Use of Pointers in Objective-C [duplicate] - objective-c

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Closed 10 years ago.
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what is the point of pointers in objective language
I am confused as to when and why pointers are used in Obj-C code. I am new to Obj-C and have a good grounding in C++ from an intro course at my university.
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
Why is a pointer used here (and what exactly is its purpose?), and not here...
NSUInteger arrayLength = [<some array> count];
I am much more comfortable with the second example, but the first is still puzzles me.

It's the wording of the typedefs of Apple which are confusing.
is just a fancy typedef for unsigned int; therefore it's a scalar type and not an object; you don't need a pointer to it in general for such a simple use case.
is a Foundation class; it means that its instances are proper Objective-C objects. As you probably know, Objective-C is a fully dynamic language: no static instances of classes are permitted, so every object is essentially a pointer (well, rather the allocated memory behind the pointer). So when you work with Objective-C objects, you always need a pointer to them.

Well, there are a few fundamental differences between Objective-C and C++. In Objective-C, there is actually a "generic object" (type "id"), and you can pass objects around without worrying about classes.
One of the implementation details that makes this possible is that Objective-C doesn't have "static" objects; all objects are created through the equivalent of "new" and are accessed through a pointer (string literals might be different, but they are still of type "NSString*"). It's just the way it is in Objective-C; you simply cannot have an "NSString MyString".
Because of this, the whole "objects are just objects and the compiler doesn't actually what you're dealing with" is possible because all objects are just simple pointers -- they are all the same size. The compiler can pass them around without knowing what they are, you can store them in containers without the containers knowing what they are etc.
Objective-C and C++ may both be "object-oriented" extensions of C, but they are quite different nonetheless.
EDIT: you can write stuff like "NSString* MyString" so the compiler knows what kind of object it is dealing with, but that's just convenience: you can still put other objects into that pointer (and, in fact, since the "new" equivalent usually returns id, one of the more common mistakes that I make is to "new" a different class from what the pointer says)
On the positive side, the compiler will warn you if you assign e.g. an NSWindow* to MyString, and it will also warn you if you call "open" on MyString. However, this is just an added benefit from the compiler; you could just as well declare everything as "id", or cast away the warnings.


How are Objective-C objects protected?

In my previous question, I figured out that all Objective-C objects are declared as pointers. But in C and C++, pointers can be accessed from any function, global or not, and they seem unprotected.
How are they "protected" in Objective-C ?
ObjC does not police your use of pointers.
There is type checking at compile time, so if you have a pointer to an NSNumber, and use the variable that holds it to assign to an NSString, the compiler will issue a warning. However, this is easily overridden by casting the pointer, as shown below,
NSNumber *myNumberPtr = [NSNumber initWithInt:99];
NSString *myStringPtr = (NSString *) myNumberPtr;
In this case, the compiler is told to keep quiet, but accessing myStringPtr as a string would cause 'undefined results', hopefully something obvious like a crash, but possibly something more pernicious.
Similarly, I could declare,
NSString *notActuallyAString = 0x897996789; // assigned some random value
Then when notActuallyAString is accessed at runtime, it is highy likely to cause a bad access exception as the pointer is almost certainly not pointing to an NSString, and quite possibly isn't a valid memory address at all.
This makes C (and its associated languages) powerful for low-level programming (if you actually know the memory mapped address of some hardware register, you can assign them in this way, and access hardware), but brings pretty clear risks.
It gets worse, because you may have a valid pointer at some point in the execution, but the memory that the pointer references is freed off at some later point. Then if you (wrongly) access that pointer, you again may well get an exception as the memory is no longer valid for the purpose the code assumes. Writing (assigning) a via a pointer that pointers somewhere it shouldn't is a common cause of memory corruption, which can be a devil to diagnose. For this reason, it's good practice (aka defensive coding) to make sure pointers that you've finished with are assigned to nil, so if you reuse those pointers when you shouldn't, you should get a symptom that is more easy to diagnose than some random memory corruption.
You need a good understanding of pointers to program in objC, and I would recommend reading the timeless classic reference book, 'The C Programming Language' by Kernighan & Ritchie which explains the basics of pointers, you can then build your understanding on how pointers and memory allocation is used in ObjC and C++.
A pointer, per se, does not have any kind of protection.
You should take a look to some basics of OOP; members can be of three types: public, protected or private. This is what decides if you can access the member from outside the implementation of the class itself (not considering, of course, some kind of hacking like accessing private members modifying directly the bytes of the object. You must not, however, do something like this because it's strongly against the OO philosophy: if a member is private there is a reason, and forcing the access to it will not give you any guarantee that your code will work with future versions of the library or in other machines).
In Objective-C members are protected by default. That's what give the protection you are looking for.
In Objective-C, instance variables are not exposed by default. In Objective-C 2.0, they are exposed by properties using the #property and #synthesize syntax. (Prior to 2.0, solely by explicitly written getter/setter methods.)
That notwithstanding, it is possible to access instance variables directly using the pointer operator syntax, e.g. NSString *bar = Foo->_text; even when text is not exposed as a property.
Further, you can now declare instance variables in your implementation file, to avoid having them exposed in public header files. If you are writing framework code, this offers some 'protection' against access to ivars outside of the property accessors since they are no longer visible.

Can I assume and handle SEL in Objective-C as a pointer to something?

I'm trying to interface Lua with Objective-C, and I think string conversion with NSSelectorFromString() has too big an overhead because Lua has to copy all strings to internalize them (although I'm not sure about this).
So I'm trying to find more lightweight way to represent a selector in Lua.
An Objective-C selector is an abstracted type, but it's defined as a pointer to something:
typedef struct objc_selector *SEL;
So it looks safe to handle as a regular pointer, so I can pass it to Lua with lightuserdata. Is this fine?
I don't believe it is safe to handle it as a pointer (even a void pointer), because if this ever changes in a future implementation or a different implementation of the language. I didn't see a formal Objective-C spec that tells what is implementation defines, but often when opaque types like this are used it means that you shouldn't have to know details about the underlying type is. In fact, the struct is forward-declared so that you can't access any of its members.
The other problem you might run into is implementing equality comparisons: are selectors references to a pool of constants or is each selector mutable. Once again, implementation defined.
Using C strings as suggested above is probably your best bet; ruby manages to use symbols for selectors and doesn't have too much of a performance penalty. Since the strings are const, lua doesn't need to copy them, but probably does anyway to be safe. If you can find a way to not copy the strings you might not take that much of a performance hit.

When to and when not to use pointers in Objective-C

I know there are a lot of questions on pointers out there, particularly now for Objective-C. But I'm looking for some higher level answers to help me understand the paradigms in Objective-C.
I've heard some people say that using pointers in Objective-C is a matter or experience, i.e. some classes demand that you use pointers, others don't. Is this true? And is that the extent of using pointers in Objective-C.
Basically, apart from when you want to explicitly pass reference variable to methods, what are the rules for pointers in Objective-C?
You use a pointer always when referring to something on the heap and sometimes, but usually not when referring to something on the stack.
Since Objective-C objects are always allocated on the heap (with the exception of Blocks, but that is orthogonal to this discussion), you always use pointers to Objective-C objects. Both the id and Class types are really pointers.
Where you don't use pointers are for certain primitive types and simple structures. NSPoint, NSRange, int, NSUInteger, etc... are all typically accessed via the stack and typically you do not use pointers.
As for Why the * in Objective-C?, you might find this question of interest.

Objective C / Object Orientated Pointers

I have been playing with objective C a little and am finding it a great language..
Coming from C# i found pointers a little hard but now i understand the concept and how to use them..
MyObject* x = [[myObject alloc] callinitializer];
which create a new object on the heap and a pointer on the stack..
but can somebody please explain why to access the objects properties you do this:
[x setsomeprop: #"I Like Pizza"];
instead of this:
[*x setsomeprop: #"With Pineapple"];
without the dereferencing star arent we just working with the pointer instead of the object itself??
No. The bracket syntax is a language feature specifically for objects - it dereferences the pointer automatically.
Partly this is just a result of how method dispatch works in a dynamic language like Objective-C. There's almost nothing useful you can do with a dereferenced object pointer in Objective-C.
Given that all objects are stored on the heap, and manage their own lifecycle with retain/release (or via garbage collection), a pointer to the object is exactly what you want to use in 99% of all situations.
As it turns out, essentially the same mechanism is used in C# and Java - object references are pointers, which is why assigning one reference to another makes them point at the same object, rather than copying the object.

cannot convert 'b2PolygonShape' to 'objc_object*' in argument passing

I am not sure if many of you are familiar with the box2d physics engine, but I am using it within cocos2d and objective c.
This more or less could be a general objective-c question though, I am performing this:
NSMutableArray *allShapes = [[NSMutableArray array] retain];
b2PolygonShape shape;
[allShapes addObject:shape];
and receiving this error on the addObject definition on build:
cannot convert 'b2PolygonShape' to 'objc_object*' in argument passing
So more or less I guess I want to know how to add a b2PolygonShape to a mutable array. b2PolygonShape appears to just be a class, not a struct or anything like that. The closest thing I could find on google to which I think could do this is described as 'encapsulating the b2PolygonShape as an NSObject and then add that to the array', but not sure the best way to do this, however I would have thought this object should add using addObject, as some of my other instantiated class objects add to arrays fine.
Is this all because b2PolygonShape does not inherit NSObject at it's root?
b2PolygonShape is a C++ class, not an ObjC class. You can only put ObjC instances into "NS-containers".
Since you need C++ anyway, it's better to use a std::vector<b2PolygonShape>.
NS-container classes can (as KennyTM pointed out) only store NSObjects. This can be a bit of a pain sometimes. But there are plenty of alternatives to NS-containers.
You can write Objective-C wrapper classes (or use NSValue), and store these in an NSArray.
You could use a plain old C array (though, that may not serve your needs, if the array size is undefined and shrinks and grows)
You could use a hash table to store your references.
A linked list of structs can also come in handy, and is fairly easy to create and maintain.
Should you decide to stick to std::vector, which is as good a solution as any, you can read more about that at: