review board diff not uploading - apache

i am currently attempting to do a diff using review board but keep getting an ambiguous error message:
Error uploading diff
Your review request still exists, but the diff is not attached.
The debug messages do not give much away either, no errors whatsoever....
>>> RBTools 0.4.1
>>> Home = /home/tom
>>> HTTP GETting api/
>>> HTTP GETting
>>> Using the new web API
Index: /trunk/0.1/scripts/
--- /trunk/0.1/scripts/ (revision 143)
+++ /trunk/0.1/scripts/ (working copy)
## -1,5 +1,5 ##
#! /bin/bash
+echo hello
cd ..
#SRCHEAD="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
This is what my ".reviewboardrc" file contains:
the repository path is: "https://XXX/svn/infinity/trunk/0.1"
does anyone know where i can start in order to resolve this issue i am seeing?
thanks in advance

The problem you are facing may be that the relative path in the diff file is not correlated with the path of the repository as it is configured in Reviewboard.
Reviewboard, in order to find in the repository the files mentioned in the diff, will concatenate the URLs like this:
URL of the repo as configured in Reviewboard
optionally - the Base directory as it appears in the
Reviewboard Upload diff dialog - which can be absolute/complete
but also relative(!)
the relative path of the modified file as it appears in the diff file.
All these must be correlated.
Therefore, in your case, if your repository configured URL is:
and your relative path in the diff file is:
... that will not work because the resulting absolute path of the file in the repo will be incorrect:
Possible solutions would be:
Your URL for SVN should be configured in Reviewboard like this:
The diff should be created at a lower level in the folders hierarchy - in this case it should be done at ../0.1/ level so that the path in the diff file results in /scripts/

a workaround is to do a manual svn diff and save to a file and then compare the working copy with the trunk in the web ui


node red cannot GET /myfile from directory

I would like to ask.
I have file in C:\users\nxf68958\.Node-red\report.html
And when I would like to open this file by: localhost:1880/report.html
I get:
Cannot GET /report.html
in Log I have: "Nov 09:52:00 - [info] User directory : \Users\nxf68958\.node-red"
I am using:
NR: 3.0.2
Node: 18.12.0
It worked perfectly on older versions of: NR: 2.2 and Node: 16.13.
Then I actualized and it stopped working.
In settings.js is option: "fileWorkingDirectory" I tried to change it, but without change.
What I am doing wrong?
Thank you
Node-RED will not serve static files by default, you have to explicitly enable it by settings the httpStatic option in the settings.js file.
Settings the httpStatic value to point to the userDir (which is what you have basically done by setting it to __dirname) is a bad idea from a security point of view because this means anybody can download your flows.json and flows_creds.json files and the files like settings.js and .config.runtime.json (which holds the default encryption key for the creds file).
fileWorkDirectory is purely to set the default working directory for the code nodes that interact with the filesystem, it will have no effect on what files are served by the HTTP server.

testcafe electron mainWindowUrl | what to do with tmp location

When using testcafe-browser-provider-electron, I get stuck with the mainWindowUrl. I have the original source file in the renderer folder, the version that is in the build folder and apparently a temporary created in some random /tmp/ folder. Testcafe suggests the /tmp/ file.
"Use the mainWindowUrl option to specify one of the following pages as the main window page:
With the 6 chars being random.
How can I instruct testcafe that all files are identical?
I expected no error-message
Error: The main window page at file://....index.html was not loaded.
I reproduced this behavior. Please track the issue in the following thread: We will research it and update the thread once we have any news.
Found out an alternative path to using the AppImage.
Use electron-builder to build a deb-package. Install that as it will always have the same path /opt/... to the unpacked content. You can then use that path in the specification of the mainWindowUrl.

logstash testing a configuration pipeline failing(Translation missing)

New to logstash and following the tutorial posted
Trying to set up my first-pipeline.conf where in i need to specify the input , filter and the output configurations
When i specify these configurations , and try
logsstash -f first-pipeline.conf -configtest i get a RuntimeError
RuntimeError : translation missing : en.logstash.runner.configuration.file-not-found>, class=> RuntimeError : backtrace => ["C:/ELK/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/logstash-core-2.3.2-java/lob/logstash/config/loader/rb:58 in 'local_config" and bunch of other stack trace
Here below is the snip of stack trace
looks like im missing some files in my logstash installation direcotory..
BTW here is what my first-pipeline.conf file looks like
Also , i commented out the filter portion of my first-pipeline.conf as was not sure if grok was causing this issue and still the same error is reproducible
The error "io/console not supported; tty will not be manipulated" seems a jruby bug:
And It seems to be fixed on version 1.7.24. In Logstash 2.3.2 jruby version is 1.7.23 that the bug opened for. So you can try to download jruby 1.7.25 and replace it with the one under vendor/jruby.
For the other error, you are running Logstast from bin folder. Is your configuration (first-pipeline.conf) file actually in that folder? If not specify it from where it is.

Apache Directory LDAP API - getting up and running

When I try and run a test using the Apache LDAP API, I am getting the following error. I set up a Maven project , and my pom.xml has many dependencies for the Apache Directory server and API artifacts. My code (which I copied and pasted an example, just to get up and running, so that I can explore) all builds fine. However, when I run it (as a Junit Test), I get the following....
Can anyone help me? maybe even just provide an example of where the Apache LDAP API is being used successfully, and maybe give me the pom.xml with the correct dependencies also? (The apche LDAP API documentation seems to be out of date).
I am currently starting the test using the embedded Apache Directory server, using the following...
#CreateLdapServer(transports =
#CreateTransport(protocol = "LDAP") ,
#CreateTransport(protocol = "LDAPS") })
// disable changelog, for more info see DIRSERVER-1528
#CreateDS(enableChangeLog = false, name = "PasswordPolicyTest")
public class PasswordPolicyIT extends AbstractLdapTestUnit
{ .......etc }
So, therefore, an alternative approach, is that if I tailor some of the tests to just connect to a local Directory Server instance that I have running on my machine. I assume that this would stop the error messages that I am getting below..Again, if anyone could provide a code snippet there, it would be useful..
Many Thanks
> 2013-06-20 16:05:10 ERROR FrameworkRunner:287 - Problem locating LDIF
> file in schema repository Multiple copies of resource named
> 'schema/ou=schema/cn=apachemeta/ou=matchingrules/m-oid='
> located on classpath at urls
> jar:file:/Users/rk/.m2/repository/org/apache/directory/api/api-ldap-client-all/1.0.0-M17/api-ldap-client-all-1.0.0-M17.jar!/schema/ou%3dschema/cn%3dapachemeta/ou%3dmatchingrules/m-oid%3d1.
> jar:file:/Users/rk/.m2/repository/org/apache/directory/shared/shared-ldap-schema-data/1.0.0-M7/shared-ldap-schema-data-1.0.0-M7.jar!/schema/ou%3dschema/cn%3dapachemeta/ou%3dmatchingrules/m-oid%3d1.
> jar:file:/Users/rk/.m2/repository/org/apache/directory/server/apacheds-all/2.0.0-M12/apacheds-all-2.0.0-M12.jar!/schema/ou%3dschema/cn%3dapachemeta/ou%3dmatchingrules/m-oid%3d1.
You need to exclude the shared-ldap-schema-data dependency from apacheds-all. Take a look at this comment

Capistrano deploy fails due to missing manifest file when using assets prefix

I've just set up a Capistrano deploy for our application and I keep running into this error:
* executing ["ls /path/to/app/shared/assets/manifest*"]
servers: ["web03"]
[web03] executing command
[err :: web03] ls: /path/to/app/shared/assets/manifest*
[err :: web03] : No such file or directory
If I manually create a manifest file with touch /path/to/app/shared/assets/manifest.yml, the deploy script works fine. However, this feels all sorts of sketchy.
I've googled the heck out of this and the most I can gather is that the manifest file it's looking for is a product of the asset pipeline. I checked and I do, in fact, have the pipeline enabled (config.assets.enabled = true), so I'm at a loss.
Could someone please help me understand 1) what this manifest file is and how it's created; and 2) why isn't one being created for my application?
Update: I think I'm closing in on the answer and I think it has something to do with this line:
config.assets.prefix = "/some_other_path"
We needed to rename the "asset" path because we have Asset objects in our system and I'm guessing Cap might be getting confused because of it. Any suggestions?
My suspicion was right: this was a problem with the renamed asset directory. Cap didn't know to look in public/some_other_path instead of public/assets.
In other words, because this line is in my application.rb:
config.assets.prefix = "some_other_path"
I had to add this line to my deploy.rb:
set :assets_prefix, "some_other_path"
Then, Cap knows where to look for a manifest, copies it into shared/assets, and finishes correctly.
It'd be handy to have the deploy.rb reference the config variable instead of having to hard-code the path a second time, but that's outside the scope of this question.
if you configure with the aws, here it should be...
config.action_controller.asset_host = "//#{ENV['FOG_DIRECTORY']}"
config.assets.prefix = "/#{ENV['APP_NAME']}/assets"
set :keep_releases, 5
set :assets_prefix, ->{ "#{fetch(:application)}/assets" }
set :whenever_identifier, -> { "#{fetch(:application)}_#{fetch(:stage)}" }