Query a Linked Server with Excel Connection - sql

In the past, I have been querying various different databases (let's call them DB1, DB2, and DB3) by using Data->From Other Sources->From SQL Server in Excel. However, I want to be able to perform just one query (say, DBMaster) and using this to populate my data.
My thoughts: Use linked servers. I create DBMaster with linked servers to DB1, DB2, and DB3. However, I do not know how to access those individual databases from Excel. When I connect to DBMaster, I only get the tables on that database, not the tables on the linked servers. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Thank you!

You just need to connect your master database and exceute your query from there.
Just remember to put the server name before database name in your sql in FROM clause like :


How to make queries for two different table placed in 2 different server

I just have two servers [sm33ooo.net] and [sm22ooo.net] , i would like to make query between two different tables (tbl_doc) in server [sm33ooo.net] and (tbl_archive) in [sm22ooo.net] using oracle sql developer ,any idea ?
you should be able to create a DBLINK on one of the databases which will allow you to query a table on that database from the other database. I'm not sure of your setup from your post so you might need to look into the difference between private and public dblinks to decide what is relevant to you.
For example if you add your link to server sm33ooo.net called dblink then on server sm22ooo.net you will be able to write select * from tbl_doc#dblink;

Does Modifying Data in Access Table Modify Data in an ODBC-connected Oracle SQL table?

I am new to access. I am using a tool/access database someone built, and it has an ODBC connection to an Oracle SQL database in it.
There are different queries on the side panel, and some of them are delete queries.
If I run these delete queries will they just modify data in my local access database without modifying the data in the Oracle Database?
Yes these will change something in the database whether its linked with another access database table or oracle table and within the database. To review the query you can open the queries in design view and run a normal select query so you can see what the queries are deleting. You can have a normal table image and or globe with a arrow in front pointing towards the table then its linked. A lot of times when I am testing I just run select queries and then I make a copy of what I will be deleting just in case anything goes wrong.

ADO to query MDB and SQL Server

I've got a database that resides on an SQL server box, and another in a separate mdb file.
Both contain similar data, but I'd like to run a query that checks unmatched records from a field that exists in both.
Is this something that's easy enough to do using ADO (VBA)? If so can you point me in the right direction?
The easiest would be to create a new Access Database or ADP, and link the tables from both the SQL server and the other MDB. That way you've got an interface to both from within the same instance, which allows you to query or join different tables.

Sql: export database using TSQL

I have database connection to database DB1. The only thing I could do - execute any t-sql statements including using stored procedures. I want to export the specific table (or even the specific rows of specific table) to my local database. As you can read abve, DBs are on diffrent servers meaning no direct connection is possible. Therefore question: Is it possible to write query that returns the other query to execute on local server and get data? Also note, that table contains BLOBs. Thanks.
If you have SQL Server Management Studio, you can use the data import function on your local database to get the data. It works as long as you have Read/Select access on the tables you are trying to copy.
If you have Visual Studio you can use the database tools in there to move data between two servers as long as you can connect to both from your workstation.
Needs Ultimate or Premium though:
RedGate has some usefull tools too:
Maybe you should ask at https://dba.stackexchange.com/ instead.
If you can login to the remote db (where you can only issue t-sql), you may create linked server on your local server to the remote and use it later directly in queries, like:
select * from [LinkedServerName].[DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[TableName]

How can I connect to an external database from a sql statement or a stored procedure?

When running a SQL statement or a stored procedure on a database, can you connect to an external database and pull data from there?
something like:
SELECT a.UserID, b.DataIWantToGet
FROM mydb.Users as a, externaldb.Data as b
You'll need to setup a Linked Server instance. Then you can reference the external database as though it were a SQL Server database.
Yep -- there's two methods: either use the function OPENROWSET, or use linked servers. OPENROWSET is useful for ad-hoc single statements, but if you're going to be doing this regularly, read up on linked servers as they allow you to do exactly what you've specified in your SQL Statement ... e.g.,
SELECT database.owner.table for local data
SELECT server.database.owner.table for remote data
And yes, you can mix and match to do joins twixt local and remote. Note though that you'll need to be caureul if you do joins against large tables that exist on the remote server as the query could take a long time to exexute...
Yes, you can. You should take a look at linked servers for starters. You can also use OPENROWSET to hit them directly with no linked server.
Easiest way :
Click connect to server
when it asks for server name use:
(The ip and opened port of target sql server)
Type correct username and password