Lock issues on large recordset - sql

I have a database table that I use as a queue system, where separate process that talk to each other create and read entries in the table. For example, when a user initiates a search an entry is created, then another process that runs every second or two will pick up that new entry, update the status and then do a search, updating the entry again when the search is complete. This all seems to work well with thousands of searches per hour.
However, I have a master admin screen that lets me view the status of all of these 'jobs' but it runs very slowly. I basically return all entries in the table for the last hour so I can keep an eye on what's going on. I think that I am running into lock issues of some sort. I only need to read each entry, and don't really care if it the data is a little bit out of date. I just use a standard 'Select * from Table' statement so maybe it is waiting for other locks to expire before returning data as the jobs are constantly updating the data.
Would this be handled better by a certain kind of cursor to return each row one at a time, etc? Any other ideas?

If you really don't care if the data is a bit out of date... or if you only need the data to be 99.99% accurate, consider using WITH (NOLOCK):
This will instruct your query to use the READ UNCOMMITTED ISOLATION LEVEL, which has the following behavior:
Specifies that dirty reads are allowed. No shared locks are issued to
prevent other transactions from modifying data read by the current
transaction, and exclusive locks set by other transactions do not
block the current transaction from reading the locked data.
Be aware that NOLOCK may cause some inaccuracies in your data, so it probably isn't a good idea to use it throughout the rest of your system.

You need FROM yourtable WITH (NOLOCK) table hint.
You may also want to look at transaction isolation in your update process, if you aren't already

An alternative to NOLOCK (which can lead to very bad things, such as missed rows or duplicated rows) is to allow read committed snapshot isolation at the database level and then issue your query with:


Using NOLOCK for reading single static row. Whats the harm?

Can anyone with DEADLOCK experience enlighten me?
I read that it can cause log file corruption - is that possible? I think MS would never do that. Also if "some situations", like mine, are okay with DEADLOCK, why not use it?
I have no datasets, return tables (like other posts in Stack Overflow). I have one SQL statement with ID select which returns only one row like:
sqlstr = "SELECT Parameter1 FROM Companies WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE ID = 25
Also, this parameter does not change. But as this is a heavy load aspnet application (not a web site) and I run this kind of query again and again, every SQL read causes a lock in SQL server. If possible I'd prefer to avoid that.
Every post in this site is about multiple records, recordsets, dirty reads. I could not find anything about "reading single record which is not changing all the time".
Any expert's opinion, please?
This simple select statement when executed without any lock/nolock hints under default transaction isolation level , obtains a shared lock on the row, It means other users can also read this row while its being read by this query.
On the other hand when you specify WITH (NOLOCK) query hint, it does not obtain any locks at all. In this case again other users can read this row as well but you might be reading a dirty row (data that has not been committed to disk yet and is in the process of being modified).
So in either case this simple select will not cause a deadlock. So really the question you should be asking yourself is, should users be able to see dirty data or not? and in most cases the answer would be no.
Therefore do not worry about getting deadlocks with this select query. as long as you are using default transaction isolation level. In a more strict isolation level like seriallizable a select can lock out other users but in default isolation level you should be ok.
NOLOCK has two main disadvantages: It can return uncommitted data (you don't seem worried about that) and it can cause queries to spuriously fail under very rare circumstances. Never will NOLOCK cause physical database corruption.
Consider using snapshot isolation for transactions that only read data. Readers under SI do not lock or block. SI takes them out of the picture. It provides perfect consistency for read-only transactions. Be sure to find out about the drawbacks.
It isn't worth it.
NOLOCK is often exploited as a magic way to speed up database reads, but I try to avoid using it whever possible.
The result set can contain rows that have not yet been committed, that are often later rolled back.
An error or Result set can be empty, be missing rows or display the same row multiple times.
This is because other transactions are moving data at the same time you're reading it.
READ COMMITTED adds an additional issue where data is corrupted within a single column where multiple users change the same cell simultaneously.
There are other side-effects too, which result in sacrificing the speed increase you were hoping to gain in the first place.
Now you know, never use it again.
After deep searches and asking questions to many experts I found out that using NOLOCK hint causes no problem in this scenario, yet its not advised. nothing wrong with NOLOCK but as I use sql2014 I "should" use ISOLATION LEVEL option. Its a method came instead of NOLOCK. For example for huge table selects that cause deadlocks:
SELECT * FROM HugeTable;
is very handy.
I had HugeTable and a web form that uses sqlAdapter and Radgrid to show this data. Whenever I run this report, though indexes and paging of radgrid is fine, it caused deadlock, which makes sense. I changed select statement of sqlAdapter to above sentence, its perfect now.

MySQL: Transactions vs Locking Tables

I'm a bit confused with transactions vs locking tables to ensure database integrity and make sure a SELECT and UPDATE remain in sync and no other connection interferes with it. I need to:
if (condition passes) {
// Update row I got from the select
UPDATE table SET column = "value" WHERE (...)
... other logic (including INSERT some data) ...
I need to ensure that no other queries will interfere and perform the same SELECT (reading the 'old value' before that connection finishes updating the row.
I know I can default to LOCK TABLES table to just make sure that only 1 connection is doing this at a time, and unlock it when I'm done, but that seems like overkill. Would wrapping that in a transaction do the same thing (ensuring no other connection attempts the same process while another is still processing)? Or would a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE or SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE be better?
Locking tables prevents other DB users from affecting the rows/tables you've locked. But locks, in and of themselves, will NOT ensure that your logic comes out in a consistent state.
Think of a banking system. When you pay a bill online, there's at least two accounts affected by the transaction: Your account, from which the money is taken. And the receiver's account, into which the money is transferred. And the bank's account, into which they'll happily deposit all the service fees charged on the transaction. Given (as everyone knows these days) that banks are extraordinarily stupid, let's say their system works like this:
$balance = "GET BALANCE FROM your ACCOUNT";
if ($balance < $amount_being_paid) {
$balance = $balance - $amount_being paid;
$balance = "GET BALANCE FROM receiver ACCOUNT"
$balance = $balance + $amount_being_paid
UPDATE receiver ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = $balance
Now, with no locks and no transactions, this system is vulnerable to various race conditions, the biggest of which is multiple payments being performed on your account, or the receiver's account in parallel. While your code has your balance retrieved and is doing the huge_overdraft_fees() and whatnot, it's entirely possible that some other payment will be running the same type of code in parallel. They'll be retrieve your balance (say, $100), do their transactions (take out the $20 you're paying, and the $30 they're screwing you over with), and now both code paths have two different balances: $80 and $70. Depending on which ones finishes last, you'll end up with either of those two balances in your account, instead of the $50 you should have ended up with ($100 - $20 - $30). In this case, "bank error in your favor".
Now, let's say you use locks. Your bill payment ($20) hits the pipe first, so it wins and locks your account record. Now you've got exclusive use, and can deduct the $20 from the balance, and write the new balance back in peace... and your account ends up with $80 as is expected. But... uhoh... You try to go update the receiver's account, and it's locked, and locked longer than the code allows, timing out your transaction... We're dealing with stupid banks, so instead of having proper error handling, the code just pulls an exit(), and your $20 vanishes into a puff of electrons. Now you're out $20, and you still owe $20 to the receiver, and your telephone gets repossessed.
So... enter transactions. You start a transaction, you debit your account $20, you try to credit the receiver with $20... and something blows up again. But this time, instead of exit(), the code can just do rollback, and poof, your $20 is magically added back to your account.
In the end, it boils down to this:
Locks keep anyone else from interfering with any database records you're dealing with. Transactions keep any "later" errors from interfering with "earlier" things you've done. Neither alone can guarantee that things work out ok in the end. But together, they do.
in tomorrow's lesson: The Joy of Deadlocks.
I've started to research the same topic for the same reasons as you indicated in your question. I was confused by the answers given in SO due to them being partial answers and not providing the big picture. After I read couple documentation pages from different RDMS providers these are my takes:
Statements are database commands mainly to read and modify the data in the database. Transactions are scope of single or multiple statement executions. They provide two things:
A mechanism which guaranties that all statements in a transaction are executed correctly or in case of a single error any data modified by those statements will be reverted to its last correct state (i.e. rollback). What this mechanism provides is called atomicity.
A mechanism which guaranties that concurrent read statements can view the data without the occurrence of some or all phenomena described below.
Dirty read: A transaction reads data written by a concurrent
uncommitted transaction.
Nonrepeatable read: A transaction re-reads data it has previously read
and finds that data has been modified by another transaction (that
committed since the initial read).
Phantom read: A transaction re-executes a query returning a set of
rows that satisfy a search condition and finds that the set of rows
satisfying the condition has changed due to another recently-committed
Serialization anomaly: The result of successfully committing a group
of transactions is inconsistent with all possible orderings of running
those transactions one at a time.
What this mechanism provides is called isolation and the mechanism which lets the statements to chose which phenomena should not occur in a transaction is called isolation levels.
As an example this is the isolation-level / phenomena table for PostgreSQL:
If any of the described promises is broken by the database system, changes are rolled back and the caller notified about it.
How these mechanisms are implemented to provide these guaranties is described below.
Exclusive Locks: When an exclusive lock acquired over a resource no other exclusive lock can be acquired over that resource. Exclusive locks are always acquired before a modify statement (INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE) and they are released after the transaction is finished. To explicitly acquire exclusive locks before a modify statement you can use hints like FOR UPDATE(PostgreSQL, MySQL) or UPDLOCK (T-SQL).
Shared Locks: Multiple shared locks can be acquired over a resource. However, shared locks and exclusive locks can not be acquired at the same time over a resource. Shared locks might or might not be acquired before a read statement (SELECT, JOIN) based on database implementation of isolation levels.
Row: single row the statements executes on.
Range: a specific range based on the condition given in the statement (SELECT ... WHERE).
Table: whole table. (Mostly used to prevent deadlocks on big statements like batch update.)
As an example the default shared lock behavior of different isolation levels for SQL-Server :
One of the downsides of locking mechanism is deadlocks. A deadlock occurs when a statement enters a waiting state because a requested resource is held by another waiting statement, which in turn is waiting for another resource held by another waiting statement. In such case database system detects the deadlock and terminates one of the transactions. Careless use of locks can increase the chance of deadlocks however they can occur even without human error.
This is a isolation mechanism which provides to a statement a copy of the data taken at a specific time.
Statement beginning: provides data copy to the statement taken at the beginning of the statement execution. It also helps for the rollback mechanism by keeping this data until transaction is finished.
Transaction beginning: provides data copy to the statement taken at the beginning of the transaction.
All of those mechanisms together provide consistency.
When it comes to Optimistic and Pessimistic locks, they are just namings for the classification of approaches to concurrency problem.
Pessimistic concurrency control:
A system of locks prevents users from modifying data in a way that
affects other users. After a user performs an action that causes a
lock to be applied, other users cannot perform actions that would
conflict with the lock until the owner releases it. This is called
pessimistic control because it is mainly used in environments where
there is high contention for data, where the cost of protecting data
with locks is less than the cost of rolling back transactions if
concurrency conflicts occur.
Optimistic concurrency control:
In optimistic concurrency control, users do not lock data when they
read it. When a user updates data, the system checks to see if another
user changed the data after it was read. If another user updated the
data, an error is raised. Typically, the user receiving the error
rolls back the transaction and starts over. This is called optimistic
because it is mainly used in environments where there is low
contention for data, and where the cost of occasionally rolling back a
transaction is lower than the cost of locking data when read.
For example by default PostgreSQL uses snapshots to make sure the read data didn't change and rolls back if it changed which is an optimistic approach. However, SQL-Server use read locks by default to provide these promises.
The implementation details might change according to database system you chose. However, according to database standards they need to provide those stated transaction guarantees in one way or another using these mechanisms. If you want to know more about the topic or about a specific implementation details below are some useful links for you.
SQL-Server - Transaction Locking and Row Versioning Guide
PostgreSQL - Transaction Isolation
PostgreSQL - Explicit Locking
MySQL - Consistent Nonlocking Reads
MySQL - Locking
Understanding Isolation Levels (Video)
You want a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE or SELECT ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE inside a transaction, as you said, since normally SELECTs, no matter whether they are in a transaction or not, will not lock a table. Which one you choose would depend on whether you want other transactions to be able to read that row while your transaction is in progress.
START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT will not do the trick for you, as other transactions can still come along and modify that row. This is mentioned right at the top of the link below.
If other sessions simultaneously
update the same table [...] you may
see the table in a state that never
existed in the database.
Transaction concepts and locks are different. However, transaction used locks to help it to follow the ACID principles.
If you want to the table to prevent others to read/write at the same time point while you are read/write, you need a lock to do this.
If you want to make sure the data integrity and consistence, you had better use transactions.
I think mixed concepts of isolation levels in transactions with locks.
Please search isolation levels of transactions, SERIALIZE should be the level you want.
I had a similar problem when attempting a IF NOT EXISTS ... and then performing an INSERT which caused a race condition when multiple threads were updating the same table.
I found the solution to the problem here: How to write INSERT IF NOT EXISTS queries in standard SQL
I realise this does not directly answer your question but the same principle of performing an check and insert as a single statement is very useful; you should be able to modify it to perform your update.
I'd use a
to begin with, and a
to end with.
Anything you do in between is isolated from the others users of your database if your storage engine supports transactions (which is InnoDB).
You are confused with lock & transaction. They are two different things in RMDB. Lock prevents concurrent operations while transaction focuses on data isolation. Check out this great article for the clarification and some graceful solution.

What is the purpose of ROWLOCK on Delete and when should I use it?

When should I use this statement:
DELETE TOP (#count)
WHERE ProductId = #productId_for_del;
And when should be just doing:
DELETE TOP (#count)
FROM ProductInfo
WHERE ProductId = #productId_for_del;
The with (rowlock) is a hint that instructs the database that it should keep locks on a row scope. That means that the database will avoid escalating locks to block or table scope.
You use the hint when only a single or only a few rows will be affected by the query, to keep the lock from locking rows that will not be deleted by the query. That will let another query read unrelated rows at the same time instead of having to wait for the delete to complete.
If you use it on a query that will delete a lot of rows, it may degrade the performance as the database will try to avoid escalating the locks to a larger scope, even if it would have been more efficient.
Normally you shouldn't need to add such hints to a query, because the database knows what kind of lock to use. It's only in situations where you get performance problems because the database made the wrong decision, that you should add such hints to a query.
Rowlock is a query hint that should be used with caution (as is all query hints).
Omitting it will likely still result in the exact same behaviour and providing it will not guarantee that it will only use a rowlock, it is only a hint afterall. If you do not have a very in depth knowledge of lock contention chances are that the optimizer will pick the best possible locking strategy, and these things are usually best left to the database engine to decide.
ROWLOCK means that SQL will lock only the affected row, and not the entire table or the page in the table where the data is stored when performing the delete. This will only affect other people reading from the table at the same time as your delete is running.
If a table lock is used it will cause all queries to the table to wait until your delete has completed, with a row lock only selects reading the specific rows will be made to wait.
Deleting top N where N is a number of rows will most likely lock the table in any case.
SQL Server defaults to page locks. This is the most efficient way for SQL server to process multiple date sets. But SQL server is not multi-user friendly sometimes; therefore you may need to incorporate locking methods so you can get your data to flow in and out of the database. This is why people approach that problem by using locking hints.
If everyone designed there database tables so that everything processed each row at page width - the system would be very fast. But no one spends that detailed amount of time.
So, you might see people use with(nolock) on their SELECT statements and the use of with(rowlock) on their UPDATE and DELETE statements. An INSERT does not matter because it will lock the PAGE automatically. Sometimes by using with(rowlock), you can get better multi-user (multiple user connections) performance.
The problem with(nolock) is that you can return the committed record sitting there in the DB already, plus the dirty record that is about to update the sitting record; thus a double return of records to your SELECT statement. If you know the personality of your system on how the data runs through it, you can use with(nolock) to your advantage quite a bit though.
When do you know when to use with(rowlock)? When your system isn't letting user play nice with each other in the same table / record. Though, query re-write / tune first and then adjust your locking as a last resort.
But as a DBA, always blame the developer's code. It is your solemnly sworn duty to do such. If you are the developer writing this code, just blame yourself.

Should I break down large SQL queries (MS)

This is in regards to MS SQL Server 2005.
I have an SSIS package that validates data between two different data sources. If it finds differences it builds and executes a SQL update script to fix the problem. The SQL Update script runs at the end of the package after all differences are found.
I'm wondering if it is necessary or a good idea to some how break down the sql update script into multiple transactions and whats the best way to do this.
The update script looks similar to this, but longer (example):
Update MyPartTable SET MyPartGroup = (Select PartGroupID From MyPartGroupTable
Where PartGroup = "Widgets"), PartAttr1 = 'ABC', PartAttr2 = 'DEF', PartAttr3 = '123'
WHERE PartNumber = 'ABC123';
For every error/difference found an additional Update query is added to the Update Script.
I only expect about 300 updates on a daily basis, but sometimes there could be 50,000. Should I break the script down into transactions every say 500 update queries or something?
don't optimize anything before you know there is a problem. if it is running fast, let it go. if it is running slow, make some changes.
No, I think the statement is fine as it is. It won't make much a of a difference in speed at all.
Billy Makes a valid point if you do care about the readability of the query(you should if it is a query that will be seen or used in the future.).
Would your system handle other processes reading the data that has yet to be updated? If so, you might want to perform multiple transactions.
The benefit of performing multiple transactions is that you will not continually accumulate locks. If you perform all these updates at once, SQL Server will eventually run out of small-grained lock resources (row/key) and upgrade to a table lock. When it does this, nobody else will be able to read from these tables until the transaction completes (unless they use dirty reads or are in snapshot mode).
The side effect is that other processes that read data may get inconsistent results.
So if nodoby else needs to use this data while you are updating, then sure, do all the updates in one transaction. If there are other processes that need to use the table, then yes, do it in chunks.
It shouldn't be a problem to split things up. However, if you want to A. maintain consistency between the items, and/or B. perform slightly better, you might want to use a single transaction for the while thing.
//Write 500 things
//Write 500 things
//Write 500 things
Transactions exist for just this reason -- where program logic would be clearer by splitting up queries but where data consistency between multiple actions is desired.
All records affected by the query will be either locked or copied into tempdb if the transaction operates in SNAPSHOT isolation level.
IF the number of records is high enough, the locks may be escalated.
If transaction isolation level is not SNAPSHOT, then a concurrent query will not be able to read the locked records which may be a concurrency problem for your application.
If transaction isolation level is SNAPSHOT, then tempdb should contain enough space to accomodate the old versions of the records, or the query will fail.
If either of this is a problem for you, then you should split the update into several chunks.

Best practices for multithreaded processing of database records

I have a single process that queries a table for records where PROCESS_IND = 'N', does some processing, and then updates the PROCESS_IND to 'Y'.
I'd like to allow for multiple instances of this process to run, but don't know what the best practices are for avoiding concurrency problems.
Where should I start?
The pattern I'd use is as follows:
Create columns "lockedby" and "locktime" which are a thread/process/machine ID and timestamp respectively (you'll need the machine ID when you split the processing between several machines)
Each task would do a query such as:
UPDATE taskstable SET lockedby=(my id), locktime=now() WHERE lockedby IS NULL ORDER BY ID LIMIT 10
Where 10 is the "batch size".
Then each task does a SELECT to find out which rows it has "locked" for processing, and processes those
After each row is complete, you set lockedby and locktime back to NULL
All this is done in a loop for as many batches as exist.
A cron job or scheduled task, periodically resets the "lockedby" of any row whose locktime is too long ago, as they were presumably done by a task which has hung or crashed. Someone else will then pick them up
The LIMIT 10 is MySQL specific but other databases have equivalents. The ORDER BY is import to avoid the query being nondeterministic.
Although I understand the intention I would disagree on going to row level locking immediately. This will reduce your response time and may actually make your situation worse. If after testing you are seeing concurrency issues with APL you should do an iterative move to “datapage” locking first!
To really answer this question properly more information would be required about the table structure and the indexes involved, but to explain further.
DOL, datarow locking uses a lot more locks than allpage/page level locking. The overhead in managing all the locks and hence the decrease of available memory due to requests for more lock structures within the cache will decrease performance and counter any gains you may have by moving to a more concurrent approach.
Test your approach without the move first on APL (all page locking ‘default’) then if issues are seen move to DOL (datapage first then datarow). Keep in mind when you switch a table to DOL all responses on that table become slightly worse, the table uses more space and the table becomes more prone to fragmentation which requires regular maintenance.
So in short don’t move to datarows straight off try your concurrency approach first then if there are issues use datapage locking first then last resort datarows.
You should enable row level locking on the table with:
Then you:
Begin the transaction
Select your row with FOR UPDATE option (which will lock it)
Do whatever you want.
No other process can do anything to this row until the transaction ends.
P. S. Some mention overhead problems that can result from using LOCK DATAROWS.
Yes, there is overhead, though i'd hardly call it a problem for a table like this.
But if you switch to DATAPAGES then you may lock only one row per PAGE (2k by default), and processes whose rows reside in one page will not be able to run concurrently.
If we are talking of table with dozen of rows being locked at once, there hardly will be any noticeable performance drop.
Process concurrency is of much more importance for design like that.
The most obvious way is locking, if your database doesn't have locks, you could implement it yourself by adding a "Locked" field.
Some of the ways to simplify the concurrency is to randomize the access to unprocessed items, so instead of competition on the first item, they distribute the access randomly.
Convert the procedure to a single SQL statement and process multiple rows as a single batch. This is how databases are supposed to work.