How are Objective-C objects protected? - objective-c

In my previous question, I figured out that all Objective-C objects are declared as pointers. But in C and C++, pointers can be accessed from any function, global or not, and they seem unprotected.
How are they "protected" in Objective-C ?

ObjC does not police your use of pointers.
There is type checking at compile time, so if you have a pointer to an NSNumber, and use the variable that holds it to assign to an NSString, the compiler will issue a warning. However, this is easily overridden by casting the pointer, as shown below,
NSNumber *myNumberPtr = [NSNumber initWithInt:99];
NSString *myStringPtr = (NSString *) myNumberPtr;
In this case, the compiler is told to keep quiet, but accessing myStringPtr as a string would cause 'undefined results', hopefully something obvious like a crash, but possibly something more pernicious.
Similarly, I could declare,
NSString *notActuallyAString = 0x897996789; // assigned some random value
Then when notActuallyAString is accessed at runtime, it is highy likely to cause a bad access exception as the pointer is almost certainly not pointing to an NSString, and quite possibly isn't a valid memory address at all.
This makes C (and its associated languages) powerful for low-level programming (if you actually know the memory mapped address of some hardware register, you can assign them in this way, and access hardware), but brings pretty clear risks.
It gets worse, because you may have a valid pointer at some point in the execution, but the memory that the pointer references is freed off at some later point. Then if you (wrongly) access that pointer, you again may well get an exception as the memory is no longer valid for the purpose the code assumes. Writing (assigning) a via a pointer that pointers somewhere it shouldn't is a common cause of memory corruption, which can be a devil to diagnose. For this reason, it's good practice (aka defensive coding) to make sure pointers that you've finished with are assigned to nil, so if you reuse those pointers when you shouldn't, you should get a symptom that is more easy to diagnose than some random memory corruption.
You need a good understanding of pointers to program in objC, and I would recommend reading the timeless classic reference book, 'The C Programming Language' by Kernighan & Ritchie which explains the basics of pointers, you can then build your understanding on how pointers and memory allocation is used in ObjC and C++.

A pointer, per se, does not have any kind of protection.
You should take a look to some basics of OOP; members can be of three types: public, protected or private. This is what decides if you can access the member from outside the implementation of the class itself (not considering, of course, some kind of hacking like accessing private members modifying directly the bytes of the object. You must not, however, do something like this because it's strongly against the OO philosophy: if a member is private there is a reason, and forcing the access to it will not give you any guarantee that your code will work with future versions of the library or in other machines).
In Objective-C members are protected by default. That's what give the protection you are looking for.

In Objective-C, instance variables are not exposed by default. In Objective-C 2.0, they are exposed by properties using the #property and #synthesize syntax. (Prior to 2.0, solely by explicitly written getter/setter methods.)
That notwithstanding, it is possible to access instance variables directly using the pointer operator syntax, e.g. NSString *bar = Foo->_text; even when text is not exposed as a property.
Further, you can now declare instance variables in your implementation file, to avoid having them exposed in public header files. If you are writing framework code, this offers some 'protection' against access to ivars outside of the property accessors since they are no longer visible.


objective-c memory management--how long is object guaranteed to exist?

I have ARC code of the following form:
NSMutableData* someData = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:123];
CTRunGetGlyphs(run, CGRangeMake(0, 0), someData.mutableBytes);
const CGGlyph *glyphs = [someData mutableBytes];
...followed by code that reads memory from glyphs but does nothing with someData, which isn't referenced anymore. Note that CGGlyph is not an object type but an unsigned integer.
Do I have to worry that the memory in someData might get freed before I am done with glyphs (which is actually just pointing insidesomeData)?
All this code is WITHIN the same scope (i.e., a single selector), and glyphs and someData both fall out of scope at the same time.
PS In an earlier draft of this question I referred to 'garbage collection', which didn't really apply to my project. That's why some answers below give it equal treatment with what happens under ARC.
You are potentially in trouble whether you use GC or, as others have recommended instead, ARC. What you are dealing with is an internal pointer which is not considered an owning reference in either GC or ARC in general - unless the implementation has special-cased NSData. Without that owning reference either GC or ARC might remove the object. The problem you face is peculiar to internal pointers.
As you describe your situation the safest thing to do is to hang onto the real reference. You could do this by assigning the NSData reference to either an instance variable or a static (method local if you wish) variable and then assigning nil to that variable when you've done with the internal pointer. In the case of static be careful about concurrency!
In practice your code will probably work in both GC and ARC, probably more likely in ARC, but either could conceivably bite you especially as compilers change. For the cost of one variable declaration and one extra assignment you avoid the problem, cheap insurance.
[See this discussion as an example of short lifetime under ARC.]
Under actual, real garbage collection that code is potentially a problem. Objects may be released as soon as there is no longer any reference to them and the compiler may discard the reference at any time if you never use it again. For optimisation purposes scope is just a way of putting an upper limit on that sort of thing, not a way of dictating it absolutely.
You can use NSAllocateCollectable to attach lifecycle calculation to C primitive pointers, though it's messy and slightly convoluted.
Garbage collection was never implemented in iOS and is now deprecated on the Mac (as referenced at the very bottom of this FAQ), in both cases in favour of automatic reference counting (ARC). ARC adds retains and releases where it can see that they're implicitly needed. Sadly it can perform some neat tricks that weren't previously possible, such as retrieving objects from the autorelease pool if they've been used as return results. So that has the same net effect as the garbage collection approach — the object may be released at any point after the final reference to it vanishes.
A workaround would be to create a class like:
#interface PFDoNothing
+ (void)doNothingWith:(id)object;
Which is implemented to do nothing. Post your autoreleased object to it after you've finished using the internal memory. Objective-C's dynamic dispatch means that it isn't safe for the compiler to optimise the call away — it has no way of knowing you (or the KVO mechanisms or whatever other actor) haven't done something like a method swizzle at runtime.
EDIT: NSData being a special case because it offers direct C-level access to object-held memory, it's not difficult to find explicit discussions of the GC situation at least. See this thread on Cocoabuilder for a pretty good one though the same caveat as above applies, i.e. garbage collection is deprecated and automatic reference counting acts differently.
The following is a generic answer that does not necessarily reflect Objective-C GC support. However, various GC implementaitons, including ref-counting, can be thought of in terms of Reachability, quirks aside.
In a GC language, an object is guaranteed to exist as long as it is Strongly-Reachable; the "roots" of these Strong-Reachability graphs can vary by language and executing environment. The exact meaning of "Strongly" also varies, but generally means that the edges are Strong-References. (In a manual ref-counting scenario each edge can be thought of as an unmatched "retain" from a given "owner".)
C# on the CLR/.NET is one such implementation where a variable can remain in scope and yet not function as a "root" for a reachability-graph. See the Systems.Timer.Timer class and look for GC.KeepAlive:
If the timer is declared in a long-running method, use KeepAlive to prevent garbage collection from occurring [on the timer object] before the method ends.
As of summer 2012, things are in the process of change for Apple objects that return inner pointers of non-object type. In the release notes for Mountain Lion, Apple says:
Methods which return pointers (other than Objective C object type)
have been decorated with the clang compiler attribute
objc_returns_inner_pointer (when compiling with clang) to prevent the
compiler from aggressively releasing the receiver expression of those
messages, which no longer appear to be referenced, while the returned
pointer may still be in use.
Inspection of the NSData.h header file shows that this also applies from iOS 6 onward.
Also note that NS_RETURNS_INNER_POINTER is defined as __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) in the clang specification, which makes it such that
the object's lifetime will be extended until at least the earliest of:
the last use of the returned pointer, or any pointer derived from it,
in the calling function;
or the autorelease pool is restored to a
previous state.
If you're using anything older then Mountain Lion or iOS 6 you will still need to use any of the methods discussed here (e.g., __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime))) when declaring your local NSData or NSMutableData objects.
Also, even with the newest compiler and Apple libraries, if you use older or third party libraries with objects that do not decorate their inner-pointer-returning methods with __attribute__((objc_returns_inner_pointer)) you will need to decorate your local variables declarations of such objects with __attribute__((objc_precise_lifetime)) or use one of the other methods discussed in the answers.

Use of Pointers in Objective-C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
what is the point of pointers in objective language
I am confused as to when and why pointers are used in Obj-C code. I am new to Obj-C and have a good grounding in C++ from an intro course at my university.
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
Why is a pointer used here (and what exactly is its purpose?), and not here...
NSUInteger arrayLength = [<some array> count];
I am much more comfortable with the second example, but the first is still puzzles me.
It's the wording of the typedefs of Apple which are confusing.
is just a fancy typedef for unsigned int; therefore it's a scalar type and not an object; you don't need a pointer to it in general for such a simple use case.
is a Foundation class; it means that its instances are proper Objective-C objects. As you probably know, Objective-C is a fully dynamic language: no static instances of classes are permitted, so every object is essentially a pointer (well, rather the allocated memory behind the pointer). So when you work with Objective-C objects, you always need a pointer to them.
Well, there are a few fundamental differences between Objective-C and C++. In Objective-C, there is actually a "generic object" (type "id"), and you can pass objects around without worrying about classes.
One of the implementation details that makes this possible is that Objective-C doesn't have "static" objects; all objects are created through the equivalent of "new" and are accessed through a pointer (string literals might be different, but they are still of type "NSString*"). It's just the way it is in Objective-C; you simply cannot have an "NSString MyString".
Because of this, the whole "objects are just objects and the compiler doesn't actually what you're dealing with" is possible because all objects are just simple pointers -- they are all the same size. The compiler can pass them around without knowing what they are, you can store them in containers without the containers knowing what they are etc.
Objective-C and C++ may both be "object-oriented" extensions of C, but they are quite different nonetheless.
EDIT: you can write stuff like "NSString* MyString" so the compiler knows what kind of object it is dealing with, but that's just convenience: you can still put other objects into that pointer (and, in fact, since the "new" equivalent usually returns id, one of the more common mistakes that I make is to "new" a different class from what the pointer says)
On the positive side, the compiler will warn you if you assign e.g. an NSWindow* to MyString, and it will also warn you if you call "open" on MyString. However, this is just an added benefit from the compiler; you could just as well declare everything as "id", or cast away the warnings.

Is it good practice to avoid declaring a pointer to BOOL type in objective C?

I read this question in stackoverflow.
The excerpt answer provided by bbum is below:
The problem isn't the assignment, it is much more likely that you
declared your instance variable to be BOOL *initialBroadcast;.
There is no reason to declare the instance variable to be a pointer
(at least not unless you really do need a C array of BOOLs).. Remove
the * from the declaration.
1.Is there anything wrong in using a pointer variable even when I do not have to maintain an array of BOOLs?
2.I think even if avoiding them a good practice, it is not specific to objective-C and applies to all programming languages which has pointers.
Please answer my questions.
1.Is there anything wrong in using a pointer variable even when I do not have to maintain an array of BOOLs?
It's not illegal to do so, but it is bad practice. Using a pointer variable requires that you manage that memory (allocate and free it), and there are whole classes of bugs that can occur as a result. If you forget to allocate the memory, or accidentally modify the pointer, your program could crash, or you could overwrite some other part of memory. If you forget to free the memory, you have a memory leak. None of these things can ever happen if you're just using a plain BOOL. In addition, you get no benefit from using a pointer here; you do a bunch of extra work, and get nothing in return.
2.I think even if avoiding them a good practice, it is not specific to objective-C and applies to all programming languages which has
I don't know about "all programming languages which [have] pointers", but I would certainly say in any C-based language (C, C++, Objective-C), it's bad practice to use pointers to intrinsic types when a plain variable of that type will do. If you can avoid doing memory management, do so.
On a side note, it is good practice to listen to everything bbum says. Seriously.

Is this safe? (pointers to Objective C instance variables )

I have some C functions that need access Instance variables. I already pass a struct in as an argument to the function, so I added pointers to the ivars to the struct.
Is it safe to rely on the pointer remaining valid throughout the life of the app (assuming i retain and release sensibly?)
The pointer remains valid as long as the thing it points to remains valid. If the object that contains the ivars gets dealloced, and someone else is still trying to use a pointer to one of the ivars, then yeah, it'll blow up.
That said, it might be a better design to just get and set the actual values as necessary; surely the ivars aren't so big that you need to point directly to them. Doing so breaks all notion of encapsulation and requires you to do a lot more error-prone work to make sure all your object lifetimes coincide. Feel free to say more or ask another question if you want more broad design advice.

Objective-c: Objects by value / Structs with methods / How can I get something like that?

I'm starting to code in objective-c and I've just realized that objects can only be passed by reference.
What if I need an object to use static memory by default and to be copied instead of referenced?
For example, I have an object Color with 3 int components r, g and b. I dont want these objects to be in dynamic memory and referenced when passing to functions, I want them immutable and to be copied like an int or a float.
I know I can use a c struct, but I also need the object Color to have methods that gets/sets lightness, hue, saturation, etc. I want my code to be object oriented.
Is there any solution to this?
EDIT: If for example I'm building a 3d game engine, where I'll have classes like Vector2, Vector3, Matrix, Ray, Color, etc: 1) I need them to be mutable. 2) The size of the objects is roughly the same size of a pointer, so why would I be copying pointers when I can copy the object? It would be simpler, more efficient, and I wouldnt need to manage memory, specially on methods that returns colors. And In the case of a game engine, efficiency is critical.
So, if there is no solution to this... Should I use c-structs and use c-function to work on them? Isn't there a better choice?
You can't do this. This isn't how Objective-C works (at least the Apple/GNU version*). It simply isn't designed for that sort of extreme low-level efficiency. Objects are allocated in dynamic memory and their lifetimes are controlled by methods you call on them, and that's just how it works. If you want more low-level efficiency, you can either use plain C structs or C++. But keep in mind that worrying about this is pointless in 99% of circumstances — the epitome of premature optimization. Objective-C programs are generally very competitive with C++ equivalents both in execution speed and memory use despite this minor inefficiency. I wouldn't go for a more difficult solution until profiling had proved it to be necessary.
Also, when you're new to Objective-C, it's easy to psych yourself out over memory management. In a normal Cocoa (Touch) program, you shouldn't need to bother about it too much. Return autoreleased objects from methods, use setters to assign objects you want to keep around.
*Note: There was an old implementation of Objective-C called the Portable Object Compiler that did have this ability, but it's unrelated to and incompatible with the Objective-C used on Macs and iOS devices. Also, the Apple Objective-C runtime includes special support for Blocks to be allocated on the stack, which is why you must copy them (copy reproduces the block in dynamic memory like a normal object) if you want to store them.
What if I need an object to use static memory by default and to be copied instead of referenced?
You don't.
Seriously. You never need an object to use static memory or be allocated on the stack. C++ allows you to do it, but no other object oriented language I know does.
For example, I have an object Color with 3 int components r, g and b. I dont want these objects to be in dynamic memory and referenced when passing to functions, I want them immutable and to be copied like an int or a float.
Why do you not want the objects to be in static memory? What advantage do you think that gives you?
On the other hand it's easy to make Objective-C objects immutable. Just make the instance variables private and don't provide any methods that can change them once the object is initialised. This is exactly how the built in immutable classes work e.g. NSArray, NSString.
One solution that people use sometimes is to use a singleton object (assuming you only need one of the objects for your entire app's lifetime). In that case, you define a class method on the class and have it return an object that it creates once when it is first requested. So you can do something like:
#implementation MyObject
+ (MyObject *)sharedObjectInstance
static MyObject *theObject=nil;
if (theObject==nil)
theObject = [[MyObject alloc] init];
return theObject;
Of course the object itself isn't what's being statically allocated, it's the pointer to the object that's statically allocated, but in any case the object will stick around until the application terminates.
There are times when you want to do this because you really only want one globally shared instance of a particular object. However, if that's not your objective, I'm not sure why you'd want to do what you're describing. You can always use the -copy method to create a copy of an object (assuming the object conforms to the NSCopying protocol) to manipulate without touching the original.
EDIT: Based on your comments above it seems you just want to have immutable objects that you can copy and modify the copies. So using -copy is probably the way to go.