How to add animation like Photos app - objective-c

I want to add animation beetwen Views like in photos app. I've download a sample code from:
And i know there is an animations types:
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionNone ,
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromLeft ,
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromRight ,
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCurlUp ,
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCurlDown ,
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionCrossDissolve ,
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromTop ,
UIViewAnimationOptionTransitionFlipFromBottom ,
but what if i want to add effect when i swipe from left/right my screen will enter just like in Photos App

The Photos app does not use multiple screens to display the photos, there is only one ViewController, which contains a UIScrollView. And in the scrollview, many UIImageViews are added (and the pagination property is set to YES) so that when the user swipe with its finger, it sees the different views appear with the photos.
Here you will find a tutorial on how to precisely achieved this effect

This code is reuseable and comes with all the functionality you will need, used it in a previous project and was very good. Link:


Realizing Facebook friends request like slider

I am developing my first React Native + Redux app. In my app I want to develop something similar to the friends requests slider of facebook:
There is a slider (left/right) where you can see the current content in a box and a little bit of the next and preview item. When swiping up or tap the content should be come to "full screen". Swiping left or right is disabled in full screen.
Only the current and maybe the two next and the two previous slides should be loaded but I think thanks to redux this is not a big deal.
Which components should I use for this?
A simple way to approach this might be to use a library like react-native-swiper for the swiping component and then use LayoutAnimation to animate the subview into the full screen view, taking care to remove the name in the header/etc.

Multiple ImageView's that allow for deletion

I am currently trying to add multiple imageviews like in this picture ( to a view controller. I would also like the option to be able to delete specific images, and also have the whole view controller in a scrollview incase the user wants to add numerous images.
So far I have one imageview that can be set to either a picture from the camera or from the photo library, what I would like is when a user add's a image, another option displays next to it to upload another image such as the picture in the link I provided.
I am currently using the Xcode 5 with storyboards and developing for iOS 7 also.
Any help is appreciated.
Simply use a UICollectionView !
Reference :
It will allow you to add functionalities like delete or add for example (w/ ScrollView ;) )!

UIPageControl lagging on retina devices

I've implemented an iphone app with a page controller following Apple's code example. There are only 3 views on the page controller. The app works fine on normal screens, but when I test it on retina devices, there is a visible lag when scrolling either horizontally or vertically in any of the views. Any ideas of what the problem might be or how can I "debug" this?
The content of 2 of the views is a table view and on the third view I'm using CorePlot. The network is not used while scrolling.
The amount of data loaded and drawn during the scroll makes your device choking. Try to load those views in other thread using gcd and blocks.
I was adding a shadow around the 3 views and that's what was making the scrolling slow.

How to recreate Jetsetter's iOS teaser photo & photo viewer slideshow transition?

One of the more impressive iOS app that I've come across is Jetsetter's due to its great design, incredible interface, and creative uses of animation. One of my favorite components of the app is the teaser photo interface they have for the hotels/venues. They provide a minimized photo slideshow, but if you want the full view you can click it and it expands to expose a larger version of the image. You can see a blurry video of this in action here.
I'm interested in recreating something similar. I'm well aware of the paged galleries like MHPagingScrollview (which is how the larger photo viewer functions), yet what I'm trying to figure out is the proper way to handle the transition. I've also seen libraries that handle the Ken Burns effect for images. However what is not clear is whether or not there are separate view controllers.
Is this a transition between two separate view controllers? Or would the minimized and maximized photo viewer be part of the same controller? How would you most efficiently replicate something similar? I've embedded a screen shot below to illustrate the before and after. The video linked above however most effectively illustrates this transition.
Mobile engineer from Jetsetter here. They are two separate controllers, but the transition animation occurs in the first. Here's the flow:
A user taps the smaller photo.
A transition view containing the full size image is placed directly on top of the smaller image.
The transition view animates to the bounds of the screen.
The photo viewer controller is presented as a modal without animation, completing the effect in one seamless animation.
The effect is reversed when the modal controller is dismissed.
The trick lies in your transition view. We created a UIView subclass (with clipsToBounds enabled) that contains an imageView. The bounds of the transition view expands to reveal the imageView, resulting in no distortion of the final image during the animation.

Using UIImagePickerController on the iPad

I'm developing an iPad app for use in-house. It's basically a SplitView based app, with a list of items. The details view contains a navigation controller. When the user selects an item in the rootview, it displays the definition of that item in the details view.
I want them to be able to drill-down into a gallery of images for that item, and be presented with a UI similar to the iPad photos app. Basically thumbnails with the ability to view it at original size and then go back to the thumbnails.
I was looking at using the UIImagePickerController but it looks like you need to use that in a Popover control, is that the case? It also looks like you can also only use it with pictures stored in the photo area on the iPad.
The images I use are downloaded to the iPad at startup, if it makes the whole thing do-able, can I save them into the users photo's area? As an album for each item?
Failing all of that, is there a nice clean, simple solution that would meet my requirements? I've tried using the Three20 solution but couldn't get it to work with my SplitView. Can the OOTB UIImagePickerController do what I need?
Three20 right now is not iPad ready, for your requirement, you can fine-tune Three20 and use it to display the original size images, and then pop-back to view controller which shows the thumbnail images.
I suggest using Three20 in a modal view controller with a pagesheet or formsheet preeentation style.