv2. HTTPv2 varies somewhat from the DeltaV standard in particular. Instead of using MKACTIVITY to start a transaction on the server we use a POST. Which has a body with a syntax something like this:
( create-txn-with-props (PROPNAME PROPVAL [PROPNAME PROPVAL ...])
The older style which you must use with MKACTIVITY (and can use with the POST if you use create-txn instead of create-txn-with-props) is to use a PROPPATCH on the transaction or the working baseline URL.
The working baseline URL is used with MKACTIVITY and the transaction URL is used with the POST.
When using MKACTIVITY you have to use a PROPFIND on the root URL to get the version-controlled-configuration. Then do a CHECKOUT against the URL you received in response to that PROPFIND providing the activity-set href as the URL you used with MKACTIVITY. You'll get the working baseline URL back as the Location header from the CHECKOUT request. Which you can then use to issue a PROPPATCH to apply the revision properties.
When using POST, you get the transaction stub from the headers in the OPTIONS request response, the transaction name from the SVN-Txn-Name header in the response to the POST, and execute a PROPPATCH against the $transaction_stub/$transaction_name URL.
Probably the best ways to figure all this out is to setup a Subversion server and do some commits while running Subversion through a debugging proxy server such as Charles. You can force the traffic through the proxy on the svn command line with these options --config-option servers:global:http-proxy-port=8888 --config-option servers:global:http-proxy-host= If you want to see the old protocol you can include SVNAdvertiseV2Protocol off in your http configuration.
In order to support the broadest range of Subversion servers you need to implement the HTTPv1 protocol, which has more round trips and is more difficult to implement. If you want to only implement HTTPv2 you'll be limited to supporting Subversion servers newer than 1.7. In order to use HTTPv2 with maximum compatibility you'll have to detect the presence from the OPTIONS response.
As you can see it gets rather complicated so it's really not worth trying to write your own client if all you want to do is implement some basic functionality.
So you are trying to do a SVN commit using WebDAV via the SVNAutoversioning on directive?
AFAIK, the spec does not allow you to provide a commit message and the server will always create one for you. Perhaps you want to look at the SVNKit library if you are trying to create SVN transactions via Java.

how to prevent the stdout.out in weblogic to increasing the size heavily (Windows)

I have deployed a system integrated with weblogic, but until now I faced a problem is the weblogic increasing the stdout.out size heavily(by GB per week), it caused the system to load slowly and slowly.
Any way to prevent it increase the size heavily or redirect into .log?
Thanks alot
As David Herget says above, using the WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) to redirect StdOut and StdErr did not actually work for me either; I had to also do so through the web console (even though they appear to be set on the console) and restart the relevant jvms.
I can't reply to David's comment above due to being a newbie. [Edited since for clarity]
Not totally sure to understand fully your question.
Are you talking about the {server_name}.out file located in the {Domain_Path}/servers/{server_name}/logs ?
If so, I've never found anyway to rotate those logs automatically so I run a script each day to rotate it (basically copying it to another name, zip it and echoing a NULL in the orginal file...erasing the older one after).
If you are talking about redirecting StdOut to the logs though, that can be done within the console for each server in the logging tab by checking "Redirect stdout logging enabled". Configuration to rotate those logs can also be done within that tab.
On that, StdErr can also be redirected, but not from the console (in WL9). You have to put "RedirectStderrToServerLogEnabled" at true in the MBean tree by wlst (it's located at /Servers/{server_name}/Log/{server_name}
I know the question was ask long time ago but hoping it would help nonetheless
Weblogic provides features of log files rotation based on the size and time interval.
You can try rotating the log files based on the size. You would need to configure the log rotation policy from the admin console. Please refer the below link for further details.
If you want to rotate the log files on demand, you can use the below WSLT script.
C:\>java weblogic.WLST
#connect WLST to an Administration Server
wls:/offline> connect('username','password')
#navigate to the ServerRuntime MBean hierarchy
wls:/mydomain/serverConfig> serverRuntime()
#navigate to the server LogRuntimeMBean
wls:/mydomain/serverRuntime> cd('LogRuntime/myserver')
wls:/mydomain/serverRuntime/LogRuntime/myserver> ls()
-r-- Name myserver
-r-- Type LogRuntime
-r-x forceLogRotation java.lang.Void :
#force the immediate rotation of the server log file
wls:/mydomain/serverRuntime/LogRuntime/myserver> cmo.forceLogRotation()

How to use java.util.logging in Weblogic?

I have an application that was migrated from Glassfish to Weblogic, and it uses java.util.logging as logging framework.
The only way I have found to make the logs work is by editing the file of the JVM and restart the server. This solution is awkward and gives problems because the log is written to a different file than the standard ones for weblogic, so we have to look at too many files for a log in a clustered environment. Besides, for some reason this does not work on some Windows systems.
Is there a way to keep using standard java logging to write messages to weblogic's standard log files? I tried the instructions on this page but it doesn't work either.
WebLogic Server ships with a JDK logging handler which will pick up log messages emitted from JDK logging framework and direct them into the WebLogic Server logging system.
Set the default logging level for new ServerLoggingHandler instances in as well as adding the ServerLoggingHandler to the handlers.
handlers = weblogic.logging.ServerLoggingHandler
weblogic.logging.ServerLoggingHandler.level = ALL
To direct the JDK logging framework to use the file, the standard System property java.util.logging.config.file is used. With WebLogic Server, this can be easily accomplished by setting the JAVA_OPTIONS System property with the corresponding value.
$ export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=/Users/xxx/Projects/Domains/wls1035/"
Some more hints here: