For tab panel iconCls is not working on Android - sencha-touch-2

I have created tab panel and I have used iconCls property to show different icons on tab buttons. This works fine on chrome browser on desktop and on safari on iPad. But these icon images are not displaying on andorid tab, instead it displays blank square.

Inspect the element in chrome and also look at the console log. If you are debugging, then it may work in the web browser but will tell you what error has occurred.
Otherwise, make sure your stylesheet is linked correctly in android and try using the default iconCls classes to see if those work. If you are creating a custom one and not using sass, then you probably are not linking the actual icon file correctly.
Otherwise, provide the code for the tab buttons your custom css if you are using any.


React Native iOS simulator only performs fetch on click

I have a weird bug in my simulator. iOS / React Native does a call, but it waits until I click inside the simulator to actually display the data (and show the result actions from Redux in my console.log).
Has anyone experienced this behaviour before?
If you're using remote JS debugging (in Chrome for example), try disabling it.
Update: Rather than disabling JS debugging completely, you can instead deactivate breakpoints and remove Pause on exceptions, which usually means you don't have to click to nudge the code to progress.
To do so in Chrome click the Sources tab in inspector, followed by the relevant file, then on the right ensure the two options are disabled. One looks like a bullet with a line through it (you want this to be blue), and the other looks like a pause icon in a circle (you want this to be grey).

XamlSpy prevent me from doing actions

I installed XamlSpy using NuGet in my UWP app.
I debug my application and connect it successfully using the XamlSpy.
The problem is that every mouse hover is responses by XamlSpy what prevents me from clicking on buttons etc'...
How can I start inspect only when needed ?
I tried CTRL+Shift without success...
How can I start inspect only when needed
According to this article, Ctrl+Shift is worked for XAML Spy 2. By testing on my side, I guess you are using XAML Spy 3.
In that case, when you are using the XAML Spy desktop app to inspect, the "Select Visual" button which is for moving your mouse to the app, and click to select a visual in the user interface, is highlighted by default. You may need to click it to not highlight the button to stop inspecting, and click again can start inspecting again when you needed.

In IE elements are get hide then after hover on them they get visible

I am working with IE11. After loading my website elements like checkbox, radio button, drop down arrow get automatically hidden then after hover on them they get visible then after click anywhere in page they again get hide. All this element are present and style are applied tested with developer tool but still they was giving problem. Then after check "use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" option from settings->Internet option->Advanced->"use software rendering instead of gpu rendering" everything got ok. Now my website element not getting hide all style applied perfectly. But I doesn't understand why this happen? How this setting fixed issues. Please any idea help!

vb desktop icon different from application icon

I am trying to set the icon of my application. I set the icon once before by changing the property of the form and the property of the project. Now I am trying to change the icon to a different one. The icons of the form and the application have been successfully changed, but when I copy the application to the desktop, the desktop icon still remains the previous one. Can anyone please tell me how to change the desktop icon?
If you change the icon properly on the form it should get visible in the Taskbar immediately as soon as you start your application.
However even if you did change the project icon properly and therefore your executable has the correct (new) icon (check that in your \bin-folder) you can get the wrong (old) icon from the desktop because you system might retrieve it from the icon cache.
Please check the following link to understand that topic and to see how you can enforce windows to renew its icon cache.
Win 7--:
Win 8++:

Safari Web Inspector Showing Up In New Window By Default

I've been using Chrome and am going back and forth between switching to Safari or staying with Chrome. My one small issue with Safari though is that the web inspector always shows up in a new window every time I toggle it. I press Command-Option-I and it opens in a new window and when I press Command-Option-I again it does not go away. I love the way the web inspector functions in Chrome and am wondering if there's a way to run the same way in Safari.
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I have had the issue for a long time. Here is the solution.
Right-click on a web page and select inspect element.
The console window appears in Fullscreen. Minimize the window like any Safari web page and it should a window like below.
Just above the 'Elements' tab, you should be able to see 2 icons. Clicking the icon on the left, opens the Console in right side of the browser and clicking the icon on the right, opens the Console in bottom of the browser
Hope this helps.
None of the methods upon are working for me (Safari 9.1), if you want to make the docking buttons of the inspector showing up:
open Terminal
type defaults read "__WebInspectorPageGroupLevel1__.WebKit2InspectorStartsAttached"
Once you checked if it returns 0,
defaults write "__WebInspectorPageGroupLevel1__.WebKit2InspectorStartsAttached" 1
It's a bug in the Safari codebase.
Here is the bugreport and they're working on it (source)!
You could press the leftmost button at the Inspector's status bar and Inspector will dock.
UPDATE: Now, the button is on the right. When Inspector is in a separate window, the two small buttons in its upper right corner make it move to the 1) bottom of the Safari window 2) right side of the Safari window.
The only method that seemed to work for me was to resize the browser to a big enough size that it was big enough to contain the smallest size of an individual Inspect window. This for me, was widening the browser to at least around 65% percent width of the screen, and then you can "Inspect Element" and the default would be that the Inspect window would be at the bottom of the browser, and the browser with the Inspect window in it is resizable to any size now. Hope this helps some people.
Follow these steps to fix safari issue
Go to Develop --> User Agent --> Safari --> Select iphone --> then click on right side top symbol...
Select it and do inspect then you can see the button on left side top corner.
Now set to default setting by redoing the first point.
Please follow the step
Try clicking as shown:
I hope you get as shown:
I noticed when you have an open tab like the start page, the web inspector will pop up in a separate window. Also, there are no icons in the web inspector to attach it to the bottom or side. If you have a webpage open and do the same thing in the same window, that tab will have the web inspector attached to the bottom of the page (or whatever your attachment selection was prior).