NHibernate Getting issue invalid attempt to call read when reader is closed - fluent-nhibernate

I am getting some issue regarding NHibernate batch save.
At the same time i am saving more than 250 entites which are linked through NHibernate mapping.
There is one to many relationship between two entities.
ParentEntity 1
---- ChildEntity 1
---- ChildEntity 2
---- ChildEntity 3
---- ChildEntity 249
---- ChildEntity 250
So when i call
repository.save(ParentEntity 1);
It will internally call saving for 250 childEntity and 1 ParentEntity. I have already set batchsize to increase performace. But after some time i will get exception as "invalid attempt to call read when reader is closed".
For detail, i have checked sql queries in the profiler. Till 200 childEntities i can see insert statement but after that reset connection has been called. "exec sp_reset_connection" i don't no, issue that i am getting of reader closed is because of this reseting connection.
Can anyone please help me out to solve this issue?


How do I solve "-307" error on ZKTeco SDK?

Hello everyone and thanks for reading this problem.
I have a solution in C# using the zkemkeeper dll to get the records from some access control devices. When I "ping" them, there isn't any problem, but when I try to connect to them (Using my solution or the standalone demo to get attendance) I get the "-307" error with the "Unable to connect message". That's not very clear and I would really aprecciate if someone can explain what this error is (please!!!!). I would really like to understand these errors myself, so, where can I find all the definition of these errors?
In short:
1.- What is the problem regarding the "-307" error?
2.- Is there any place where all these errors are documented?
Thanks in advance!!
enter image description here
maybe you should check your device, you can ping them
The dwErrorCode parameter specifies the error code. The values are described as follows:
During connection, the following error codes may be returned:
0 Connected successfully
-1 Failed to invoke the interface
-2 Failed to initialize
-3 Failed to initialize parameters
-5 Data mode read error
-6 Wrong password
-7 Reply error
-8 Receive timeout
-307 Connection timeout
In invoking other interfaces, the following error codes may be returned:
-201 Device is busy
-199 New Mode
-103 device send back error of face version error
-102 face template version error, like 8.0 face template send to 7.0 device
-101 malloc memory failed
-100 Not supported or the data does not exist
-10 The length of transmitted data is incorrect
-5 Data already exists
-4 Insufficient space
-3 Wrong size
-2 File read/write error
-1 The SDK is not initialized and needs to be reconnected
0 Data not found or duplicate data
1 Correct operation
4 Parameter error
101 Buffer allocation error
102 repeat invoking
Underlying error codes:
-12001 Socket creation timeout (connection timeout)
-12002 Insufficient memory
-12003 Wrong Socket version
-12004 Not TCP protocol
-12005 Waiting timeout
-12006 Data transmission timeout
-12007 Data reading timeout
-12008 Failed to read Socket
-13009 Waiting event error
-13010 Exceeded retry attempts
-13011 Wrong reply ID
-13012 Checksum error
-13013 Waiting event timeout
-13015 Buffer size too small
-13016 Wrong data length
-13017 Invalid data read1
-13018 Invalid data read2
-13019 Invalid data read3
-13020 Data loss
-13021 Memory initialization error
-15001 Invoking return value of status key issued by SetShortkey interface repeatedly
-15002 Invoking return value of description issued by SetShortkey interface repeatedly
-15003 The two level menu is not opened in the device, and the data need not be issued
getdevicedata and setdevicedata invocation error codes
-15100 Error occurs in obtaining table structure
-15101 The condition field does not exist in the table structure
-15102 Inconsistency in the total number of fields
-15103 Inconsistency in sorting fields
-15104 Memory allocation error
-15105 Data parsing error
-15106 Data overflow as the transmitted data exceeds 4M
-15108 Invalid options
-15113 Data parsing error: table ID not found
-15114 A data exception is returned as the number of fields is smaller than or equal to 0
-15115 A data exception is returned as the total number of table fields is inconsistent with the
total number of fields of the data
Firmware error codes:
2000 Return OK to execute
-2001 Return Fail to execute command
-2002 Return Data
-2003 Regstered event occorred
-2004 Return REPEAT Command
-2005 Return UNAUTH Command
0xffff Return Unknown Command
-4999 Device parameter read error
-4998 Device parameter write error
-4997 The length of the data sent by the software to the device is incorrect
-4996 A parameter error exists in the data sent by the software to the device
-4995 Failed to add data to the database
-4994 Failed to update the database
-4993 Failed to read data from the database
-4992 Failed to delete data in the database
-4991 Data not found in the database
-4990 The data amount in the database reaches the limit
-4989 Failed to allocate memory to a session
-4988 Insufficient space in the memory allocated to a session
-4987 The memory allocated to a session overflows
-4986 File does not exist
-4985 File read failure
-4984 File write failure
-4983 Failed to calculate the hash value
-4982 Failed to allocate memory
This interface is applicable to the new architecture firmware.

DbUpdateConcurrencyException on inserting a new row in SQL Server using EF Core (expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s))

I am trying to insert data in one table using Ef core 5 with repository pattern and Unit of work.
Code Sample :
var stateData = new State
StateId = state.StateId,
Action = state.Action,
Event = state.Event,
ExecutedOn = DateTime.Now
var result = _unitOfWork.Commit();
GetRepository method used to get respective repo:
return (IRepository<TEntity>)GetOrAddRepository(typeof(TEntity), new
Commit Method :
return Context.SaveChanges();
I am trying to insert data in state table which has Id as primary and identity column. Rest other columns are StateId,Action,Event and ExecutedOn(datatype : datetime2).
Application is running on multiple nodes. So there will be multiple insert request at a same time from multiple node but different data.
I am getting DbUpdateConcurrencyException frequently while inserting the records of states in DB. Sometimes it works but most of time I get DbUpdateConcurrencyException with message "Database operation expected to affect 1 row(s) but actually affected 0 row(s). Data may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=527962 for information on understanding and handling optimistic concurrency exceptions".
There is no update operation but still I am getting concurrency exception.
I have tried all others solutions on similar questions but no luck.

synchronization between 2 applications pooling a SQL table

I have 2 instances of a VB.NET application each running on their own dedicated servers. The said application runs a While true loop with a 5s sleep on IDLE (IDLE is when the Table doesn't have any ProcessQuery to be treated). On each iteration, the application questions a table in the SQL Database to know if there is anything it could process.
The problem is that i sometimes encounter the problem where both of the instances are "taking" the same ProcessQuery.
I'm using EntityFramework6. I have looked into EntityState but i don't think it does exactly what i'm trying to accomplish.
I was wondering what would be my solution to have perfect parallel instances. It's not impossible at some point i have 12 instances running on 12 machines.
Dim conn As New Info_IndusEntities()
Dim DemandeWilma As WilmaDemandes = conn.WilmaDemandes.Where(Function(x) x.Site = 'LONDON' AndAlso x.Statut = 'toProcess').OrderBy(Function(x) x.RequestDate).FirstOrDefault
If Not IsNothing(DemandeWilma) Then
DemandeWilma.Statut = Statuts.EnTraitement.ToString
DemandeWilma.ServerName = Environment.MachineName
DemandeWilma.ProcessDate = DateTime.Now
Return DemandeWilma
end if
UPDATE (21/06/19)
I found an article that I find interesting.
I started by adding a column to my Table :
UPDATED (21/06/19)
I then refreshed my model and changed the Concurrency Check property of RowVersion column in my ORM :
When I tested the update, here's the log of EF6 :
UPDATE [dbo].[WilmaDemandes] SET [Statut] = #0, [ServerName] = #1,
[DateDebut] = #2 WHERE (([ID] = #3) AND ([RowVersion] = #4)) SELECT
[RowVersion] FROM [dbo].[WilmaDemandes] WHERE ##ROWCOUNT > 0 AND [ID]
= #3
-- #0: 'EnTraitement' (Type = String, Size = 20)
-- #1: 'TRB5995' (Type = String, Size = 20)
-- #2: '2019-06-25 7:31:01 AM' (Type = DateTime2)
-- #3: '124373' (Type = Int32)
-- #4: 'System.Byte[]' (Type = Binary, Size = 8)
-- Executing at 2019-06-25 7:31:24 AM -04:00
-- Completed in 95 ms with result: SqlDataReader
Closed connection at 2019-06-25 7:31:24 AM -04:00
Exception thrown:
'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateConcurrencyException' in
UPDATED (25/06/19)
The problems, as explained in this post, starts when you are using DB-First instead of Code-First. Your property will get overwritten silently as soon as you update the model. Some people back then coded a console app workaround that they run on pre-build. I'm not sure i'm quite ready to take this solution as final solution.
Interesting tutorial on how to test optimistic concurrency and ways to resolve such an exception.
Add an "owner" column to your queue table
Your application updates one record (TOP 1) and sets the owner value to their identifier (WHERE Owner IS NULL)
Now your application goes back and reads their owned rows and processes them
It's a simple pattern and it works great. If any processes happen to take ownership 'simultaneously', only one will actually get the reservation.
I'm not very good at LINQ so here's a brute force method, multiline for clarity:
// First try reserving a row
"WITH UpdateTop1 AS
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM WilmaDemandes
ORDER BY RequestDate)
UPDATE UpdateTop1 SET Owner='ThisApplication'"
// See if we got one
Dim DemandeWilma As WilmaDemandes =
Where(x => x.Owner=='ThisApplication').FirstOrDefault
// If we got a row, process it. Otherwise Idle and repeat
There's also no reason that you must reserve one row. You could reserve all the free rows and work your way through them. Meanwhile other processes will pick up any subsequently arriving rows
Personally I would refactor your status column and make it NULL for new records ready to be processed, otherwise it's the worker ID that has reserved it.
It also helps to add things like timestamp columns to record when the row was reserved etc.

Doctrine deadlock with ORM updates

I'm trying to figure out what is causing deadlocks in my Symfony 2 application. I'm running a cronjob that does batch-updates on a fairly large dataset and one part of it causes this error:
Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException: An exception occurred while executing
'UPDATE SpotEvent SET ts = ?, current = ? WHERE id = ?' with params
["2015-12-28 00:35:27", 1, 39316]: SQLSTATE[40P01]: Deadlock
detected: 7 ERROR: deadlock detected DETAIL: Process 32030 waits for
ShareLock on transaction 2130787; blocked by process 32029. Process
32029 waits for ShareLock on transaction 2130786; blocked by process
32030. HINT: See server log for query details. CONTEXT: while updating tuple (105,68) in relation "spotevent" (uncaught exception)
line 91 while running console command
The code causing it is basically this:
check event
if (already in database) {
update timestamp
} else {
create new
From what I see in the error, the first branch causes the deadlock, but from what I read about deadlocks, the second should be more likely. In any case I don't understand why I have a deadlock at all.
I should say I am running this job in 6 parallel processes. However, there is no overlap between them (i.e. job one is checking from 1-200, job 2 from 201 to 400, etc.)
I'm using PostgreSQL as the database backend. My "check event" step is done using DQL, everything else is pure ORM.

How to find out the cause of an Oracle deadlock

When testing my application with multiple users, I have encountered an ORA-00060 deadlock error. I'm not sure how to determine the cause of this error, so if anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated.
I looked in the trace file generated for this event and it shows me which query caused this:
It also generated this:
[Transaction Deadlock]
The following deadlock is not an ORACLE error. It is a
deadlock due to user error in the design of an application
or from issuing incorrect ad-hoc SQL. The following
information may aid in determining the deadlock:
Deadlock graph:
---------Blocker(s)-------- ---------Waiter(s)---------
Resource Name process session holds waits process session holds waits
TM-0002a675-00000000 51 200 SX SSX 52 22 SX SSX
TM-0002a675-00000000 52 22 SX SSX 51 200 SX SSX
session 200: DID 0001-0033-0000014A session 22: DID 0001-0034-0000005A
session 22: DID 0001-0034-0000005A session 200: DID 0001-0033-0000014A
Rows waited on:
Session 200: obj - rowid = 0002A6B1 - AAAqaxAAUAAAAFTAAA
(dictionary objn - 173745, file - 20, block - 339, slot - 0)
Session 22: obj - rowid = 0002A6B1 - AAAqaxAAUAAAAFTAAA
(dictionary objn - 173745, file - 20, block - 339, slot - 0)
How do I use the above information to find out what caused the problem? There aren't any unindexed foreign keys on either TABLE_A or TABLE_B (which I believe is commonly the cause of this type of error).
When I run this query:
I get the name of a primary key on a completely different table! Could this be a clue as to why the deadlock is happening?
Because the enqueue involved is a 'TM' enqueue, and because the mode the lock is being held is 'SX' and the mode the lock is waited on is 'SSX', I can tell you, with absolute certainty, that this is due to a foreign key relationship, where the referring table (child table) column is not indexed. If you look for unindexed foreign keys and add indexes, this problem should disappear.
Hope that helps....
P.S. My presentation, "Understanding and Interpreting Deadlocks, or, What to do with an ORA-00060", is available for download at the OakTable site, http://www.oaktable.net. Look in the "Contributed Files" section.