WAMP limit log files size - apache

Is there any functionality in wamp to limit the access and error log to 20 MB? i.e. it should be truncated after 20 MB.

usually (on linux) the log are managed by another system (for example a log rotate), it's not apache which manage them itself - if you understand french someone did logrotate.bat and shared it on the wampserver forum - thus you can use a log rotate system of windows too
Hope this could help


Easy Hosting Control Panel creates multiple backup

I have a server that's running Ubuntu 16.04. and apparently Easy Hosting Control Panel keeps on creating multiple back-ups like 50 times a day which fills the 50 gb disk space and it's causing the server to crash.
The backup is creating multiple directories named Apache2.backupbyehcp inside /etc directory.
I've tried deleting the backups one by one and after a day there it is again.
I want to disable or limit the backups created.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Here's a screen shot of the backup directories that are being created:
This is caused by:
Ehcp trying to recover webserver config, each time it detects that the webserver config is broken or webserver not responding.
This may result in such unexpected/unwanted behaviour.
What to do:
1st, check the problem in webserver configs, like, tail -f /var/log/ehcp.log
so that you can understand what is going wrong.
This is sometime caused by incorrect webserver custom configurations by admin or reseller. You may disable custom webserver configs via ehcp gui-> options.
(I strongly suggest finding the cause of this.)
If everything regarding the webserver is okay, but you just need to disable this backup,
open install_lib.php in ehcp dir, search for backupbyehcp and disable that line.
Hope this helps.

Script timeout passed, if you want to finish import, please resubmit same file and import will resume

I have an sql file which I want to upload in my database in live server using Cpanel. The size of it is 8.36 mb. But the server showing me this error.
NB: I found several answers which shows me to configure php.ini file located in localhost. But in this case, I'm working with live server, and in the Cpanel I've no access in root files.
Please contact your hosting provider and ask them to increase max execution time and upload limit, You can not increase it with your cPanel access.

Alfresco Production Enviroment what is Size for maxDocsForInMemoryMerge

Having two Different production Alfresco (3.3.5 and 4.0.2) System. We have set
maxDocsForInMemoryMerge=40000 and maxDocsForInMemoryIndex=16000.
Heap Size increase to 18 GB and then server responds slow. We have to restart server weekly to serve production users.
When Profile came to know that Lucene is using more memory on server. on some links found solution to set maxDocsForInMemoryMerge=0 but not sure about the results.
Any suggestion?
Thanks in Advance.

Windows Server 2008 R2: upload limit

i'm running php on my win 2008 r2 server and i'm experiencing problems when uploading files bigger than 1MB. i've already checked the limits in my php.ini - and restarted the server but it didn't help.
these are my values:
post_max_size 128M
upload_max_filesize 128M
any ideas which could still be wrong?
I had the same issue a while ago, only applies if you use IIS7+ thou (haven't tested with previous versions):
Open IIS manager
Select the website for which bigger uploads should be available
Double click the request filtering icon, you should see a screen with some tabs
Right click in a tab and select edit feature settings
Adjust the Maximum allowed content length (bytes) field
That did the trick for me

How to overcome max upload size limit in Wordpress 3.1 running on Windows 2003 IIS6

i am trying to increase the max upload size in wordpress 3.1 multisite-installation running on windows 2003 iis6, but all methods i try (from editing php.ini, putting it in wp-admin as well as in the root, editing the htaccess, editing the metabase.xml, restarting the server) give nothing, i still get the same error saying that the file exceeds the allowed 2MB....that's frustrating... any workaround and please, step by step...thanks!
i have my pretty urls thanks to isapi, but this - this frustrates me since i can't upload any audio mp3 file, where is the problem?
PHP has these two settings that govern uploading files:
* upload_max_filesize
* post_max_size
Have you modified both of those? Additionally, IIS has an AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed metabase property that defaults to 2MB. You can modify it with the IIS manager application.