Which Open Inventor is in Petrel & Ocean 2012.1? - ocean

I know Petrel & Ocean 2012.1 release is right around the corner. Hence I am wondering which version of Open Inventor will be used, and where I can find more information about it.

Petrel 2012.1 will be based on Open Inventor 9.0
** Full documentation of OIV 9.0
** Release notes, explaining what's new :
In particular please read the section related to .NET API Specific
** Compatibility Notes (.NET specific)
** New behaviour of Dispose and exceptions
Dispose method (since OIV 8.6) raises an exception if the node is still referenced in the
scene graph. To avoid it, you should first disconnect the node from the children list of the
This new Dispose will also recursively visit the scene graph and call dispose on each node.
It was not the case in OIV 8.1 (Petrel 2011)
You may also find interesting to read the release notes of all versions between 8.1 and 9.0
to find out what's new between OIV 8.1 (Petrel 2011) and OIV 9.0
8.5 (January 2011) : oivdoc90.vsg3d.com/node/18773
8.6 (June 2011) : oivdoc90.vsg3d.com/node/18867
You may also find interesting to read the compatibility notes of all versions
8.5 : oivdoc90.vsg3d.com/node/18333
8.6 : oivdoc90.vsg3d.com/node/18867

Ocean for Petrel 2012.1 will be shipped with Open Inventor
Please be sure to check the Open Inventor Compatibility Notes for version 9.0 and earlier, if you happened to call any Open Inventor APIs directly, because there might be changes needed in your code.
And just a reminder that Open Inventor license is included in the Ocean for Petrel license, but can only be used in the context of Ocean for Petrel. Please contact the Open Inventor vendor, VSG, if a stand-alone version of Open Inventor is required.
More information about Open Inventor licensing, new features and known issues is provided in the Ocean for Petrel 2012.1 Release Notes, which will be distributed with the release.


Why isn't my Intellij IDE opening properly

I am running OSX version 10.9.5 and IntelliJ version 2019.2.3(IC-192.6817.14). When I open my IntelliJ IDE, I don't see the editor
This is all I can see. Can anyone help me to fix it?
As per official documentation 2019.2 requires macOS 10.11 or later.
Officially released 64-bit versions of the following:
Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 or later
macOS 10.11 or later
Any Linux distribution that supports Gnome, KDE, or Unity DE
Pre-release versions are not supported.
Ref: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/installation-guide.html#requirements
I recommend you install the official Jetbrains Toolbox to handle installation/upgrade of your IDE(s). I (hope) it is aware of OS limitations and won't propose you upgrade to something non-functional. What it definitely does do is to rollback to an earlier installation with a single click.
Toolbox will detect and handle your existing manual installation so there's no penalty to installing it right now and seeing what options it gives (e.g. 2019.2.4 is out maybe incompatible as other answer hints or may be some bug is fixed!)

objectaid uml explorer throwing exception

I have installed ObjectAid UML explorer in Eclipse Juno 4.2.2. Throws the following error when I launch it.
The selected wizard could not be started.
Plug-in com.objectaid.uml.cls was unable to load class com.objectaid.uml.cls.editor.NewClassDiagramWizard.
JVMCFRE003 bad major version;
Appreciate your insights and help. Thanks.
'Bad major version' means the code was compiled for a newer version of Java that the one you are using.
According to the ObjectAid download page the current 1.2.x releases require Java 8.
Use the older 1.1.x release if you are using Java 6 or 7.

Vulkan driver api vs sdk api support

I have NVIDIA driver v 378.92 installed, and according to the nvidia website since driver version 377.14, driver supports vulkan api My vulkan SDK api version is However when I check for my device support info, using vkjson_info.exe in the vulkan SDK, there's stated that only apiVersion 1.0.37 is supported.
I'm a bit confused how this works, can anyone enlighten this?
The reported version could be limited by the Vulkan Loader/Runtime it finds. First is this Windows or Linux?
If you have the Vulkan SDK installed, can you run the VIA tool? It should generate an HTML output. If you look at the "Runtimes" section, you should see which ones are available and which one it's using. For best results, try running it from the same folder as vkjson_info.exe. But, it should give you a good idea if you just run it anywhere.
"" is not a Vulkan version. Vulkan only has three levels (i.e. major.minor.patch). So the "1.0.37" is likely correct and the "" is likely the version of some LunarG Vulkan SDK or possibly Vulkan Runtime that comes with it.
There are usually several types of versions flying around:
The Vulkan driver version. It is of the major.minor.patch format and it is in VkPhysicalDeviceProperties::apiVersion or can be obtained by a tool such as VHCV.
Optionally SDK/Layers version on the runtime machine. LunarG Vulkan SDK versioning of the form vulkan_major.vulkan_minor.vulkan_patch.optionally_SDK_patch.
Vulkan Runtime of the runtime machine — It is basically The Vulkan Loader dll (if the application uses that). Both SDK and drivers install this (and coexist) and they use their own versioning scheme. The SDK version also installs the Validation Layers to the system.
SDK/Header on the application developer machine. Versioning as described above. The vulkan.h header is always 1.0 and so has only single number version — VK_HEADER_VERSION (which matches the Vulkan patch version — but does not have to in the future)
SDK/Header on the driver developer machine. Versioning as described above. Should really be the same as Vulkan driver version. And most likely the Vulkan RT installed by the driver will be the same version. But I think I have seen this to differ.
It should not matter, because all patch versions are supposed to be both-ways compatible (in reality not really — there were some changes, but driver makers seem to keep up so far providing updated drivers, so it is not an issue). And in fact that is the only thing I could find in the driver documentation: "Vulkan 1.0" support.
I hope you are so enlightened now that you reached the ultimate state of boredom.
377 is a beta version driver from https://developer.nvidia.com/vulkan-driver . There is no guarantee that beta feature will be carried over to the subsequent release version. And according to http://vulkan.gpuinfo.org/listreports.php it didn't (378 indeed have 1.0.37 and 377 have 1.0.42 and more importantly has the extensions you want to try). Continue to use the beta for now if you want the features within it. As for Layers and other SDK features you should not need newer drivers — in fact you should always use the latest to benefit from Validation Layer bugfixes and improvements.

IBM RAD fails with JVM crash after importing a project into it .shows "jvm terminated exit code 8096"

jvm terminated exit code 8096 is shown
here follows my eclipse.ini coding
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\SDP70\jdk\jre\bin\javaw.exe
This behavior might be caused by the incorrect rendering on a small set of Microsoft Windows computers with bad DirectDraw or Direct3D drivers. Hence, the use of DirectDraw or Direct3D drivers by Java 2D system in Rational Application Developer v7 can cause the crash.
Note: This error is not always caused as the result of DirectDraw or Direct3D drivers.
Resolving the problem
Consider upgrading to the latest Rational Application Developer v7.0.x release before carrying out the option of disabling Direct3D.
In the case of Rational Application Developer v8.0 or later versions on a Windows 64-bit platform experiencing this JVM error, consult the technote "Internet Explorer v9 or higher is required if the product was installed using the 64-bit Bit Mode option on a 64-bit system". This addresses the jscript.dll error showing in a javacore.
You can also try clearing the temp folder as described in the following forum post. The workaround presented is for Lotus Notes, but may also apply in this case.
To turn off the use of Direct3D in Rational Application Developer v7, you can use the following Java parameter option:
If that does not solve the problems, try removing DirectDraw or Direct3D completely using:
Note: You can put this Java parameter option inside the eclipse.ini in the directory \SDP70\
Open a service request with IBM support if none of the suggestions above have helped to resolve the problem.
Reference Click Here

Upgrading Worklight 6.2 to MobileFirst Platform 7.0

We are using Worklight enterprise 6.2 with fix packs and we are planning to upgrade to 6.3 in the next month (beginning of May 2015). However, we see now that IBM is about to release MFP 7.
Can you please clarify to me those queries:
What is the impact on the project which has been developed on version 6.2 to be moved to 6.3 or 7?
What is the recommendation for us in terms of upgrading, should we go immediately to WL7 or to 6.3 first?
We are very close to the production and our concern that the WL7 "might" be unstable or contains issues that we might face in a critical time."Feedback would be appreciated"
MobileFirst Platform Foundation 7.0 is not about to be released - it is already released.
Lots of changes in both 6.3 and 7.0. Read the documentation to see what's changed...
6.3: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_6.3.0/com.ibm.worklight.getstart.doc/start/c_release_notes.html
7.0: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSHS8R_7.0.0/com.ibm.worklight.getstart.doc/start/c_release_notes.html
In terms of your project structure, starting 6.3 the adapter thread pool has been removed and you are now in complete control of it. Your adapter XML will be upgraded to the new structure.
In terms of technology, starting 7.0 there is REST support together with a new authentication mechanism - OAuth. Classic authentication is as before and is still there. There are also now Java adapters in addition to JavaScript adapters, and lots more.
7.0 is indeed new, but provides you with a lot of new possibilities.
6.3 is very stable (that is not to say that 7.0 is not stable, but it's also very new).
We cannot decide for you if to upgrade or not, it sounds like you are already considering the right things to consider.
Read about the two releases.