Pre-fetching row counts before query - performance - sql

I recently answered this question based on my experience:
Counting rows before proceeding to actual searching
but I'm not 100% satisfied with the answer I gave.
The question is basically this: Can I get a performance improvement by running a COUNT over a particular query before deciding to run the query that brings back the actual rows?
My intuition is this: you will only save the I/O and wire time associated with retrieving the data instead of the count because to count the data, you need to actually find the rows. The possible exception to this is when the query is a simple function of the indexes.
My question then is this: Is this always true? What other exception cases are there? From a pure performance perspective, in what cases would one want to do a COUNT before running the full query?

First, the answer to your question is highly dependent on the database.
I cannot think of a situation when doing a COUNT() before a query will shorten the overall time for both the query and the count().
In general, doing a count will pre-load tables and indexes into the page cache. Assuming the data fits in memory, this will make the subsequent query run faster (although not much faster if you have fast I/O and the database does read-ahead page reading). However, you have just shifted the time frame to the COUNT(), rather than reducing overall time.
To shorten the overall time (including the run time of the COUNT()) would require changing the execution plan. Here are two ways this could theoretically happen:
A database could update statistics as a table is read in, and these statistics, in turn, change the query plan for the main query.
A database could change the execution plan based on whether tables/indexes are already in the page cache.
Although theoretically possible, I am not aware of any database that does either of these.
You could imagine that intermediate results could be stored, but this would violate the dynamic nature of SQL databases. That is, updates/inserts could occur on the tables between the COUNT() and the query. A database engine could not maintain integrity and maintain such intermediate results.
Doing a COUNT() has disadvantages, relative to speeding up the subsequent query. The query plan for the COUNT() might be quite different from the query plan for the main query. Your example with indexes is one case. Another case would be in a columnar database, where different vertical partitions of the data do not need to be read.
Yet another case would be a query such as:
select t.*, r.val
from table t left outer join
ref r
on t.refID = r.refID
and refID is a unique index on the ref table. This join can be eliminated for a count, since there are not duplicates and all records in t are used. However, the join is clearly needed for this query. Once again, whether a SQL optimizer recognizes and acts on this situation is entirely the decision of the writers of the database. However, the join could theoretically be optimized away for the COUNT().


What is the efficiency of a query + subquery that finds the minimum parameter of a table in SQL?

I'm currently taking an SQL course and trying to understand efficiency of queries.
Given this query, what's the efficiency of it:
FROM Customers
FROM Customers)
What i'm trying to understand is if the subquery runs once at the beginning and then the query is O(n+n)?
Or does the subquery run everytime you go through a customer's age which makes it O(n^2)?
Thank you!
If you want to understand how the query optimizer interperets a query you have to review the execution / explain plan which almost every RDBMS makes available.
As noted in the comments you tell the RDBMS what you want, not how to get it.
Very often it helps to have a deeper understanding of the particular database engine being used in order to write a query in the most performant way, ie, to be able to think like the query processor.
Like any language, there's more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak, and with SQL there is usually more than one way to write a query that results in the same output - very often many ways, depending on the complexity.
How a query execution plan gets built and executed is determined by the query optimizer at compile time and depends on many factors, depending on the RDBMS, such as data cardinality, table size, row size, estimated number of rows, sargability, indexes, available resources, current load, concurrency, isolation level - just to name a few.
It often helps to write queries in the most performant way by thinking what you would have to do to accomplish the same task.
In your example, you are looking for all the rows in a table where a particular value equals another value. You have chosen to find that value by first looking for the minimum age - you would only have to do this once as it's a single scalar value, so it's reasonable to assume (but not guaranteed) the database engine would do the same.
You could also approach the problem by aggregating and limiting to the top qualifying row and including ties, if the syntax is supported by the RDBMS, and joining the results.
Ultimately there is no black and white answer.

Oracle SQL: What is the best way to select a subset of a very large table

I have been roaming these forums for a few years and I've always found my questions had already been asked, and a fitting answer was already present.
I have a pretty generic (and maybe easy) question now though, but I haven't been able to find a thread asking the same one yet.
The situation:
I have a payment table with 10-50M records per day, a history of 10 days and hundreds of columns. About 10-20 columns are indexed. One of the indices is batch_id.
I have a batch table with considerably fewer records and columns, say 10k a day and 30 columns.
If I want to select all payments from one specific sender, I could just do this:
Select * from payments p
where p.sender_id = 'SenderA'
This runs a while, even though sender_id is also indexed. So I figure, it's better to select the batches first, then go into the payments table with the batch_id:
select * from payments p
where p.batch_id in
(select b.batch_id from batches where b.sender_id = 'SenderA')
--and p.sender_id = 'SenderA'
Now, my questions are:
In the second script, should I uncomment the Sender_id in my where clause on the payments table? It doesn't feel very efficient to filter on sender_id twice, even though it's in different tables.
Is it better if I make it an inner join instead of a nested query?
Is it better if I make it a common table expression instead of a nested query or inner join?
I suppose it could all fit into one question: What is the best way to query this?
In the worst case the two queries should run in the same time and in the best case I would expect the first query to run quicker. If it is running slower, there is some problem elsewhere. You don't need the additional condition in the second query.
The first query will retrieve index entries for a single value, so that is going to access less blocks than the second query which has to find index entries for multiple batches (as well as executing the subquery, but that is probably not significant).
But the danger as always with Oracle is that there are a lot of factors determining which query plan the optimizer chooses. I would immediately verify that the statistics on your indexed columns are up-to-date. If they are not, this might be your problem and you don't need to read any further.
The next step is to obtain a query execution plan. My guess is that this will tell you that your query is running a full-table-scan.
Whether or not Oracle choses to perform a full-table-scan on a query such as this is dependent on the number of rows returned and whether Oracle thinks it is more efficient to use the index or to simply read the whole table. The threshold for flipping between the two is not a fixed number: it depends on a lot of things, one of them being a parameter called DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT.
This is set-up by Orale and in theory it should be configured such that the transition between indexed and full-table scan queries should be smooth. In other words, at the transition point where your query is returning enough rows to just about make a full table scan more efficient, the index scan and the table scan should take roughly the same time.
Unfortunately, I have seen systems where this is way out and Oracle flips to doing full table scans far too quickly, resulting in a long query time once the number of rows gets over a certain threshold.
As I said before, first check your statistics. If that doesn't work, get a QEP and start tuning your Oracle instance.
Tuning Oracle is a very complex subject that can't be answered in full here, so I am forced to recommend links. Here is a useful page on the parameter: reducing it might help: Why Change the Oracle DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT.
Other than that, the general Oracle performance tuning guide is here: (Oracle) Configuring a Database for Performance.
If you are still having problems, you need to progress your investigation further and then come up with a more specific question.
Based on your comment where you say your query is returning 4M rows out of 10M-50M in the table. If it is 4M out of 10M there is no way an index will be of any use. Even with 4M out of 50M, it is still pretty certain that a full-table-scan would be the most efficient approach.
You say that you have a lot of columns, so probably this 4M row fetch is returning a huge amount of data.
You could perhaps consider splitting off some of the columns that are not required and putting them into a child table. In particular, if you have columns containing a lot of data (e.g., some text comments or whatever) they might be better being kept outside the main table.
Remember - small is fast, not only in terms of number of rows, but also in terms of the size of each row.
SQL is an declarative language. This means, that you specify what you like not how.
Check your indexes primary and "normal" ones...

SQL - Join Aggregated query or Aggregate/Sum after join?

I have a hard time figuring out what is best, or if there is difference at all,
however i have not found any material to help my understanding of this,
so i will ask this question, if not for me, then for others who might end up in the same situation.
Aggregating a sub-query before or after a join, in my specific situation the sub-query is rather slow due to fragmented data and bad normalization procedure,
I got a main query that is highly complex and a sub-query that is built from 3 small queries that is combined using union (will remove duplicate records)
i only need a single value from this sub-query (for each line), so at some point i will end up summing this value, (together with grouping the necessary control data with it so i can join)
what will have the greatest impact?
To sum sub-query before the join and then join with the aggregated version
To leave the data raw, and then sum the value together with the rest of the main query
remember there are thousands of records that will be summed for each line,
and the data is not native but built, and therefore may reside in memory,
(that is just a guess from the query optimizers perspective)
Usually I keep the group-by inside the subquery (referred as "inline view" in Oracle lingo).
This way the query is much more simple and clear.
Also I believe the execution plan is more efficient, because the data set to be aggregated is smaller and the resulting set of join keys is also smaller.
This is not a definitive answer though. If the row source that you are joining to the inline view has few matching rows, you may find that a early join reduces the aggregation effort.
The right anwer is: benchmark the queries for your particular data set.
I think in such a general way there is no right or wrong way to do it. The performance from a query like the one that you describe depends on many different factors:
what kind of join are you actually doing (and what algorithm is used in the background)
is the data to be joined small enough to fit into the memory of the machine joining it?
what query optimizations are you using, i.e. what DBMS (Oracle, MsSQL, MySQL, ...)
For your case I simply suggest benchmarking. I'm sorry if that does not seem like a satisfactory answer, but it is the way to go in many performance questions...
So set up a simple test using both your approaches and some test data, then pick whatever is faster.

What aspects of a sql query are relatively costly to one another? Joins? Num of records? columns selected?

How costly would SELECT One, Two, Three be compared to SELECT One, Two, Three, ..... N-Column
If you have a sql query that has two or three tables joined together and is retrieving 100 rows of data, does performance have anything to say whether I should be selecting only the number of columns I need? Or should I write a query that just yanks all the columns..
If possible, could you help me understand what aspects of a query would be relatively costly compared to one another? Is it the joins? is it the large number of records pulled? is it the number of columns in the select statement?
Would 1 record vs 10 record vs 100 record matter?
As an extremely generalized version of ranking those factors you mention in terms of performance penalty and occurrence in the queries you write, I would say:
Joins - Especially when joining on tables with no indexes for the fields you're joining on and/or with tables that have a very large amount of data.
# of Rows / Amount of Data - Again, indexes mitigate this quite a bit, just make sure you have the right ones.
# of Fields - I would say the # of fields in the SELECT clause impact performance the least in most situations.
I would say any performance-driving property is always coupled with how much data you have - sure a join might be fast when your tables have 100 rows each, but when millions of rows are in the tables, you have to start thinking about more efficient design.
Several things impact the cost of a query.
First, are there appropriate indexes for it to use. Fields that are used in a join should almost always be indexed and foreign keys are not indexed by default, the designer of the database must create them. Fields used inthe the where clasues often need indexes as well.
Next, is the where clause sargable, in other words can it use the indexes even if you have the correct ones? A bad where clause can hurt a query far more than joins or extra columns. You can't get anything but a table scan if you use syntax that prevents the use of an index such as:
LIKE '%test'
Next, are you returning more data than you need? You should never return more columns than you need and you should not be using select * in production code as it has additional work to look up the columns as well as being very fragile and subject to create bad bugs as the structure changes with time.
Are you joining to tables you don't need to be joining to? If a table returns no columns in the select, is not used in the where and doesn't filter out any records if the join is removed, then you have an unnecessary join and it can be eliminated. Unnecessary joins are particularly prevalant when you use a lot of views, especially if you make the mistake of calling views from other views (which is a buig performance killer for may reasons) Sometimes if you trace through these views that call other views, you will see the same table joined to multiple times when it would not have been necessary if the query was written from scratch instead of using a view.
Not only does returning more data than you need cause the SQL Server to work harder, it causes the query to use up more of the network resources and more of the memory of the web server if you are holding the results in memory. It is an all arouns poor choice.
Finally are you using known poorly performing techniques when a better one is available. This would include the use of cursors when a set-based alternative is better, the use of correlated subqueries when a join would be better, the use of scalar User-defined functions, the use of views that call other views (especially if you nest more than one level. Most of these poor techniques involve processing row-by-agonizing-row which is generally the worst choice in a database. To properly query datbases you need to think in terms of data sets, not processing one row at a time.
There are plenty more things that affect performance of queries and the datbase, to truly get a grip onthis subject you need to read some books onthe subject. This is too complex a subject to fully discuss in a message board.
Or should I write a query that just yanks all the columns..
No. Just today there was another question about that.
If possible, could you help me understand what aspects of a query would be relatively costly compared to one another? Is it the joins? is it the large number of records pulled? is it the number of columns in the select statement?
Any useless join or data retrieval costs you time and should be avoided. Retrieving rows from a datastore is costly. Joins can be more or less costly depending on the context, amount of indexes defined... you can examine the query plan of each query to see the estimated cost for each step.
Selecting more columns/rows will have some performance impacts, but honestly why would you want to select more data than you are going to use anyway?
If possible, could you help me
understand what aspects of a query
would be relatively costly compared to
one another?
Build the query you need, THEN worry about optimizing it if the performance doesn't meet your expectations. You are putting the horse before the cart.
To answer the following:
How costly would SELECT One, Two,
Three be compared to SELECT One, Two,
Three, ..... N-Column
This is not a matter of the select performance but the amount of time it takes to fetch the data. Select * from Table and Select ID from Table preform the same but the fetch of the data will take longer. This goes hand in hand with the number of rows returned from a query.
As for understanding preformance here is a good link
Or google tsql Performance
Joins have the potential to be expensive. In the worst case scenario, when no indexes can be used, they require O(M*N) time, where M and N are the number of records in the tables. To speed things up, you can CREATE INDEX on columns that are part of the join condition.
The number of columns has little effect on the time required to find rows, but slows things down by requiring more data to be sent.
What others are saying is all true.
But typically, if you are working with tables that already have good indexes, what's most important for performance is what goes into the WHERE statement. There you have to worry more about using a field that has no index or using a statement that can't me optimized.
The difference between SELECT One, Two, Three FROM ... and SELECT One,...,N FROM ... could be like the difference between day and night. To understand the problem, you need to understand the concept of a covering index:
A covering index is a special case
where the index itself contains the
required data field(s) and can return
the data.
As you add more unnecessary columns to the projection list you are forcing the query optimizer to lookup the newly added columns in the 'table' (really in the clustered index or in the heap). This can change an execution plan from an efficient narrow index range scan or seek into a bloated clustered index scan, which can result in differences of times from sub-second to +hours, depending on your data. So projecting unnecessary columns is often the most impacting factor of a query.
The number of records pulled is a more subtle issue. With a large number, a query can hit the index tipping point and choose, again, a clustered index scan over narrower index range scan and lookup. Now the fact that lookups into the clustered index are necessary to start with means the narrow index is not covering, which ultimately may be caused by projecting unnecessary column.
And finally, joins. The question here is joins, as opposed to what else? If a join is required, there is no alternative, and that's all there is to say about this.
Ultimately, query performance is driven by one factor alone: amount of IO. And the amount of IO is driven ultimately by the access paths available to satisfy the query. In other words, by the indexing of your data. It is impossible to write efficient queries on bad indexes. It is possible to write bad queries on good indexes, but more often than not the optimizer can compensate and come up with a good plan. You should spend all your effort in better understanding index design:
Designing Indexes
SQL Server Optimization
Short answer: Dont select more fields then you need - Search for "*" in both your sourcecode and your stored procedures ;)
You allways have to consider what parts of the query will cause which costs.
If you have a good DB design, joining a few tables is usually not expensive. (Make sure you have correct indices).
The main issue with "select *" is that it will cause unpredictable behavior in your results. If you write a query like that, AND access the fields with the columnindex, you will be locked into the DB-Schema forever.
Another thing to consider is the amount of data you have to consider. You might think its trivial, but the Version2.0 of your application suddenly adds a ProfilePicture to the User table. And now the query that will select 100 Users will suddenly use up several Megabyte of bandwith.
The second thing you should consider is the number of rows you return. SQL is very powerfull at sorting and grouping, so let SQL do his job, and dont move it to the client. Limit the amount of records you return. In most applications it makes no sense to return more then 100 rows to a user at once. You might let the user choose to load more, but make it a choice he has to make.
Finally, monitor your SQL Server. Run a profiler against it, and try to find your worst queries. A SQL Query should not take longer then half a second, if it does, something is most likely messed up (Yes... there are operation that can take much longer, but those should have a reason)
Once you found the slow query, look at the execution plan... You will see which parts of the query are expensive, and which parts work well... The Optimizer is also a tool that can be used.
I suggest you consider your queries in terms of I/O first. Disk I/O on my SATA II system is 6Gb/sec. My DDR3 memory bandwidth is 12GB/sec. I can move items in memory 16 times faster than I can retrieve from disk. (Ref Wikipedia and Tom's hardware)
The difference between getting a few columns and all the columns for your 100 rows could be the dfference in getting a single 8K page from disk to getting two or more pages from disk. When the pages are finally in memory moving two columns or all columns to a hash table is faster than any measuring tool I have.
I value the advice of the others on this topic related to database design. The design of narrow indexes, using included columns to make covering indexes, avoiding table or index scans in favor of seeks by using an appropiate WHERE clause, narrow primary keys, etc is the diffenence between having a DBA title and being a DBA.

Temp tables and SQL SELECT performance

Why does the use of temp tables with a SELECT statement improve the logical I/O count? Wouldn't it increase the amount of hits to a database instead of decreasing it. Is this because the 'problem' is broken down into sections? I'd like to know what's going on behind the scenes.
There's no general answer. It depends on how the temp table is being used.
The temp table may reduce IO by caching rows created after a complex filter/join that are used multiple times later in the batch. This way, the DB can avoid hitting the base tables multiple times when only a subset of the records are needed.
The temp table may increase IO by storing records that are never used later in the query, or by taking up a lot of space in the engine's cache that could have been better used by other data.
Creating a temp table to use all of its contents once is slower than including the temp's query in the main query because the query optimizer can't see past the temp table and it forces a (probably) unnecessary spool of the data instead of allowing it to stream from the source tables.
I'm going to assume by temp tables you mean a sub-select in a WHERE clause. (This is referred to as a semijoin operation and you can usually see that in the text execution plan for your query.)
When the query optimizer encounter a sub-select/temp table, it makes some assumptions about what to do with that data. Essentially, the optimizer will create an execution plan that performs a join on the sub-select's result set, reducing the number of rows that need to be read from the other tables. Since there are less rows, the query engine is able to read less pages from disk/memory and reduce the amount of I/O required.
AFAIK, at least with mysql, tmp tables are kept in RAM, making SELECTs much faster than anything that hits the HD
There are a class of problems where building the result in a collection structure on the database side is much preferable to returning the result's parts to the client, roundtripping for each part.
For example: arbitrary depth recursive relationships (boss of)
There's another class of query problems where the data is not and will not be indexed in a manner that makes the query run efficiently. Pulling results into a collection structure, which can be indexed in a custom way, will reduce the logical IO for these queries.