push view without showing tabbar removes bottom of view - objective-c

I'm trying to push a view while hiding the uitabbar.
The view which is being pushed have another view inside it which is located in the bottom.
Whenever this view is pushed the uitabbar is not displayed (which is good) but the bottom view I added is not displayed.
how can I hide the tab bar but still show the view I added in the bottom?


Extra Buttons Showing on Tab View Controller

There are 2 extra buttons on my storyboard tab view controller and I haven't connected anything yet. They only show up in run time and there is no code adding buttons to the tab bar controller.
Do you know where the buttons are coming from?
Delete the tab view controller then add a new one and redo the connections.

Phantom Bar showing up at bottom of screen

I've got an iOS7 iPad app. I use storyboards. My root view controller is a tab bar controller. One of my tabs is a split view controller to view reports, which has a table view controller (embedded in a navigationController) in the left-hand split and view controller in the detail side.
I'm finding that I have a random bar across the bottom of both controllers. In the screen shot you can see it at the bottom of the left-hand pane. If I were to select a report which loads the detail side, you'd see the same thing there as well. No matter what I do I can't get it to go away... gotta be missing something simple. Any tips?
Here's the storyboard view. Note that there's some sort of a bar showing up in the Split view controller, but it's not there in the nav controller. I don't know if this bar is related to the problem or not. I suspect it's being inferred from the tabbarcontroller's bottom bar.

Shrink detail view controller animated when menu slides at UISplitViewController

I'm working with UISplitViewController on iPad and want to override it's behavior. When user taps on bar button, there are slides menu from the left side of screen. But it overlaps detail view controller. Can I make it so the detail view controller shrinks animated when the menu appears and expands when the menu disappears?
I don't think it's natively possible, so I think of 2 ways of doing this
1 - try and error: study the split delegate calls to see when you should shrink the content in your detail and tune it up until it looks smooth
2 - create your own "split" controller and do all the resizing/presenting by yourself

Putting a toolbar directly under a navigation controller without hiding the content underneath the toolbar

I am trying to put a toolbar directly beneath a navigation bar but I need the toolbar to not hide the content from the view directly beneath it. My quick solution was to set the navigation controller's native toolbar to visible, which works and properly resizes the view beneath it so that it doesn't let anything hide behind it, BUT the default toolbar shows at the bottom of the screen.
I need it to be at the top, just under the nav bar. I figure the easy solution would be to change the frame of the default toolbar (which I don't know how to do) OR to position a new instance of the toolbar onto the view (which works but it hides the content beneath it) but have it resize the views below.
Please see the following image that I found to see what I'm trying to do. (note how the tableview's first row starts UNDER the tab bar)
You are confusing two things. The NavigationController toolbar property IS the bottom bar, any toolbar that you add to a view has nothing to do with the nav controller but is a property of that view.
If you have your own toolbar at the top of a view you need to move the rest of the view content down or set that toolbar to translucent if thats what your looking for.
Again the nav controller toolbar is always the bottom bar, the toolbar you drop in IB is just a toolbar for that view that you can put anywhere.
I don't believe you can change the frame of the default toolbar. You will need to create your own instance of a toolbar, position it at the bottom of the navigation bar and resize your tableView to fit below.
We can't see how you have your views set up but if you are starting with a view that is subclassed as UITableViewController you will have trouble doing that. What you want is to start with a UIViewController as your master controller, add a tableview and toolbar as subviews. Then position and size them as appropriate.
If you are hiding and showing the toolbar you will create a method to move it up under the navigation controller and again resize the tableview.

UISplitView and custom toolbar at bottom

So I have a Split View controller and am trying to put a toolbar at the bottom of my root view programmatically. I am currently adding it to the bottom of the table using the [self.tableView setTableFooterView:toolbar]; method. This works fine getting the toolbar on the screen, but it is not anchored to the bottom of the view. It always appears after the last element in the table. How would I go about anchoring it to the bottom of the root view? Should I set the frame to the bottom of the view, and then add it as a subview to the rootview itself? Or can I just adjust the frame and leave it as a component of the TableFooterView? Thanks
You have the right solution in your question.
Set the frame of your toolbar to the bottom of your root view. Be sure and make sure it's the frontmost view by calling:
[myRootView bringSubviewToFront:myBarView];