Where is candy.war? - openfire

In the integration of Candy with Openfire it is mentioned to copy candy.war into the <Openfire_root>/plugins directory. I cannot find where this war is.
Can you please tell me where it is?

found it here http://code.google.com/p/openfire-candy/downloads/list


Cannot find flatbuffers-1.4.0.jar

A very simple/dumb question as the title suggests.
But I've spent hours into this and no luck yet.
I searched its official site: https://google.github.io/flatbuffers/, didn't find its jar.
I was hoping to find some instructions to download it source code and build a jar file like this for Thrift: https://thrift.apache.org/lib/java
But, no luck, so, anyone has any ideas please help me out!
There is no .jar provided. You are supposed to include the files in java/ and the generated code in your project manually.
(edit): FlatBuffers now on Maven Central: https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/issues/3946

Unable to find arquillian.xml in my arquiliian project

I want to set jboss configuration in arquillian.xml but I am unablet to find it.
Where can I find it? and if its not exist then on which path should I create it
The file was missing. I wrote it and issue is solved

Beginner's Guide to Setup Xuggler__Help

I've found the "Beginner's Guide to Setup Xuggler" article from here. I was trying to follow the best chosen answer. While going through the steps, I got stuck # "Run ivy from command-line as follows:" I didn't had Ivy at first, so I headed to Ivy's download page, and downloaded from the Snapshot Build section of the site. Then, I tested with both jar files, but while running the command stated in the Beginner's Guide, I'm getting this message: "ivy configuration file not found: ivysettings.xml". So, what did I do wrong, need I follow the "Building from source" section from the site? If so, can you please give me a detailed description of how to do it, I'm kinda new in these things. Long story short, I need to know how o get a legit "ivy.jar" file as stated in the command line of the Guide.
Ok, so I've solved the problem my own way, kind of. So, I'm gonna share it here so that other fellows like me may profit from it. So, what I did was that I (obviously) downloaded Xuggler 5.4. Then, I downloaded its dependencies manually as listed here. Then, on my IDE, I just had to import Xuggler and all of its dependencies which I previously downloaded and BAM, it worked like a charm. So, if any of you are having problem finding those dependencies or have any queries concerning this "unofficial" method of mine, you can contact me via email. I'll gladly help. :)
I don't know from Xuggler, but... the error message said you're missing ivysettings.xml. The message is probably from ivy.jar, so you definitely have that. ivysettings.xml is a required Ivy config file that tells what repositories you want to pull jars from. There may be a default one in the Xuggler distro, but probably not. You need to look at the ivy documentation to get farther. Or, use Maven instead. While I'm not a fan of Maven, for this kind of situation it may be easier.

which version of weblogic server does not create _wls_cls_gen.jar?

because this _wls_cls_gen.jar creates problem for reading properties or xml files inside WEB-INF/classes folder. I have tried with 10.3.4 but no luck. Could anyone tell which version they have fixed this issue?
Thanks in advance.
You could try looking at the Filtering Classloader. Also, 10.3.4 includes the ClassLoader Analysis Tool that can help you configure it: https://blogs.oracle.com/jeffwest/entry/weblogic_1034_classloader_analysis_tool

struts setup sample application on eclipse

I am new to strut/web programming and I thought I could learn a lot by reading a sample app. On google, I searched and found a sample app at
http://www.roseindia.net/struts/struts2/struts2tutorial.zip , the tutorial is really nice and it gives a sample login page.
However, I couldn't run this sample app. I tried posting on the roseindia.net site and got no help neither.
There is no error logged during the start of the server, but when I try and open one of the helloworld's link the following is outputted
I am getting this error
SEVERE: Could not find action or result There is no Action mapped for
action name HelloWorld. - [unknown location]
The folder structure of this thing on my eclipse is
while in strut.xml the sample had..
<action name="HelloWorld" class="net.roseindia.Struts2HelloWorld">
I am suspecting something in the strut.xml is wrong? I am using eclipse J2EE and tomcat6, I have already tried posting on roseindia's site and got no help.
You will learn a lot by reading sample apps. If your sample doesn't work, perhaps your sample is wrong.
Perhaps you need the actual authoritative documentation. See How to setup a basic struts project using Eclipse. This is the as official as any Eclipse - Struts documentation can be.
Perhaps you need a better example. See the Struts Community Projects and Examples web site for numerous examples.
Did you name the file "strut.xml" or "struts.xml"? It should be the latter (although you could override it if you wanted). Also, in Struts 2 the struts.xml file has to be in the classpath, not at the root of WEB-INF. So, in your project, you should put in the "src" folder, so when it deploys it goes into WEB-INF/classes. You can verify it goes into the correct place by doing an "Export" of the web application to a WAR file and verifying it went into WEB-INF/classes.
I've just downloaded a copy of this tutorial, and deployed it to Tomcat 6 - and it works!
Perhaps they have fixed the bug since you last tried? Or perhaps there's something wrong with the way you have Eclipse configured.
Al I did was to unzip the tutorial; copy the directory into the Tomcat webapps directory; start Tomcat; navigate to the Tomcat manager page on my PC; and click the link to the struts2tutorial application.
Give it another try...
I had the same issue in Eclipse and solved it by changing the output folder of the source folder to: